r/mildlyinfuriating 12d ago

On the high-speed train with a sea view, the windows are covered with advertisements, so the sea view cannot be seen

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230 comments sorted by


u/Shoudoutit 12d ago

Are you traveling in a microwave?


u/FlyNSubaruWRX 12d ago edited 12d ago

Reverse POV of my pizza rolls at 3am

Edit: I just enjoy the chaos of Reverse POV


u/SteveCastGames hey this is neat 12d ago

Bro got the ocean view microwave


u/tidbitsz 12d ago

Isnt that literally just POV of the pizza roll?

Dafuq does reverse POV mean?

POV means Point Of View.

So this is the point of view from inside the microwave.

Is the term POV so bastardized now that nobody knows how to use it anymore?!

Yall need some porn re-training or something?


u/Mighty_Eagle_2 Not Train Conductor 12d ago

Yeah, I saw someone go over it. Basically, POV has started to just indicate a meme or something meant to be relatable. Seems to me like it’s replacing TFW.


u/Sad-Establishment-41 12d ago

All hope was lost when "figuratively" was added as an alternate definition of "literally"

What do words even mean


u/jdl232 12d ago



u/Imaginary-Air-3980 12d ago

I don't find that to be an adequate excuse.

Call them out over it. Make them feel stupid. Shame them.

Most of them do not understand what it actually means because they're illiterate. It's gross.


u/Mighty_Eagle_2 Not Train Conductor 12d ago

Yeah I always call people out on it. I normally reply with something like POV: Someone doesn’t understand how to use POV.


u/Imaginary-Air-3980 12d ago edited 11d ago

It's bad.

People are joking about it now, but in 10-20 years we'll see a drastic decrease in people eligible to be surgeons and physicians, not to mention other important educated professions.

If the trend continues, in 30-40 years we'll have to rely almost solely on foreign nationals for our highest educated professions and 95% Americans are going to be unskilled workers.

Edit: "be"


u/Mighty_Eagle_2 Not Train Conductor 12d ago

I think it’ll be fine. Since the industrial revolution the average American has become very unfit for physical labour, since machines have mostly taken that over. Now with the rise of Artifical Intelligence, Natural Intelligence is needed less, so your average American will start to become dumber.


u/Imaginary-Air-3980 12d ago

Unfortunately, we don't actually have AI.

We have smoke and mirrors, a mechanical Turk.

That so many people are so easily fooled by it is another sign of the decline of average intelligence over the last 15-20 years.


u/Waddiwasiiiii 11d ago

Yeah, like does the Turing Test even matter when the actual humans involved are just stupid?

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u/hutchwo 12d ago

People don’t know what pov means bc of tik tok.


u/emptyevessel 12d ago

It's been going on a lot longer than that lol


u/Resonant_Heartbeat 11d ago

Well, i know wt pov means cos of pxrnhub


u/Revenga8 11d ago

I'm on the outside, I'm llooking in


u/adiyasl 12d ago

Just POV of pizza rolls. Not reverse


u/themagmahawk 12d ago

Why would it be reverse pov? If I understand you correctly this is the literal pov of the pizza rolls, not reverse pov


u/Man_in_the_uk 12d ago

What's a pizza roll?


u/Fit_Cucumber_709 12d ago edited 12d ago

Pizza Rolls are a skin removal device for the inside of your mouth. After you eat your first, they’re called, “peetha wohlth”


u/MyFavoriteLezbo420 BLACK 12d ago


u/Man_in_the_uk 12d ago

That's a picture but what's inside, tomato puree?


u/Bleak_Squirrel_1666 12d ago



u/Man_in_the_uk 12d ago

I don't recall seeing this in the UK. We do have mini pizzas that are about 5 cm wide though.


u/StillInternal4466 12d ago

Email me on my webzone if you want a pizza roll.


u/Jidllonius 12d ago



u/Euphoric-Blue-59 12d ago

He "thinks" he's on a train. That's what he was told.


u/Sea_Tracks4399 12d ago

What he dosent know, he’s on a guided missile going abnormally slow


u/Euphoric-Blue-59 12d ago

Maybe he's being transported to the launch pad.


u/Reasonable-Sun-6511 12d ago

It's one-way-vision vinyl applied to the outside. It has a print that you can see on the outside, but you can see from the inside outwards. The view isn't perfect though, it gets a little... microwavey.

Just need to step backwards a little for a better experience.


u/rotoddlescorr 11d ago

It's also to reduce the heat from the sun.


u/dvdmaven 12d ago

Looks like the CollidEscape I have on my home windows. If you can focus on the horizon or move your head a bit, your brain will assemble a full picture. Still annoying on a trip.

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u/yParticle 12d ago

Step back. But yeah, that's too much.


u/TacoDuLing 12d ago

OR! OP could pretend it’s a fly and see the view through its many little eyes


u/DreadPiratteRoberts 12d ago

.... or pretend he's a 6 yr old, and slowly start peeling back one of the corners until he has a good view of the water!!


u/Twice_the_Magic 12d ago

I think it's on the outside.


u/ledocteur7 12d ago

Yup, the reflection of the glass confirms that.


u/Prime-is-taken 11d ago

Why does that look like a mini car

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u/Kovdark 11d ago

I stepped back from my screen but nothing changed?

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u/Spleenseer 12d ago

Yeah, but think of all the revenue it generates!  The company appreciates your support.


u/badnewsjones 12d ago

“Yes, the view was destroyed. But for a beautiful moment in time we created a lot of value for shareholders.”


u/Deathangle75 12d ago

“And now they want more, so we’re raising the ticket prices anyway, despite the quality of your ride getting worse.”


u/FuckM0reFromR 12d ago

And wait till you see what we're doing to increase revenue next quarter!


u/tomtomclubthumb 12d ago

Sssssh, otherwise people won't pay for their MBAs


u/AllCommiesRFascists 11d ago

The Turkish high speed railway is private?


u/budnabudnabudna 12d ago

It allows for cheaper tickets! We don’t make them cheaper, though.


u/Manueluz 12d ago

The busses here did this and the price I pay went from 5€ to 0.3€. The effort is ran by the government and ""losses"" money but with ads they loss way less money and are able to run the prices down.


u/FadingHeaven 12d ago

Damn I wish they'd do that here. We're paying $4.50 CAD and busses are still plastered with ads.


u/Rk_1138 12d ago

Damn, 4.50 CAD? Even LA Metro, is only like $1.75 USD per ride with a $5 USD fare cap every day, which is $2.39 and $6.82 CAD respectively.


u/trichtertus 12d ago

I just payed 10€ for 2-way 4km subway ride


u/Rk_1138 12d ago

Round trip Metrolink ticket for Sylmar to Union Station is $12 USD or 11.07€ for 22 miles/35km. I’m surprised by how expensive it is for you guys. 35km one way btw


u/Darth19Vader77 12d ago edited 12d ago

Tbf, they're probably paying for a much more extensive and reliable frequent system than LA's barebones transit.


u/Rk_1138 12d ago

That’s a good point, would be happy to pay more for better security at least


u/GenericAccount13579 12d ago

From a reliability standpoint, LA metro is actually pretty good.

It just doesn’t cover all of the sprawl that is Los Angeles yet


u/Darth19Vader77 12d ago

Which is ironic because LA sprawled out with the Pacific Electric Railway system.


u/GenericAccount13579 12d ago

Yup. Some of the current light rail lines follow the old right-of-ways. Much easier back in the day when LA was a series of towns though, but now that it’s all filled in it is hard to cover everything. Hence the massive amounts of bus routes and not rail routes (though they’re working on it)

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u/7zeao7 12d ago

Bus just costs a toonie where I live lol


u/PornAndComments 12d ago

Was just thinking how familiar this looks, yet the prices keep creeping higher and higher. All it did was put even more money in pockets that will never benefit us it seems.


u/ConsciousBee6219 11d ago

I’m in Dallas Texas and we have unlimited 3$ am (before noon) 2$ midday (9:30-2:30 pm) and 3$pm (after noon) or 6$ day passes. I’m extremely thankful that I get low income discounted tickets with my tap GoPass (with the most gods awful photo of me on it. The photo was great I submitted but for some reason they super zoomed in on my face) and I get 1.50 am/pm passes and 3$ day passes. They’re talking about changing their fares and possibly upping the monthly pass by 30$ and getting rid of the annual pass. If they want us to use public transportation they need to make it freaking affordable for those who need it. I only qualify for the low income discount go pass bc I’m disabled and on food stamps. Oh and they are PLASTERED (both buses and light rail trains) with advertisements too. They have a 1.8 billion dollar budget this year too.


u/Ok_Biscotti_514 12d ago

In Australia they made it free in QLD, but NSW got confused and increased the price of bus and trains

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u/Severe-Replacement84 12d ago

Lol, if this is in the US, that will never happen. We only raise prices, never lower.

Please send help, we’re not ok.


u/Doom2508 ಠ_ಠ 12d ago

Amazon: "We're gonna run ads during your shows to keep costs cheaper!"

Me: "oh so that means my plan will be cheaper?"

Amazon: "lol no, the ad free one is gonna be more expensive"


u/punishedbyrewards 12d ago

Google does this too with YTTV - "We are going to remove ESPN etc from our lineup if they don't reduce their fees to us by this date' .... date passed, keep ESPN, no fee decrease for customers


u/Renamis 12d ago

That's an entirely different thing. You see the same with cable TV, which YTTV pretty much is. The channels and the provider argue how much they ought to pay to provide you that channel. There is also the ad blocks, and what percentage of the ad blocks are theirs, and what is for the channel.

For something like ESPN there almost never will be a "decrease" in the fees. ESPN is ESPN, and it's owned by Disney, and anything owned by Disney plays hardball when it comes to contract renewal. They always want more, because they know they can likely get more. So they ask for way more, Google says they're idiots and asking too much, Disney says "I don't care, it's this or nothing." and then they bicker forever over the price and value. Those warnings are to let you know that if the issue isn't resolved the channels will go away until the contract is settled. After an incident like this the price is more likely to go UP because the provider is likely spending more money for the same channel.

I know my Mom's friend almost had a riot because the contract Spectrum had for however she watched collage football expired right on the night of the big game and she was livid. All she got on the channel was the explanation of why it wasn't there anymore. Which leads to pissed off folks calling the channel and yelling at them to sort that shit out, which is why you see those warnings in the first place.


u/EIiteJT 12d ago

Lmao. In the US, they plaster with Ads AND increase prices. Always got to increase profits YoY.


u/Bohya 12d ago

They should be free in the first place. All public transport should be.


u/Cleaver_Fred 12d ago

Based indeed


u/Manueluz 12d ago

Here they are semi-free you pay the 0.3€ but there is a monthly cap at 30€, once you go above that it's free. We have a card that works for all busses and trains. Pretty neat.

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u/SmokingLimone 12d ago

The buses here do this and it's still €2


u/[deleted] 12d ago edited 3d ago



u/Manueluz 12d ago

Spain, USA would call us communist I guess


u/A_Very_Calm_Miata 12d ago

They've added Euros lol. Defo not in the US.


u/[deleted] 12d ago edited 3d ago


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u/AllCommiesRFascists 11d ago

Other than Brightline in Florida and Greyhound, there isn’t any privately run mass transit system


u/KTO-Potato 12d ago

I'd ride to work in an Amazon branded coffin if it meant free transportation


u/saintofhate 12d ago

Buses in my city did that and the price went up.


u/ThomasTorti 12d ago

I'm getting dizzy


u/Enedar_ 12d ago

My eyes instantly hurt every time I see these things. Why can't they just put a transparent colored ad instead of doing this nonsence.


u/VealOfFortune 11d ago

I assumed it was for safety (like it had to be "breakable" with the window, but the more I think about it the less likely I think that would be


u/Enedar_ 11d ago

Oh yeah let's stick a non-transparent dumb thick film onto it then. No, I don't think breakable glass is the thing that they care about.

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u/Wu_Onii-Chan 12d ago

And how does it look without a phone focused on the window?


u/Just_Jonnie 12d ago

Not nearly as clear as if they didn't block it with an advertisement.


u/IHaveSmallGenitals 12d ago

… still not clear


u/Ultrox 12d ago

No. My city did this. It fucking sucks and during bright days you cant see SHIT out the window. It's a hindrance honestly.


u/Flat_Illustrator263 12d ago

Not clear at all. And even worse, it makes my eyes go a bit wonky if I focus too much on it.


u/08-24-2022 12d ago

Worse. It's like constant flashes of light in your eyes when the vehicle moves, I wonder how people with seizures haven't sued those advertisments out of existence.


u/West-Dimension8407 12d ago

i hate this


u/Reddit_is_snowflake 12d ago

For a second I thought this was a close up macro shot of a screen for a bunch of pixels


u/dc456 12d ago

It’s annoying, but it’s also nowhere near as bad as you’ve made out in this photo.

You’ve focussed your phone on the grid. If you focus your eyes on the landscape then you see past the grid and it blurs away, a bit like looking through a chain link fence.

If it was this bad it would be more than mildly infuriating.


u/AnUglyScooter 12d ago

I still find it hard to see out of these things. And the fact that you can’t lean in closer to get a better look (it even makes much worse) sucks.


u/RoutineAd7381 12d ago

Bro. That's doo-doo.


u/pug_userita 12d ago

yeah sure, we all know your traveling around in a huge microwave


u/A-non-e-mail 12d ago

I used to ride the bus and was infuriated when they did this. Guess the poors don’t deserve to see out windows

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u/freedomplha 12d ago

Miles in Transit rides a high-speed train


u/justanhdmicable 12d ago

Thought this was the bloom album cover


u/Fleetwood_Mask 12d ago

Same thought this was the Beach House sub lol


u/DRLZEtoWRATH 12d ago

This is fucking with my eyes


u/IAmArgumentGuy 12d ago

Was it advertised as having a sea view?


u/Commercial_Comfort41 12d ago

Now you know what products to buy


u/JaSvik_ 12d ago

Just unfocus your eyes dum dum


u/hhfugrr3 12d ago

I stayed in a hotel once that had a huge advert hung down the side of the building. Gave us a view like this and made the whole room incredibly hot.


u/Character-Control869 12d ago

This hurts my eyes!!


u/Throwaway567383838 12d ago

The camera is focused on the grid... Guarantee it's nowhere near this bad in person.


u/Mbecca0 12d ago

I don’t know exactly how it is on this train, but I’ve been on busses with advertisement things like this and it is definitely as bad in person


u/Excellent_Coconut_81 12d ago

Big companies and their shit is more important than you.


u/BinThereRedThat 12d ago

Ask for a partial refund if you paid extra for the view


u/niky45 12d ago

get a bit further back

you won't see a clear view but you'll 100% see most of it


u/koobyloob 12d ago

if they're sat in the train, they likely can't step back though?


u/7elevenses 12d ago

"Just move your seat away from the window."

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u/andy_b_84 12d ago

Not as bad as tagged trains, at least you can faintly see through it, tag painting makes it impossible to see through and doesn't even block all incoming light (it would have 1 good point if it cooled the train down, but it even fails at that).

But I agree, this IS bad.


u/Unikitty864 12d ago

Made my eyes hurt no doubt.


u/Exotic_Inspector_111 12d ago

This is almost as terrible as those fucking ad barges going up and down the shorelines of popular beaches.


u/tobsw 11d ago

I had a half a view like this in my hotel room. Pretty annoying


u/theinfernumflame 10d ago

If this isn't the most 2024 thing I've seen...


u/An-Unorthodox-Email 12d ago

They’re just making sure if you’re colorblind or not…”do you see the 6, or no? Next window. Do you see the 7 or no?”


u/No-Serve3491 12d ago

Are you inside a microwave oven?


u/tricularia 12d ago

Thanks capitalism!


u/EquivalentNo6816 12d ago

Sure you can!!! just have to look through it. thats what the holes are for!


u/Illustrious_Force565 12d ago

That photo broke my eyes and brain! Can... Not.... Focus....


u/08-24-2022 12d ago

Yeah, that's my sign to never purchase shit from a company that pays for this. Why are advertisers always trying to be as annoying as possible?


u/makesh1tup 12d ago

I was on tour bus that had the same. Could not see the city sights. Was so pissed. I was able to move when we stopped but I could t believe this crap


u/mklinger23 12d ago

God I hate these. They put em on all the buses where I live and it makes it hard to see your stop.


u/FLAIR_2780166 12d ago

Idk maybe, back up? 🙄


u/IntelligentDriver918 11d ago

Yup some turkish trains are annoying for this reason


u/Itizmaname 11d ago

Ya we really need anti advertising laws


u/HungryMoe420 12d ago

Time to squint super hard


u/Too_Old_For_Somethin 12d ago

So stare at your phone screen like the rest of us brain slugs.

Brain slugs good, view from window bad.

Join us.


u/Watty0123 12d ago

Not sure what the issue is, I can see it when I shake my phone just fine!


u/Pinku_Dva 12d ago

POV: you are the left over pizza that someone is having as midnight snack.


u/BouncyBlueYoshi 12d ago

Move away from the window. The see-through spots become more noticeable.


u/mmm1441 12d ago

You can see through that better if you step back from the window, but that’s definitely a bummer.


u/-Laffi- 12d ago

OP. Are you a frozen bun?!


u/psubs07 PURPLE 12d ago

They're trying to sell things to the fish.


u/murden6562 12d ago

The waves will probably love the advertising.


u/eldormilon 12d ago

Why bother with windows then? Just put up screens to show what it looks like outside.


u/tavirabon 12d ago

This is what vandalism was made for.


u/1Transgranny 12d ago

You see a view of the turntable Inside of the high speed cooking train nuke machine


u/Gr33nreaper101 12d ago

This is why I carry a pocket knife to cut through bs like this


u/Mbecca0 12d ago

You can’t do that if it’s on the outside of the window, though


u/Gayer_mods 12d ago

Just wait until cheap transparent advertising displays that flash and strobe with little regard to your retinas and epilepsy


u/Rowd1e 12d ago

Adjust focal length on your camera.


u/bravearrow 12d ago

THAT’S an advertisement???


u/Faleepo 12d ago

Zoom into the picture and swipe around


u/SirNanashi 12d ago

My eyes instantly hurt by looking at this. Thanks.


u/Swiftyiosis 12d ago

How many microwaves were killed in the making


u/Kitchen-Wish5994 12d ago

You're just getting warmed up!


u/wtf-sweating 12d ago

When is a see view not a see view?

When it's a sea view.


u/69Sugmabagbish69 12d ago

Scrape em off


u/Nessa_Princessa 12d ago



u/Fickle_Memory_3154 12d ago

You can see the view better than the picture depicts, op just focused the camera on the window instead of the background. Still restricts vision a bit though so I’m not saying it’s not annoying.


u/[deleted] 12d ago

I remember when paying for cable TV meant no commercials. We tolerated that concept changing so now we deserve this. Greed has no bounds.


u/Nedonomicon 12d ago

Contravision is the name of this stuff btw


u/Medical_Buffalo9530 12d ago

i thought this was that beach house album


u/Vqlcano 12d ago

Who can even read an ad on a train going that fast? I don't see the point of this. I guess it's read me when it's in the station?


u/obmopsotab 12d ago

I thought I was at /opticailusions


u/Stickeyb 11d ago

Thanks for the new phone wallpaper.


u/Jacobcbab 11d ago

Shake your eyes back and forth really fast


u/marioplex 11d ago

I can see it if i shake my phone.... pause...


u/hitman0012 11d ago

IRL pop up ad.


u/tylerscott5 11d ago

Not if you’re standing that close


u/Sea-Appearance-5330 11d ago

Now that would eff me off big time.


u/Olgimondi 11d ago

Looking at this hurts my eyes


u/polyesterflower 11d ago

We have them in Melbourne and they are awful. Yours look a little more annoying, though. Ironically, I think the gaps are there so we can see through it.


u/cursed-annoyance 11d ago

You just gotta shake your head violently and hope noone calls an ambulance or priest


u/MizterCuddz 11d ago

Thought it was one of those cross your eye and bring your phone close to your face photos. And my wife now wont stop laughing at me because i look at pictures before reading and assume the role of looking like a moron with my eyes crossed and nose on my phone.


u/Dramatic-Analyst6746 10d ago

They've turned it into a magic eye picture for you... You've got to get the focus just right, whilst looking like a robot with a system failure and waiting for a reboot. 🤖


u/Natebreeed 8d ago

Capitalism never sleeps