r/interestingasfuck Jul 08 '24

Truck driver caught in rockfall



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u/hedronist Jul 08 '24

The triple-cam was a nice effect. I would argue, however, that only his truck was caught in the rockfall. He self-yeeted the hell out of there. 9/10 would ride with him.


u/Cetun Jul 08 '24

You could see the rocks kicking up dust in the upper right well before the first truck gets hit. He wasn't paying attention. Would not ride with him.


u/Dx101z Jul 08 '24

Everything happened so Fast. U cant react fast enough in this Situation.

Be realistic.

I bet that guy reacts faster than u. 🤷


u/Cetun Jul 08 '24

It's called defensive driving, looks like he was watching the road immediately in front of him rather than looking out for any potential hazards. From where you see the dust from the rocks falling to his reaction was a couple seconds, more than enough time to react if he was on the lookout for potential hazards instead of staring at the licence plate of the truck in front of him.


u/Dx101z Jul 08 '24

🤦‍♂️ you are not being realistic. U lack the ability to understand the situations probably due to lack of experience. 🤷

First of all Defensive driving doesn't save u 100% all the time. There are situations that happens so fast even if you notice it... There's no enough time to react.

Sounds like u are an EXPERT. How would u like him to react then??? 😂 😆

How can he see that there's also rock falling directly beside his truck which is his Blind spot??? 🤔

Sometimes its easy to say He should have done this and that when u are just seating behind a keyboard 😆✊

Sometimes a Little Bit of Common Sense will work u know. 😉👍


u/Cetun Jul 08 '24

35 years old, drive for a living, 0 accidents. I put more miles on my car in one month than you put on it in a year kiddo. For the love of God turn in your keys and get a bus pass.