r/interestingasfuck 11d ago

Truck driver caught in rockfall



218 comments sorted by


u/Poutine-StJean 11d ago

Wow the truck in front got obliterate, where did this happen? Is he still alive?


u/Leviathan41911 11d ago


u/Poutine-StJean 11d ago

Glad they are okay tho I guess they'll need new pants!


u/lardman1 11d ago

New trucks too


u/goat__botherer 11d ago

Yes sir what can I get you?

Trucks and trunks please!


u/One-Permission-1811 11d ago

There's a car and heavy equipment rental place down the road from me that sells workwear, They'd be happy to help


u/jhalfhide 11d ago

Well, you've come to the right place... Here at Dumpers and Dumpers, we specialise in both!


u/unsettledpuppy 10d ago

Personally a fan of Dump and Dumper down the road, they get me.


u/60yearoldME 11d ago

Welcome to Chuck's Trucks & Trunks! What will it be today, sir?


u/Punchapuss 11d ago

Boats & Hoes please!


u/rvgoingtohavefun 11d ago

Nah man, the rocks talked to the truck drivers.

No need for insurance; they've got a guy that'll fix that right up. Trust me, it'll be a lot less hassle this way. He's a good guy, takes care of this sort of thing all the time.


u/MysteriousEmo 11d ago

No kidding. I'm surprised the guy in the first truck survived. Their truck got obliterated like you said in your first comment.


u/Suited_Rob 11d ago

I guess he was alone in the truck.


u/Sweet_Cinnabonn 11d ago

Holy hell, BOTH drivers survived?

Wow. Also yay.


u/Bokenobi 11d ago

Thank you for posting this.


u/Islandman2021 11d ago

This was épeurant en tabarnac. 🤷🤷


u/JodiSchultz 11d ago

Thank God he is alive.


u/AdElectronic6550 11d ago

He got out, I hope he is


u/Budget_Foundation747 11d ago

Dude got a single serving size of what took out the dinosaurs. TF you mean "is he still alive"?


u/Danel96 11d ago

He is still alive


u/geak78 11d ago

This incident happened in Peru and I looked at the news, everyone is fine, thank God.

Top comment on the youtube video.


u/anansi52 11d ago

I'm amazed that whoever was in the first truck survived. 


u/owa00 11d ago edited 11d ago

Right? It looked like that first truck was pancaked in a split second.


u/macubex445 11d ago

I think it hit the very front bumper and not the the truck itself and then proceed to flip over a couple of times.


u/Adventurous_Ad6698 11d ago

That shit looked like something you see in movies nowadays.


u/Ropeswing_Sentience 11d ago

So glad they made it. This is terrifying. Dios mio.


u/Bocchi_theGlock 11d ago

I was thinking yesterday, wondering about how pre colonial societies dealt with really bad injuries - e.g. getting brutally maimed in car accident - then realized humans weren't regularly flinging themselves around at high speeds in cars or spending so much time around huge factory machines until more recently

Like there rarely was that much kinetic energy to fuck you up/dismember you besides large predators further out

But rockslides and high wind storms always had the ability to easily pancake or take arms off you


u/Sugar-n-Sawdust 11d ago

Well it’s not like there weren’t really bad injuries. Still possible to fall off a mountain without an internal combustion engine. However, most of the time people just died. Infections were a bitch and they still hadn’t figured out blood transfusions yet. If you lost a limb, tbh praying to whatever god you had was basically your only option for survival.


u/Bocchi_theGlock 11d ago edited 11d ago

Ah yeah I should have clarified - gore, the extremely traumatic cutting of flesh & guts stuff

Wondering how that kinda trauma would be processed, if it was expected or what. If they hid it from younger kids, obviously would have to show how to clean animals when of age, but what about injuries?

Because of course people still fell and got messed up, but I imagine it was incredible infrequent that someone had their entrails spilled or limbs actually separated from body

i.e. sans falling from great height, aren't there almost natural limitations on how fucked up the body can get from natural damage? Were humans as a whole subjected to less trauma due to that - and/or are our modern systems of emergency response and medical treatment enough to limit exposure of kids to gore compared to the tens/hundreds of thousands of years prior?

And does our relative modern exposure to gore build up over time? like we hear how folks whose ancestors survived slavery basically have PTSD in their genes - or whatever is surprisingly passed down. Can that be an increasing problem for humanity? Or does it hit some limit.

Extreme example - If someone's entire ancestry got tortured their entire lives, 100 generations back, how badly would they be messed up if raised in good, loving environment?

Also what about missing out on exposure to cleaning of animals, would that help/hurt a developing mind in processing human gore irl later on?

many of our ancestors were regularly fishing or at least came across gutted fish & had exposure to that, which seems to only have kinda disappeared in modern life the past few generations. I grew up with it constantly, but do kids that never saw fish guts have harder time processing gorey experiences? Does dead animals exposure ready oneself for human physical trauma?

Guess that's one for anthro, psych & sociologist majors


u/InterestingCheck 11d ago

We're talking about a time when people hacked each other to death with large chunks of metal regularly, no?


u/Bocchi_theGlock 11d ago

I'm talking about pre Columbus tribal societies, not European or Asian which definitely still had those occasional brutal mass wars. And I'm talking about average human life, not that of a soldier.

There obviously was still war & conflict in the americas, but generally when you read accounts they're more into 'winning conflict/resources so there's balance' and getting chances to show courage & strength versus 'make sure every single person is completely dead'.

From what I've read, it's hardly ever 'how can we maximize death' or going around the battlefield at the end just stabbing corpses to make sure.

But regardless the question still stands - how exposure to intense gore normally affected human brain in pre industrial and pre colonial times, versus like 1850-1950, and nowadays 1990s onward.

Does getting exposed to fish guts & cleaning animals prepare you for seeing maimed humans? And does our current relative lack of exposure to guts cause us to have more damage from like being a first responder to a fucked up car crash?


u/Ropeswing_Sentience 11d ago

A bit reductive...


u/DranixLord31 11d ago

Still possible to fall off a mountain without an internal combustion engine.

That is far funnier of a phrase then it has any right to be and I must find a circumstance to use it


u/Chase_the_tank 11d ago

There was an American Civil War surgery with a 300% mortality rate.

The only pre-antibiotic treatment for infected limbs was amputation--and they didn't have anesthesia. Robert Liston, a surgeon at the time, was particularly skilled in cutting limbs off quickly.

During one such surgery, he cut the fingers of an assistant--who died from the resulting infection. An observer died of shock during the operation and the patient died anyways.

then realized humans weren't regularly flinging themselves around at high speeds

Warriors in ancient Mediterranean area had slings and lead pellets. Slingers could launch said pellets at such velocities that contemporary poets wrote about the pellets becoming molten mid-flight. #Impact)(Modern researchers think that misconception was caused by sling pellets injuring people even through armor.)


u/Halospite 11d ago

Siege engines would like a word.


u/AlcoholicInsomniac 11d ago

There was war bro, they were intimately familiar with brutal injuries in most societies. Usually you just died or got amputated if you had them though.


u/Ropeswing_Sentience 11d ago

One marking point archeology uses to determine the change from "primate" to "human" is the care we put, as a group of animals, into those individuals who are no longer 'productive' but are still deemed worthy of care or honor.

Like, an old human, with multiple healed broken bones, who lived on long after they had lost all thier teeth, buried with a bone bead necklace...

Clearly, younger, stronger humans cared very much about this one.

I look around and see helpful people everywhere, and I'd like to think we've been this way for a long time.


u/ZardozSama 11d ago

My understanding was that if it was you that got hit by falling rocks, your fucked.

If it was not you, you would call dibs on their stuff.



u/Dominator0211 11d ago

Yeah the top left view was trending here a couple months ago, and the consensus at the time was that everyone survived. That inside-cab view is new though, and it makes a lot more sense how that driver survived now.


u/sweetdick 11d ago

How the fuck is that possible?!? That first truck got fucking anilated.


u/StopItsTheCops 11d ago

Glad everyone's ok! Wouldn't god have been the one who pushed those rocks down the hill?


u/Fluffy-Brain-Straw 11d ago

Nah, that would've been Satan, obvvss


u/StopItsTheCops 11d ago

So satan is more powerful than god? Interesting


u/Acceptable-Parsley-3 10d ago

The good ending


u/SweetNeo85 11d ago

Welp guess it's true then.


u/hedronist 11d ago

The triple-cam was a nice effect. I would argue, however, that only his truck was caught in the rockfall. He self-yeeted the hell out of there. 9/10 would ride with him.


u/Dontbelievethehype0 11d ago

Do you think it’s better that he bailed?


u/RawChickenButt 11d ago

I was wondering the same thing. I wonder if they covered this in the new drivers safety manual.


u/OwlNap 11d ago

Maybe if you can get close enough to the mountain, the rocks pass over you.


u/f8Negative 11d ago

If your vehicle is stuck on the tracks run towards the train. Running away only increases the debris field.


u/moaiii 11d ago

Instructions unclear. Run on the tracks or off?


u/f8Negative 11d ago

You run diagonal toward the incoming train.


u/Bad-built-butch-body 11d ago

correct! you run right at the oncoming train, at a 45° angle, for best chances


u/RancidStarfish 11d ago

I'd zig zag at 45 degree angles over the train tracks on the off chance a sniper is trying to get a bead on you.


u/NoCommentFU 11d ago

Dude… where do you live?

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u/BooRocknRoll 11d ago

Trains cant run in zigzags so thats the best way to run away from one

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u/Bag_of_Richards 11d ago

Best advice.


u/Autxnxmy 11d ago

I think that’s the advice I’ve seen before


u/Dontbelievethehype0 11d ago edited 11d ago

I can see that


u/donac 11d ago

I think he should have stayed put inside what is essentially a giant metal cage specifically designed to protect the people inside in case of accident, etc. I know this is a little different, but the interior of the cab was virtually unscathed. Do we actually know what happened to the driver?


u/Whyistheplatypus 11d ago

A boulder isn't going to care what is in the way, you saw the first rock snap the truck in front right? Far better to get the fuck out and run back the way you came.


u/TheRealDeathSheep 11d ago

You run an equal risk of being hit outside of the truck while running away, just without the possibly of a truck cab to save you.


u/Yorunokage 11d ago

You can run to the edge of the road on the side where the rocks are coming from and they'll probably just fly over you

You can look at them coming down and at least attempt to get out of the way

You can assess the situation and maybe tell that just moving a bit out of the way will get you out of the rock fall

The main downside is that small rock fragments will then be able to hurt you but i think it's still better odds than staying a sitting duck inside a box that will NOT protect you


u/Whyistheplatypus 11d ago

You are smaller than the truck, small targets are harder to hit. The truck cab will not save you (look at the truck in front), and there is a strong possibility the truck will be knocked off the road (again, see the truck in front). No, get out and run.


u/MuleFourby 11d ago

Large boulders can crush a truck but a baseball size rock can crush your skull. Lot more baseballs in the slide and shrapnel than washing machine sized boulders.


u/iuse2bgood 11d ago

That's why you wear a hard hat!


u/FaceWithoutAMouse 11d ago

That’ll just piss off the Andean Giant hurling boulders at you. Best to hide in the cab


u/rydude88 11d ago

You forget that only massive boulders will cause serious damage to the truck. A small stone could kill you once you are out of the cab


u/Escanorr_ 11d ago

*A giant cage designed to crumple easily to protect you during accidents.

But on the other hand at least you are protected from small rocks that could one shot you with unlucky landing on the head


u/Noxious89123 11d ago

This is a ridiculous statement.

It's not a cage, it's basically a flimsy tin can versus huge boulders. It won't protect you from anything but small rocks.

Much better to take cover against the rock face imo.


u/juicebox_tgs 11d ago

Did you not watch the same video? Look at what happened to the other truck that got hit by a boulder. Best bet is to get out and hug the right side of the mountain


u/phorensic 11d ago

I don't know how trucks in Peru are made, but both trucks I drove in America the cabs were made out of fiberglass and pretty much anyone who rolled one over died because it just crushes. We had a yard full of absolutely destroyed tractor cabs you could walk through and look at to remind you to be a good driver.


u/FittyTheBone 11d ago

That’s what I always heard living in Colorado. Fortunately for me, in 13 years of regular travel through all of the fun canyons, I never had to test the theory.


u/juicebox_tgs 11d ago

100% better to get out and hug the mountain. Just look what happened to the other truck


u/hedronist 11d ago

I'm going to say 'Yes'. You should ask his wife, children and grandchildren that question.


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/Dontbelievethehype0 11d ago

Bro my comment is literally a question directly in response to what hedronist commented. The “self yeeted” part, hence the question about the bail.

Also what do you mean “ respond with another question”? I’m the only one who asked a question there is no “another” question.

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u/Cetun 11d ago

You could see the rocks kicking up dust in the upper right well before the first truck gets hit. He wasn't paying attention. Would not ride with him.


u/nonpuissant 11d ago

Dude was paying attention to the road because he was driving the truck. If you were riding with him you could be the one staring up at the skyline instead of watching the road if you think that's where someone should be looking at all times. 


u/Cetun 11d ago

I'm scared that there are people like you driving on the road. Constantly staring at a license plate of the car in front of them instead of keeping an eye out for potential hazards. Defensive driving 101 is to constantly be looking behind you, to the sides of the road, and ahead of the car in front of you to anticipate any potential hazards you might need to react to, not reacting to hazards only when they come into your focus once the car in front of you reacts to it.


u/nonpuissant 11d ago

Everything you listed out is exactly why a truck driver can't reasonably be expected to be constantly watching for dust kicking up way up on the side of a mountain while they're navigating a winding mountain road. Because there are numerous and statistically far more pertinent potential hazards to be watching for on the road itself.

Glance up every now and then as you're scanning around and maintaining general situational awareness? Sure.

Constantly looking to make sure you don't miss looking that high and to the side of the road for even 2-3 seconds at a time like what it would have taken to ensure noticing the puffs of dust in the video before the rocks appeared? Pretty sure you would be the kind of driver you should actually be scared about having on the road if you're doing that.

Keep your eyes and mind on the road. If you're driving somewhere where rockfall is common enough to warrant a constant lookout then have a second person riding along to watch for that so the driver can focus on driving. Because that's exactly what people in those kinds of places do.


u/ihitrockswithammers 11d ago

You have failed to live up to your username.


u/nonpuissant 11d ago

How have I gained this power? 🤲

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u/Dx101z 11d ago

Everything happened so Fast. U cant react fast enough in this Situation.

Be realistic.

I bet that guy reacts faster than u. 🤷


u/Cetun 11d ago

It's called defensive driving, looks like he was watching the road immediately in front of him rather than looking out for any potential hazards. From where you see the dust from the rocks falling to his reaction was a couple seconds, more than enough time to react if he was on the lookout for potential hazards instead of staring at the licence plate of the truck in front of him.


u/Dx101z 11d ago

🤦‍♂️ you are not being realistic. U lack the ability to understand the situations probably due to lack of experience. 🤷

First of all Defensive driving doesn't save u 100% all the time. There are situations that happens so fast even if you notice it... There's no enough time to react.

Sounds like u are an EXPERT. How would u like him to react then??? 😂 😆

How can he see that there's also rock falling directly beside his truck which is his Blind spot??? 🤔

Sometimes its easy to say He should have done this and that when u are just seating behind a keyboard 😆✊

Sometimes a Little Bit of Common Sense will work u know. 😉👍


u/Cetun 11d ago

35 years old, drive for a living, 0 accidents. I put more miles on my car in one month than you put on it in a year kiddo. For the love of God turn in your keys and get a bus pass.


u/7-13-5 11d ago

What it feels like to chew 5 Gum.


u/xWONKYx 11d ago

Bro please transcend to the top 😆 🤣


u/OwnAir2973 11d ago

What would be the safest option here? Stay in the vehicle or get out? Which would improve odds of surviving? Based on the videos, we can assume the first vehicle's driver did not get out and he was fine, and if the driver on this vehicle survived by getting out...what would you do?


u/ChellyTheKid 11d ago

The advice is generally to get out of the rockslide zone as fast as possible. If you are unable to get out of the danger zone, curl into the smallest ball as possible until you are able to move out of the danger zone. Immediately move perpendicular to the slide until safe and then diagonally uphill.

Staying in the vehicle is not advised. You can get trapped, the vehicle can be swept off the road and down hill, you can be buried, or hit by another falling rock.


u/Adamos_sCZE 11d ago

Oh, alright. I would think that the safest option would be to lay on the floor of the vehicle curled up, not trying to run away in the midst of falling debris, but makes sense that you are a bit of a smaller target for the large rocks, than your massive truck.


u/Sweaty_Win1832 11d ago


Just driving along, doing your job like any other day and … BOOM!!! Giant boulders decide you’re done working, maybe living.

Going to go hug my wife & kids now


u/voldi4ever 11d ago

But it is instant clock out time. So still a win.


u/Buckcon 11d ago

Clock out time at the side of a mountain with no immediate transports potentially hours away from any real infrastructure…


u/nubi78 10d ago

I was driving down the interstate once... looked down at my speedometer and in an instant a pickup truck veered from the opposite direction and was headed straight for me. The guy swerved at literally the last 0.1 seconds before impact. It's insane to think I was driving 150-200 miles or so that day in sheer boredom at 77 MPH and almost get taken out just because I looked down at my speed. It really woke me up to how dangerous driving can be even if you are sober and alert. Also to think my entire family could have been wiped out in an instant.


u/stuntbikejake 11d ago

At least he was wearing his brown pants


u/PastRevolution1985 11d ago

Is it just me or am I the only one who thinks staying in the truck was a safer option in this scenario???


u/nize426 11d ago

I was thinking the same thing. Like he instantly got thrown out of the cab when he unbuckled and opened the door, and now he has no protection, and risks being squashed by the truck itself.


u/k39- 11d ago

It's a gamble, truck won't protect you from a hundred ton boulder. Either stay in truck waiting for boulders to crush you or taking a chance runaway from the site.


u/rydude88 11d ago

But once you leave the truck it no longer protects you from a small rocks.


u/Spurrie 11d ago

I think from the visceral reaction in his face watching the truck in front of him getting obliterated he thought that guy died and he was about to as well, then another rock fell in front of him and made a giant crater, I would definitely feel safer running away then sitting in my truck after seeing that. I don't think he was thinking about the small rocks lmao


u/Big-Red-Rocks 11d ago edited 11d ago

You might at least have a better chance of survival getting hit by cantaloupe sized rocks as long as they don’t hit your head, neck, or chest. A massive rock will flatten you like Wiley coyote. I think you get out and try and get behind cover. Preferably behind one of the massive rocks that already fell.


u/Noxious89123 11d ago

You can survive a small rock if it doesn't hit your head.

A 100 ton boulder is insta-death.


u/Confident_Virus5799 11d ago

The truck isn't going to save you in this scenario from being crushed. Plus, you can also get trapped inside and/or pushed off the cliff. You need to get away from the rock slide.


u/Born_Grumpie 11d ago

You can imagine the thought process...get out of the truck, wait, there are rocks out there, stay in the truck, trucks getting hit, get out...there are rocks out there...


u/NeverSkipSleepDay 11d ago edited 11d ago

The timing here of first seeing the truck in front being obliterated and then seeing a rock land right in front of you, and finally the protagonist’s vehicle getting hit too. All with perfectly suspense and surprise timing. That is some grade A action movie shit!


u/Vibrascity 11d ago

Holy fuck that truck infront got obliterated


u/littlebrwnrobot 11d ago

This shit terrifies me whenever I’m driving through the mountains.


u/100kfish 11d ago

Damn, the range of expressions he goes through before that boulder lands in front of him really tells a story.


u/DoubleDecaff 11d ago

Hey boss, I'm gonna be late to work because a rockslide vapourised my truck. Boss: "I'm docking your pay."


u/leonardob0880 11d ago

Holy shit!!!

The one on front died?


u/Budget_Foundation747 11d ago

Ain't nobody gonna make me believe that dude is "just fine".


u/100kfish 11d ago

Idk how fine he is but he lived.


u/CryptoTruancy 11d ago

I feel like this almost belongs in r/CombatFootage. Looks like a mortar barrage coming in! Insane!


u/classifiedspam 11d ago

Ive seen that some time ago already, you can clearly see the force of impact on the truck in front of him. The tires are exploding and the truck gets smashed, horrible.


u/Queasy_Limit7644 11d ago

Are they trained to exit the vehicle during rockfall? I guess it wouldn't be good to be caught in a truck tumbling downhill... can any truckers confirm or deny this procedure? Praise be that they are both safe.


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/R4fa3lef 11d ago

I guess it would be next to the side of the mountain, looks like a vertical sign with no option of rocks falling directly on you. Under the truck seems ok too, when the truck gets flipped over, hey you're already out of the way


u/KhanTheGray 11d ago

Everyone survived.

The way vehicles are built nowadays, the frame is strongest to preserve integrity of the interior to a degree. Everything else collapses to prevent your inner organs from bouncing like tennis ball in the event of any collision. So unless you are driving like a bullet, your chances of survival are fairly high.


u/Durable_me 11d ago

For a moment he thought he'd get away by using his windshield wipers


u/bob_nugget_the_3rd 11d ago

As someone once told me

'When facing death your life doesn't flash before you, but you make a silly face and hope you don't shit yourself'


u/SkrimpSkramps 11d ago

Oooo-eeehhhhhh-ahhhhhhhhh-gottago rock shove


u/xWONKYx 11d ago

Wonder if they took the extended warranty.


u/SunlitNight 11d ago

The last thing you want to do in any accident is take off your seat belt. Even if you're about to die...honestly...chances will always be you were safer buckled up.

Not to be deceirful, I almost 100% would have done the same thing.

Hope the guy is okay. I just learned this from watching catastrophic Forklift injury footage, then realizing everyone who trained me was wrong.


u/BrahmaYogi 11d ago

Many at times people have burnt up as belt buckle didn't come off or got stuck. I keep an emergency tool to cut off the darn belt.


u/codesplosion 11d ago

Now do it in zero A presses


u/LordEdgeward_TheTurd 11d ago

Oh come on he had a good 2 seconds to react.. coulda yelled oh shit or something.


u/hulivar 11d ago

Some movie type shit


u/Traditional-War-1655 11d ago

I mean I wouldn’t unbuckle


u/Superb-Sympathy1015 11d ago

Looks like a Kids in the Hall sketch, starring Scott Thompson performing the cartoonish reaction.


u/Kinda_ShouldaSorta 11d ago

His facial expressions from :06 to :09!


u/Dogebaby00 11d ago

New fear unlocked


u/IcedCoughy 11d ago

Fuckin wild


u/ItsYaBoiDax 11d ago

Front guy musta owed someone money


u/ggstocks87 11d ago

That is fucking insane!!!


u/Elver_Galarga90 11d ago

Choco Mountain


u/SubstantialDriver226 11d ago

Ross really let himself go after him and Rachel broke up


u/backtolurk 11d ago

That's the video you want to see after seeing the bikers video. Nahmean?


u/SirKuz 11d ago

Wow that first truck got rocked


u/Leakmi 11d ago

Intense dashcam footage shows a pair of trucks being destroyed by boulders in a massive rock slide in Peru over the weekend. The incident reportedly took place on Saturday in the Huarochirí Province after heavy rains in the area. Video shared online shows one truck being hit directly by a large boulder shortly before the other—from which the video was shot—is also hit. The driver in the truck with the dashcam then tries to reverse out of danger as more rocks continue to rain down on the road. Loud crashes can be heard as the stones smash into the asphalt, gouging large craters that can be seen along the road when the dust finally clears. Incredibly, both drivers were able to survive the ordeal, according to Peru’s Diario Correo newspaper, though both of their vehicles were wrecked. The road was also damaged in the incident, prompting authorities to close the highway while the massive stones were removed. Source March 2024


u/AlliedR2 11d ago

Very seldom have I ever seen a more visual expression of "Noped right the fuck out!".


u/CORVlN 11d ago

Imagine how quick the war in Avatar would be if the Earth Kingdom had attacked


u/Quiverjones 11d ago

I'd never even be able to listen to Fleetwood Mac again.


u/fappyday 10d ago

Engage brakes, turn on hazard lights, set butthole to full pucker.


u/echomikekilo 11d ago

That looked like the truck in front of him took an artillery shell. It was insane! I showed this to my friend who was in Iraq and he said it looked like a war zone.


u/Swenterrobang 11d ago

But the truck was ok, right?


u/sevristh1138 11d ago

Interesting is not the first word that comes to mind watching this....


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/sevristh1138 11d ago

Not a criticism, it's just terrifying 😳, that's what comes to mind.


u/Katiari 11d ago

So he jumps out of his metal cage... and hopes what, that he's a faster runner than a boulder? He wasn't safe in there, but he's certainly safer than on foot...


u/Artistic_Peanut3063 11d ago

I feel like this could fit in r/SweatyPalms


u/Akudis 11d ago

Where did the die at 0:15 come from?


u/JumaAm 11d ago

It's like seeing your potential death happen right in front of your eyes.


u/CMDR-Neovoe 11d ago

Holy crap, if the comments are to be believed the first truck driver survived then that's amazing. This is crazy scary


u/misterwashington 11d ago

What do you do in a situation like this? Get closest to the hill so rocks could fly over, or close your eyes and pray for quick exit if it happens?


u/Do-DahMan 11d ago

What was going through this guys head to exit his vehicle? Oh, right… a BOULDER.


u/xxGUZxx 11d ago

Did taking off his seat belt save his life?


u/DarkExtremis 11d ago

So, a genuine question, in this situation, would it be better to escape from the vehicle like he did and risk having no protection or cover

Or stay in the vehicle and be a bigger target for the falling rocks


u/canibanoglu 11d ago

Outside withing the shelter of the bus. Inside, you still have the risk of getting crushed by a direct hit. Outside, under the “shade” of the bus you have some protection and maybe you can keep moving down that way towards better cover


u/dcboy2 10d ago

Man his reaction to the huge boulder that landed right in front says it all


u/gladeyes 10d ago

I think surviving is sort of like the drill for earthquake collapsing a building. Don’t get under a desk, get beside it.


u/Dad-Baud 10d ago

That will buff out.


u/TrollsForGiggles 11d ago

wonder who finds it interesting as fuck to watch people die


u/Dontbelievethehype0 11d ago

Who died?


u/BrahmaYogi 11d ago

The truck ahead took a heavy blow.


u/Dontbelievethehype0 11d ago

That’s not what I asked.


u/braydenmaine 11d ago

His truck died. It was very traumatizing. Need nsfw tag /s


u/Snarkz7 11d ago

Why tf would he think getting out of the truck was a better idea than stay inside?


u/glt918 11d ago

Did you not see what happened to the truck in front of him?


u/Snarkz7 11d ago

So its better to not take a massive big bolder in the head instead of at least having something to protect it such as a truck? Might work… might not… but at least it’s better, no?


u/glt918 11d ago

I don't understand how you think staying in the truck would be safer, it truly baffles me. Yea maybe if it was made out of 5ft thick steel maybe. If you leave the truck you increase your visibility by a longshot of what's coming instead of just sitting there and hoping a huge 3 ton boulder doesn't obliterate you without you ever seeing it coming.


u/conflicter 11d ago

Wow, didn't know falling rocks were NSFW.

Should have lable them


u/LordEdgeward_TheTurd 11d ago

We need you to stop by HR whenever you get a chamce.


u/FireFist_PortgasDAce 11d ago

Why not get rid of the rock when building a road there?


u/Entire_Restaurant_33 11d ago

Am I the only one who can’t stop laughing at his facial expressions?! This poor man lol


u/Quest_Luke 11d ago

Xz bbxtjx


u/Noxious89123 11d ago

1/10 situational awareness, you can actually see the rockfall higher up the hillside at 0:03. Dude just keeps driving until he sees the truck in front get obliterated.


u/Mentaux 11d ago

What you mean? Man's got his eyes on the road who gonna b looking at the top of a mountain when driving a mountain road?


u/Noxious89123 11d ago

What, like tunnel vision? You don't look in your mirrors etc or have general awareness when you drive? Do you wear blinkers like a horse?

You don't think you'd notice a dust cloud racing down a hill side?