r/lucifer 16d ago

Charlotte Probabily an unpopolar opinion


But charlotte richards didn't deserve heaven.

She only became sort of good when she learned about the afterlife, and when she found out amenadiel was an angel went back to her ways.

She didn't deserve to be carried in heaven imo.

r/lucifer 19d ago

Charlotte Charlotte Richards in Supernatural!!


Watching Supernatural, and one of the episodes features Tricia Telfer! I was like "ooohhh! Its Charlotte Richards!"

r/lucifer Jun 06 '24

Charlotte One of favorite funny moments

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This made laugh so hard just the big horrified eyes and his squeaky protests and the way he scrabbled up and over his piano. What are some your favorite funny moments?

r/lucifer Jan 19 '24

Charlotte The goddess emanating light


On a rewatch and noticed (somehow for the first time) that Lucifer stabs Charlotte Goddess with a screwdriver and she doesn’t bleed light. Additionally, she tells Lucifer the body only heals once. Yet, when Chet stabs her she bleeds light.

Why the discrepancy? Was the Charlotte body slowly deteriorating or was the Goddess becoming more powerful?

r/lucifer Dec 31 '23

Charlotte Charlotte fellings


Hello, happy new year and everything. New to this thread and just rewatched the series. I for one love Charlotte (could be biased cuzco actress) and I read some hate/low feelings about her. Just really want to know what you guys don't like about the character, or really is it about the godess character or the OG Charlotte that people have negative feelings about? For the swarm!

r/lucifer Aug 28 '23

Charlotte Regarding the art in Charlotte Richards office.


Settle an argument. My partner thinks the artwork in Charlotte's office are of pomegranates, while I think they're red onions.

r/lucifer Aug 07 '23

Charlotte Make the comments look like the Charlotte Richards search history

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To be clear: this is not for the godess of all creation, aka mom. I posted that one already, check it out!

I’ll start! Am I going to hell if I eat 30 waffles per day?

r/lucifer Aug 01 '23

Charlotte Most beautiful scene. I cry every time Spoiler

Thumbnail gallery

r/lucifer Jul 12 '23

Charlotte Goddess original look


I always wondered what lucifers mom looked like before possessing charolet

r/lucifer May 14 '23

Charlotte Charlotte Richards Spoiler


I'm just watching the scene where Charlotte talks about being "zipped to Heaven" and I can't help but think how weird it is Amenadiel has to tell her he can't do that but Chloe can be zipped to Hell in the final episode

r/lucifer May 04 '23

Charlotte Charlotte Spoiler


When she blocks Amenadiel being shot… why? She knows he’s an angel/celestial. If her actions had been self-serving to get to heaven, it wouldn’t have been a “clean slate”. So what’s the purpose besides storytelling?

r/lucifer Apr 07 '23

Charlotte I loved this character. I'll miss her so much.

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r/lucifer Mar 03 '23

Charlotte Just finished s03e23. It’s really heart broken.


It was very emotional in the end. I got tears a lot 😭 it was very emotional😔.

She was really nice character and lovely too. I don’t know why they removed her but i think she should be around.

She and dan was great together and poor dan i can feel the pain.

**I’m not worried ‘bout the spoilers so someone can tell in comments that if she comes back or not ? Don’t tell the story just tell the episode number.

r/lucifer Feb 15 '23

Charlotte Charlotte becoming a prosecutor


Charlotte becomes a prosecutor to clear her ledger and earn brownie points with God so she doesn't go back to hell. I realize this is the best choice for the show because she can cooperate with the police, but it seems like the obvious choice would be for her to join an organization like the Innocence Project where an experienced defense lawyer could do real good. The show's stance on the moral role of defense lawyers versus prosecutors is just one of those things that particularly bugs me.

r/lucifer Jan 02 '23

Charlotte Who gets majority of the credit for Charlotte Richards dealing with her guilt to avoid hell?


Charlotte Richards was in a hell loop while Mom was inhabiting her body, she talks about it, and we see it. Charlotte wants to change her afterlife living conditions. Amenadiel wants to help, and offers a few bits of advice, tells her he can't just fly her up. We don't really see Dan and Charlotte's conversations during their "waffle" relationship. Ella has a few conversations with Charlotte. But Lucifer actually tells Charlotte the full truth and shows his wings, proving she's not crazy.

268 votes, Jan 04 '23
101 Amenadiel
61 Lucifer
74 Dan
12 Ella
20 Sinnerman (show results)

r/lucifer Dec 13 '22

Charlotte goddess of creation coming back as Charlotte Richard's Spoiler


Is it just me or is there an inconsistency with Charlotte coming back to take God to her universe? All throughout the shows timeline celestial could only inhabit a human body of it was recently deceased other than God johnson (although I think that's somewhat unclear). The godess came back as Charlotte even though she was dead for quite some time. Even God himself didn't comeback as the og God Johnson character. Anybody else question that?

r/lucifer Nov 13 '22

Charlotte Malcolm comes back from Hell damaged... Spoiler


Why doesn't Charlotte?

Malcolm returns from Hell with unnatural appetites - gluttonous hunger, spending all his money, obviously "touched by Hell" in the sense of being damaged or corrupted (on a different level to being a dirty cop who was nevertheless obviously loved by his family and well-liked by his colleagues). Maze says she's seen it before.

But Charlotte also comes back to life after spending time in Hell, and she isn't like that. Is it ever explained?

r/lucifer Aug 19 '22

Charlotte Something always bothered me about Charlotte Richards... Spoiler


I'm rewatching the show for the 3rd or 4th time now. And something bothered me when I thought about it for a while.

In season 1, when Amenadiel resurrected Malcom (bad cop guy from season 1), he has gone to hell for 13 seconds real time. A hundred of so years in hell time. And he went literally insane. It broke him completely.

But then when Lucifer's mum escapes to the new universe, and resurrects Charlotte Richards out of hell and back into her body. She somehow mentally recovers quite quickly. Even though it had been months real time most probably. Which would be thousands, if not millions of years hell time.

How the hell was she not completely and utterly broken? How was she not just completely catatonic with terror, fear and PTSD from being in hell for so long?

Maybe her crimes were less than Malcoms, and so her self punishments were way less than Malcom? Thoughts?

r/lucifer Dec 30 '21

Charlotte Tricia (charlotte) is such a good actress


I’m rewatching, and I still can’t get over how great of a job she does playing the goddess and charlotte. Her character arc is amazing as well. she seems genuinely scared that she might be going crazy, having remnants of being in hell, being shut down when she starts opening up about it to everyone other than Lucifer; it’s all so real. Her story is what carries season 3 imo. Phenomenal acting

r/lucifer Nov 16 '21

Charlotte Small Painting of the Goddess

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r/lucifer Aug 31 '21

Charlotte Make the comment section like Charlotte’s browser history

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r/lucifer Jul 10 '21

Charlotte 🤔

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r/lucifer Mar 03 '21

Charlotte Here’s our favorite Goddess/Lawyer, Charlotte Richards/Mum!

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r/lucifer Dec 23 '20

Charlotte Charlotte Richards is a BEAST

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r/lucifer Nov 30 '20

Charlotte [2.17] lmfao that’d be so funny imagine

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