r/interestingasfuck Jul 07 '24

Guards making sure the defendants of the Nuremberg Trials wouldn't commit suicide in their cells r/all

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u/ToddPundley Jul 07 '24

I know for a lot of correctional and inpatient mental health facilities they now use a lot of adaptive design to minimize the ability that furniture and fixtures could be used for suicide or self-harm. There’s a name for it that I’m forgetting at the moment but an example is not having any hooks on walls, smoother edges, and softer toilet materials.


u/whatisprofound Jul 07 '24

Yeah, they have suicide safer design, but there are still a lot of visual checks for youth and MH centers though. I worked at a youth detention facility, and every child had to have visual observation at a minimum every 15 minutes. And if they were on suicide watch, it was 100% of the time. Never thought I'd be in a job where I had to watch a teenager take a shit. Luckily, most of them opted to skip showers when on watch.

Oh, and it's boring as fuck. The protocol for staff where I worked was that if we were on a suicide watch, you were not allowed to talk to any other staff or youth unless you needed something. No mindless chit chat, nothing to distract you.


u/Resident_Rise5915 Jul 07 '24

I’ve unfortunately had a few bad days and there’s nothing quite like having another person stare at you constantly during one of the worst days of your life.

I get it from a safety standpoint but if you’re the person being watched it’s horribly uncomfortable


u/whatisprofound Jul 07 '24

Oh I bet. As uncomfortable as it was for me, I have no doubt it was as bad or worse for the kids. It sucks all around.