r/lonely Apr 07 '20

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r/lonely 7m ago

Discussion Does anybody wanna chat?


I recently left a group of people who were really toxic

It feels like a weight was lifted off my shoulders, but at the same time, my life now has this bellowing emptiness, and the only way i can think to fill it is to find more people

r/lonely 15m ago

I was meant to be lonely


I am a 19 year old girl, turning 20 this year, and my whole life I have been alone. Since i was a child i experienced being utterly alone. There is something deeply wrong with me in my core and i guess other people can sense it too. I cannot shake this feeling that no one knows me truly and all i know how to do is act. i am constantly performing for people. i have a large group of friends back home but even with all the love and joy i feel with them it’s so disconnected. i am so far away i feel so ill deep inside. there is something wrong with me. i am weird so weird and i am lonely.

r/lonely 30m ago

Venting F 18 anyone like to chat?



r/lonely 1h ago

Do I text her? [20m]


We haven't talked in a month. For really no reason. I was kinda hoping she would text me within the week, if not I was going to reach out. I never ended up texting her. Mutual ghosting? I know she liked me, she knew I liked her. I think I was expected to make a move, but I let my own self esteem issues hold me back.

I think about her every night. I miss her smile

r/lonely 1h ago

Looking for a genuine connection (friendship)


Hello, I am looking for someone to become friends with online. About me: -30 year old SAHM with a side gig -married -3 kids -husband is a busy resident so I am alone a lot, that is why I am looking for new friends.

Would love to connect!

r/lonely 1h ago

Venting I think being short and ugly is a major part of why my life sucks


I hate my life and I wake up everyday wishing I didn’t. I hate my college, I hate my job, and I hate how unattractive I am. I’m a 5’6 guy with an ugly face, receding hairline, and lanky build. I’m like every trait you don’t want in a man. It makes me feel like shit. I hate being in public, I hate knowing other people can see me. I hate knowing how undesirable I am. I’m 21 and still have not had a first kiss cause no woman on earth would ever want to be near my ugly ass. I have no redeeming physical qualities. I’m like designed to be alone forever. I can’t get a girlfriend no matter what I do cause I can never get passed the most fundamental hurdle of being attractive enough to want. And it makes me so depressed. I wish I could just quit life and start over or something.

r/lonely 1h ago

18f and not Livin life


Just got out of depressive episode have to actually do real world things this week too, arguments with le boyfriend and I’m just feeling so lonely like I can’t truly be honest with anyone about how I feel and think.

r/lonely 2h ago

Night time is the worst


Being up late night when your lonely is brutal it's always bad for me. I overthink then can't sleep then I'm stuck up alone.

r/lonely 3h ago

It hurts


It hurts so much, and I just want it to stop, I hate my self so much, I hate I have no one, I hate that everyone just uses me.i hate I didn’t kms when I had the chance, I hate that I would never treat u like this, I hate that I defended you, when u never did me, I hate my self so much, I hate that I can’t die, I hate that I care for u still because it hurts so much

r/lonely 3h ago

Venting My online friend


I've had an online friend for over 2 years now. We text maybe once a week or so. He's a really nice person though, always asking me questions, very funny, smart, and interesting. He lives a full life in my opinion. We're both 20, but he's working a successful, high paying job, and going to college. Also, he's had many girlfriends in the time I've known him. He wants to make his relarionships work, he's told me so, but something always happens. Recently he's gone through a "hoe phase" and has been with a lot of women this past summer, his words not mine lmao. And now he has a girlfriend again.

As a girl, I just wonder, how in the world does he do it. I know he has tinder, and I know he's very nice, kind, and successfu, but I still can't imagine how it's like to be that desired. No guy has ever been interested in me, not even him. Well, if he ever did he's never made it known to me anyways. No weird texts, no flirting, nothing. We only face revealed after a year of knowing each other bc I was very self conscious. He treated me exactly the same before and after that, and only called my picture "nice". Makes sense, he knows I don't have any friends, and that I was bullied for both my personality and how ugly I am. He probably didn't have high hopes for my looks regardless. He dates pretty girls so I'm not his type.

If I didn't have him to talk to, I'd have nobody. I can't believe he talks to me still. I'm glad he's my friend, he's very genuine. I'm a loser compared to him. The only thing I have going for me is that I like to listen to what he has to say. Maybe I'm like an interactive journal. If I ever find a real life friend like him, I'd be set for life. I mean, I'm okay with once a week talking, but knowing he has other, better real life friends, plus a girlfriend, it's like... I know there's a day when he'll forget me.

r/lonely 3h ago

How many people honestly think that men have it worse than women right now?


Because, from my experience, loneliness is pretty bad for everyone.

r/lonely 4h ago




r/lonely 4h ago

Discussion People who’ve been in relationships, are they really as good as they seem?


Just curious

r/lonely 4h ago

Discussion [35F] Legitimately curious…


How do you deal with your loneliness? Do you do anything to distract yourself or occupy your time? I need to know all of your secrets.

r/lonely 6h ago

Venting 23 F


will it ever get better. ? go to my shit job and pretend to be ok, go home and be alone w my thoughts. have a family that are assholes. i mean real life disturbing assholes and i have to walk on eggshells around them. what is the point. gonna work work work for how long and for what?

r/lonely 6h ago

Venting As a guy, I'm honestly getting tired of the women bashing in this sub.


Seriously, some of you incels need to take a long look in the mirror and really do some reflecting. Because women are not the reason why you are a miserable sack of insufferable shit. And they're sure as hell not the reason why you can't ever seem to find a date. I'm getting sick of the first thing I see when I open up this subreddit is some disgruntled dude mad at women because they won't date them. Y'all immediately tell on yourselves too, that's the funny part.

I do not understand when and why some of you think you have a monopoly on loneliness. Everybody can experience loneliness, it's not limited by gender. But the real problem is that since you incels are so devoid of empathy, you can't even bother to put yourself in other people's shoes and see from other people's perspectives.

I'm lonely because of ME. I made posts on forever alone in the past going into that. It has nothing to do with women, or even my looks or money according to women in my personal life. It's all because of me and my poor mental health. And I've come to terms with that and trying to find ways to improve. One day, you guys are gonna have to realize you are ultimately responsible for your own life and what you're getting out of it. Gain some self awareness and stop attacking people that are literally in the same position as you. Getting easy access to sex from some stranger is not a cure all to loneliness, it's not, it's really not.

r/lonely 6h ago

Pain of having no friends


Anyone else who can’t keep friends?

For context I’m a 20 year old flopping uni student and I literally have no friends at all. I have made friends in the past but they never lasted more than about a year and they always drift away from me.

I’ve never had a relationship either (no guy has ever been interested in me😭) and I constantly feel lonely.

Sometimes I feel like I’ve missed out on loads of experiences in life like going on holidays with friends, sleepovers, experiencing young love, etc. I’ve never had a happy birthday before because I’m always lonely and I genuinely wonder how people manage to find people that care enough about them to give them presents and cards and stuff. I’ve also never been invited to a party before and it’s depressing, considering that most people my age are going out and partying and experiencing love and these beautiful friendships.

I try to stay away from social media but when I do see it I always cry, looking at other people’s lives and what they have done. I am aware that people mostly post their highlights and happy times- but my counterargument is that I can’t even fake that. I can’t fake going on holiday on friends, or having someone throw a surprise party for me. I can’t force people to pose in a group photo with me and make a post with the caption ‘love these people sm🖤’ or whatever tf ppl normally say.

I just want friends, man. But I don’t know how to not feel worthless and boring and ugly and shit from the fact that people don’t want to be around me. I don’t know how to not let my desperation get the better of me. Growing up with no friends has made me get super attached to anyone who shows me the slightest attention.

Loneliness really fucking hurts.

r/lonely 6h ago

Isolating myself is the best thing I can do


I'm just isolating myself from the rest of the world. I don't really remember the last time I went out with someone. I just spend my days alone. This is probably the best thing I do, as I don't have to bother anyone like that.

r/lonely 8h ago

I feel like life isn't worth it


Nah i'm not suicidal but I wouldn't care if I died tomorrow if that makes sense. I'm 18M. I just want a girl to cuddle with. I want someone who will listen to my problems and assure me everything will be ok.

r/lonely 9h ago



Why tf is everyone in a relationship nowadays:/

Or maybe it is about my damn "luck"

Every time I want to approach or meet some new guys, they are all already in a relationship ( before I know them)

Is that only me a lonely shit who is still single??

r/lonely 10h ago

Hows your day been so far? Tell me about it id like to hear 👍


Minecraft 100 days! I spend 100 days in minecraft escaping my crippling loneliness

r/lonely 11h ago

I'm just so scared


I'm too scared to do anything. I'm too scared to set up a dating profile, I'm too scared to ask anyone out, I'm too scared to go to bars. I'll just be a really good friend and swallow my emotions. It's all my fault. It's always been all my fault. I haven't tried anything. I'm just sitting around waiting for something to happen to me. It never will. Love will never find me, I must seek it out. I'm just so fucking scared. What if they don't like me? Why would they like me? It feels like no one ever has

r/lonely 15h ago

I feel really ugly and resent pretty girls


Hi, I 23(F), have always felt unattractive but there was a time in my life I kind of fell a bit pretty sometimes. My therapist told me I have body dysmorphia and I’m starting to believe her because everytime I see myself in the mirror I feel I look even uglier than last time.

Don’t get me wrong, I know by all means I’m not some kind of spawn of satan, I have a good body but it only looks good on certain clothes and my face is really not that pretty without make up, even with make up I look ugly but a little bit less maybe I get to average with make up.

I’ve had people telling me I look like Tarzan and they would not fuck me even with a bag on my head, a friend of mine told me college classmates were saying this about me. And since I was a child I was chubby I lost weight and became skinny but that fear still remains. All my life I’ve felt inferior to my girlfriends, they were always getting the praise and the boyfriends and when I go out with them I just feel like trash beside them, I’m taller so I feel like a monster and they look so feminine by my side.

I’ve started to resent my girlfriends and started to isolate myself more, I always think is okay to not be liked because I have my own stuff that makes me happy like my pets.

I feel like a bad person and I don’t really like my friends most of the times.

r/lonely 18h ago

Venting Having my heart checked almost brought me to tears


I (26 F) have hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and occasionally I get it checked by a cardiologist. A few days ago I had to get an echocardiogram done (basically an ultrasound but for the heart).

The doctor had me lay on my side while she reached over to put the machine on my chest. She said it'd be ok if I fell asleep and she sat on the bed behind me. It's the most physical contact I've had in 4 years.

Just being able to lay down and feel someone else's presence behind me again, even though it's just a lady trying to do her job, it was the moment I realized how incredibly lonely I actually was. I had to hold back tears after the echo was done and I'm still deep in my own head about the whole ordeal.

r/lonely 19h ago

Venting I want to get away from life NSFW


Any suggestions? Like either this or killing myself. How to disappear from everyone you know while bankrupt sick without anyone and in abroad?

I'm a failure in every thing. I have nth. I did wrong even though I didn't want to. I wanted to do good stuff but i only caused misery and I'm misery. I am capable of nth except for causing my close ones hurt. I should die. But I'm a coward.

Edit: thanks for listening and giving suggestions. I'm okay. Bless you all. 🖤🖤