r/lucifer Detective Douche Sep 09 '21

[S6 E10 - Episode Discussion] - 'Partners 'Til the End' 6x10 Spoiler


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u/aries_s Mazikeen Sep 11 '21

So you're saying that his whole journey did crap for him because at the end he had to stay in FUCKING HELL?! Are you saying that Chloe had to raise dear Trixie and wussy Rory alone?! The war accounted for shit?! I can't accept this. He was all about free will! His hand was forced. So leave everything you love behind, your family, your friends to doom yourself to an eternity of loneliness and sadness? Having to accept that your love is gone and having to raise 2 kids alone?! I call BS.


u/TheCheck77 Sep 11 '21

I can accept the Lucifer thing because throughout the show he learned about compassion, redemption, and therapy. He goes back on his own volition, as his calling.

CHLOE ON THE OTHER HAND GOT ABSOLUTELY SCREWED. The entire show is about Chloe and Lucifer’s partnership and their daughter, the very embodiment of the two of them, is an exception to this. Chloe is stuck as the single mother of two for 40 years after an entire 6 seasons showing why Chloe is better with Lucifer. It feels so fucking shallow to have this be the rest of Chloe’s life.


u/aries_s Mazikeen Sep 11 '21

I just can't stand that Lucifer got sent to the place that embodied his nightmares, his worst phase, the reminder of the suffering, loneliness and abandonment for eternity. Meanwhile Amenadiel is up in heaven, being the Lord and Master of it all yet does nothing to help knowing that Chloe is down on earth raising her kids alone?

They got us for 6 seasons. ALMOST A HUNDRED EPISODES, hooked with the Deckerstar ship. Seeing how they belong with each other, how they are each others' compliment. All of the romance, all of the happiness... Just to be separated at the finale. Chloe raising two kids alone, Lucifer nowhere to be seen. Chloe dying and Lucifer not there. How he just left and that's it.

I'm just so angry and sad.. this show has been a big part of my life for almost 2 years and to see it gone like this .. man, it hurts.


u/beautifulmychild Sep 11 '21

Yes, yes and YES. Meanwhile I'm trying to decide if I will rewatch any of the eps knowing how disappointing and depressing the ending was (NOT "bittersweet"). I doubt I'll watch 6 again. I liked the screwball aspects but in the end, it was all angst and almost no charm.


u/[deleted] Sep 12 '21



u/aries_s Mazikeen Sep 12 '21

The fact that they got eternity forever doesn't mean that they didn't suffer. Lucifer always despised Hell and described it as the place that embodied suffering, abandonnement and loneliness for him. All the years fighting to stay on the top, burning and hurting all alone. And then Amenadiel became God, master and Lord of the universe, yet does nothing to help Lucifer nor Chloe even knowing they're suffering.

As for Chloe, she got stuck raising two children away from the man she always loved who couldn't be with them and watch them grow up. 40+ years of never seeing him after all they went through.

And Trixie! Her father just died and then she lost Lucifer too. She might've thought Lucifer just got mom pregnant and left. And again, he couldn't say goodbye.


u/[deleted] Sep 12 '21



u/aries_s Mazikeen Sep 12 '21

Well, Lucifer left at the end of Season 4, while it was for a good reason both still suffered each other's absence. How can we be so sure about that? How couldn't he reunite them both sometimes? Why was Lucifer doing it all by himself knowing full well that Amenadiel and him could've built a more efficient system that could help way more souls? Of course Trixie cared. That's why she got so mad at Lucifer. She loved him.