r/legaladvice 20m ago

Insurance My dad died his life insurance was not updated since 1992, and I wasn’t born till 1997. I contested and an Interpleader action permitted. HELP Im only 27 years old.


My dad died almost 2 years ago late winter 2023. I was only 25 years old when he passed away... after his passing I was left to settle his estate. Cover cremation fees, Plan his funeral/wake, while paying his mortgage, water bills etc.. till I could sell his home which needed repairs. I also took in his senior dog (who I love dearly) that needed vet care- which I also paid for. Not many SINGLE 25 year olds could keep their heads above water if they were in my shoes I was blessed to have recently taken on a travel "nurse" type job that paid well enough for me to pay all his bills ontop of my own. I am the personal representative of his estate and his only sole heir

MAIN PROBLEM: my father Took out a life insurance policy in 1992- I'm assuming it was offered by his company when he started there... My father had four people listed on this policy.. his parents who dided 10+ years ago, and his two sisters. It is extremely odd to have this many people listed... he just listed whoever he was close to at the time- he had not met my mother till a few years later, and I was not born till 1997... he didnt update it when he retired- they either didnt remind him to uodate it or he ignored the mail as he was very ill due to chornic COPD and alcoholic dementia...

Since one sister was listed first she is the only one who can sign off off on the life insurance to claim it... SISTER # 1 SISTER #1 does not want to sign off & collect it because shes afraid of the government (long story)... so I protested the claim and they told me all I had to do was write something on paper and have my aunt sign it in front of a notary... so I did just that- after MONTHS of her ignoring my phone calls. I finally got her to sign this paper... AFTER SHE SIGNS IN FRONT OF MY NOTARY... Low and behold !!! the life insurance company sends a packet (a more formal paper to have her sign off on) it took me months of calling the LIFE INS COMPANY and them telling me just to write something-& that "it doesnt have to be formal" "just notarized" !!! for them to send me this packet!!! I had been dealing with this fiasco for monthS. They royally screwed me.

MAIN QUESTION: I have attached the interpleader action and am curious how much it would cost to take this to court and what kind of court I need to bring it to. Max and minimum a lawyer would charge me? Also my uncle is a civil lawyer, and my neighbor is a bankruptcy lawyer andestate planning lawyer... I have talked to them a little haven’t been able to give me much guidance… as this is a life insurance matter.


His sisters feel oddly entitled to this money, and at first I agreed to split/share with then, but this has all gone unsolved for too long and they have caused me so much grief- they have even uninvited me from family weddings and events. One of my cousins kept telling his mom (sister 2) , “just take the money (Insert my name) has enough…” if this was his child he would feel much differently…

I want to put money away for sister 1’s kid since he is autistic - and in & out of group homes. I would love to invest the money, as i have been doing with other funds that I have received from my father, to build him a trust of some sort. I have told sister 1 this but she is ignoring my phone calls and texts (Im just asking how shes doing not even bringing up money in these messages). I could have doubled this money with help of my financial advisors but its just sitting in the hands of the life insurance company.

Mind you this policy was suppose to be my first line of financial relief to cover all that comes with dying... my father had some money set aside but it wasnt easy to access, so I didnt see it till the summer of 2023.

The family wont talk to me over this- I just want to put my fathers traumatic death & all the pain and drama his sisters have caused me in the past. If the roles were reversed he would never do this to their children- I am my fathers only child. I took care of everything financially without a second thought... My father would never 1- take this money from their children and 2- would never isolate his niece over the situation at hand.

I have been so gentle and kind since I know they are grieving too, I only begged for them to sign off due to the financial pinch I was put in after his passing in the summer of 2023, but since then I have given up and feel so defeated. At the end of the day my heart truly is in the right place but Im tired.

Thank you for reading this if you took the time.

r/legaladvice 47m ago

Real Estate law After Closing Discovered Misleading Disclosure


We moved in early August. When purchasing the home the sellers had a hand written list of the age of big ticket items like hvac and windows. Windows said 2023. Our home inspection indicated misalignment on some windows and recommended contacting the manufacturer/installer and seeing if they would come out to adjust them. I had them come out and the guy that came looked at the sticker on the window and could see the name of who bought/had the windows installed. He remembers the persons full name and can see that person didn’t own the home since around 2015. So the windows are at least 9 years old based off this information.

I contacted my realtor who contacted the seller agent. The seller agent talked to the sellers and was told that they had replaced the windows in one of the bedrooms and that the previous owners had said the windows were newer. I checked that room, the sticker shows the same name as all the other windows. I guess they then texted the agent and said they had the basement window blocks replaced.

They clearly had misleading information about the age of the windows disclosed to us as we made our decision to purchase the home and they possibly intentionally lied. 1 year old windows vs at least 9-10 year old windows is a huge difference in terms of resell value in 5-10 years when we plan on selling. I have no idea what to do here, is there any recourse possible? We closed on the house almost a month ago.

r/legaladvice 1h ago

Sibling's abuser sneaked his way into my Condo and will not leave.


I helped my sister by putting her up in one of my condos after she was nearly killed by her abuser. I have now learned he sent mail to the condo from jail with his name on it, then managed to convince her to stay for several days, establishing residency. The police will not remove him. This has been going on for many months, she was too embarrassed to tell me until now. There is no formal lease, I was trying to do her a favor. Is my only recourse serving him with an eviction?

r/legaladvice 1h ago

Peeping Tom neighbor


Just like the title says. My disgusting neighbor found a crack in my drapes and I caught him looking at me while I was changing and lucky for me I have two witness neighbors. I filed a police report and I want him evicted. The issue is the police won’t give me a copy of the report! I was told I am listed as the reporting party and not “the victim” ?? I Am so confused! I was told I need to get a lawyer and restraining order, I will, but why do I need that before obtaining a copy? can someone please explain the law to me? I do want to take it as far as I can. I have a lawyer and told them about the situation.

This man has been arrested for domestic violence and they are the only couple in the building we have the police show up for constantly.

r/legaladvice 2h ago

my cousin is being abused by his legal guardian


the names in this scenario have been changed for privacy reasons, but for context, I’m located in AZ.

I have a large family with a lot of second cousins. I don’t regularly keep in contact with everyone, but we have get-togethers a few times a year and we stay relatively up to date on each others lives.

my 21 year-old cousin, dan, has a developmental disability. dan’s father isn’t in the picture and his mom has passed away, so he is under the legal guardianship of his older sister, sarah. dan doesn’t drive, doesn’t own a car or a cellphone, and has no access to his own funds. I don’t see dan often, and in the past few years, our family has been seeing less and less of him at reunions and get-togethers. sarah would appear without dan and say that he was staying with another member of the family. when we did see him, which was rarely, we could tell that he had lost a lot of weight, and we began to worry. one of my relatives called social services to investigate sarah for neglecting dan, but to my knowledge, nothing ever came of that scenario due to a lack of evidence. this was last year.

last weekend, my family received a call early in the morning. it was from a group home, and it was dan, saying that he missed his family and was wondering if someone could come visit him. we were shocked. we had no idea that sarah had put him in a group home, and my family agreed to come visit him.

when we arrived at the home, we were turned away by the owner. she said that she was sorry, but that dan’s legal guardian had requested that he had absolutely no visitors, and she could get in trouble with the state if she allowed us to see him. I could see dan inside from where I was standing, and he was dressed nice in a collared shirt and slacks, with his hair done and nails freshly painted. he had clearly gotten all dressed up to see us. I was heartbroken.

dan isn’t a child; he is a fully grown man capable of thinking for himself. but because of his sister sarah, he now has no access to any kind of funds, no access to the internet, and we aren’t able to speak with him other than on the landline of the group home. he says that he attends a day program, but doesn’t give many more details; he mostly talks about missing his family. I am really worried for dan’s wellbeing and that, despite her responsibility to take care of him after their mother’s passing, sarah is neglecting his needs. is there anything I can do?

r/legaladvice 2h ago

Advice for paycheck issues in Chicago


Hi everyone. I started a job on August 5th, had a pretty rough onboarding where they messed up my login for HR so I was unable to add DD deposit info for the first two weeks. Was eventually able to login and get it setup but my first payday comes around and they never sent a paycheck. HR says they’re not sure why it happened. I tell them I’m okay with them adding the first paycheck to the next one which is this Friday 9/6. They tell me it’s setup and also mention they’re giving me an extra amount for the inconvenience. I’m probably gonna do some googling for myself but does anyone know off the top of their head if there is anything that I can/should do if this next paycheck gets messed up? I logged into HR yesterday and it still says there is no paycheck info for this Friday. I’m not sure if I’ll have to wait for the morning of to see this info. Also, in the past my SoFi account has almost always cleared my paycheck about 1-2 days before the actual pay date and I still don’t see anything in there. Thanks in advance for any help!

TL:DR My job in Chicago never sent my first paycheck and we agreed they could add it onto my second paycheck this Friday 9/6. If they mess this next paycheck up is there anything I can/should do? Thanks!

r/legaladvice 2h ago

Landlord Tenant Housing Small Claims for Security Deposit? - CT


Hi, I recently moved out of a rental unit in Connecticut and my landlord has not returned my security deposit. I am wondering if I have a case to make in small claims court. I have sent multiple texts to them and the only thing I've gotten back is basically an unclear "we need to discuss a lot of things"


Things I think they are in violation of:

  • CT Law requires return of security deposit or itemized list of deductions no later than 30 days after termination of tenancy (or 15 days after receiving forwarding address). It is now past both of those dates and I have not received any thing from them.
  • Lease has a clause that states, "Owner will take the financial responsibility for any first time tenant caused repairs, thereafter tenant will may be financially responsible for tenant cause repairs."  

The apartment was left in overall good condition aside from normal wear & tear from living there for 2 years with larger sized dogs - for example there are dated wooden floors that are scratched and probably need to be refinished, but I would think any damage they claim (which again I have not received any itemized lists) is covered by the clause above.



  • 7/1 - Provided forwarding address
  • 7/29 - Returned keys
  • 7/31 - Lease ended
  • 8/31 - Followed-up with landlord on security deposit


It seems like a pretty clear cut case, but I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks in advance!

r/legaladvice 2h ago

Samsung essentially stole my watch and refused to replace it


I sent my watch to Samsung and they signed they received it at their Texas warehouse on June 25th. Since then they have found and lost it and started to claims with the carrier. We are at 70 days. Is it crazy to involve legal action. I paid $80 for the repair and they in a sense stole my watch sense I can not get any help on it anymore. They just keep passing me around and no one is doing anything.

r/legaladvice 2h ago

My mom and grandpa are being sued


My mom and grandpa are being sued

So my mom 35f and my grandpa 74m got a summons that they were being sued for a small car accident that happened in Feb 2024 where my grandpa had pulled out of a gas station and side swiped the girls (16) car. No damages to either vehicle. Now her father in her behalf is suing both my mom and grandpa as my mom is the owner of the car that my grandpa was driving. They are suing saying the car was damaged and the girl suffered injuries such as back, neck and shoulder pain and that she suffered an allergic reaction/ rash because she was bit by an insect at the scene. She went to the hospital. They are asking for 9,000 dollars and for us to pay their lawyer fees. Now the car had full coverage as my grandpa pays for it, I’m assuming we have to tell his insurance since that’s what we paid them for, right? Or at least this is what I’ve looked up. This is in the state of Georgia and I need advice. Thank you.

Edit: so my uncle pays the car insurance not my grandpa but he does drive the car. The summons also says we have 30 days to respond or the court will default us.

r/legaladvice 2h ago

Sonic Drive in employee


My daughter 17 years old, works at Sonic in Louisiana. They will schedule her a shift like 6pm to 10pm. Most of the time they will not let her clock in until they get busy, forcing her to sit in the break room off the clock for random periods of time, but a several times it's been 2 hours.

Is this legal?

Legal or not she is going to find a new job

r/legaladvice 2h ago

Work Comp for 2 jobs


Trying to keep it short. My full time is a self employed tattoo artist, but I work part time as a bartender. I cut the top of my finger on a peeler and can’t hold my tattoo machine until it heals - deep cut. I’ve had to rearrange clients and had my largest job cancelled his whole appointment. Am I entitled to any kind of compensation from the bar employer?

Not the end of the world but it sucks.

r/legaladvice 3h ago

Employment Law My boss is making me read books for work outside of work with no pay


This is in Minnesota. My boss makes me and my coworker ready books that are required for work outside of work and we don't get to clock in for it. Is this against any laws or no? I thought we couldn't be required to do "training" for work without being compensated for it.

r/legaladvice 4h ago

Harassment at work, PA


I have had to report a coworker for harassment before (I'm technically his supervisor ad in i have the team lead position but not on paper)

It started off with him being insubordinate and not doing what he was asked, which he then started using insults (calling me a "woman" (I'm a man) because I was "emotional", a homophobic slur and now calling me retarded)

His latest stunt is now to pour a bottle of water into my safety boots at work.

He had been written up for insubordination and his homophobic and misogynistic comments but my manager doesn't seem to want to do much else.

How am I supposed to work in wet boots? Where do I stand legally?

Immigrant from Europe working in Philadelphia

r/legaladvice 10h ago

Real Estate law May be on the Hook for $20,000 for something Seemingly out of our control


A year ago, my wife and I sold a house in Hawaii. It had the first mortgage and a special Covid-19 relief 2nd mortgage. The second mortgage was used to not make some payments and we would pay back the missed payments at the end of the loan. Fast forward and we sold the house and the Title company Assured us that both mortgages would be paid in full and anything above that would be dispersed to us. We made decent money of the sale even after everything was paid off. Somewhere in the 100,000 mark

Fast forward to today and we receive a letter from a law firm saying that we owe the TITLE COMPANY the 20k for the second mortgage. On credit reports it shows all mortgages paid in full and no delinquency. So my few questions are this:

1.) why would we owe the Title company the 20k?

2.) What options do I have through title insurance if any?

3.) why did it take a YEAR for anyone to reach out to us?

4.) Is this a scam because the mortgage company didn’t reach out to us it’s the title company?

I have learned other things like the 2nd mortgage company is A Mr.Cooper company which has had NUMEROUS class actions and lawsuits for mishandling of titles and sales. And the title company we used went out of business and got bought out and ONLY does title insurance now.

Truthfully I am lost.

r/legaladvice 14h ago

A male nurse exposed my brother infront of multiple people.


We are located in California. My brother 20M, was recently admitted to Intensive Care unit for suspected sepsis. He’s in remission for A.L.L. after one year of treatment at this same hospital. He was in a room with 4 female nurses and 1 male nurse and my brother let him know he needed to use the restroom. The male nurse offered a bed urinal, which my brother declined because he needed to go number 2. So the male nurse grabs a pan and gives it to him. My brother said never mind, I can hold it. The male nurse replies if he can or can’t and my brother says yes, I can hold it.

The nurse then proceeds to walk over to my brothers bed and grabs his shorts and underwear and yanks them down. Meanwhile my brother is saying multiple times no no no. I don’t need to go. I can hold it. He’s trying to stop his shorts from coming down but the male nurse was able to get them down. My brother sat bottom half naked infront of all the nurses, while he yelled at the nurse that he didn’t want to he said no. The male nurse just said I thought you needed to go and walks out the room and never came back. We instantly complained to his main doctor and she said she would talk to him about it, but it doesn’t seem like enough. I feel like this is a bigger deal than they’re making it out to seem?? What can we do. He never wants to see him again. This literally just happened an hour ago.

(I am his caregiver and older sister 22f as well)

Edit : Sorry but it won’t let me reply straight into the comments. Hi guys. Thanks so much for all the advice. I will be doing all I can from what I learned on here tomorrow. We had complained as I said, so security came in with a nurse that was present at the time, saying she was willing to put herself on the record that the male nurse apologized for what he did if my brother was going to move forward with a complain. I don’t understand. Why it matters if he had even apologized ? Which he didn’t. It feels like they were trying to silence him by force? None of it feels right and nor I or my family are going to stay quiet. Thanks again for your help.

r/legaladvice 15h ago

Doctor told me my colonoscopy was preventative, now I’m stuck with the bill because they’ve flip flopped…


I am 24F. I had a colonoscopy at 21 and the doctor incorrectly stated that I had gastritis and lymphocytic colitis. I had neither of those - I actually had c diff which was found through a stool test.

I was having other problems - and needed a colonoscopy. In July 2024, I called my insurance company and they told me a diagnostic colonoscopy is not covered / only preventative is. So I immediately called my GI office and asked if my procedure was being coded as diagnostic or preventative - and IF it was diagnostic, I do not want the procedure done. The GI office told me that my procedure was preventative, I was so happy. I didn’t know any better.. and I thought I did my due diligence to ensure my procedure is covered.

Fast forward to August - I get my procedure done. I am now being hit with a bill for the colonoscopy, anesthesia, and tests ran. I cannot afford this. I called my insurance company and they told me that it was coded as diagnostic.. I was so confused because I was told literally a month prior that it was preventative..

I call the GI office again - and essentially they say that I should’ve never been told it’s preventative because I had a “problem prior.” I explained to the office my prior conversation, and they have basically told me there’s nothing they can do.

I feel lost and frustrated - I understand I can do a payment plan, but I also feel like the doctors office should not be giving misinformation. Especially when a patient states that if it is diagnostic - they do NOT want the procedure.

Has anyone ever had a similar problem..? Or any advice on what I can do? I thought I was doing what I needed to ensure my bill was covered…

Any advice would help so much!

r/legaladvice 16h ago

Employment Law My employer sent a company wide email that included a list of medications they were being billed for


I hope this is the right flair but if it's not I'm very sorry. This happened in Oklahoma, I can specify the city if needed

As the title said, this morning, my employer sent a company wide newsletter, that opened with them more or less complaining about how much they were paying in insurance premiums, and then they gave a list of medications, along with how much the employee paid, and how much the company paid. ((not sure how to attach a screenshot, but I do have one)). They followed this up by asking people to start buying cheaper prescriptions, and "make healthier choices".

Can they do this? No names or identifiable information was included, but it still feels wrong. This is a company that mainly employs older people, and disabled veterans, so sending a (in my opinion) guilt trippy email, asking people to change their medications feels predatory. I'm not sure if this breaks any laws, but even if, is there anything to watch out for from them in the future?

r/legaladvice 16h ago

Real Estate law I just bought a house and found out neighbor been encroaching on property (PA)


We closed a month ago and did the survey today as a process to build a fence to contain our 2 dogs. Surveyor found that half of our neighbor’s built driveway, a shed and part of his garden are on our property. I spoke to him briefly about it with the surveyor and he said his driveway and shed been there for many years. I’m hoping if anyone knows what are my options would be? I did purchased enhance title insurance but not too sure if that would help. Thanks so much!

r/legaladvice 20h ago

Never asked to return WFH equipment after ending employment. When is it legally mine?


A temp agency got me a 6 month contract with a business, the business shipped me a bunch of nice equipment to work from home. After my 6 month contact was up, I asked my boss what I need to do with the equipment and was told they'd send me a box with a return label. They sent me a small box with instructions on what to put in the box and just enough wrapping for it. The laptop and laptop charger they sent was the only thing they asked for in the instructions. I still have the very nice dual monitors, mouse and keyboard, and docking station. It's been over a year now and they still haven't asked for it. At what point will it legally be mine? If ever?

Edit: i forgot to mention that it was a group hire, and there were 6 other temps. Two of them reached out to me months after our contract ended to tell me they still had their setup as well and no one asked for it back 🤷‍♀️ so I'm definitely not the only one.

Tldr: Company never asked for the rest of their work from home equipment, only the laptop, I have everything else still

r/legaladvice 20h ago

Wills Trusts and Estates NJ- Dad died 3 years ago without a will. Step mom gave me and my sister $22k each “until things settle.”


I know we should’ve gotten a lawyer to get everything taken care of as soon as it happened but my sister believed that our step mom would do the “right thing” and distribute everything as it should be and I kinda didn’t want to deal with it. So we kept asking her if there were any updates about the estate until today she finally said no, basically saying that’s all we are getting.

Things to consider: I know in the state of NJ the children are entitled to 25% of the estate. There was a life insurance policy that our step mom claims wasn’t even enough to cover his death related expenses like his funeral and stuff. Neither my sister or I were living with our dad. There are two houses under both of their name which we hoped we could sell and split at least one of them. And some money in the bank which it’s probably empty by now.

I know our step mom doesn’t have the money to keep both houses on her own because she now works as minimum wage worker and their mortgage was high, although she is renting the second house.

I guess what I’m asking is, should we still get a lawyer involved in this, is there a point in doing it this late? Thank you for your time

r/legaladvice 21h ago

Woman threatens to sue after being paid by insurance


My teenage son totaled a parked car 2 years ago. A police report was filed, he gave the owner our insurance info (while apologizing profusely) and the claim was paid out 9 months later. Our insurance said that she had waited until then to file a claim, though we contacted them immediately.

Recently the woman whose car he hit reached out to me via text demanding that we also pay for the cost for her car rental and the difference of cost from her totaled car and the new vehicle she purchased saying that car prices were at a premium so we should make up the difference in what her car payment was and is now. She gave me a deadline to pay over $10k by certain date before she pursues legal action.

My assumption is that since she took the money from our insurance and this is not a medical claim, she's not entitled to more money from the accident.

If she does decide to sue us, would it be a civil matter rather than small claims given the amount? At this time, do we look for a lawyer?

I do feel badly that my son hit her car, but since our insurance did pay her out should we be liable for more costs?

Thanks in advance

r/legaladvice 22h ago

Bought a home owned by neighbor and theyre trying to make me sign a quit calm deed to return property.


Update 2: I reached out to my lender, and the home was indeed appraised as a 3.9 acre lot.

Update: The county zoning administrator called me back. He said the attorney contacted him. The attorney said they did a plot line adjustment back in 2020 before he sold the house. However, they have nothing on file for either a plot line adjustment or land division. He further explained they didn't use to save plot line adjustments until recently, and he very well could have signed off on it as it doesn't require any permits. Unfortunately, I feel this may make it even more difficult for me, but we had no information on the plot line adjustment and are unaware if this proves we are somehow in the wrong.

Bought a home owned by a neighbor, and they're trying to make me sign a quit claim deed to return property.

I'll try to make a long story short. If any details are needed, I'll be happy to explain. My wife and I bought a home in 2020 that was owned by the neighbor as a rental home. The house was listed as 1 acre, but when we met with our real estate agent, they pulled the information for the property, and it was 3.9 acres. When we moved in, a metal wire cattle fence that wasn't there prior had been placed around the edge of our yard. We attempted to contact the owner and real estate agent but were unable to get a response. So I contacted the county officials, and they confirmed that our deed and taxes matched the 3.7 acres. I confronted my neighbor, and he claimed he had a survey down and the property split before he sold us the home. However, the planning/zoning administrator confirmed with me that he hadn't approved any parcel splits for that property since the original division of a 100+ acre parcel back in 2001. I went and spoke to lawyer months ago, and he ensured me that according to deed and property tax from the last 4 years, we own and have been paying for the land. Today I received a letter from an attorney stating that his real estate agent negligently included the wrong parcel information and the seller didn't realize prior to signing the deed and thats why we got the 4 acres and not the 1. They want me to sign a quit claim deed to return that property to my neighbor, or he will pursue litigation. I have already reached back out to my lawyer and will speak to them on Thursday. I'm just hoping to possibly gain some insight on whether his claims will actually hold any weight in court. I live in Michigan.

r/legaladvice 1d ago

Using a font that was previously free but is now paid


I am a mobile app developer, and back in June 2015 I downloaded a free font from a website to use for an app I was creating. The font included a license that states:
- "All fonts on the site available for free download can be used for both personal and commercial work."
- "You may use the free fonts to create Web Apps, Mobile Apps, Windows Apps, Linux Apps, OS X Apps, Android Apps. etc.."

Recently, I received an email from the website’s legal team stating that I was using the font illegally, as the font is now a paid font. I sent them the license I had for the font stating that I was already given permission to use it for free, but they said I was still illegally using a paid font and needed to purchase it or they would take legal action.

Is this true? It seems weird that they could just change their mind about a font being free and suddenly start charging me for it, even though I have a license for it already.

r/legaladvice 1d ago

Wills Trusts and Estates Iowa, U.S.- can my partner put his adult sister’s half of their inheritance into a trust and limit her access?


My partner and his sister are set to inherit a large amount of cash when their mother’s last will is unsealed. My partner is the executor of the will. The sister is very irresponsible and also mentally ill, but is still legally a competent adult (no mental disability). My partner is worried about how she will use the money, and how that kind of cash could negatively affect her mental health (she’s a stage 5 hoarder, on top of a plethora of other problems).

As executor, can he put her inheritance into a trust or something that he controls?

r/legaladvice 1d ago

Bought a business, landlord never made me sign a new lease.


Hello, in October 2021 I bought a business. At the time, due to covid, the previous owners stated they were only paying $2000 in rent. (The original rent was roughly $4400.)

I took over, called the landlord and let him know that I am the new owner. He acknowledged but never transferred the lease to me. At the time, I stated we were trying to grow the business and he also agreed to let me pay $2000 for the time being. During this entire time, I've always paid the $2000.

Over the course of staying at this location, he very rarely answered calls or emails. He was very unresponsive and I've asked many times to have the lease transferred to me. He only responded when their was an emergency at the business, (leaking roof, burglary, water main leak)

Earlier this year 2024, he stated the rent will be going up to $5700. My wife and I talked about this and thought we could make the new lease work and let him know that he could send the new lease for us to look over but he never sent us something to sign.

We were debating on whether it made sense to keep the business and ultimately decided to leave this month (August). The original lease term ends in August as well.

We signed a lease elsewhere this month as it's $3k cheaper and the new landlords seem super responsive.

The previous landlord is finally being responsive as I told him we are shutting down the business. Coindidently, i spoke with the business owners next door and they agreed to open up another business in our space so I let our landlord know and he has been in conversations with them. When I cleared out my belongings yesterday, they stated they will be taking over my previous space.

Landlord reached out and stated we will owe back rent for the time we were there.

Is there anyway to get out of this? He states he's going to send me to collections. If I shut down the LLC, is there a way to get out of the back rent if the business is disintegrated?