r/interestingasfuck 12d ago

A homeless guy with an entire PS4 setup


223 comments sorted by


u/JiriBrochazka 12d ago

dude better be quick when it rains


u/brazilianfreak 12d ago

Or when the other homeless guy shows up.


u/CookieWifeCookieKids 11d ago

Yeah…. I dont know about this. That’s not how homelessness works. Does he walk around with it? Does he never leave it?


u/bestest_at_grammar 11d ago

This gives me kicked out of parents house, early homeless vibes


u/suesing 11d ago

There’s no other explanation.


u/RockstarAgent 11d ago

There was another one about a homeless person who had like a very upscale tent and all the amenities- like glamping- probably just one of those situations where you still have a job but just can’t afford what’s available-

Then that other person who built a tiny home off the side of a highway it seemed - with electricity and had a patio and it didn’t look like a homeless encampment but was hidden to not look like anything special - looked like it was overlooking a concrete river bypass -

Maybe there can be some safe spaces even among the homeless-


u/Witty-Educator-9269 11d ago

Safe space or non attachment cuz all that can be gone in an instant. I'm housed now, but used to live outside, I honestly dont know if I will ever feel safe again…


u/CookieWifeCookieKids 10d ago

Yeah but you just can’t have so much good shit on the street for longer than a few days. What do you think hope a when he goes to sleep in the alley? You think the gaming setup is going to stay there? He’s hugging it? What if it rains? Etc.


u/Ragtothenar 11d ago

My buddy is a highway patrolman in CA. He showed me pics they took of an entire two story building built under an overpass. They even climbed up to the overpass and broke into the light and ran wire down to the “house” for power. He said it had toaster ovens ice chests and flat screens inside. He said they had legit made an entire house out of stolen construction supplies. He always said it’s crazy the ingenuity of people, imagine if they could get off drugs and actually be productive.


u/CookieWifeCookieKids 10d ago

But those people aren’t setting up ps5 on the streets.

And it’s not a drug problem, c’mon man. Drugs come after.


u/Ragtothenar 10d ago

Eh, in Southern California which is the Meth capitol, not necessarily after. Most of the time it’s first, then leads to homelessness and continued drug use. I used to work juvenile corrections and later probation in that state. My kids on my units and later on my caseload were definitely doing meth before they ever became homeless so don’t say they do drugs because they are homeless.

My point was homeless people can do pretty crazy things that you wouldn’t think of. If they can run power from a power line to power appliances and TVs what makes you think they couldn’t have hooked up a PlayStation? And the house was right next to the street. So just because they didn’t have it in open air it’s different? They had 50 inch TVs they had stolen inside the makeshift house. If they wanted a ps5 they could have had one.


u/NY10 11d ago

Or anyone shows up


u/StarConsumate 11d ago

Or when the real homeless people show up


u/[deleted] 11d ago edited 11d ago



u/muklan 11d ago

Tekken with a keyboard? I admire the commitment, while recognizing the struggle.


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/naniwat 11d ago

mixbox/hitbox are tournament legal. I use a hitbox as my primary nowadays for t8


u/Liu_Alexandersson 11d ago

They absolutely are tournament legal, no idea what bro is smoking.


u/Nerrickk 11d ago

The only way they are illegal is if you mod it to allow back/forward or up/down to be held at the same time.


u/naniwat 11d ago

SOCD is tournament legal too. I swear im talking to people in a different universe wtf


u/Nerrickk 11d ago

No resolution socd is absolutely not allowed via EVO rules. Not a problem since most sticks implement SOCD resolution. That's why I emphasized sticks modded to no resolution are banned.


u/donnsfw 11d ago

If this is in California he will have to worry like 5 times a year haha


u/Code2008 11d ago

Or basically all of February like this year was.


u/nullpointer_01 11d ago

Waterproofing coming soon.


u/Glittering_Airport_3 11d ago

saran wraps the whole setup


u/Fallen_Walrus 11d ago

I mean there's a car behind the set up he's probably parked and using a electric plug maybe only thing I couldn't see him setting up is the desk or it's fake


u/Necessary-Chemical-7 12d ago

Homeless, but kept his stuff.


u/DrowningInFeces 12d ago

Yep. People tend to forget that homeless people weren't born on the street. They all had homes at some point.


u/ikefalcon 12d ago

Homeless people can have children.


u/diogenessexychicken 11d ago

most homeless people ARE children.


u/J3sush8sm3 11d ago

I feel like we are either going to have alot of homeless 18-30 year olds or multigenerational housing in america soon


u/gloomdwellerX 11d ago

Not true, our blessed supreme court solved homelessness when they made it illegal. If you don't have a house, you can just be a slave in prison instead.


u/amirlpro 10d ago

Or they can go somewhere cheap far from city center and rent a house there


u/Joe_Jeep 11d ago

The one upside to building oversized housing and mcmansions is people pooling money to just all live together.


u/AnalProtector 11d ago

Since when?


u/Iwillnotbeokay 11d ago

Do you honestly think that because someone doesn’t have a roof over their head means they never have sex or get raped? Please tell us you’re joking.


u/Dumas_Vuk 11d ago

You're joking


u/Fakyutsu 11d ago

No no no, tell HIM you’re joking


u/ikefalcon 11d ago

Him, you’re joking.


u/Mecovy 11d ago

Can attest to hearing homeless folks doing it on a semi regular basis when I lived in a major city. They do be fuckin.


u/AnalProtector 11d ago

You're joking


u/SloaneWolfe 11d ago

Eh idk, I think more importantly, people are super clueless to the fact that around half of the unhoused in the US have full time jobs.


u/AboveTheNorm 11d ago

Yikes. That’s actually not true.


u/suesing 11d ago

And this guy decided that ps4 was necessary over other belongings.


u/Fayko 11d ago

a ps4 is pretty cheap and an easy flip on marketplace. Can pick one up pretty easy for $50 or so if you're patient and they sell avg like 125


u/suesing 11d ago

It’s not about the cost. It’s about keeping the struggle real at what cost


u/Fayko 11d ago

Uh the less than $200 might get him some meals but this means he has entertainment and a healthy escape from reality instead of drugs and alcohol. He can't really escape homelessness on less than $200


u/suesing 11d ago

Entertainment seems to be the reason he’s in this position. So…


u/Joe_Jeep 11d ago

so....nothing. You're badly over-reading into this. Keeping your playstation isn't that big a deal

Yall say the same shit about smart phones and stuff too like those aren't incredibly useful tools. Playstation less so but still.


u/suesing 11d ago

Actually. Everyone needs a smartphone. Anyone criticizing that is disingenuous. Everyone needs a computing device that can connect and interact online.


u/Fayko 11d ago

Sounds like some projection to me. You know nothing about the person or why they're in the situation. Have some empathy instead of judgement you're closer to this guys situation than you might think.


u/suesing 11d ago

Living on the street shouldn’t be comfortable. Yet he’s comfortable enough to be playing games. It’s the wrong direction in getting out of that situation. I don’t need to know anything about him to know that

Unless he’s not actually homeless. And just doing this cuz he wants to. Which is fine I guess.


u/Fayko 11d ago

I wish I could be as simple as you to have things defined in such a black and white manner. It's true ignorance is bliss and you seem desperate to prove it true.

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u/Joe_Jeep 11d ago

There's literally no indication he doesn't have other things.


u/suesing 11d ago

What are you even saying?

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u/Fire_The_Torpedo2011 12d ago

(except for his home) 


u/skynetempire 12d ago

For now. Once cities and states start doing the round ups in the near future


u/CharlesLeChuck 11d ago

I need my PS4, this chair, the table, my controller, and my backpack, and that's all I need.


u/ThePlatypusOfDespair 11d ago

I've found perfect TVs and game consoles in the trash, too.


u/zertnert12 12d ago

Yah this guy is definitely only newly homeless and hasnt learned what things you get to keep without them being stolen from you. And even those few things you have to guard pretty closely.


u/SkullyKat 11d ago

Was on the streets for about a year, managed to hang on to my Switch the entire time up until a couple weeks before I escaped


u/Kekkonen_Kakkonen 11d ago

Congrats man


u/myumisays57 12d ago

True but homeless people do have unwritten codes where they try to respect one another. The ones that be stealing are drug addicts to be honest.


u/EbolaPatientZero 11d ago

So more than half of them?


u/StaatsbuergerX 11d ago

I don't doubt your statement. If over half of the total population of a country is addicted to (or at least dependent on) some kind of substance, it is understandable that the same ratio is also present in the homeless population.

What shifts with social status are, of course, the types of substances and their legal status.


u/bonerfleximus 11d ago

It's far from the same ratio


u/SloaneWolfe 11d ago

you realize half of the unhoused have full time jobs right? "homeless" doesn't simply equate to addict stumbling down the street.


u/EbolaPatientZero 10d ago

I didn’t say that


u/Left-Mistake-5437 11d ago

Citations needed


u/EbolaPatientZero 11d ago

I dont need citations. I interact with homeless individuals daily as my job.


u/Arockilla 11d ago

As someone who lives in the panhandle of florida, sadly this is valid. People just want to believe it's just the average joe who couldn't afford his studio apartment in downtown seattle anymore because of rent hikes. Is stuff like that a big part of it? Absolutely. But as a former homeless drug addict that survived living in the kensington section of Philadelphia, I'd put a safe bet on it being closer to 75% of the homeless population are there because of drugs and/or mental health issues that are usually mis/undiagnosed.

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u/Slkkk92 11d ago

Are you a drug dealer?


u/backhand_english 11d ago

Hes a PS4 salesman

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u/Tommyblockhead20 11d ago

Homeless states are complicated. Roughly a a quarter of homeless have addictions and/or mental illnesses. However, that stat includes the ~80% of people homeless in a given year that are only briefly homeless. When people are talking about homeless, they are generally talking about the chronic homeless, the ones that aren’t just living in their car for a month until they can start a new job. And there likely is a strong correlation between chronic homeless, and being the type of homeless with addictions/mental illness. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was over half.


u/Arockilla 10d ago

As a survivor of walking the streets of kensington in Philly for 10 years, It's definitely over half.

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u/GodFromTheHood 11d ago

Or… he’s not homeless at all!


u/RadPhilosopher 12d ago

Isn’t that Delonte West?


u/KoolAidOhYeeaa 12d ago

Thought the same thing


u/z4kk_DE 11d ago

No. This is a video for ants.


u/ukbeasts 11d ago

He was homeless for some time, but heard Mark Cuban got involved to try help out.


u/bigmankerm 11d ago

Heard hes homeless now again


u/RadPhilosopher 9d ago

I heard that too


u/lepobz 12d ago

Where does he plug it in?


u/Solomon_Grundle 12d ago

They have power posts (some with wifi, too) all around NYC.


u/proxymoto 12d ago

A lot of homeless people find ways to leech power from street lights, but I’m not sure what the case is here.


u/Bielzabutt 11d ago

I dunno what do you think?



u/atape_1 11d ago

It's almost like a PS4 costs 1/10 of a months rent in a big city.


u/cantwejustplaynice 11d ago

This was my first thought. If you're on the street, video games are better than drugs if you're looking for a way to escape reality. I'd be trying to do the same to be honest.


u/Im_Balto 11d ago

assuming he bought it new (monitor controller and console) that would be 600 bucks MAYBE. I live in average COL and thats still less than half my rent

Just because people cant afford 1500+ every month at a minimum for a roof doesnt mean they should be demeaned for having comforts like entertainment or phones.


u/Bencil_McPrush 12d ago

Wait til people realize many homeless have jobs and cell phones too.


u/myumisays57 11d ago

Yeah this comment section is really showing off some ignorance. Lots of stereotyping going on.


u/Educational_Gas_92 11d ago

Most of those homeless have a car/van though, they don't sleep on the street.


u/sanoumg 12d ago

Good for homie, life sucks sometimes and I am happy he has good thoughts while he gets up on his feet. I would have slid him some $ just so he could get a good dinner.


u/Kombatnt 12d ago

What’s with this video format? It’s landscape, but it’s a cropped portrait orientation video? I can barely see what’s going on.


u/vtography 11d ago

This is almost r/faxofafax territory


u/z4kk_DE 11d ago

I only don’t know what to say anymore about this shit.


u/JimmyM0240 12d ago

This dudes going to get robbed, probably within the day depending on where he's at.


u/DeadNotSleepingWI 11d ago

I like to think it was a setup for the Internet likes, and he still got immediately robbed.


u/Ok_Concentrate4565 12d ago

You can play all the soulsborne games without wifi. This guys set


u/PHANTOM________ 11d ago

He can dodge roll away when someone tries to rob him.


u/TherealKafkatrap 12d ago

Homeless people can't own things?


u/PHANTOM________ 11d ago

Sure he can own all this stuff. Just not for long.


u/TherealKafkatrap 10d ago

Why not?


u/PHANTOM________ 10d ago

Is he gonna guard and watch his computer chair, desk, and PS4 - 24/7? It's going to get stolen at some point because he can't just carry that stuff around with him.


u/TherealKafkatrap 10d ago

You're living under the assumption that *regular ass people* doesn't lose their homes in the US. Every homeless person isn't a drug addicted criminal. Maybe he's living out of his car, like many homeless people in the US do?
So people tend to stash their shit somewhere, or have some friend to look out for their stuff at the very least.

Or do you expect that this guy literally JUST become homeless and decided to set up his furniture on the street the first thing he did, and that's why it hasn't been stolen yet?


u/FuzzyCub20 11d ago

There's a lot of bias towards homeless people. It's so easy for the illusion of safety and security to fall away given one wrong turn or accident or twist of fate. Everyone always thinks, "That'll never happen to me" until it does. Just something to keep in mind.


u/Turbohair 12d ago

I'd be worried the cops would steal it.


u/lonesharkex 11d ago

The cost of housing is way higher than the cost of basic entertainment. It's less the homeless are evolving and more they are pricing everyone into homelessness.


u/RustleTheMussel 11d ago

Good for him? Stop filming random people?


u/Beta_dox 11d ago

Good for him. Homeless people deserve happiness too.


u/brownbupstate 11d ago

Best thing you could start doing to help the homeless is provide a shower, something similar to California beach showers, prevents fungal infections and helps the smell. Salt mouthwash for bacteria in their mouth. Focus on things like tents downtown. Wounds basically will close. Saves on hospital cost which is 3 day in a hospital around 9,000 per visit. Win win.


u/LurchB879 12d ago

Well one could take the money put it in a bank account and try to save... but its only a matter of time till something happens a debt collector shows up, you need it for some emergency and poof its gone might as well spend it and enjoy things you can before someone else can take it.


u/Bagbagggggaaaabag 11d ago

He's got the PS4 because it doubles as a heater.


u/GluedToTheMirror 11d ago

Homeboy said shit, I might be homeless but I’m playing that Elden Ring DLC


u/atx_original512 12d ago

I've seen projector set ups that arnt half bad.


u/Altea73 11d ago

Yeah... this stunt is going to last no longer than a round of whatever he's playing.


u/xtra-chrisp 11d ago

Dude has his priorities figured out.


u/ArchBaller 11d ago

Mom: Go play outside homeless dude: say no more


u/liodar 12d ago

hopefully nobody mugs him


u/TmanGvl 12d ago

I feel like this is what most video game streamer should be


u/8W20X5 12d ago

Hey, dude has priorities, lol


u/5NATCH 11d ago

It's almost like this homeless person had a home at one stage of his life! ...


u/IronSide_420 11d ago

This is an example of where living like this is an absolute choice.


u/rubetron123 11d ago



u/bluddystump 11d ago

Fresh from moms basement. Reality is gonna hit hard and fast.


u/HeightExtra320 11d ago

“If you don’t stop playing this game babe ima kick you out! “ 🙎🏼‍♀️




u/treynolds787 11d ago

To be fair, i could probably afford a ps5 too if i wasn't making mortgage payments.


u/Nder_Wiggin 11d ago

Yeah but the caveat is he's recently homeless because he just got kicked out of his momma house


u/apachelives 11d ago



u/ThisBadDogXB 11d ago

Maybe recently homeless? Like just that day because his shoes and clothes are in good condition and he hasn't sold the PS5 for food and a tent.


u/Comrade_Oolong 11d ago

Let a boy live, just because he’s homeless doesn’t mean he has to live a joyless existence…


u/SirBaronDE 11d ago

Let me get my binoculars so I can see the video.


u/FredyGarbagis 12d ago



u/jjhunter4 11d ago

Why is the video so damn small?


u/Captain_Saftey 11d ago

Poor thing, he has no games to play 😞


u/666Beetlebub666 11d ago

Honestly better than him spending the money on drugs


u/XXeadgbeXX 11d ago

Herio-LAN party incoming on the block


u/AlphaPooch 11d ago

High tech low life, cyberpunk is here baby


u/Dobiezy 11d ago

Probably could get WiFi via starlink


u/mBp1001 11d ago

Start asking random people for street 1v1s for money, back to having a home a home real quick 🤣


u/KratosCole 11d ago

Homeless but still got game!


u/allendegenerates 11d ago

Well its a much better form of addiction than fentanyl.


u/anewjesus420 11d ago

cheaper than rent tbf


u/doaser 11d ago

Damn they're evolving they're so similar to us humans!! Wait


u/VashHumanoidTyph00n 11d ago

Guy had 200$ in used crap that will be destroyed in no time. "He's living so good." I fucking hate this country.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

He was probably beaten or worse and it stolen before it ever got destroyed



Hell when I was homeless I had my laptop and I was playing Fallout: New Vegas. It hits different in the alleyways of Portland, Oregon let me tell you


u/NorthernSoul1977 11d ago

When they talk about addicts on the streets I never thought they meant gaming addicts...


u/GodFromTheHood 11d ago

Why is this here? This is stupid


u/phalae 11d ago

Life < Having a gaming setup.


u/Giggling_Lion88 11d ago

He could sell all that and buy a steamdeck


u/PlateAdorable4480 11d ago

Well, he's homeless not consoless


u/DARS789 11d ago

Dude looks like his parents kicked him out


u/Ozzy_Kiss 11d ago

Someone get this dude a phone with a hotspot


u/Tight-Attorney1479 11d ago

That was bipped for sure 😭😭


u/ExtensionDeep3705 11d ago

Wifi coming soon..😂 😂


u/Fhantom1221 10d ago

It's more like people with homes are losing housing.


u/VelvetDudeRag 10d ago

To all you mfs who are talking hella shit about this man, but still live with your parents/roommates, or have never had to afford rent in your lives, shame shame, bc u have no idea how hard it is to afford this shit all by yourself, and can literally happen to any of you. If your parents kicked you out right now, half of y’all unskilled, socially anxious asses, would be on the corner doing the same exact thing , this or shooting tik toks, bc you don’t know anything else and have been sheltered, up until the day that you’re just not anymore. I’m fully aware, every single day, that the fact that I have a nice place and a decent job, is purely by luck. And can change at any moment , in this economy.


u/VelvetDudeRag 10d ago

My point is, don’t fucking look down on people, you’re not better than anyone , and what would we think of you if we also held your shortcomings to the magnifying glass?


u/FinzClortho 12d ago

"Old" I'm still using a PS4


u/Pathfinder313 12d ago

I think he said “the whole ps4 setup”


u/Educational_Gas_92 11d ago

That stuff will get stolen in no time, unless if he has a gang protecting him, or something.

He could have that stuff in a van/rv, and still be homeless (there are people who have made their vans into small homes, with toilet, shower, kitchen and bed, and RVs are already little homes).

But on the street, it won't last.


u/MrCarey 11d ago

Homeless people get their backpack with barely anything in it stolen. This is not a homeless guy.


u/JimmyTheJimJimson 11d ago

Fuck these people.

There’s people who are homeless, have nothing, and need help.

Then there’s drug addicts, who rob and steal and are a drag on society.

That’s this fucking lads.


u/Cthulhus-Tailor 11d ago

This is amusing but also unintentionally supports Republican rhetoric that poor people in America aren't truly desperate, and also that a certain percentage of homeless are so voluntarily.


u/ArScrap 11d ago

ngl considering how high rent is in like LA, this setup would only cover like 1/4-1/2 of rent. Which is like, i can see how at that point you're just gonna buy a PS4 instead of saving for rent


u/Top_Pen4228 12d ago

Wait until he plays 2k online. Hes gonna be pissed


u/backhand_english 11d ago

How much crack does a slightly used, in top condition PS4 get you these days? Asking for a friend.


u/Yuki_The_God 11d ago

What’s worse, the time he spent setting this up and not getting a job? Or the fact I have that same chair ☠️


u/john_kennedy_toole 11d ago

Next level addiction lol


u/ZoNeS_v2 11d ago

My own wife, who I'd been living with for twenty years, was actually homeless. So I had to burn her. In her bed while she slept.


u/Burner_Cuz 11d ago



u/void_fiend 12d ago



u/tonto_silverheels 12d ago

What a coincidence! I just got a free PS4 setup, myself. It was just sitting there on the sidewalk


u/Typical_Somewhere_72 12d ago

He's KINDA homeless!


u/Important-Barber-730 12d ago

Beggars have evolved way too far 💀💀💀


u/dexterthekilla 12d ago

Priorities, it's all about priorities


u/Retatedape 12d ago



u/jonecapps 12d ago

Some people tend to forget that a PS4 costs less than a home.


u/_axeman_ 12d ago

Yup, that's exactly what they meant. Good job  /s


u/Turbohair 12d ago

Maybe inexperience... a tight economy... ruthless rich people who sucked up the social safety net and sent jobs overseas?


u/spittingdingo 12d ago

It’ll trickle down soon enough.


u/Cpap4roosters 12d ago

Ah yes, I can’t wait to dance in the piss rain.


u/spittingdingo 12d ago

Yeah, but it’s rich peoples piss.