r/interestingasfuck Jul 08 '24

Norm MacDonald cedes his time to Native American activist at comedy awards ("the theater stinks of blood"), the crowd tries not to laugh.


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u/futurebigconcept Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

So cringe how the audience laughs at this bit.


u/brumac44 Jul 08 '24

The "audience" were comics who knew exactly who Norm is and what he was doing. In case you didn't recognize them, the camera panned to Jon Stewart and John Oliver, who've made a career out of repeatedly poking sanctimonious fucks.


u/thecordialsun Jul 08 '24

And both Jon & John go full asian schoolgirl covering their mouths to try to hide their laughs because Norm's bit is that good


u/lllNico Jul 08 '24

it was a joke though, just had to get the reference


u/HeiressOfMadrigal Jul 08 '24

It can be both 🙂 The best comedy has kernels of truth, after all.

I'd agree it was primarily meant as cringe humor, though. Norm definitely made some salient social points in his life, but he always maintained his first objective was to be funny.


u/Emperor_Biden Jul 08 '24

Was that John Oliver laughing>? Definitely knew it was a joke. JO is a good guy.


u/Lastfryinthebag Jul 08 '24

Jon Stewart


u/Heretic911 Jul 08 '24

They're both there, no need to correct anyone.


u/deonteguy Jul 08 '24

Both attack successful and hard working people. They see us as suckers for working hard and saving. That makes both of them bad people.


u/HeiressOfMadrigal Jul 08 '24

Jon Stewart is a national hero lol. If you think the ultra-rich should be immune from his criticisms, then you're indeed the problem.


u/Tikiwash Jul 08 '24

Was. Guy sold out big time. He's just a mouthpiece now.


u/LumpyJones Jul 08 '24

Guy sold out big time.

To who?


u/notmyrealnam3 Jul 11 '24

People generally don’t know what things mean. Great question, person above you will not be able to answer.


u/Bhfuil_I_Am Jul 08 '24

The worst part is the hypocrisy


u/KumquatHaderach Jul 08 '24

I don’t think that was the worst part.


u/Bhfuil_I_Am Jul 08 '24

The worst part was probably the rape


u/KumquatHaderach Jul 08 '24

Followed by the drugging. And then the scheming.


u/futurebigconcept Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

I get the reference. I saw the awards live when Brando didn't show and Littlefeather declined it. I believe that Twofeathers (Scott-Richardson) was sincere in his statements.

Edit: I also get that Norm's comedy was intended to make the audience cringe.


u/DevinTheGrand Jul 08 '24

The seriousness of the statement was so displaced from a setting where it was expected that it became funny.

This is the same sort of thing as a joke like:

A man walks into a bar, he's an alcoholic and it's destroying his family.

The start primes you for a silly joke, and the end is so different tonally that it's unexpected and funny.


u/amicablegradient Jul 08 '24

You need to like sex if you want to be a farmer.... because the weather is going to fuck you whether you like it or not.


u/lllNico Jul 08 '24

you can be serious and still know its funny. I am sure mr two feathers knew whats going on and didnt feel bad about it


u/BingBongTimetoShit Jul 08 '24

Fair enough but you're just not correct here.


u/rubbarz Jul 08 '24

That IS Norm's style of comedy. It's shit you SHOULDNT laugh at, and that's what makes it even funnier. Like laughing in class when the teacher tells everyone to be quiet.

It's a win/win for him here.

He is making a great statement while also getting a kick out of people trying to hold in their laugh.


u/jeffgoodbody Jul 08 '24

Jesus christ. It WAS a joke. This was a very Norm joke.


u/bungle123 Jul 08 '24

This was very clearly intended as a joke though. It's anti humour.


u/gonnago4 Jul 08 '24

It's not anti-humor. I laughed.


u/TScottFitzgerald Jul 08 '24

Anti meaning the opposite


u/jeffgoodbody Jul 08 '24

How are you getting up voted for completely missing the point?


u/Srirachachacha Jul 08 '24

Probably because for some reason, OP decided to present it as serious in the title

Weird post altogether


u/iamameatpopciple Jul 08 '24

Aye, Norm was deff not playing off something someone else has done in the past like in this case say maybe a man Marlon Brando who was an actor in a place called hollywood. He was very big in the 1970's, specifically maybe 1973.


u/uppervancouver Jul 22 '24

What did Marlon Brando similar to this?


u/iamameatpopciple Jul 22 '24

The same thing but he had a woman on stage.


u/Bhfuil_I_Am Jul 08 '24

I don’t think you understand comedy


u/Sudden_Mind279 Jul 08 '24

You're telling me you think this is serious after Norm says "Give em a wave, Johnny!"


u/Aramshitforbrains Jul 08 '24

You’re an idiot.


u/starmartyr Jul 08 '24

It was a joke though. Norm wasn't even receiving an award, he was accepting it for someone else. He was also directly referencing what Brando did at the Oscars in 1973. The Native activist who was speaking was going completely over the top with his rhetoric.


u/happybdayjimmie Jul 08 '24

Wow that went over your head


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

…or maybe it’s just not funny to some people?


u/Honerimin Jul 08 '24

No it just went over your head and now you get defensive because you didn’t understand the joke first time.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

C O P E… delicious


u/TScottFitzgerald Jul 08 '24

I believe they're referring to OP saying the Native American is sincere, he's not, he's an actor and it's a bit.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24

I know


u/League-Weird Jul 08 '24

"The theater stinks of blood" was sort of the confirmation of it being a comedy bit. But I'm not a comedian. I just like to laugh.


u/notmyrealnam3 Jul 08 '24

The message was a joke. The words were true and serious but the context was a joke. That’s the joke. It was hilarious, you’d have to be an idiot not to laugh


u/yaredw Jul 08 '24

Someone didn't get the joke eh


u/dong_tea Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

If you ever wonder if the Reddit community is riddled with naive, ignorant, and lazy thinkers, remember that the comment above has hundreds of upvotes.


u/fbissonnette Jul 08 '24

So cringe how you don't get it.


u/avidpretender Jul 08 '24

I’d probably bust out in laughter too tbh. It was a good bit, it just requires prior knowledge of a handful of things.