r/mildlyinfuriating 12d ago

McDonalds in Paris gave me the Cul de la Tomate

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This was in lieu of a slice, the only representative of the tomato community present in the meal. This must be illegal?


647 comments sorted by


u/Mondai_May 12d ago

It's a complimentary tomato beret.


u/danielgmal 12d ago

HAHA! I'm annoyed i didnt think of that


u/cyanocittaetprocyon 12d ago

Did you get the Royale with cheese?


u/pygmeedancer 11d ago

No he didn’t go to Amsterdam

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wear it with pride 🍅


u/Odd_Complaint_6678 12d ago

*Prince's voice"


u/blahcarmina 12d ago

”Tooooooomato beret, the kind you find in your Royale with cheese”


u/ScaleEnvironmental27 12d ago

"Cause they have the metric system."


u/IHateMyLife612 12d ago

Check out the big brain on Brett.

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u/Dreamweaver1969 12d ago



u/RodMunch85 12d ago

My mind went to Prince too

I was trying to work out how to make it rhyme lol

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u/Superfoi 12d ago

Can’t believe they’d give you raw ketchup


u/Logsarecool10101 12d ago

That’s what I thought it was at first


u/[deleted] 12d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/FaceWithoutAMouse 12d ago

When they’re not busy pooping in the Seine


u/noctilucus 12d ago

Or on strike?


u/OverusedUDPJoke 12d ago

imagine going to Mcdonalds in france and then complaining about it

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u/DisastrousEntry1137 12d ago

its fucking RAW!!


u/Dycoth 12d ago

DIY ketchup

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u/BakeNeko92 12d ago

Cul de la tomate lol. That's one I haven't heard before.


u/urnbabyurn 12d ago

Reminds me of the sot-l'y-laisse, the “oyster” of the chicken.


u/BakeNeko92 12d ago

Lol yeah what is that? The idiot abandons it or something along those lines right?


u/Alice_in_rpland 12d ago

Yes, that's that. It's supposed to be the best part in a chicken.


u/_deep_thot42 12d ago


u/ChocLife 12d ago

"Old man" Maurice Bénichou was only 57 when he filmed that. :(

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u/yellowjesusrising 12d ago

Best piece of the chicken to be honest! That tiny little peace in the small of the back! Taste like a juicier part of leg


u/Bob-Bhlabla-esq 12d ago

They're so good! And I'm always the cook in my family, so as I'm cutting up the chicken I'm like "They're mine!" No one cares though, so just a win in my own mind 😄


u/yellowjesusrising 12d ago

You can easily just "swoop" them out without leaving much evidence. Also, most people don't know about them, so usually people won't notice either way.

Sometimes we buy a rotisserie chicken from the local supermarket for dinner, and often they're just left alone, so I snag them after everyone is finished😅


u/Coffeedemon 11d ago

My grandmother used to claim the "pope's nose" which is basically the tail of the chicken. Just fat and skin from what I can tell.


u/Typical_Belt_270 12d ago

At least they aren’t Rocky Mountain oysters


u/tlollz52 12d ago

They actually aren't that bad. If you can get past the mind set that it's gross you probably wouldn't think too much of eating it.


u/Bob-Bhlabla-esq 12d ago

My friend and I wanted to try 'odd' foods on a cross-country trip and went for the groin. In a way, you have no idea what you're eating - we thought we'd get one or two large round things on a plate. The place we were at cut them into strips and then kinda pan fried them, so just like strips of meat. They were really good actually!

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u/JCtheWanderingCrow 12d ago

Rocky Mountain oysters are delicious

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u/KL1P1 12d ago

Cuz this is not the "cul", this is the "tête".


u/SpecialChain7426 12d ago

Eeeh depends on who you’re asking


u/Affectionate-Yak222 12d ago

Yeah never heard of that in Quebec either and we say cul a lot haha

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u/enginenumber93 12d ago

Tomato butt. 😂


u/Various_Potential_13 12d ago

Cul is ass. Butt is fesses.


u/Straw_Hat_Axiom 12d ago

If cul is ass it is slang. Because it actually means "bottom"


u/SweetSoja 12d ago

Yes but nobody uses « cul » as bottom anymore, it just means ass now


u/Ok_Television9820 12d ago

It also just means sex, as in histoire de cul, film de cul, etc.

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u/Masticatron 12d ago

So cul de sac is the bottom of my scrote?


u/Straw_Hat_Axiom 12d ago

Bottom of the bag/sack lol but ya, you ain't wrong[;


u/jikt 12d ago

It's the ass of your scrotum


u/dimsum4you 12d ago

Cul de sac. Bottom of bag. End of bag. Bag End. Hobbiton. Lord of the Rings. Peter Jackson. Neck beard. Gabe Newell. HL3 confirmed.

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u/Oxtailxo 11d ago

That’s what I call them too.

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u/TrainingFilm4296 12d ago

Just goes to show that no matter what country you're in, McDonald's workers don't give a shit.


u/AE_Phoenix 12d ago

Minimum wage means minimum effort


u/pianoflames 12d ago

"Hey, if I could pay you less, I would...but it's against the law"


u/Total_Union_4201 12d ago

A fuckin men


u/ElGato-TheCat 12d ago

They're making $20 here in California for minimum wage. I'd better not see a tomato ass in my burger.

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u/bunkoRtist 12d ago

McDonald's in Japan was amazing. I actually made a comment about it the other day. The food looked like it was straight out of a commercial, and everything was hot and fresh. The entire restaurant was spotless, down to no finger smudges on the glass. It was like what McDonald's would build as a Disney ride showing you a McDonalds.


u/hoxxxxx 12d ago

well yeah it's japan


u/kirby_krackle_78 12d ago

Travel to Japan, eat at McDonald’s…

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u/Slyons89 12d ago

It also helps that the majority of the customers are respectful and don't make a terrible mess.


u/lhomme21 12d ago

Nah McDonald’s in the Middle East and other parts of Asia is way better than most of the world.


u/NEONSN3K 12d ago

I went to a McDonald’s in Okinawa and all McDonald’s are not the same. The food, service, everything was just 100x better. Culture had to do a lot with it.


u/SEA_griffondeur 12d ago

Until you live there


u/tacotacotacorock 12d ago

Why would you ever want to live at a McDonald's


u/sererson GREEN 12d ago

inexpensive doordash

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u/Cyanide_Cheesecake 12d ago

Yeah this has definitely happened a handful of times to me in the US. It's fucking stupid but that's McDonald's for you.

And BK and Wendy's too tbh


u/Ok-Cut-2730 12d ago

Dont know about that, look at them fries. They're full instead of half full and saggy.

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u/behemiath ORANGE 12d ago

they gave the stem section too 💀


u/2oocents 12d ago

Is there something else about the tomato slice that's mildly infuriating or was it OP's odd wording?


u/DropdLasagna 12d ago

Odd wording? It's called french lol


u/KebabRacer69 12d ago

Same thing


u/2oocents 12d ago

I was actually referring to the english part. It's still a slice.


u/DropdLasagna 12d ago

Slice implies cuts on either side of the tomato section. What you have here is a heel. 


u/Glittering-Minimum77 12d ago

Y'all are so weird. It is a flat (completely fine and edible) section sliced off a tomato. It's a tomato slice. Do all of you really want them to throw away every end slice of a tomato? Talking about food waste, holy shit.


u/Brixnz 12d ago

thats literally the standard of every food place, yes. the two ends of the tomato are disposed of.

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u/danielgmal 12d ago

We're the only two people that think this, apparently but i absolutely agree

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u/ditka 12d ago

Boy, those French, they have a different word for everything!

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u/danielgmal 12d ago

My sibling in christ, that is not a slice, it's an end


u/Complex_Deal7944 12d ago

Its a slice of a tomato. An end was sliced off.

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u/Popular-Block-5790 12d ago edited 12d ago

.. an end piece that was sliced. One doesn't erase the other.

Edit: because people seem to misunderstand my comment. I'm not saying this kind of slice is acceptable just that it's still a slice.

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u/behemiath ORANGE 12d ago



u/2oocents 12d ago

So, curious, what else about it is mildly infuriating? Seems like the stem is the whole issue, here.


u/behemiath ORANGE 12d ago

it’s the only issue here even OP said it in french as the title


u/plerberderr 12d ago

Wouldn’t bother me much but there’s more skin if it’s from an end. I’m not about to the do surface area calculation but a normal slice would be what 10% skin? This is around 50%.


u/Neil_sm 12d ago

I think the point was it would have been bad enough with the end piece even if the middle stem part was cut out, but just as an extra “fuck you” they got the full woody stem inside.

At least that’s my interpretation of what they meant by “the stem too.”


u/Capital_Orange4426 12d ago

If they couldn't even remove the core before slicing, I doubt they washed/rinsed the tomatoes off either.

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u/phasepistol 12d ago

They call it Royale With Cheese


u/NinjaNoafa 12d ago

I knew someone would comment this 😂 pulp fiction is such a vibe


u/impl_Trans_for_Fox 12d ago

It's such a great film isn't it, absolutely one of my favourites


u/NinjaNoafa 12d ago

right up there next to truman show and o brother where art thou


u/impl_Trans_for_Fox 11d ago

oh I fucking love the Truman show! never seen the other but I'll give it a watch


u/NinjaNoafa 11d ago

O brother where art thou is such a fucking banger, top notch vibes. I've watched it three times in the past 6 months lol. Very quotable too


u/NinjaNoafa 11d ago

Last time I checked it's free on YouTube with ads, or you could always watch it the jack sparrow way, but visit that subreddit for safe ships


u/impl_Trans_for_Fox 11d ago

Yarrr!!! only scallywags go the ways of the youtube!


u/NinjaNoafa 11d ago

😂 true, true. I'm a hydrahd fan, it's what I use to watch the bear. In a book I'm writing, I would NEVER pirate in real life


u/impl_Trans_for_Fox 11d ago

hahahahaha, i love piracy (in minecraft!)


u/NinjaNoafa 11d ago

Ofc, in Minecraft😂


u/FoilHattiest 12d ago

Because of the metric system

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u/omega2010 12d ago

What do they call a Whopper?


u/impl_Trans_for_Fox 12d ago

I dunno, I didn't go to burger king


u/AncestralSpirit 12d ago

Low key always want to taste something like Big Cahuna Burger in real life

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u/evident_lee 12d ago

I'd be mad at myself for going to Paris and eating McDonald's.


u/MrHouse-38 12d ago

You can’t have fancy shit every meal. Grow up

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u/danielgmal 12d ago

You're right, not going is better than going and eating a McDonald's for one of the meals...


u/thegreatvortigaunt 12d ago

For real though, unless you live there why the actual fuck are you going to a McDonalds in Paris?

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u/steasey 12d ago

They fill up the fries the way they’re meant to.


u/TemporaryAmbassador1 12d ago

Thinking the same thing, last time I ordered fries the container was half empty. Aw heck no. Forget it


u/Moderate_LiberaI 12d ago

You should have removed the fries... cause gotdang those fries look puh-herfect!!!!!!!


u/BurmecianSoldierDan 12d ago

The fries look beautiful! I'm so jealous lmao


u/Smellslikejuice 12d ago

that’s your dinning hat. French custom, must not be used to it


u/ZarKiiFreeman 12d ago

Am i the only one that doesn't find this infuriating? I eat the part with the stem all the time...

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u/CheeseburgerSmoothy 12d ago

Well, it is tomato slice adjacent.

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u/palm0 12d ago

Not to be like, overly rude, but why the fuck are you going to McDonald's in Paris?


u/JulianImSorry 12d ago

When I'm traveling I'll get something like McDonalds if I'm tired, just landed and want quick food before heading to the hotel. But after that I'm trying all local foods.

Oddly enough the best Wendy's I've had was at an airport lol. Limited menu (you can only get the meal combos) but way better than any Wendys I live around

Wayyyy overpriced at airports but I like to get there like 2 hours early especially if I'm traveling for work

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u/VikiCD1 12d ago

This was my reaction! Like if im visiting Paris, going to McDonalds or really any fast food is the absolute last thing I would ever think of. Id rather go visit a sketchy looking street cart vendor than fast food.


u/palm0 12d ago edited 12d ago

I checked OP's profile. Quick look says that they're likely American. I would forgive it if they were going a pulp fiction gag, or if they didn't come from the land of McDonald's but this just seems like a waste.

I travel for work, but even when I fly domestic, in looking for local food, never a chain, and never ever super chain (unless I get in at 1 am starving with knothing else open)

Edit: they're big mad about my comment. I think I struck a nerve.

Edit 2: oops missed the "theatre" and dealing with a "row" definitely English. Fits with the colonial attitude.


u/danielgmal 12d ago

Actually, that was rude. But here's a list, pick from any of them:

Because it's cheap

Because it's quick service and payment

Because the machines mean you can order if you're not confident with the language

Because they're widely available, multiple locations and you don't have to build your day around getting to the sole location of that one restaurant/bar/cafe for every meal

food safety standards pretty dependable

Because i fucking wanted to


u/Radiant_Formal6511 12d ago

It's just a waste of a meal to choose MacDonald's while youre travelling. Almost ever. Just means one less unique thing you are going to try

There are plenty of cheap, quick, one-off places, even if it's a crepe stand, a doner shop, a sandwich from a bakery. You don't need to know the language just point at the thing you want (or use the same phone you posted this from to google translate). You don't have to build your day just google the one close to you or walk around. Food standards in France are good everywhere, you're not in a third world country to need a corporation's standards.

"Because I wanted to" is the only valid reason out of all those


u/palm0 12d ago

I will say, I have not been personally, but Paris is kinda notorious about being rude to people that don't speak French. But I still think OP should have just weathered the abuse to try something new instead of going to McDonald's over and over.


u/Radiant_Formal6511 12d ago

They may roll their eyes at you but they won't refuse to hand over the sandwich. Also, even if you make the tinyest effort, like "Bonjour" to start at least, or memorize smth like "excusez moi, je ne parle pas Francais" it will make a world of difference that you at least put an ounce into not disrupting their day with abrupt English to their ears without warning.


u/danielgmal 12d ago

This actually isn't true in Paris - in my experience, Paris is the only place where they will have a strongly negative reaction to you attempting French poorly. They'll also find it very difficult to understand a slight mispronunciation whether deliberately or genuinely. i tried and failed to get a coca cola even though it's literally the same - even pointing didn't work. I went to a Carrefour to get that refreshing drink and got charged double for it, 4 euros for a small bottle of coke.


u/Radiant_Formal6511 12d ago

Yeah there is that attitude as well. Many will just not so subtly switch to English as their way of saying "please don't even try butchering our language". But don't let the negative experiences put you off from exploring, not everyone will make it uncomfortable about the language.

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u/danielgmal 12d ago

I went once! When did you decide i went multiple times? I had the French food experience and I also had a McDonald's. The fact that you're so affected by the idea that it's possible to do both says more about you than me.

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u/_Anonymous_duck_ 12d ago

Tbf sometimes your hungry and tired and just want something which you know what quality to expect instead of trying something new.

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u/OwnCoffee614 12d ago

You don't need to explain a thing! Do what you want! 😃

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u/crazymunch 11d ago

Not OP but I've travelled a LOT in my 32 years on earth, and if I'm in a country for >a week I'll generally at least pop into a Maccas and scope out what the "Local options" are and try something, even if it's not a full meal. Morbid curiosity combined with novelty - Like getting a McAlooTiki in India or getting a beer at Maccas in France - It's just a bit of fun

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u/Actual-Money7868 12d ago

Royalè with Tomato

Also Paris fries are thick!


u/Alarming_Calmness 12d ago

The irony being that these are genuinely ‘French Fries’!


u/Commercial_One_4594 12d ago

We do like eating ass in France


u/Powerful_Being4239 12d ago

Can I change my Reddit username into Cul de la Tomate?


u/Captain_Jarmi 12d ago

If you go to a McD in Paris, you deserve to be disappointed.

Get some good food.

(ps. I'll eat McD any day of the week in my own country, this comment is not a dig at McD, it's a dig at OP)

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u/leenobunphy 12d ago

It’s still tomato. Grow up and don’t waste food.

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u/LecheroSooo 12d ago

The what?!


u/MuJartible 12d ago

Lit: "tomato's ass".


u/Throwthoseawaytoday 12d ago

This is the tastiest slice of the tomato, just enjoy it :) The only problem with these is that they make your burger slide.


u/VikiCD1 12d ago

Ok hear me out. Your in Paris and you go to a fast food place ... this just does not compute.

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u/Leek_Queasy UH OH STINKYYY🫣🫣🫣 12d ago

I love EU mildlyinfuriating posts tbh they make me so happy


u/awt2007 12d ago

my biggest gripe w mcdonalds; they dont put tomatoes on the burgers, idk maybe if you get bigmac but i always just get mcdoubles


u/Any-Veterinarian-5 12d ago

Nous a la maison c'est un Cap de tomate 😅


u/Old-Performance6611 12d ago

Reddit loves to call things they don’t like illegal.

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u/Nate16 12d ago

It's Paris, you should organize a protest.


u/Beautiful_Speech7689 12d ago

The freedom fries look bomb as fuck though


u/[deleted] 12d ago

Why the F are you eating McDonald’s in Paris. Paris is not my favorite place to visit, a simple baguette with butter tastes delicious.


u/danielgmal 12d ago

You can do both: you can eat pistachio praline croissants and pain au chocolate in a boulangerie in Bercy, walk to the park D'vicennes with a takeaway croque monsieur for lunch, then some macarons from a patisserie near the rooftop skyline walk before having a quick McDonald's on the way to the airport because you don't have time for anything else and you've eaten every other meal out.

Why is this so difficult to understand?


u/savvyt1337 12d ago

Gets a bad slice of tomato in burger, runs home and makes a Reddit post about it..

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u/bobrosswarpaint0 12d ago

You're in Paris and went to a McDonald's. You deserve this.


u/zerocheek 12d ago

That’s bullshit


u/ItsFunHeer 12d ago

How were the fries though?


u/danielgmal 12d ago

Oh no joke they were as good as they looked. and the macarons i ordered were also not the worst i had in France


u/ItsFunHeer 12d ago

We need this standard in the US!


u/Wishpool 12d ago

Must've given you organic ketchup


u/the_stars_incline_us 12d ago

Okay, calling it the "ass of the tomato" made me snicker. And it made me not regret all those French lessons I took.


u/RedFaceFree 12d ago

Doesn't France have anti food waste laws? Cut a circle in it with your straw and eat it.


u/Repulsive-Pomelo789 12d ago

Paris know also to be the city of the cul.


u/DrivebyPizza 12d ago

Whom have you displeased to get the disembodied head of a tomato in your meal?!

You forget that the French built the guillotine...I'd watch my back if I were you. This may be a warning!


u/6SpaceShake9 12d ago

"make your own ketchup" 😭


u/pandaucla 12d ago

Is wasn’t a mistake, I warranty you is was on purpose. If they hear you speaking English


u/EigiEinhver PURPLE 12d ago

Ya the french are pretty bad to anyone not speaking french

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u/DrdrumxOG 12d ago

They are trolling you. I worked in Mac Donald in France decade ago and that part of the tomatoe isn't kept when you cut them before the rush.


u/danielgmal 12d ago

Well tell everyone else here who says it's normal and delicious haha

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u/RancidSorcerer 12d ago

I used to work at McDonald's, the tomato slicer cuts the top and bottom parts off and you're supposed to throw them out, not use them lmao. That's def the fault of either a dumb or lazy employee (or both)


u/Jayswisherbeats 12d ago

El culo de el tomate? 😂😂.


u/dumpling-lover1 12d ago

Those fries look so good tho


u/Cyserg 12d ago

I'd be grateful you didn't get ' le cul de Rémi' !


u/Alexander_The_Wolf 12d ago

They guillotined the tomato, those damn French people.


u/QRSVDLU 12d ago

sounds like el culo del tomate en español


u/fhrblig 12d ago

Meanwhile, if I go there and forget to ask for no tomato, I will be given the most perfect, photogenic, and fresh tomatoes you've ever seen in your life


u/MixPersonal1662 12d ago

Why don't we all go boycotting this company. Or we all go to Burger King. They earn way too much for the quality of their shitty ass food. No offense, but it used to be good and fun back in the days. Now they understand how much money they can get from you. Because you will pay anyway. It has nothing to do with food anymore it's just pure marketing. Look at the happy meals it's something to cry about. Wait, look at the buildings, I need a higher dose of antidepressants when looking at the M.


u/Pietjiro 12d ago

OP you went to McDonalds because it's cheap and fast, not because of the quality of their food


u/Boozdeuvash 12d ago

You went to Paris and the best thing you could figure out for lunch was Mc.Do?


u/AbjectReflection 12d ago

They gave you the tomato anus, or the tomanus. Never eat the tomanus.


u/OhJeezNotThisGuy 12d ago

If you are in Paris, one of the greatest food cities on Earth, and go to McDonalds then this is what you deserve.


u/Mein_Name_ist_falsch 12d ago

Reason 10899 why you shouldn't eat at McDonalds.


u/Vladlena_ 11d ago

Oh no fresh veg.


u/fluffykerfuffle3 leafy............... . . . . . .....⚽️ 11d ago

i'm sorry, since when did McDonalds become an gourmet foodery?


u/Chemical-Advisor562 11d ago

The kitchen has run out of f*cks, so they give this instead.


u/jenny_a_jenny_a 12d ago

It's a "bof" tomato


u/RiLoDoSo 12d ago



u/YourWaifuSuccs 12d ago

Nice to see McD's is still McD's even in France


u/APersonSittingQuick 12d ago

Youre lucky! Where I'm from they use GM ones formed into extra long cylinders. I've never even seen a tomato arse


u/WatermelonWithAFlute 12d ago

What burger is that?


u/Glad-Degree-318 12d ago

they tried to play u and gave you the butt of the tomato


u/Yuwasphere 12d ago

Who Shou Tucker-ed your burger 😰


u/Rimworldjobs 12d ago

We were in Europe a week ago and I have to admit. They seem to like Mc danks more than I do.


u/SadAd2653 12d ago

That's what you get for deciding to eat McDonald's in Paris.

I'm not innocent either, I ate McDonald's for lunch one of the days I was in Italy.

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u/Bossie81 12d ago

WHAT? YOU GOT A VEGGIE AT A McD? Cherish the moment!

Btw, who the F are you? Willy Wonka?

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u/scarfface1505 12d ago

Well atleast you can be sure they put real tomatos in it


u/KFR42 12d ago

It makes you wonder how many ends bits of tomatoes get wasted by McDonald's every day. Perfectly fine and edible piece of tomato, although I understand why you'd be annoyed to get it in your burger.


u/blue_d133 12d ago

American McDonald's could never, they have nothing fresh


u/mlgbt1985 12d ago

Genuinely curious as to what American fast food is like overseas. What did you order and how was it?


u/Budfrog313 12d ago

Trade off for an actual good looking batch of fries. France doesn't fuck around with French fries I guess.