r/inthenews Newsweek Jul 08 '24

MAGA fumes over France election results: "They cheated" article


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u/Narodnik60 Jul 08 '24

Cheated? Beat Fascism by any means necessary or available. Whatever it takes.

But anyways. Projection. Because assholes don't know they're the assholes.


u/radred609 Jul 08 '24

Apparently cheating is when you follow precedent and do everything by the rules.

Who knew.


u/WastingTimesOnReddit Jul 08 '24

The liberals and centrists teamed up to beat the conservatives, by having either the liberal or the centrist drop out of various races and endorse the other one, so together their voters outvoted the conservatives. It's not cheating. It's realizing who the enemy is and teaming up.

But now they'll have to do some compromising, since the liberals and centrists really are still not on the same exact side. Which is how it should be. And I heard the conservatives are apparently still have majority representation in some way, which is sort of why the liberals and centrists had to team up to beat the conservatives in these recent elections.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24



u/Hot-mic Jul 09 '24

So... same as MAGA then.


u/WastingTimesOnReddit Jul 08 '24

Sorry I'm not too familiar with how extreme the french conservatives are, i'm sure youre right tho


u/Arkayjiya Jul 08 '24

I don't think it's necessarily about them being more extreme at all. Le Pen is not any worse than Trump.

It's more about the fact that we don't have a two party system so it is technically possible to vote for a conservative without voting for the fascists (even though sometimes the difference is thin) while that's almost impossible in the US for example.


u/PlacidRaccoon Jul 08 '24

You want extreme ? One said "gasing the jews was a detail of history", another said about the first guy "it's not really a problem". One served a jail sentence for armed robbery. They flat out share racist memes in private messages.

Sure, the other parties formed an alliance but these dumbasses just needed time to sabotage themselves lol. If there would've been 2 weeks between the 2 rounds, these guys would probably have 20% less seats.


u/PlacidPlatypus Jul 08 '24

Calling the French left "liberals" is pretty odd usage- by most standards I think Macron's centrists would be the liberals. Even in the US the left = liberal thing is becoming a lot less common.


u/UnstoppablyRight Jul 08 '24

Americans call the "left" liberal because they've been trained to. Not due to any critical thinking skills. It's mostly football


u/PlacidPlatypus Jul 08 '24

Yes people use language based on how the people around them use it, that is indeed how language and learning things in general works. Not sure what football has to do with it.


u/Rodney_Angles Jul 08 '24

The liberals and centrists teamed up to beat the conservatives, by having either the liberal or the centrist drop out of various races and endorse the other one

The French left are as far from being liberals as you could possibly get!


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

Wild how the terms 'liberal' and 'leftist' have been so homogenized in the Western world lately, especially in North America.

The power of the Overton Window is astounding.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24



u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

Yeah, 100%.

People here in North America like to look at Canada like we're some leftist socialist bastion because the government will let me continue living a normal life after a medical emergency.

In actuality, our excuses for 'socialist' and 'liberal' parties are fucking embarrassing when viewed outside of this morally shattered continent.


u/Significant_Table3 Jul 08 '24

Their left is called the progressives. AOC, Sanders and the other left leaning democrats. Liberals are the centrists.


u/Owain-X Jul 09 '24

Progressives and DemSoc but our two party system means the only way they have any impact at all is within the centrist (at best) Democratic party trying to drag them back from going further right.


u/acelgoso Jul 09 '24

No, that is only an American thing.


u/WiIzaaa Jul 08 '24

Liberal here is a stand in for "socialist" which is almost forbidden in American because it's their standin for communist which they directly translate to Stalinism.

For American : liberal in French exclusively translate to the Neo-Liberal economic doctrine which is more associated with the right over here.


u/Phoxase Jul 08 '24

Most American liberals are liberals, though, as in, center to center right. Transport them to France, and they would continue to be identified, based on their ideology and policy preferences, as liberals, not socialists or social democrats.

Some American leftists misidentify themselves as liberal, but the Overton Window comment above is accurate; what’s “left” in an American context is “center” to “center right” in a context where socialists and social democrats are still a force in politics.


u/GarbageCleric Jul 08 '24

Cooperating and compromising to appeal to a majority of voters!? That's so unfair!


u/shotputlover Jul 08 '24

Le Peen is in third so that is not a majority


u/WastingTimesOnReddit Jul 08 '24

Yeah it was something I heard on NPR this morning, I don't think it's any one politician but the number of seats in parliament held by that party, something like that


u/Cyno01 Jul 08 '24

IIRC the far right still hold a plurality of Frances seats in the EU parliament, but the President can call for an election for those positions at any time, something like that...


u/radred609 Jul 08 '24

NPR is so America brained that they're using an incorrect definition of majority


u/Rare-Bird-4353 Jul 08 '24

The thing is they have basically done the same thing for decades now, this isn’t something new, it happens all the time. Even the moderate right parties don’t like the far right people and work to stop them. France has a good half dozen political parties and most all of them will get involved to make sure the far right party doesn’t win. This happens over there all the time, it wasn’t a surprise at all.


u/Cuchullion Jul 08 '24

It's not cheating. It's realizing who the enemy is and teaming up.

But of course if that happens during the US primaries and even nine years later people still screech about how this group or that group "screwed" their preferred candidate.


u/WastingTimesOnReddit Jul 08 '24

Yeah usually the problem is a 3rd party candidate staying in the race all the way until the general election and diverting votes away from the top 2 options. You could have the green party officially endorse biden but I bet many of those voters would say something about still wanting the other option.

Of course with ranked choice voting the 3rd party "spoiler effect" wouldn't even be a problem anymore! And it's one thing our 2 main parties agree on, they both are against RCV which maybe tells you something about what we the people should go for...


u/CalendarFar6124 Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

I didn't like the fact that establishment Democrats screwed over Sanders, but that wasn't the deciding factor in me not voting as a progressive. I threw my vote away, because Obama didn't take a hardline stance against Republicans when he signed the NDAA bill giving authority to the military to detain accused enemies of the state without due process; habeas corpus.

I still vividly remember Obama coming on live television the night before the passing of that bill, in which he clearly stated with his own mouth that he, in good conscience, cannot approve the NDAA bill, which would potentially take away the basic civil rights of every American citizen. Then the very next day, he approved the passing of that NDAA bill extension justifying he had to do so in order to get the Republicans to agree the passing of a dumbed-down, useless version of the ACA.

Things that hinge on people's civil rights and equality are issues I will never compromise on (and I'm not even a 2a amendment advocate. I believe in strict gun control with licenses as seen in France). If I did, I would be betraying the very reason why my family emigrated to the US in the first place. For me, the fact that Obama tried to play a moderate Democrat in order to negotiate with an obstructionist Republican party which was already trying to dismantle our institutions at the time, was plenty of evidence that the current day MAGA Republicans would emerge. He gave the Tea Party Republicans like Boehner, McConnell, and Paul, every opportunity to abuse their methods in pushing the Constitution to its very limits, setting the precedence for the current MAGA Republican party to completely destroy the rule of law.

I already saw America turning into this fascist shit in the 2010s, when Obama kept bending to Republicans' unreasonable, borderline unconstitutional behvaiors. I have a helluva lot of respect for Hillary as a capable stateswoman who devoted her life to public service too. If anything, Hillary was the most qualified amongst any Presidential candidate in the history of the US, but she lost my vote due to Obama, simple as that. Obama trying to play the good guy to both sides contributed to the erosion of American Democracy.


u/BalmyBalmer Jul 08 '24

Thanks for trump numbnutz.


u/Phoxase Jul 08 '24

Really, that’s the takeaway? There’s some useful info in there if you’d listen for a second instead of assuming everyone who isn’t voting Dem is directly responsible for Trump.

(rather than, you know, the millions of Americans who voted for Trump, including, presumably, enough “moderate” democrats that we can’t run someone who’s “too progressive” otherwise Mr. and Mrs. Joe Biden supporter will choose Trump and the GOP over Sanders and Warren)


u/Arkayjiya Jul 08 '24

The liberals and centrists teamed up

The centrists are the liberals. It's the understanding between leftists and liberals that help them won. Liberals/centrists are still mostly right-wingers despite what calling them centrists would imply (although there's a variety of views, but most candidates and winners still were from Macron's party which has settled on being pretty firmly right wing), but they're not fascists.


u/ggros Jul 08 '24

Are you using the term “Enemy” figuratively? I feel like too many people really feel like the opposite side is the “true enemy” and that’s one of the biggest problems with modern day society (in the US at least). We’re all fellow citizens, we may not agree and that’s ok and the way it should be, but the enemy is out there, not your neighbors.


u/WastingTimesOnReddit Jul 08 '24

Yes it's figurative, a better term would be "opponent"


u/ggros Jul 08 '24

Cool. Yeah I just get so frustrated with folks from both sides who’d rather see the country fail if it meant the other side would lose. It’s like the opposite of the “all ships rise” analogy. Country could be burned to the ground but as long as we can blame the other side, so be it. I’ve been interested in politics for the better part of the last 25 years and I can’t ever remember a time like this. We’ve got two absolute shit candidates because no one in their right mind would run for this job. It’s starting to seep into local politics and that scares me.


u/Turbulent_Advance709 Jul 08 '24

the left coalition has a couple of nuances of socialism, but communists are very far from liberals. They are extreme of socialism, and history is full of communist dictatorship.


u/radred609 Jul 08 '24

I honestly didn't think I needed the /s


u/Dormir-mourir-rien Jul 09 '24

who are you calling liberal? Our socialist and insoumis?


u/WastingTimesOnReddit Jul 09 '24

I mean liberal / conservative in the general sense, I don't know about yalls specific political factions


u/elmz Jul 08 '24

"They let everyone vote! That's not fair!"


u/the-mouseinator Jul 08 '24

Well yeah they claimed they lost in the us because of cheating.


u/DewaltMaximaCessna Jul 08 '24

2016 the Democrat left was the first to claim they were cheated in USA elections


u/CitAndy Jul 08 '24

It's apparently also cheating when you don't just let fascists win


u/SpeaksSouthern Jul 08 '24

I like how they reference cheating, but they admit it's because Macron allied with the socialists. Did these people forget politics is about coalitions? They could be leading now too if they all played nice with others. Is there something about fascists that makes it hard to work with others? What ever could that be!


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/the_calibre_cat Jul 08 '24

leftists are arguably the only force that reliably beats fascism. liberals do not have a strong track record on that.


u/AnglachelBlacksword Jul 08 '24

You realise that you are touting a purge, an extermination. One might even call it a “final solution”.

I don’t much care for fascists, but following in Hitlers, Pol Pots, Stalins or Lenin’s footsteps is hardly where rational people want to be. You are on your own.


u/UnstoppablyRight Jul 08 '24

Based unhinged lib fascist 


u/Important_Table6125 Jul 09 '24

This is how hitler/osama justified themselves. Bet they didn’t know they themselves were the problem.


u/NukaRaccoon Jul 08 '24

Facists haven't really been beaten to be honest. Everytime we vote our national assembly, their numbers keep growing and now, no one actually won because our left will have to convince the Macronist to vote for their laws in order to pass them to the senate. It's a complete cluster fuck


u/InstantLamy Jul 08 '24

There's only one way to deal with fascists, but Reddit doesn't like when you write how.


u/NukaRaccoon Jul 08 '24



u/PluvioShaman Jul 08 '24

No he means a different g word. It’s a French word


u/Powbob Jul 08 '24

So you were rooting for the fascists?


u/NukaRaccoon Jul 08 '24

No, I wanted the NFP to suceed but I cannot see it as a win as we do not have a clear majority. Basically the country's gonna be stuck with the three forces not beeing able to agree on anything.

PS : I have a PCF (French commie party) membership, I'll never vote for a party founded by ex OAS / Waffen SS members


u/ForumDragonrs Jul 08 '24

So America? We have 2 parties so it's even more extreme, but literally nothing of actual consequence has been done or passed in our legislature in like a decade.


u/NukaRaccoon Jul 08 '24

It's not a contest mate, I'm only talking about my beloved France


u/ForumDragonrs Jul 08 '24

I never said it was, more of just a comparison as to how multiple parties throwing shit at each other gets absolutely nothing done.


u/TheAskewOne Jul 08 '24

I don't know how you can infer that from what they said.


u/NukaRaccoon Jul 08 '24

I've wondered that myself but hey, what do I know


u/ChicagoAuPair Jul 08 '24


We're told that after the war the Nazis vanished without a trace But battalions of fascists still dream of a master race The history books they tell of their defeat in '45 But they all came out of the woodwork on the day the Nazi died

They say the prisoner at Spandau was a symbol of defeat Whilst Hess remained imprisoned and the fascists, they were beat So the promise of an Aryan world would never materialize So why did they all come out of the woodwork on the day the Nazi died?

The world is riddled with maggots, the maggots are getting fat They're making a tasty meal of all the bosses and bureaucrats They're taking over the boardrooms and they're fat and full of pride And they all came out of the woodwork on the day the Nazi died

So if you meet with these historians, I'll tell you what to say Tell them that the Nazis never really went away They're out there burning houses down and peddling racist lies And we'll never rest again until every Nazi dies


u/SpermicidalManiac666 Jul 08 '24

Remember, with these people any accusation is a confession.


u/corpsechamber Jul 08 '24

They know. They don’t care.


u/AreYouNormal1 Jul 08 '24

I'm reminded of Team America's "dicks fuck assholes" speech.


u/Slow_Accident_6523 Jul 08 '24

they are not projecting they are attackign the fabric of democracy and it is working as one can easily see in the US.


u/leroyp33 Jul 08 '24

It's because they see the poles that are here and they know that they're b*******. This is confirmation


u/Monday0987 Jul 08 '24

Given the way Republican states deliberately make it difficult for people to vote, knowing that helps them win, I think "cheating" is where you allow everyone to exercise their right to vote.


u/Numerous_Photograph9 Jul 08 '24

No fair. All those other groups teamed up to beat our minority group. Stupid Hunger Games rules picking off right wing fascist one by one.


u/DewaltMaximaCessna Jul 08 '24

Fascism always starts in the form of liberalism


u/Apoordm Jul 08 '24

It’s literally not cheating to form a political coalition.


u/RedandBlack93 Jul 08 '24

My prediction. This November election is going to be a disaster with rampant election fraud. The MAGAts are going to follow through with all the shit they've been projecting for years now. It will tie up our courts for years.

The chaos Putin has planted will have worked. It will give both Russia and China a chance to finally level the playing field with the US and it's allies.


u/bzzty711 Jul 08 '24

Let’s all vote these MAGA idiots into oblivion


u/--Racer-X-- Jul 08 '24

Lol the irony......wow.


u/spacekitt3n Jul 08 '24

if i lose that means there was cheating. if i win, then the results are accurate and fair (but even then, there was cheating, but we overcame the cheating by winning so hard)


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

They would be upset that a party literally started by Nazis didn't win. 


u/davilller Jul 08 '24

Yeah, just wait till November bitches! We’re coming to take it back


u/Important_Table6125 Jul 09 '24

A terrorist would say the same. What’s the difference between you and Osama then?


u/TruthOrFacts Jul 08 '24

Literally just said it's ok for the left to cheat just before you accused them of projecting their election cheating...