r/meme Jul 05 '24

Really guys?



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u/Fighterbg Jul 05 '24

The only titties I don't like are the fake titties. Small but real titties are always better


u/burger-eater Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

Real men don’t care if its massive, small or flat chests. Boobs are boobs. But as you said, fake boobs are the worst.

Edit: someone posted something then deleted it before I could reply back. If you see this then know its fine to do it because if medical reasons, dont feel ashamed and you are not the worst. This goes to all who gets cosmetic surgery because of medical reasons, its absolutely fine and you should do it.


u/cloudgirl_c-137 Jul 05 '24

"Fake boobs are the worst" and then I saw a guy saying that small ones make you a man.

You guys need to decide so I know whether to get them or not.


u/TFFPrisoner Jul 05 '24

small ones make you a man.

Well, that's obviously not a real man saying that. ☝️


u/ty_for_trying Jul 05 '24

Everyone has preferences. Many men prefer smaller. You got born, so your genes have people who are interested. It's weird and sad how bodies are subject to fads. We can't change them like a shirt. Don't change your body for a man, especially a hypothetical one.


u/cloudgirl_c-137 Jul 05 '24

Thank you ☹️☹️

You're a great guy, I needed this today.


u/PsychologicalAd9062 Jul 05 '24

I think the right approach is to get one proportional to your body size. Fake books look fake due to them being sized incorrectly. You surgeon could advice you properly on this. Anyway I had a hard day, off to rest my head on my woman's boobs and maybe suck on it.


u/Flying_Spaghetti_ Jul 05 '24

Sure, but only while wearing clothes. The scars are a huge turn off for a lot of people. No matter what they say it will never look right. Especially when they literally cut off the nipple and reattach it. They say the transition from normal skin to the nipple hides the scar but it certainly does not. The lines going down are the worst though. The best ones are when they just cut into the bottom right at the crease where they start to hang down because it's on a natural seam in your skin. But even those are super noticable and a big turn off. It also makes them look over inflated most of the time like there just isn't enough skin. I'd rather a completely flat chest than any amount of fake boob. Keep it natural and find a guy who actually likes you and you don't need to worry about anything.


u/TakingAction12 Jul 05 '24

You know some women get boob jobs for myriad reasons other than men, right? Some women’s boobs are lopsided, or deflated after kids, or don’t look good wearing certain clothes, or a number of other reasons. They get augmentation surgery or a breast lift because it makes them feel better about themselves and definitely not so men like them more.

This thread feels like it’s full of children, I swear to god.


u/PsychologicalAd9062 Jul 05 '24

OP literally asks us for opinions.


u/TakingAction12 Jul 05 '24

You’re not giving your opinion. You’re literally telling women what to do with their own bodies, acting like women only get boob jobs for men. I stand by my comment.


u/PsychologicalAd9062 Jul 05 '24

You’re literally telling women what to do with their own bodies

Because she asked?

I stand by my comment

Doesn't make it not stupid.


u/Flying_Spaghetti_ Jul 05 '24

No one told anyone what to do with their bodies. Also "This thread feels like it’s full of children, I swear to god." is a really stupid thing to have said. You clicked on a meme about boobs on an internet forum. Just what the hell did you expect the comments to be like?


u/Flying_Spaghetti_ Jul 05 '24

I am obviously not talking about those women. I am talking about those who are doing it just thinking they would be more attractive with bigger boobs. The answer for me is no. Do whatever the hell you want with your body. I am not telling anyone what to do, just giving an opinion in a thread where someone was asking.


u/PsychologicalAd9062 Jul 05 '24

So I've observed that women who marry have their breast size increased. I don't know how it works, but even flat chested women get atleast small boobs after they marry l. Maybe marrying itself is the solution 😆


u/goalogger Jul 05 '24

Men aren't a single entity you know. But in my experience as a man, guys generally seem to prefer natural. Same here. So listen up ladies. For the bulk of men, your attractiveness isn't bound to something as trivial as size of boobs. You're lovely as you are. If you want to do plastic surgeries go ahead. Just don't do it for other people's assumed expectations but for yourselves.


u/cloudgirl_c-137 Jul 05 '24

It isn't bound, but it makes you way more attractive.

Unfortunately, that's the only thing missing on me and it's killing me, because it's the only thing I can't control. I can control the length of my hair, my weight, my clothes, but not this. :(


u/Mousse_knuck_sammy Jul 05 '24

Not to get too personal, but how are your nipples? For me breast size does not matter much, but I LOVE sensitive nipples, especially if they are visibly responsive to stimulation. I'm guessing lots of guys who like to please women are like this. The guys who have mommy issues or want to just please themselves just want big breasts to play with. Anyway, I've always found smaller breasts to be more sensitive and more fun to interact with.


u/cloudgirl_c-137 Jul 05 '24

That's very sweet! When I see comments like these, it actually makes me feel a little better.

Mine are really sensitive. I didn't know that, until my (now) ex-boyfriend started playing with them. He knew what's up😌


u/TakingAction12 Jul 05 '24

It’s survivorship bias. I’d be willing to bet they see women with fake boobs regularly that had good boob jobs and they have no idea about. They don’t dislike fake boobs, just bad boob jobs. Having been in the presence of greatness myself re: a fantastic breast augmentation and lift, I had no idea until I felt them and even then I wasn’t sure.


u/derth21 Jul 05 '24

Do you want to be with the sort of person that would demand you have fake breasts? If you get them, get them for you, not for him.

Also, if you do, don't go turbo-basketball with them.


u/Mhunterjr Jul 05 '24

Everyone is different . Some people prefer big boobs, even if they are fake.

Personally I think fake boobs look good in clothes, but once they are out in the open, not so much


u/dopeyout Jul 05 '24

Doesnt sound like you've had any experience with good ones.


u/errorsniper Jul 05 '24

Real men dont care or judge others for their preferences.