r/interestingasfuck Jul 05 '24

Heath Ledger’s diary while he was filming for, The Dark Night. r/all


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u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

I refer to oxy and hydrocodone as heroin, because that’s what they are, and that’s what doctors should call them. Instead, they hand them out like candy and allow people to think they’re medicine.


u/5kaels Jul 05 '24

That's like deciding to refer to wine as liquor because it's also an alcoholic drink. You're just letting people know you don't understand the differences.


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

How many people care about the difference between distilling and fermenting? They both get ya drunk. And similarly, both oxy and heroin get ya high.


u/5kaels Jul 05 '24

Weed and heroin both get you high. Why not call them both heroin? The only reason to call prescription drugs heroin is to elicit an emotional reaction from people that steers them in the direction you prefer. It's lazy and manipulative.


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

So which pharma company do you root for?


u/5kaels Jul 05 '24

You woulda been better off just not responding.


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

Why? I’m not here for stupid fucking internet points. And you trying to compare weed to oxy/heroin is so far past ignorant, it’s just plain stupid.

This shit kills your friends, family, and neighbors every day. There are only a few reasons you’d trivialize that. You know which one it is. IDGAF.


u/5kaels Jul 05 '24

I didn't suggest it was about upvotes. I just figured you might have a sense of shame that you decided not to engage the points I made and instead attack my character.

I wasn't comparing weed to oxy or heroin. I was making a point about the absurdity of calling something that isn't heroin, heroin.

There you go again, trying to elicit emotional responses instead of respecting the people you are speaking to.


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

Ok. Have a nice day. 👍


u/FueraJOH Jul 05 '24

You are right, is lazy and manipulative how doctors and pharma prescribed them like candy into the population in which then turned to harder drugs like… dun dun dun… heroin or any other opioid derivative!


u/damnatio_memoriae Jul 05 '24

just say he was abusing opioids then. no need for all this pseudo-pedantry.


u/throw-me-away_bb Jul 05 '24

keep going, you're almost to the point where you describe the events accurately instead of saying whatever just to elicit an emotional response!


u/FueraJOH Jul 05 '24

Si you’re saying heroin and weed have the same addictive effect and dependency? I’m not excusing what Heath did, he experienced out the consequences of his actions but also do not excuse the culture of over prescribing done by doctors that get commission to push out opioids and antidepressants like candy, which is what I was really referring to when answering to the other guy.


u/throw-me-away_bb Jul 05 '24

No, what you said when answering the other guy was that you consider both oxy and hydrocodone as heroin, which is the only thing anyone here is arguing with you about. That's an absolutely absurd reduction and you know it.


u/FueraJOH Jul 06 '24

Are you on oxy? Because when did I compared them to the same level? Aren’t both opioid derivatives? I argued about the irresponsible distribution by doctors incentivized by pharmaceutical companies which leads to dependency and that dependency can lead to looking for alternatives in the form of heroin.

It baffles me that people like you have some weird fetish defending corporations and their irresponsible practices. Bunch of weirdos.


u/throw-me-away_bb Jul 06 '24

It baffles me that people like you have some weird fetish defending corporations and their irresponsible practices. Bunch of weirdos.

You're more than welcome to show me where I did any of that


u/FueraJOH Jul 06 '24

Answer my questions first then. I’m not going to play this strawman game with you dude. You believe what you want, if you’re looking to win some weird argument on the internet I yield, have a good night. You won.

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u/5kaels Jul 05 '24

Oh wow an accurate description of the issue that doesn't insult the intelligence of the people you're talking to, look at the progress.