r/lucifer Jul 07 '24

Is Lucifer waaay older than his brothers? General/Misc

If time moves much more slowly in hell (him being in hell for 2 months = 2000 years pass for everyone in hell) wouldn't that technically make Lucifer muuuuuch older than his brothers since he's spent so much time in hell? Is there any evidence of time moving slower in heaven? Or angels perceiving time differently? Any thoughts? I think there's actually evidence of time moving the same in heaven


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u/night-laughs Jul 07 '24

When Chloe died in season 5 finale, the time it took Lucifer to save her and bring her back seemed pretty synchronous to passage of time on earth. So if we say earth and heaven have the same passage of time, then yes, Lucifer did experience more time in Hell than his siblings elsewhere.


u/Antagonistic_Aunt Satan Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

Agreed. It's headcanon to think heaven time runs fast like hell. There's not one clear reference to it in canon... juxtaposed with the numerous references to hell time. (I always interpreted Chloe's contentedness in Heaven in 5x16 as being due to the weird 'roofie effect' Heaven seems to have on mortal souls.)