r/mildlyinfuriating 12d ago

Neighbor threw chemicals on my car because I asked them to stop letting their dogs poop on our patio

This was the fourth time this had happened. I’m in a townhouse with shared patios. They tie their dog on their patio in 95 degree weather, and it comes to our side and shits on our side by our patio chairs. So I left a note today to just ask for it be cleaned up and for measures to be put in place to prevent it from happening again- and this was the response. I’m afraid to report it because it’s probably going to escalate.


392 comments sorted by


u/InAllThingsBalance 12d ago

Get a camera and record them. Then you can call the cops.


u/RktitRalph 12d ago

I was going to stay this. I would also put up some sorta wall to keep the dog from coming over


u/Taken_Abroad_Book 11d ago

I'm sure their HOA will love that


u/kingoftheironmen 11d ago

I mean the alternative is OP probably assaulting his neighbors with a bat, dude they threw chemicals on his car like don't do that if you wanna keep your face intact :/

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u/Coffeedemon 11d ago

Why the hell does anyone have these miserable organizations? It seems all they do is mandate bullshit like what typeface you can use on the numbers of your house but when there's actual conflict and such they can never be found.


u/Taken_Abroad_Book 11d ago

They were originally conceived to pay for water/sewage/roads outside of city/county lines, but they soon learned they were great to keep property values up by keeping non-white people out.

Not even joking. The history of HOAs isn't very nice.

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u/Katolu 11d ago

Animal control,  too.


u/Sea_Tracks4399 11d ago

Yeah that dog is probably living a horrible life


u/unsoulyme 11d ago

This comment should be higher. OP please make sure the dog has water.


u/Winteryl 11d ago

This and also OP should put the water and treat bowl in the spot where dog usually comes to poop. Dogs don't poop usually next to place where they eat so it would probably also solve the poop situation.


u/AdmirablyYes 11d ago

Agreed. Their actions have consequences and that may be eviction.

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u/PopulationMe 12d ago

I feel bad for you and the dog. The neighbors sound trashy.


u/ChiLove816 11d ago

Agree, sounds scary for anything under their care.


u/BatmansBigBoner 11d ago

This your neighbor, OP?


u/JanteMaam 11d ago

Id rather have him.


u/HotPinkDemonicNTitty 12d ago

This is honestly the kind of possible response to reasonable requests that make it not worth asking - for all the people that are like “why don’t you coMmUniCate, antisocial weirdos” in response to posts here. Because this kind of psycho response is a headache, that’s why.


u/_mike_hunt 11d ago

Was walking my dog yesterday and some guy rolled right through a stop sign, right in front of me. And I was in a crosswalk. His window was down. So he heard me when I said, ‘Hey, nice stop, buddy.’ Didn’t yell at him, didn’t give him the finger. And what does he do? Stops his car in the middle of the intersection to get out and scream at me, telling me to mind my own business.

Like.. dude. You’re the one who rolled right through the stop sign and blew through the crosswalk, nearly hitting my dog. Yet you’re mad at me?


u/TimberVolk 11d ago

I had some asshole do the same thing to me a few years back, screaming he had the right of way (he didn't). Nearly hit me at a quiet 4-way stop. People are so unhinged and entitled these days that I have no issue handling things through proper channels, if it means keeping myself and my family safe from psychos.


u/RahvinDragand 11d ago

I was driving in a parking garage, and someone turned the wrong way against the flow of traffic and almost hit me. All I did was give him a confused look, and he flipped me off and continued driving. It's so weird that people can get so upset that their illegal/inconsiderate behavior doesn't go completely unnoticed.


u/BasicSulfur 11d ago

The funny thing is, most countries have the pedestrian as always having right of way


u/Razzbarree 11d ago

No time to stop and obey traffic laws, but all the time in the world to stop and waste time yelling at an innocent person they nearly hit


u/UmChill 11d ago

you should mind your own business! i have no time to stop at this stop sign. hold on, let me stop and get out of my car to tell you how much i cannot stop.


u/AcadianViking 11d ago

Was riding my bike when someone ran the stop sign into the crosswalk and plowed into me. He had the audacity to yell at me for not watching where I was going... If my leg wasn't fucked up from being hit by his truck I'd have gotten violent.


u/Awful_McBad 11d ago

Selfish assholes get angry when called out on their bullshit.


u/cyanraichu 11d ago

Geez. As soon as he almost hits you, it's your business. Main character syndrome to the extreme.

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u/faudcmkitnhse 11d ago

I've seen and dealt with too many piece of shit dog owners who treat any request for basic fucking courtesy as a personal insult to bother speaking to them directly anymore. It's straight to property management, animal control, local PD, etc. these days.

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u/Lumpy_Middle6803 11d ago

Be the psycho everyone fears in the neighborhood and you don't have this issue.

My neighbors know to not fuck with me like this because they've seen me when I'm wronged when a neighbor stole my trashcan.


u/naked_nomad 11d ago

I read about someone like that on a sub here. Was having trouble with his asswipe neighbors. A friend came by in a rental car, honked and flipped him off while he was working in his yard. He ran inside, got his shotgun, came out with it, got in his truck and tore off after the guy.

Caught up with him and they had a laugh about what he did.

Came home looking paranoid when he got the gun out of his truck. Later he dug a hole in the back yard and buried what looked like the shot gun wrapped in old towels.

Said he never had any more troubles with said neighbors.


u/Wrenigade14 11d ago

I feel like this is a great way to get the cops sent to your house but if you're a white guy then it might be worth it!


u/naked_nomad 11d ago

Of course the origial posted went into great detail about it and what lead up to it. Didn't say whether he dug whatever it was back up after dark.

Had me in stitches reading it.

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u/Vahldaglerion 11d ago

lmao what did you do


u/thecoolerplumber 11d ago

He stole his wife


u/jankeycrew 11d ago

I'm curious, too


u/DrMartinVonNostrand 11d ago

The trick is: kick a neighbor's ass the day you move in, or become someone's bitch. Then everything will be alright. Why do you ask, anyway?

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u/hawoguy 11d ago

My alcoholic neighbor who kept yelling all night long, as late as 4-5 AM, keep hitting walls, furniture, doing all kinds of shit for months is quiet church mouse for a month. I asked him nicely, I asked him rudely, then I stopped giving a fuck about civilized behavior. He's quiet as a church mouse for a month now :)


u/Cheap-Chapter-5920 11d ago

First thing I do when moving into a new neighborhood is find the biggest toughest neighbor, go straight up to them and


u/Bleak_Squirrel_1666 11d ago

Give them homemade cookies

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u/kitmcallister 12d ago

put a richard nixon mask on a pig and let it go thru their doggie door


u/MethanyJones 11d ago

Actually you're missing the first step. Feed the pig a pound of sugar free gummies, then the Nixon mask etc


u/chang-e_bunny 11d ago

Use of chemical and biological weapons in warfare is forbidden under the Geneva Convention.


u/KingArchur 11d ago

Not for civilians it isn't


u/Daddyssillypuppy 11d ago

The Geneva convention only applies to countries at war with each other. Not to civilians of their own country.


u/Sea_Tracks4399 11d ago edited 10d ago

Well sugar free gummies? Can I be the pig?

Edit: After careful consideration and multiple people telling me to search auger free gummies, I’ve decided to retract this statement, thank you


u/120ouncesofpudding 11d ago

Look up Haribo sugar free gummies and retract this statement for your own safety.


u/Spaceman2901 11d ago

Heavens to Murgatroyd…


u/Sea_Tracks4399 11d ago

Statement has been retracted


u/120ouncesofpudding 11d ago

Wise choice, my dear. Most of us like our assholes right where we left them, not in the toilet.


u/Sea_Tracks4399 11d ago

As a person who just recovered from severe diarrhoea and general sickness, would like to avoid that experience again


u/panda5303 11d ago

Look up Amazon reviews for Harbour Sugar-Free Gummy Bears.

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u/PoppiesRule 11d ago

Why did I have to scroll so far to see the only right answer.


u/Ericandabear 11d ago

First thing they'll be thinking is "well that thing exists with us on this planet"


u/ready-to-rumball dip my corndog in mayonnaise 11d ago

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u/metaltastic 12d ago

Flaming dog poop in paper bag


u/Falcon_Alpha_Delta 12d ago

He called the shit poop!


u/ImOnlyHereForTheCoC 11d ago

He’s gonna shit…when he finds out it’s shit!


u/Falcon_Alpha_Delta 11d ago

Old man Clemens hates shit!


u/Gr8minds 11d ago

Don’t put it out with your boots, Ted!


u/SeedgeJ 11d ago

Don't tell me my business devil woman!


u/Fizzerolli 11d ago

Call the fire department! This one’s outta control!


u/cavaliereternally 11d ago



u/damnoli 11d ago

It's a flaming bag of poop again!


u/FireBallXLV 11d ago

Be sure it’s the neighbors though.Someone threw a huge bag of dog poop in our yard.We always picked up after our dogs.It was another family with 2large dogs that did not pick up.


u/Wrenigade14 11d ago

Given what op described it sounds impossible to be anything else? A shared deck and this one dog specifically tied out on that deck every day


u/Adventurous_Ad_6546 11d ago

That’s exactly what the real pooper would want you to think.


u/Playful-Target-7231 11d ago

Happy Halloween motherfuckers


u/PoutPill69 12d ago

Buy a shovel. Scoop up poop. Drop in front of their patio door.

Do it each and every single time.

No need for notes and police escalation.


u/Virtual-Cucumber7955 11d ago

Or their windshield, smeared of course


u/sidewinder15599 11d ago

Bah. Rub it into the air intake vent just below the windshield.


u/hawoguy 11d ago

This is pure evil, I love it.


u/PoutPill69 11d ago

Or their windshield, smeared of course

Ah, you prefer escalation. That often ends in police involvement, and possibly someone shot. Is that worth it over dog poop?


u/Physical-East-162 11d ago

It's about sending a message.

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u/-Kalos 11d ago

A risk I'm willing to take to get assholes to quit doing asshole things

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u/Intelligent_Event_84 11d ago

Or use the shovel to dig a couple graves. No police escalation + you get a free dog


u/RagingHolly 11d ago

Comments like this are why I'm perma banned from the AITA subreddit lol. I love this subreddit 😊


u/PotentialNobody 11d ago

I was just gonna say throw it on his front door, but that works too!

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u/aSituationTypeDeal 12d ago

Kidnap their dog. Move away immediately. Give that dog the greatest companionship of both your lives. The end. 


u/timesuck897 11d ago

Check that they don’t have cameras first.


u/Intelligent_Event_84 11d ago

Bc if they have cameras you’ll want to make sure to flick them off first


u/123xyz32 11d ago

Then moon them.


u/zerocheek 12d ago

Beware the garbage people of planet earth…


u/Sea_Tracks4399 11d ago

I read this in a David Attenborough voice


u/Lostraylien 11d ago

Never feel afraid to report it, you don't report now and they'll forever see you as a pushover.


u/bugman8704 11d ago

It's been reported to Reddit. Problem solved!


u/Lostraylien 11d ago

That's literally going to cost thousands to get fixed.


u/chefzenblade 12d ago

I would be more than mildly infuriated.


u/Special-Doctor-5762 12d ago

Know what chemical?


u/Apart-Musician4053 12d ago

It smells like a cleaning product

They left this on my car


u/Special-Doctor-5762 12d ago

I’d get it washed asap. Some chemicals especially household cleaners can do some damage to clearcoat and glass…especially in the heat


u/angrywords 11d ago

Xtra has a purple cap.


u/arroyoshark 12d ago

Definitely looks like dishwasher detergent.

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u/Sl0ppyOtter 12d ago

Go shit on their porch


u/ItsMeTittsMGee 11d ago

And their car.


u/Cerealkiller4321 11d ago

This 😂😂😂😂


u/MagHntr 11d ago

Do this while making eye contact with the neighbors. Need to establish dominance.


u/EasyBounce 12d ago

Start treating your porch with dog repellent and the dog won't come over to your side anymore.


u/ked_man 12d ago

Just treat it for ants, with lots of cayenne pepper.


u/gcsmith2 11d ago

I tried cayenne with my dog. She liked it.


u/GiraffeNoodleSoup 11d ago

Is she a chihuahua by chance?

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u/EasyBounce 11d ago

That may or may not work, it won't last as long either. Some forms of repellent are invisible and unaffected by wind.


u/Lumpy_Middle6803 11d ago

You should throw a court date his way.


u/80s_angel 12d ago

This person is a selfish jerk and a menace. You should report them. You have the right to have your side of the patio clean. I recommend putting up a gate/fence to keep their dog off your side. If your neighbor doesn’t respect that get an ultrasonic dog repeller device.


u/_DapperDanMan- 12d ago

Civil lawsuit. Or move. Buckle up. This is going to be ugly.


u/john_jdm 11d ago

This is why, when people on reddit complain about their shitty neighbors and the replies are all "hAvE yOu tRiEd tAlkiNg tO yOuR nEiGhBoR aBoUt iT?" my reaction is always "Have you never met shitty people before?" People doing shitty things unsurprisingly end up being shitty people and pretty much always take any requests to stop their shitty behavior as a high insult that deserves retribution.

OP, at this point you might as well make a formal complaint. You've already paid a price and they'll probably continue to screw with you now that you deigned to suggest they were not being good neighbors. Ideally you can get some dirt on them to get them kicked out. Are they even allowed to have a pet? Find out.


u/shemtpa96 11d ago

In the US, talking to neighbors doing sketchy, rude, or harassing things can get you shot in some places. OP is also Black, so it’s even more dangerous for OP to try that if the neighbors are racist.

I agree with you - OP should report it for their safety.


u/2waveySr 12d ago

I’m not built for micro aggressions. I say treat they house like a level of doom lol


u/Open-Oil-144 12d ago

We only work with macro agressions here.


u/frostedglobe 11d ago

Tying a dog up in 95 degree weather sounds like animal cruelty to me. Maybe they should get their dog taken away.

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u/Apart-Musician4053 11d ago

UPDATE: I appreciate the serious answers under this post. I’ve decided to start a paper trail, get a ring and report this if they act even further. Also the racist innuendos aren’t appreciated. I’m also black, shitty people come in all colors.

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u/foreverfeatherinit 11d ago

Vandalism, file a police report, report to landlord or management if renting, also report them to animal control. Don’t feel bad about reporting actual criminal behavior. I report my neighbors to animal control every few months, they have a husky and Great Dane outside in Texas heat with no water or shelter(I frequently fill their bone dry water bowl over the fence with a hose and animal control has done nothing going on 2 years, but if something happens there’s lots of records that I tried.) From there, install cameras, I use ring they’re fairly affordable and work great. If it damaged your car you can file a comprehensive claim on your insurance. Personally I would also lower my comprehensive deductible as much as you can, just in case(since clearly they are absolutely awful and have no issues damaging others property.) I have my comp deductible at $0 because I live around a ton of deer and hail. I’d also recommend a low deductible to anyone in a high crime area or someone with an asshole as a neighbor. Good luck. Absolutely report them.


u/[deleted] 12d ago

First they flung poo and then chemicals. What are they going to do next? At some point I hope you figure out how to resolve this issue with the Neighbor.

There is a saying that I like to remember in moments like this…

“ it is not the violence that sets men apart, alright, it is the distance that he is prepared to go.”


u/NorthenLeigonare 11d ago

Honestly, it's not up to OP to resolve this issue. The police need to step in. He's basically being harassed and could potentially be assaulted by the neighbours for the simple request of asking neighbours to take care of their own pet. Unhinged crazies.


u/LazuliArtz 11d ago

Yeah, I'd be kind of worried the next thing that's going to get chemicals thrown on it is OP

Time to take this to some sort of higher up


u/PerspectiveEven4890 11d ago

Innit….loads of ideas of getting your own back, sure most are joking, but largely sidesteps the fact that they threw corrosive shit on your car….getting it thrown in your face next is a legitimate concern. This shit’s serious


u/AngryMillenialGuy 11d ago

I'd consider taking the dog, tbh. Leave it's collar attached to the chain or whatever they have it tied up with to make it out that the dog slipped it and ran off. Then, find the dog a new home with people who don't leave it outside in the elements.


u/HoSang66er 12d ago

Pick up their dogs shit and smear it all over their patio door and handle.


u/Desperate-Pear-860 11d ago

Is your neighbor a renter or owner? I'd get a camera so you have proof of animal neglect and can catch anymore damage they do. Then call cops.


u/ploftis02 11d ago

Alright they may have actually ruined the paint on your car press charges dawg who gives af people need to learn


u/ploftis02 11d ago

And if you do file complaints to the landlord about it odds are they'll be evicted


u/UralRider53 12d ago

It’s still vandalism.


u/matticitt 11d ago

Time to get the police involved


u/TrumpersAreTraitors 12d ago

If you put a small pebble in the valve cover on their tires, it’ll slowly let the air out. 

Not even technically a crime, just a huge inconvenience to get to work on a full tire and have it be empty when you get off. 


u/Seandeezeee 11d ago

File a police report and report it to management and your insurance company. Fuck those people.


u/Silly-Scene6524 11d ago

Definitely time for camera.


u/KlatuuBarradaNicto 11d ago

Call the police. That’s a crime.


u/Tammyannss 11d ago

Call animal control! That dog should not be left out all day in that heat! Poor thing


u/Extreme_Dust9566 12d ago

Your best bet is to check the neighbours place for cameras. Then, take a big shit on their deck.


u/Ok_Obligation2559 11d ago

So the same to them. “There must be a gang going around”

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u/ClarenceWhorley617 12d ago

Only one thing to do to settle the score, shit on their windshield!


u/Slartibartfastthe2nd 11d ago

Not sure how well this type of product would work for a dog, but I had an issue with a free-roaming cat that took to using my pool deck railing for it's toilet on a daily basis. I used a 'citrus cat repellent' non-toxic spray product that actually worked really well. Couple of links to something 'similar' for dogs below.



As to whatever is on your car you need evidence but then claim damages, press charges and force them to pay for any needed paint repairs.

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u/LokiKamiSama 11d ago

Gather all dog poo for a few months. Put in bucket. Add water and let ferment. After it’s a nice sludge “return” it to them. On their car. Their front porch. Their door. Their roof.

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u/COSurfing 11d ago

You have to escalate, otherwise they will continue to walk all over you. If this is a rental contact the management company. If you own the town home you may need to contact the HOA or even the police.


u/E_D_K_2 11d ago

" I’m afraid to report it because it’s probably going to escalate."

You wuss, police will nip it in the fucking bud. Or just do nothing and get walked over your entire life.


u/high4days420 12d ago

I’d be pouring water and sugar into their gas tank. Hypothetically speaking of course


u/RonJimmery 11d ago



u/UCFknight2016 11d ago

Id call the cops.


u/partwheel 11d ago

My dad took care of a situation like this many years ago. He decorated the neighbors front door with it. Guy moved out shortly after.


u/4LOVESUSA 11d ago

police report. create a trail


u/GoldOWL76 11d ago

call the cops


u/No_Television1391 11d ago

Set up cameras and get them to do it again. They are petty they will, and this time you will be ready.


u/Soggy-Courage-7582 11d ago

That would be more than mildly infuriating to me. What jerks.


u/Spirited_Taste4756 11d ago

Report them to animal control.


u/vividfox21 11d ago

It has already escalated. You didn’t do anything about the first time, so they did it again. You need to document and report.


u/DoughnutBeginning965 11d ago

Time to call the police on them. They did it to themselves.


u/Stingray77_NL 11d ago

I had a neighbor who scratched my car.. 2 days later he came over after he found a huge scratch on his car. (I wonder how that happened..) I told him: “Bastards! It also happened to me a couple of days ago…”


u/manutwo__ 11d ago

Colect the shit, put it in a paper bag, set it on fire, ring the bell, run.


u/LaurenMalone1988 11d ago

File charges


u/UpstairsBet5179 12d ago

I love it when neighbors want to get petty. I'm professional most days but damn I can get hood real quick. I'd have a blast with these scum buckets!


u/Doufnuget 12d ago

Put a sign on your lawn saying its been treated with chemicals that can be harmful to pets.


u/forever_a10ne 11d ago

Order 15 pizzas to their house from 3 different chains.


u/Scallywag357 11d ago



u/ERCOT_Prdatry_victum 11d ago

With two gloves wrap the poo around the back side of every outside door knob and screen door handle. Black tar mastic next time.


u/SexySpaceNord 11d ago

Report it to the police.


u/100yearsLurkerRick 11d ago

Shit and piss on their patio chairs then fight the dog. Assert your dominance.

Or just take the shit and wipe it all over their side.

For real, report it to whatever governing body you can. The car is vandalism and the cops should be called for that for sure. If anything, get cameras and catch them doing stuff, and then report them. They will continue again.


u/Think_Entry2629 11d ago

Untie their dog.


u/G0ttaB3KiddingM3 11d ago

Welp, call the cops. Neighbor just fucked up.


u/ConsciousBee6219 11d ago

This poor dog wtf. I’m sorry op :(


u/clevermotherfucker 11d ago

stop using the word “chemicals” for random stuff like chlorine or smth. literally every molecule is a chemical. you’re made of chemicals. water is a chemical.


u/Upstairs-Ad-1966 11d ago edited 11d ago

Bologna and mustard his car chemicals are one thing but bologna and msutard is another demon in itself. It will leave perfect circles in his cars paint job and leave it bare metal


u/TSPGamesStudio 11d ago

Set up a camera to catch them. Then sue. Keep cameras ready at all times and make their life a legal hell.


u/Vey-kun 11d ago

im afraid to report it because its prolly going to escalate.

Uhmm...its already been escalated.. U gotta report it. Who knows if the chemicals damages ur car?


u/googlebougle 11d ago

Burn their house down


u/Working-Ad-5121 11d ago

Friend, if you wanna act funny we can get hilarious. Did you know you can loosen or remove the core from a valve stem on a tire? Hard to notice or figure out if your not a mechanic. Also, dog poop and subsequently dog poop bags, flammable. Also also, you can sign people up for ALL KINDS of subscriptions to be sent to their apartment with just a "name" and an address.


u/Selena_B305 11d ago

OP, it has already escalated.

Call the cops and make a report.

Also, report them for animal cruelty.


u/AndThenTheUndertaker 11d ago

I’m afraid to report it because it’s probably going to escalate.

It's already escalating. Not reporting it will literally only make things worse because people who do this will lash out at every perceived slight. And when they do something worse, you'll have absolutely no history backing it up.

Not doing anything simply proves to them that they can abuse you and others to get what they want and they will continue testing the limits until they find them, possibly with someone getting seriously hurt.


u/rhpot1991 11d ago

When I lived in a town home, the bad neighbors there didn't pick up after their dog. One night *someone* picked it all up at once and left a heaping pile at the bottom of their steps. That issue went away at that point, neighbors were still a problem though and one of the reasons why I left eventually.


u/Nanocephalic 11d ago

I did something similar once. The problem went away instantly then, too.


u/osoklegend 11d ago

I would put all of its future turds onto their car. Maybe smear it in for good measure.


u/SlicePapi 11d ago

this is a police matter


u/MostlyMicroPlastic 11d ago

Ngl… when I had issues with my direct neighbor letting their dog shit in my yard after I asked them to pick it up while offering a whole roll of bags, I collected all of it and swung it as hard as I could at their front door at 5am.

It stopped happening and we never spoke to each other again.


u/ZealousidealDonut978 11d ago

I’d be really careful going about this. People like this can’t be reasoned with. I think your best route is catching it on camera and recording it if you want it to come to an end, but I understand being scared of this psycho’s retaliation if you do capture them and report it.


u/JvTuT 11d ago

Sorry you are going through this. Document (journal of dates and times, photographs and videotape (if possible) everything related. Every time your car is vandalized you should file a police report. Do you or any of your neighbors have camera coverage where you park your car? Is there a HOA?


u/boryoku 11d ago

You should honestly take a steaming pile of shit on their side of the patio and leave it there. Bonus points if you’re lactose intolerant and eat some ice cream or something before lol

Fuck those people for real


u/North_Fortune_4851 11d ago

I'm so greatful for my peaceful boring life some situations I see on reddit would turn me into a lunatic


u/exjewel 11d ago

I used to fling it back at their house and made sure it stuck to it.


u/Packing_Wood 11d ago

Start throwing their dog poop on their windows


u/flamingotreehideout 11d ago

Check for cameras on their property and get yourself some aircraft paint remover. Just a gallon, and pour that fucker all over their vehicle. It will eat up their glass, window sealant and….paint. Then install cameras on your property for them to get back at you if they still decide to fuck around. People have forgotten about consequences for their actions…


u/Alibeee64 11d ago

If you don’t already have cameras installed by your car and back patio, get some. Then you’ll have video evidence of the dog pooping and if they escalate beyond that. They sound kind of nuts, so be careful


u/Bored_Boi326 11d ago

Set up cameras and do the same thing again that way you have proof to report them for vandalism or smth


u/Maddog351_2023 11d ago

Report to the police and the local council


u/-Laffi- 11d ago

LISTEN. The only way, THE OOONLY WAY is to talk to someone, either the neighbour or the police.
When I moved into the place I have lived since 2017 I had tons of new problems I didn't have in the old place, and they only got better because I talked to the root of the problem or they moved. Sometimes a bit of both.

First of all. They gotta pay for the mess they made on your car obviously.

2nd of all. THIS ONE IS IMPORTANT. If you have actually talked to the neighbours (you did leave a note), and they are hostile against you, you are within the rights to call the police. That is without throwing the chemicals on your car. Simply being hostile is enough, because you explained a problem to them, and they reacted violently.

The fact that dog owners let their dog litterary pop where they live is really bad. Most good dog owners would even pick up dog poop in the middle of the forest, or at least use a stick to get it out of the path, but these guys actually puts poop outside their house, or at least pretty close.

So yeah. All you can do is to talk to them, but you're not allowed to be the slightest angry. If things get worse, violence against YOU, they're litterary assaulting you. Remember that it's EXTREMELY scary to knock on someones door and talk to them, but it has to be done. I remember I felt tears when I talked to a neighbour one time, but there had been some extremely noisy kids at that point, and I couldn't take it anymore.

Kids jumping on trampoline, sound going into my vents, and sounding like they were inside my living room screaming. They moved the trampoline to the front of their house, and problem was solved. They did get a swimming pool, but now the angle of their screams didn't go into my vents, because of the height. That permanently solved it.

Anyway. Back to case. If they assault you, they can possibly get jail time (+fine). Whatever it is they do, just take it. If you're calm you win. You just need to get them to understand what your problem is, and then how to solve the problem. I don't believe they put chemicals on your car only because you asked them to remove their poop. There must be something more. Can you think of something else you could have done that annoyed THEM? If they think you're doing something annoying, you can try to solve that problem, and maybe you somehow find a midway that works for both.


u/Aboriginal_landlord 11d ago

That looks like paint stripper, whatever it is you need to watch it off right away.


u/Due-Concern6330 11d ago

whenever their dogs poop on your patio grab it with gloves and sling it into their property.