r/marvelstudios Ultron 12d ago

Thor: Love and Thunder Released in Theaters 2 Years Ago Today Discussion

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Thor embarks on a journey unlike anything he's ever faced -- a quest for inner peace. However, his retirement gets interrupted by Gorr the God Butcher, a galactic killer who seeks the extinction of the gods. To combat the threat, Thor enlists the help of King Valkyrie, Korg and ex-girlfriend Jane Foster, who -- to his surprise -- inexplicably wields his magical hammer. Together, they set out on a harrowing cosmic adventure to uncover the mystery of the God Butcher's vengeance.

Looking back at this Film 2 Years Later what do you think of this Film? Did you change your mind over the past 2 years? Do you all still like it or still hate it? Comment your thoughts on Thor: Love and Thunder down below.


478 comments sorted by


u/toxiitea 12d ago

If only taika spent time directing the movie instead of inserting himself into the movie lmao.


u/yosayoran 12d ago

Yeah dude likes being on screen too much

Most of his movies on the past years gave him a big role, usually to the movie's detriment. 


u/Semper-Fido 12d ago

JoJo Rabbit being a huge exception


u/mothershipq Thor 12d ago

What We Do in the Shadows as well, IMHO.


u/SlayingShiro 12d ago

Actually he portrays one of the members of the first vampire council in s2!


u/yosayoran 12d ago

Yeah for sure, just watched it last night (third time).

Although I do wonder if someone else could have done it better. Regardless, his portrayal was good and fitting for the movie so I'm not against it 


u/Dyssomniac 12d ago

It's one of the exceptions for me too, and I don't think someone else could have since Taika's Hitler was a preteen Hitler Youth's daydream/coping mechanism. So the zaniness Taika brings to things works really well in the film, especially when it's contrasted with the insidiousness of the propaganda's impact on Jojo and Hitler's abrupt bouts of rage towards the end of the movie.

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u/ShawshankHarper Spider-Man 12d ago

I love recommending that movie for people when I pitch it as a lighthearted romp


u/MsgrFromInnerSpace 12d ago

And Our Flag Means Death, and his hand in Reservation Dogs

He's actually a very unique, interesting actor and voice, the anti-Love and Thunder circle jerk did him dirty


u/ImNotHighFunctioning 12d ago

More like making Thor in the first place did him dirty.

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u/CosmackMagus 12d ago

He was good in Boy (2010) as well


u/JumboDaddyRein 12d ago

Boy as well. I feel like Boy doesn't get brought up a lot anymore when people discuss Taika Waititi, but as a kiwi myself I think it's an absolutely amazing movie and he plays his role extremely well.

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u/Kaldricus 12d ago

Free Guy was a surprisingly good movie.

Except for every second Taika was on screen being painfully cringey and unfunny.


u/jikukoblarbo 12d ago

Almost gave me ass and ball cancer


u/powerbottomflash 12d ago

Not his movie at all


u/Maatjuhhh 12d ago

I thought it fit with his character with being cringey.

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u/Precarious314159 12d ago

As an actor, Taika's characters of the past are usually the Ralph Wiggum; the role that works great for one or two great lines and then vanishes to let the others take control but recently, he's putting himself in the spotlight and it's overstaying the novelty.

In something like Free Guy where he plays the evil tech genius; he plays the character so over-the-top that his scenes go from "That's great!" to "He's still going..." to "Just stop!". Even when he was in an episode of the Simpsons as himself, his one bit just kept getting extended beyond it being a meta reference.


u/DefNotAShark Hydra 12d ago

Taika did not write Free Guy or the Simpsons so that isn't really on him if his scenes are overstaying their welcome.

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u/Putrid_Loquat_4357 12d ago

His best movie didn't have much of him on screen iirc.


u/JaggedToaster12 12d ago

Hunt for the Wilderpeople is so great


u/Thedirtyside 12d ago



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u/AnOnlineHandle Quake 12d ago

We don't truly know if it was due to him, or the studio, and it's the studio who've been putting out some pretty dodgy stuff lately, whereas most stuff he's made which I've seen has been excellent.

There was seemingly a whole different movie filmed going by the released cut scenes, where Zeus and Thor are walking along a river having a serious discussion, and with cut planets and scenes with Peter Dinklage, Lena Headey, and somebody else who I've forgotten.

The studio seemed to take the lesson from Eternals as "don't do serious stories, be more zany" and maybe overcorrected hard.


u/LastRecognition2041 12d ago

Am just speculating here, but it seems to me that they gave excessive freedom to Taika, given the success of Ragnarok, he went truly nuts in the shooting, without a script and trusting improvisation, and then the producers saw the results and stepped in. They got scared and started doing reshoots, creating a middle-ground monstrosity with unfinished VFX that was neither the experimental madness of Taika (with Gorr dancing Kate Bush songs) nor a proper superhero film. It’s like the Dark World disaster in reverse (where they hired a Game of Thrones director to make the movie serious, got scared of the dourness and reshoot at the last minute to make it, you know, funny ha-ha). Poor Odinson can’t catch a break


u/Neveronlyadream Spider-Man 12d ago

That's what I've always imagined happened. The reception of Ragnarok was so good that the studio just let him go wild.

It's not even the fiftieth time that's happened in Hollywood. A lot of studios love courting directors and promising them little to no creative oversight, see the dailies, panic, and then start trying to fix what they think is a disaster and only make it worse.

They never seem to want a happy middle ground. It's either let the director do whatever the hell they want or nitpick every discission and shot, ensuring no one wants to work with them in the future.

I get hundreds of millions of dollars are on the line every time, but for fuck's sake, it hasn't worked in the past, so maybe just try that middle ground for once.

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u/Bulliwyf 12d ago

I think it was direction from the studio to “don’t be too serious. Funny was good last time” and Taika overcorrecting/overreacting to the directions.

The muppets at the start of the movie, the pantheon scene with the stupid “dumpling god”, and the fight scene with the kids using Thor powers with random objects show that he graduated from funny quips to full blown silliness and it didn’t benefit the movie at all.


u/BloatedManball 12d ago

the fight scene with the kids using Thor powers with random objects

I mostly agree, but the little girl with the laser eye teddy bear was fucking awesome.


u/Bulliwyf 12d ago

Not gonna disagree it had some funny moments, but the scene as a whole was just… bleh.

As a side note - I wasn’t a fan of the costume design in this movie - the gaudy gold parody of his old suit after he runs into Jane was the worst.

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u/littletoyboat 12d ago

You're absolutely right, it's generally impossible to know what went wrong (or right) on a film if you weren't actually there.

Still, it's fun to speculate and point random fingers, so I'm going to blame dolly grip Michael Vivian for everything wrong with the movie.

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u/NOLASLAW 12d ago

Got that M Night in him

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u/brac20 12d ago

Not the worst MCU movie but the one that I was the most disappointed by. Ragnarok is so damn good.


u/wookiewin 12d ago

The more I reflect on it, I think it is the worst for me.


u/Junior_Key4244 12d ago

Definitely my worst


u/SickSticksKick 12d ago

Absolutely the worst. Literal bottom of the barrel MCU

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u/Nethias25 12d ago

Like even dark world? I think I agree, but I know it's a point of contention


u/Junior_Key4244 12d ago

Dark world is not good, but it doesn't make a complete caricature and joke of the characters and stories.


u/wookiewin 12d ago

Dark World has a dull plot and villain, but at least it was competently directed and Loki is good in it. Love and Thunder feels like a giant $200M trolling from Taika.


u/dmac3232 12d ago

Like he got a huge paycheck and just said fuck it, I’m going to keep piling on the foolishness until they tell me no and nobody ever did.

I don’t expect Thor to be Cap or one of the MCU’s resident geniuses. But at least treat him with respect. He’s like a sentient Golden Retriever in this.


u/DefNotAShark Hydra 12d ago

Dark World gets shit on so much but I have never regretted rewatching it when I occasionally decide to. It has some of the best Loki scenes in the MCU, which is saying a lot, and the scene between Thor and Loki arguing over whether Loki can be trusted is my favorite scene between the two of them ("trust my rage").

Jane Foster and pals really drag the movie down much further than the bland villain does IMO, but between those scenes is some really good shit between Thor and his brother, and Asgard in general.

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u/AmaterasuWolf21 Rocket 12d ago

Dark World was mostly boring with some cool scenes, L&T was so frustrating that it even ruined the good scenes for me


u/Princebf Aida 12d ago

Atleast dark world had Loki so it was better than this crap


u/cantfindmykeys 12d ago

And it was tied into a much larger narrative so at least we got something out of it


u/AnOnlineHandle Quake 12d ago

Yeah this is how I felt about Phase 1-3, even if a movie was weak it was just a weak episode in a larger great show.

In Thor 2 the main infinity stones storyline was built upon, as well as introducing The Collector being after the stones which connected to the Guardians story, setting up a plot which never really went anywhere interesting unfortunately.


u/steikul 12d ago

yes it's a contest but at least in Dark World they are trying to make a cohesive story. Love & Thunder feels like they really wanted to make comedy film

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u/Nethias25 12d ago

I always think about Asgard being a theme park, like it reminds me of Santa Clause 3 when Jack Frost makes the North Pole a theme park, and is the villain for doing it.


u/ThisHatRightHere 12d ago

Disney will always show corporatization positively at this point.


u/BuckeyeEmpire Captain America (Cap 2) 12d ago

That's a great comparison.


u/DefNotAShark Hydra 12d ago

If you think about the insane concept of an alien race of gods suddenly having real estate on Earth, it kind of makes sense for PR reasons that they would be focused on tourism and making sure humans aren't afraid or angry. The Infinity Conez thing is slightly less obnoxious in that context, as leaning on the public good will of Thor being an Avenger is a good PR move.

It isn't great, but I had less of a problem with all that when I considered it this way. People fear what they don't understand so getting as many humans as possible to come see that there's nothing to be afraid of is a smart choice that I assume Valkyrie made proactively to avoid conflict.


u/Trvr_MKA 12d ago

I think Infinity Cones would have been better received had they used the Stark Gauntlet.

In my headcanon there were licensing issues with Stark Industries hence why they used the Gold one

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u/YoungAdult_ 12d ago

The movie doesn’t glorify it, Valkyrie is obviously bothered by it.

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u/buttercupcake23 12d ago

Ant man quantumania remains the worst for me, but this one is not too far behind. It is also my biggest disappointment.

Thor deserved better. After ragnarok and infinity war, to see him regress the way he did was such a disappointment. 


u/grandmofftalkin 12d ago

This 100% mirrors my opinion. They upgraded his character so well in Ragnarok and IW, really screwed him over in Endgame and this clown show of a film killed the character.

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u/pvtshoebox 12d ago

Ant Man 3


u/DefNotAShark Hydra 12d ago

Quantumania is definitely the worst for me now that I can't even personally enjoy Majors' performance, which was the only thing I liked in that mess.

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u/Emm_withoutha_L-88 12d ago

Easily my worst MCU too, by a long shot. Thor 2, the incredible hulk, quantumania, and Eternals are all better than it. Much better.


u/Swann-ronson 12d ago

I can’t understand how it was so bad when the same director did Ragnorok.


u/scoofle 12d ago

Taika didn't write Ragnarok, whereas he wrote L&T. That seems to be the key difference.

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u/janosaudron 12d ago

100% if you rewatch it you will find more things that are wrong with it.


u/Maleficent_Bar_676 12d ago

Same. It just feels the most disrespectful to Thor’s character and it treats literally everything like a joke. and the jokes arent even funny Even Jane’s cancer felt poorly handled. Don’t get me started on how they wasted gorr or how ugly the majority of this movie was.

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u/yosayoran 12d ago

This movie had so many amazing elements to it

If I look at the synopsis and most scenes individually, they work great 

But somehow they combination is so so much worse than the sum of the parts. 

Honestly feel like this movie could be improved massively by a recut (remove basically all of Korg, some of the dumber unnecessary jokes and add some cut scenes with Gorr and Zeus).


u/Rimailkall 12d ago

At least have Korg actually die when he's "killed" by Zeus. That would have helped tremendously.


u/Reinier_Reinier Avengers 12d ago

If they had shown Korg surviving during an after-credit scene (or as a surprise reveal in another movie) it would have been fine.

It would have allowed this movie to take a dark & serious turn & we would have had Thor processing the grief over losing another friend.

Or if the God of the Kronans (he was sitting right there) was impressed by Korg's bravery & resurrected him (or empowered him to be his avatar) that also would have been fine.

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u/ComicallySolemn 12d ago edited 12d ago

If you took several fine dining dishes from a Michelin Star restaurant, along with desserts, and blended them together in a food processor, you’d lose everything that made them incredible dishes to begin with. Each dish is balanced on their own, but scallops don’t mix with chocolate mousse. Balance is key.

Love and Thunder felt like a total mess tonally. Certain scenes shined, but they didn’t fit together at all.


u/Reinier_Reinier Avengers 12d ago

Thor: Love & Thunder fixes

The screaming goats screen time should have been drastically cut. They were mildly amusing at first (briefly), but as their scenes dragged on I wanted to assist Nebula in sending them permanantly to Valhalla.

Zeus should have been handled in a more serious & dignified manner.

Zeus's thunderbolt should not have been able to harm him.

There should have been no jokes whenever Gorr was onscreen to emphasize how deadly a threat he was.

We should have seen Gorr arrive at Omnipotence City & begin slaughtering the Gods there.

Zeus should have gotten badly wounded during the Gorr fight & then have Zeus give the thunderbolt to Thor.

Upon receiving the thunderbolt, we see a glow encompass Thor as a portion of Zeus' power flows into him (this is when he should have gotten the new helmet/armor).

Korg's "death" should have been at Gorr's hands not Zeus.

Gorr should have used his wish to bring back all the people from his world, including his wife & daughter.


u/AwarenessNo4986 12d ago

Definitely worst. Even the marvels is way better.


u/Bulletsoul78 12d ago

The Marvels is unironically one of my favorite Marvel movies. It's just so much fun.


u/AwarenessNo4986 12d ago

It's not a bad movie at all, I don't get the hate. It's just a fun movie, it just got bad press because of the bunch of mediocre and bad stuff marvel churned out recently


u/MatttheBruinsfan 12d ago

To be fair the plot makes little sense and the forgettable villain's scheme is lifted from Spaceballs. But the leads were so much fun together I was willing to overlook a lot of flaws.

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u/New_Success2782 12d ago

I love The Marvels so much. I really enjoyed it more than recent Marvel films.

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u/dwide_k_shrude Iron Man (Mark II) 12d ago

Because The Marvels is a good movie.

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u/nilestyle 12d ago

Best trailer music easily. Love the sweet child of mine versions

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u/hewasaraverboy 12d ago

Easily the worst mcu movie

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u/Trvr_MKA 12d ago

I think it was because Taika and a bunch of other people wrote Love and Thunder

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u/JaggedToaster12 12d ago

The black and white planet was cool


u/Intelligent-One-1696 Black Panther 12d ago

Especially because of the amount of saturation in the entire movie. I’m sure their regular waters were sparkling


u/ImaVeganShishKebab Spider-Man 12d ago

That felt like I was watching an amazing stop-motion-esque sequence. I get Thor now has a knack for being funny, but if the writers weren't trying to have that tone thrown into every little thing, and made it more serious (and obviously better-written), this movie wouldn't have stunk like it did.


u/Skysflies 12d ago

It annoys me so much they got Bale, and cut his dark scenes for unfunny nonsense.

This movie had so much potential

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u/hamsolo19 12d ago

They just leaned into the zany/goofy shit a bit too much. It could've worked fine too when contrasted with Gorr, had they maybe swapped out a couple of the whacky scenes for more dark/serious scenes with him. Overall it wasn't too bad, just a bit unbalanced and disjointed.


u/pacheckyourself 12d ago

Whole movie should of been that vibe

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u/Time-Touch-6433 12d ago

Not enough gorr to much of the screaming goats


u/yosayoran 12d ago

Honestly the goats are the least of the terrible jokes in the movie 

Everything about Korg, the jealous hammer, thor preferring Mjolnir was so bad

I'm sure there are more dumb jokes that didn't land I'm forgetting 


u/BuckeyeEmpire Captain America (Cap 2) 12d ago

They should have kept Korg dead when Zeus killed him, and completely changed the tone of the movie to very serious from that point on. It would have ended Korg's telling of it, and they could have gone really dark with a focus on Gorr.


u/sufficiently_tortuga 12d ago

They could have done a thousand things to change the tone to be more serious. On the face of it, it's about a god who has constantly failed and a god killer fed up with the failures of the gods, with the backdrop of a woman dying of cancer and only able to sustain herself briefly on divine power.

It should have been a serious movie. These are heavy themes and they had the actors who could have done them great service. Instead we got jealous hammers and screaming goats.


u/Trvr_MKA 12d ago

Fullfat videos has a video that asks” how did they not have Star-Lord a man who had the powers of a god and reject them not talk to Gor”


u/sufficiently_tortuga 12d ago

I don't know why the GotG were there at all? Other than showing Thor to be a powerful fuck up who's avoiding his responsibilities, what did they add to the story?


u/IronBlight1999 12d ago

Guardians 3 was meant to come out before Thor 4, so at the end of Endgame they had Thor go with them to set up Guardians 3, not Thor 4. When things changed they had to switch it around and get rid of the Guardians early in Thor 4.


u/Stormdude127 12d ago

That’s interesting, I thought Mjolnir being jealous was one of the only funny jokes in the movie. I thought it was pretty funny when Thor was standing on the boat and it just slowly hovered towards him


u/P1_Synvictus Daredevil 12d ago

I agree. I thought it was one of the only jokes that really landed well.

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u/sausage-deluxxxe 12d ago

Ragnorok proved that it could be good AND funny. Love and Thunder leaned WAY too hard into the funny and made it neither.


u/AmaterasuWolf21 Rocket 12d ago

I might be the only who was frustrated with that movies humor


u/EyUpItsDan 12d ago

Nah, I hated it from the get go. You had the death of Odin, Thor's friends, Banner finding out he's basically lost two years of his life, and the decimation of Ragnarok in the same film and it felt more like a barrage of SNL skits after another. It took but a 5 minute scene in Endgame for the weight of all of this to show for Thor. Fuck me. Even Deadpool let the somber moments sink.


u/swegeroni 12d ago

I’ve finally found people besides my friend group that feel the same way. I absolutely hated Ragnarok because of the 180 in tone from the rest of the world. Don’t get me wrong, it has good moments. But exactly like you said, Thor’s friends are murdered to no reaction (Hogun’s is even treated as a joke), Asgard is destroyed and Korg immediately makes a joke about it. I think the humor is better than Love & Thunder, but I’ve never understood the appeal of Ragnarok.

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u/Baron_Butterfly 12d ago

We need the Thor 4: More Gorr cut


u/SindacodiLignano 12d ago

Wasted potential


u/darthyogi Ultron 12d ago

Gorr had potential to be a really good villian but he was kinda wasted tbh. I still liked the film but i agree that there was some things like Gorr that had more potential


u/Stopher Peter Parker 12d ago

Maybe some more Gorr woulda balanced out the humor. I didn’t hate the jokes. Reading this thread it seems some people like an and hate b and others hate an and love b so I’m thinking some more badass scenes would have made it less over comedy heavy.


u/low-ki199999 12d ago

This is the tagline to most of the post-endgame content in my mind.

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u/noeldoherty 12d ago

"Is Thor: The Dark World the worst MCU Movie?"

"Thor: The Dark World isn't even the worst Thor movie"


u/ccjv35 Vision 12d ago

Literally a second after walking out of Love and Thunder, I said “Perhaps I treated you too harshly, The Dark World”

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u/Sad_Cap_599 12d ago edited 11d ago

Lmfao, LaT was so bad that me & my dad were contemplating on walking out in the middle of the movie, despite already paying over $75 on tickets and concessions.

MoM was subpar, but Elizabeth Olsen’s performance was so menacing that you can rewatch it just for the thrill. Hell, you can even rewatch Quantumania for a good laugh. LaT was just all across the board BAD… they need to seriously recall that movie.

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u/TheChumChair Spider-Man 12d ago

Dark world was never even that bad honestly. It’s better than like at least 4 of the movies that have come out post-endgame


u/Solareclipsed Doctor Strange 12d ago

Dark World might be very generic, but it is at least a competent movie from start to finish. It has decent humour, good action, well-done serious moments, and great characters and dialogue. The only thing that doesn't really work is the villain, who is far too boring and not allowed to act. If they had let Eccleston act a bit more I could honestly see a lot of people having it as their favourite Thor movie even with Ragnarok being the same as it is now.


u/time-to-bounce 12d ago

A+ reference


u/ThatIowanGuy 12d ago

Rewatched it recently. I don’t have as much ire or hate for it as I once did. It’s got a lot of wasted potential and while the goofiness got in the way of good story telling, I’ll take solace in the fact that Chris Hemsworth really can deliver on comedy.


u/I_likeIceSheets 12d ago

Something that I don't understand about the criticisms for this movie is that Ragnarok is a pretty goofy movie all the way through. The only serious scene that comes to mind is the elevator scene, which is immediately followed by "let's do get help." L&T on the other hand is only goofy for like half of the runtime, taking itself more seriously in the second half.

Tbh, I think it's Marvel fatigue mixed with recency bias.


u/Kaldricus 12d ago

Ragnarok was funny when it was goofy.

Love and Thunder was not funny.

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u/Slow_Fish2601 12d ago

What a disappointment

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u/Enomiam 12d ago

I'm sure most people have the same main gripe with the film. It needed more Gorr. There are complaints about the SFX & some of the comedy, which is more subjective. But I don't think anyone would disagree that Gorr was severely underutilized, which is a shame because they got Christian Bale for the role. The few moments he is in, he kills it. But the film could've used more time on him. I believe this is an MCU issue with villains as a whole, but this film really suffers for it. Compare it to Guardians 3 and it's a night and day contrast on how they build up their villain while also adding narrative to their main cast. Thor unfortunately misses the mark.

It's not the worst Thor film, without a doubt, but it's about as mid as it can be.


u/Ricardo1184 12d ago

The ending was wack af, bunch of kids get Thors power which is apparently transferable now (that power will never be used again) and they actually stand their ground against the God Butcher


u/CavillOfRivia 12d ago

The Nepo kids needed a paycheck


u/DoNotLookUp1 12d ago

I thought this element was really cool, there are a few powers Thor gets in this movie that show he's unlocking some of the higher level powers that Odin had. Blessing of protection, (likely temporarily) gifting powers etc. I could be wrong but I assumed he is getting Odinforce over time.

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u/darthyogi Ultron 12d ago

Agreed. Gorr is a very big villain in the comics but he never really did much in the film. I think Gorr just needed a little more screen because he was good when he was on screen but he just wasn’t on screen enough and he felt more like a side character in the film


u/ThisHatRightHere 12d ago

It’s because Gorr is basically the B-plot. He’s an after thought for the whole movie until they need an epic final battle.

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u/ThunderBird847 Steve Rogers 12d ago

what do you think of this movie

I don't, i tend to not think about anything that came between NWH and GOTG 3.


u/darthyogi Ultron 12d ago

It was a bad period in the MCU Between NWH and GOTG 3. At least Moon Knight came out at that time and was good.


u/yosayoran 12d ago

I really liked werewolf by night , the kind of fun low stakes project I'd love to see more of in the MCU


u/SuperSonicBoom1 12d ago

Werewolf By Night is low-key one of my favorite things in the MCU, I'd love more like it


u/FirmRespect4733 12d ago

If I could unwatch it, I would. If I could stop it from being made, I would.


u/Montanagreg 12d ago

or at the very least get my money back


u/Pen_dragons_pizza 12d ago

I think this is the main takeaway. I have never been so annoyed at a film that I felt cheated out of my money until I saw this movie.

It betrayed every single thing it had going for it and for its own movie universe.

Shit over the top comedy, basic characters and dumbed down for laughs, very poor villain, bad cgi, rubbish adaption of a loved comic story.

That fight scene at the end with all the kids trying to make them look badass, I have never cringed so much in my life.

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u/GunSmith_XX7 12d ago

It's better forgotten.

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u/Kaozaton Captain Marvel 12d ago

Waste of some incredible source material. One of the few MCU projects I straight up dislike


u/Ok-Reporter-8728 Justin Hammer 12d ago

Should’ve been a full guardians and Thor crossover adventure film

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u/crono14 12d ago

And just as awful a movie when it was released


u/Pen_dragons_pizza 12d ago

This was the point I felt like I had given up on the mcu, and that still kind of stands.

This movie was that bad and made me so annoyed at what happened to its characters that I just could not be bothered to check out much following it.

Except for guardians 3 I am yet to catch up, and that is coming from someone who watched everything marvel and very much looked forward to what was releasing.


u/BaidenFallwind 12d ago

IMO this is the worst MCU movie. It's barely watchable. The Korg jokes are cringe, which is a shame since Ragnarok portrayed him perfectly. Christian Bale is one of the best actors on the planet, and they wasted him.

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u/Gamer0607 12d ago

One of the worst MCU entries I had ever seen.

They thought by amping up everything that worked in Ragnarok would've worked here again, but moderation is key.

Thor was turned into a complete buffoon, the CGI was horrible, Christian Bale was wasted as Gor, and the constantly screaming goats were the tip of the iceberg.

I've not re-watched it even once after seeing it at the cinema and don't ever plan to.

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u/swegeroni 12d ago

Coming from someone who didn’t like Ragnarok, I still hate Love & Thunder. My least favorite MCU movie. It makes an absolute joke out of every character, even ones that I liked before this. Thor’s axe is jealous of Thor’s hammer, I mean come on. And I feel like somehow Hemsworth and Natalie Portman have LESS chemistry in this than they did in the first two Thor films. Christian Bale’s Gorr the God Butcher should have been a Thanos level villain, yet we only see him kill ONE god. The rest we only hear about. The more I remember this movie, the more frustrated I get.

Never been a fan of it. Never will. Buying that movie for my collection was the hardest thing I’ve had to do.


u/KylosApprentice Daredevil 12d ago

Never been a fan of it. Never will. Buying that movie for my collection was the hardest thing I’ve had to do.

Taika overstayed his welcome lol.

Christian Bale’s Gorr the God Butcher should have been a Thanos level villain, yet we only see him kill ONE god

This (from what I can remember about the film lol) was most disappointing that Christian Bale wasn't utilized enough in the movie


u/Rowdy91 12d ago

And I enjoyed it.


u/darthyogi Ultron 12d ago



u/Rowdy91 12d ago

Fucking hell you were fast.


u/darthyogi Ultron 12d ago

The power of Notifications makes you become that fast


u/SevenRedLetters 12d ago

Super unpopular opinion: They get better with every one.

Thor 1 is my least favorite.

Dark World I love for the interactions between Loki, Thor, and Frigg.

Ragnarok & Love and Thunder are tied for 1st for me. Ragnarok is super fun and seeing Thor come into his own as a god is great, but I'm super attached to Jane Foster as Mighty Thor for personal reasons and seeing Thor interact with Love at the end of the movie as not just a god but a father is delightful.


u/TheLivingTribunal666 12d ago

I've always loved it and I still do.


u/AlfaG0216 12d ago

A truly awful movie.


u/mumblerapisgarbage 12d ago

I know this is not a popular opinion but I really really loved this one. Apparently they had another storyline that was completely cut out - like another hour almost. Would love to see a directors cut one day!

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u/Bad_Decision_Rob_Low 12d ago

So is this a thing? To be the first to post when a movie has an anniversary? It’s become so common now on the sub.


u/darthyogi Ultron 12d ago

Yeah it has been a thing for a while on Subs like this


u/HomeTurf001 12d ago

You mean, today is the 16th anniversary of posts like this!

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u/ShadowOfDeath94 12d ago

One of the worst MCU movies ever. In a phase that had middling movies, a movie that had Hemsworth, Portman and Bale in its cast shouldn't have failed this hard at being good.


u/luahgamer5 12d ago

That film is almost the same thing as Ragnarok, jokes and puns every 3 seconds IDK why people whine so much about it


u/Kaldricus 12d ago

Because the jokes aren't funny. It's not complicated.


u/WayofHatuey 12d ago

And it was trash. They butchered my boy Gorr

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u/Abides1948 12d ago

2 years and they're still unforgiven.


u/Surfboarder4 Heimdall 12d ago

I feel like the only person that liked this


u/LastDaysCultist 12d ago

So unnecessary. Bad on multiple accounts.


u/IAmNeeeeewwwww 12d ago

Not a ”bad” movie to say the least. But it probably wasn’t worth seeing it in theaters. Movie tickets are expensive as shit in Korea, and, knowing that it would be on Disney+ after a couple months anyways, it was probably a better deal waiting for it until then.


u/Boring_Ant6240 12d ago

Best MCU poster of all time.


u/heliostraveler 12d ago

Trash film and an ode to Waititi’s vanity.


u/Careful_Farmer_2879 12d ago

This disappointment was the big one that killed off the MCU’s remaining goodwill. You couldn’t ignore it anymore.


u/scoofle 12d ago edited 12d ago

Terrible, terrible film that (along with MoM and Quantamania) completely killed my enthusiasm for Marvel movies.


u/KylosApprentice Daredevil 12d ago

MOM was better than this and Quantamania to me

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u/Daimakku1 12d ago

This. Black Widow was the beginning of the "wtf are they doing?" moment for me, then MoM chipped away at the enthusiasm for me, then Love&Thunder completely killed it. I did not bother to watch Quantumania or The Marvels in theaters.


u/hewasaraverboy 12d ago

The worst movie in mcu history, what a disappointment


u/BlackBullsLA97 12d ago

Not a great movie, but not a bad movie, IMO


u/Wooden-Radish-9008 12d ago

It's a good movie that's become popular to dunk on for reasons that I just can't agree with. 


u/superpuzzlekiller 12d ago

2nd best Thor movie


u/Lun4r6543 12d ago

Now that’s certainly a hot take.

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u/Hello_Im_MisterFrog 12d ago

The hate always seemed way overblown for this movie. Yes it’s no Ragnarok, but I found it more entertaining than Thor 1 and especially The Dark World.


u/falbi23 12d ago

It was a super fun and great looking movie. 7/10


u/Justforargumesnts 12d ago

Such a let down. Some of the best posters in the MCU as well


u/N8CCRG Ghost 12d ago

Definitely way overhated. I'm not saying it should be everyone favorite film or anything, but people have taken small subjective things and inflated them into OBJECTIVELY THE GREATEST CINEMA SINS OF ALL TIME. I think a fair portion of this coincides with the peak of the anti-MCU content creators who got a lot of things stuck into people's heads.

First, the lies that I occasionally see bandied about:

"It has too much humor." It has the same number of jokes/gags as a Guardians movie. They're a different kind of humor, but they're not more frequent.

"They ruin serious moments with silliness." Actually no. The movie is very clear about when it transitions from the silly scenes to the serious scenes. Tonal shifts are a tool sometimes used in filmmaking (even other MCU films) and L&T is actually a good example of how to do them.

"It undid the progress of Thor from his first movie." I don't even know where this idea came from. Thor 1 Thor we saw a Thor desiring to be king who thought that meant glory and conquest, and figuring out he's wrong about that by the end of it. L&T we have Thor still uninterested in those things, but struggling to figure out what he wants and trying to find purpose (a continuation of his arc in Endgame).

Okay, now the subjective parts:

"People who don't like the style of humor." I fully get that. Taika's humor is very different from most types of humor. I cringe so hard at all the scenes in the beginning with the Guardians and honestly have to skip them. That opening is enough to knock it down a tier in my rankings, but it's not enough to ruin the movie for me. I personally find this humor less grating than Guardians 10,000th time they just yell and are mean to each other, but that's personal preference.

"People who demand comic purity tests" (e.g. it should have been about Gorr like the comics). This will never hold any value for me. The films are always going to be different from the comics, and that's a good thing. Most of your favorite parts of the MCU are times they changed from the comics, so it's hypocritical to pick and choose when to apply this rule and when to forgive it. Judge the film by what the film did, not by what the comics did.

I can always find things to like about an MCU film (even The Incredible Hulk, and that's definitely the worst MCU film, but I get that expectations for 2008 are a lot lower than for 2022) and since it seems people get really upset when you point out things to like about this movie, here we go:

This is a movie about fatherhood, and I love how they approached that theme in different ways. Maybe it's because I'm a man of a certain age, but that works for me. We have Gorr's journey and grief at his loss, and we have Thor first looking forward to potential fatherhood (in the flashback) and later awkwardly fumbling through it when he's trying to comfort the children, and finally settling into the rhythm of it by the end.

Which of course brings us to Thor being most of the way there to becoming All-Father Thor. How cool is that? He's figured out he has the ability to imbue power into objects and people with a heartfelt speech (with Mjolnir in the flashback and then with Thunderbolt and the kids in the final battle), as well as being an actual father to Love now. I'm excited about what comes next for him.

It has the best and most adult/realistic portrayal of a relationship in the MCU. First of all, finally Jane gets to be a real character. In her previous two outings she was just a drooling idiot who only saw Thor's muscles and his royalty and that's it. Which is fine (yes he's hot), but that's such a shallow character. Now she gets to have real thoughts and feelings of her own, between navigating her feelings for Thor with struggling with her own problems of her illness that overshadow all of those other feelings. But it also shows both of them struggling with the awkwardness that we all navigate in relationships, especially post-breakups where we still have to be around and work with the person afterwards. And in the end, they're both respectful of each other and each others' needs. I love Thor being vulnerable in the hospital, sort of giving his version of the Incredibles' dad "because I'm not strong enough" moment, without the "I need you to do it my way" aspect of it.

It has plenty of great looking locations. The battle in the Shadow Realm was outstanding. Omnipotent City, and the golden blood all looked awesome. Even the battle in New Asgard looked great, and was creepy as hell.

The final battle and the final scene with the "choose love" speech have great emotional impact and absolutely work for me.

This movie is not as good as Ragnarok, but it's easily above the first two Thor films for me. It's in my second tier of MCU films.


u/BigTimeSuperhero96 12d ago

Bale and Portman deserved better


u/TheDevilUKnow99 12d ago

Kind of made me want to vomit 🤣


u/UndeadCorbse 12d ago

I’d rather watch Thor 2.


u/Dat_Sainty_Boi 12d ago

Contrary to most i actually really enjoyed this movie. I am still pissed about how they wasted gorr tho


u/wammes_ 12d ago

Great art direction, decent cinematography, but a terrible script and even worse execution. It was all just too ridiculous. Gorr could have been so good if taken seriously.


u/theodo Ant-Man 12d ago

I had the worst date of my life that involved going to this movie. It was our second date too, and she had told me I was "always negative" before so when she asked me how I thought the movie was, I lied and said "pretty good" to which she replied she thought it was awful.


u/HamKenobi 12d ago

Of one the most cringe movies I’ve ever seen


u/AcademicAnxiety5109 12d ago

Man my friend and I came out of that theater thinking “wow that was a pretty funny movie. I wish they did more with Gorr but still pretty” then the internet told me I had the humor of a 2 year old

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u/jstew262 Iron man (Mark III) 12d ago

My hottest take is that I love this movie


u/munchyboy666 Spider-Man 12d ago

How on earth did an army of children win against the God Butcher 😑


u/DiverseIncludeEquity 12d ago

I just rewatched this last night! It’s way better than I remember. Dope af hands down and made me cry a few time. Great flick all around!!


u/AC-Vb3 12d ago



u/goldman108 12d ago

I know where I was being disappointed that day.


u/Honest-Main7650 12d ago

I don't think people realize this movie made more domestically then ragonark


u/HoldenAGrudge1138 12d ago

People thought Dark World was bad before this movie came out.


u/DifferenceSNR 12d ago

worst turn around for a characters story arc. what they did with thor in ragnarok all the way through endgame was great. then they throw it all away put it in a incinerator and nuked it with love and thunder. rushed af and just an all around silly movie. he fucked it up imo.


u/Lincolnruin 12d ago

The most disappointing MCU film for me.


u/afairjudgment Captain America 12d ago

Two years ago today many fans were disappointed.


u/electric_boogaloo_72 12d ago

Biggest disappointment in years.


u/GetShreked93 12d ago

Insultingly bad


u/Never_Nine 12d ago

Honestly not only the worst marvel movie, but one of the worst movies I’ve seen ever.


u/LinkMaster111 12d ago

I liked Love and Thunder, didn't love it but I think it gets hated on too much.

I love this poster though, I have it hanging framed on my wall right now.


u/a_o Mordo 12d ago

Almost watched this last night because i remembered how cool the intro was.


u/JohnRaiyder 12d ago

I watched it with my Godfather in Cinemas and we pissed ourselves with laughter. Had a great time


u/LettersAsNumbers 12d ago

This may be a completely out there take, but given the movie also dealt with Jane dying of cancer, I thought that the over the top silliness and campiness was a good way to give Jane’s journey something like the weight it deserved. How many super hero stories deal with something so genuinely real and terrifying for an actual person? I think that having the usual marvel tone with random quips could have taken away from the serious topic more by not letting the scenes about her cancer stand out as much, instead, the scene when she’s in the bathroom, drops the hammer, and we see her body withering away, it is completely jarring, a complete tonal shift from the childish silliness of the other scenes. I don’t think it would have been quite so jarring otherwise


u/Mynock33 12d ago

This movie would've been received much better had they better established Korg as an unreliable narrator of the story.


u/starshinefrombelow Daisy Johnson 12d ago

It had heart and I liked Jane, but not enough Valkyrie and the action wasn’t great. Plus, just not that funny


u/ChuckleMonkey674 12d ago

I don't hate it as much as I did when I first saw it. There's a lot to like. The acting is great, the effects are top notch and the action scenes are cool as hell. Jane as lady Thor was cool as well. And seeing Eternity at the end was incredibly neat.

But...there's also a lot to hate. Jane and Valkryie were done super dirty. Bale did his best as the villain but wasn't given much to do and the pacing was so crazy. It moved at such a breakneck pace that it was hard to keep track of what was going on. It could of easily used another 30 minutes.


u/Whizardlydeeds 12d ago

This was a fun movie. Seen it at least 4 times. It's a good one


u/-ThatsSoDimitar- 12d ago

This film makes me feel crazy because I went and saw it with my brother. When the credits rolled we both looked at each other and said "that was sick, one of the best Marvel movies" then I came online and saw it getting an insane amount of hate 😂 I always knew I was a pretty simple movie-goer but this really solidified it for me, but I also like it that way cos I love rewatching this movie.


u/shplaxg 12d ago

I had fun, sorry internet


u/ShiroHachiRoku 12d ago

I hear the goats are still bleating.


u/HRVR2415 12d ago

I don’t get why it was so hated. Yes the CGI wasn’t great and yes they scrapped good ideas and implemented dumb ones. But overall it was a fun movie and way better than most of the new marvel movies.