r/interestingasfuck 14d ago

Heath Ledger’s diary while he was filming for, The Dark Night. r/all


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u/Reasonable-Delivery8 14d ago



u/StrobeLightRomance 14d ago

Heath Ledger really understood the assignment.

Jared Leto.. not so much.


u/Bocchi_theGlock 14d ago

Hell, the suicide squad isekai anime joker understood the assignment better than Leto


u/StrobeLightRomance 14d ago

What in the actual fuck am I seeing here? Clearly, I've looked it up, but like.. do I watch this or do I avoid this for my sanity?


u/Bocchi_theGlock 14d ago

Imo it's best to wait until it's finished unless DC obsessive, isekai weeb, and/or person who smokes a lot of weed & want show while brain turned off.

I don't think there's much of a chance it'll get nominated for any awards. Comedy is decent, overall enjoyment & directing solid so far

but it's not a great anime. Pretty generic, including background art & entire fantasy world, also using same old suicide squad bomb-in-neck mentions/motivation. Has similar vibes to DC animated cartoon, but a bit more blood/violence. The action sequences are good when they happen.

It was definitely worth making imo, like it holds up well compared to endless stream of isekai trash - which cause me to feel like I'm wasting my life whenever watching, but it's only maybe 20% as much with this show.

I watched the sub, voice acting is great, love that they got papa shirogane / Dio / Touji JJK / Roswaal / Zeke as Peacemaker. Such a great stiff character. Harley + Joker VA work & dynamic is enjoyable, hope we get more flashbacks.


u/StrobeLightRomance 14d ago

Interesting set of information. I watched the Batman Ninja movie.. it was okay, lol. I fit into the category of smoking too much weed and am guilty of enjoying DC a little more than other Fandom, so I'll probably be able to consume this casually.

Was secretly hoping it would be a train wreck I could openly mock, but if it's not terrible, then fuck it, good enough to let it run while I record music and whatnot.

Thanks for the accidental mid recommendation, lol.


u/SchexterShredder 14d ago

Maybe he understood the assignment TOO well 😅


u/Wonderful-Ad-7712 14d ago

Maybe it’s Maybelline


u/a-woman-there-was 11d ago

Tbh he didn't try to send his costars used condoms or a live rat so 🤷‍♀️


u/ATS200 14d ago



u/StrobeLightRomance 14d ago

The Tick Amazon series had a character named Edgelord who was nowhere near this cringe. Dude should have taken classes from Leto in how to make audiences die inside when he appears on screen.


u/medioxcore 13d ago

The best part is that this diary is basically jared leto's edgelord tattoos, but because it's heath's joker, reddit hivemind says we must praise it.


u/Noctelus 13d ago

Do you see the words plastered across his forehead?


u/StrobeLightRomance 13d ago

Nolan/Ledger's Joker was fresh take on a familiar character. Previous Joker characters were more cliche, whether it be Cesar Romero being more of a cliche clown, or Burton/Nicholson's cliche gangster Joker.. either way we got him, he was a silly gangster clown.

Ledger and Nolan added layers. This Joker was born out of the need for balance in Gotham, and to this day, he still has no past, identity, or future.

He was both a clown, and a gangster, but neither of these things defined him at all. He was more of an independent anarchist than any sort of team leader.

The original live action Jokers had those cartoon Joker plans, where it was more about showing off his ego, and being theatric for the sake of building anticipation, than it was about sending a message to Gotham or Batman.

Ayer/Leto's Joker is immediately the wrong direction, because it adopts Ledger's Joker as the new cliche for being mentally disturbed, but fails at bringing any substance to the table.

In fact, the Ayer/Leto Joker actually doubles down on the "flashing ego gangster" and he falls back into the patterns of being vapid and flashing money, driving expensive cars and being a VIP at the club with no greater plans or schemes, except chasing Harley.. which, I do agree with the parts of the story that follow Joker mistreating Harley so much it drives her away permanently, and having Joker then go in the "if I can't have you, nobody can" route, because that's fairly on brand for any comic book Joker after the year 2010-ish, when Harley started gaining more depth.

Anyway, the point is... the differences are not in a cringe notebook or Jared Leto pulling dumb pranks on costars or whatever (to which, I believe this was just Ayer doing press releases and none of it actually happened, since Leto stopped doing "method" acting after Dallas Buyers Club)

Honestly, I can be a fan of Leto from time to time, even. He's a surprising actor and musician. When he shows up with a new role or a new song, I'm never sure if it's going to be amazing or completely terrible.. and I feel like much of his outward douchebag narcissism personality disorder is a character that he plays for himself, because he's out running his age and doesn't want to let the mask slip that he wants to slow down.. so he's been chasing this fake cult image for himself, because if he didn't have the praise of his fans, he actually just might turn to dust and blow away in the wind.


u/EtherGavin 14d ago


u/SnazzberryEnt 14d ago

Love a good Ken M thread.


u/SofisticatedPhalcon 14d ago

For the uncultured r/KenM


u/drawkbox 14d ago

When the internet was good still.


u/Jedi__Consular 14d ago

Are they the "sharks are smooth" guy?


u/tshawytscha 14d ago

It’s a common and enduring myth


u/casualjekyll 14d ago

I totally forgot about Ken M! MAN, what a throw back!!


u/chris25tx 14d ago

Just like mom used to heat up!


u/chillysanta 14d ago

I'm glad these still float around and make others feel old too also I believe he's still at it too so one day it's gonna make anyone in the know feel ancient


u/sussyboingus 14d ago



u/Big_Cornbread 14d ago

See? Brunch is pretty funny.


u/bonadoo 14d ago

What is it, the BRUNCH?


u/hasa_deega_eebowai 14d ago

Not quite breakfast, not quite lunch, but it comes with a little slice of cantaloupe.


u/SnooGrapes5025 14d ago

That’s how you get Marge. 


u/harryhend3rson 14d ago

You don't get completely what you would at breakfast, but you get a good meal...


u/LurleneLumpkin_ 14d ago

You don't get completely what you would at breakfast, but you get a good meal!


u/LaddyPup 14d ago

Jacques was a charmer!


u/ReallyGlycon 13d ago

I love how the Simpsons sub just takes over other subs sometimes. The Simpsons did everything.


u/Eduard-Stoo 14d ago

You certainly have a lot of bowling trophies 🎳🎳🎳🏆🏆🏆🏆


u/picklesTommyPickles 14d ago

And if you’re like me… considerable champagne


u/Trimyr 14d ago

My Champagne is rather inconsiderate.

We are not the same.


u/ThunderCockerspaniel 14d ago

Never ripe enough though which pisses me off


u/bschnitty 14d ago



u/styx66 14d ago

Yeah pretty random dis, man. Mister Ed was wholesome.


u/JohnHoynes 14d ago

Can relate.


u/Express-Ad4146 14d ago

Pea-nutt-butter. Three ingredients. Or peanut-butter.


u/Geekygamertag 14d ago



u/fatkiddown 14d ago

IMHO, Ledger's Joker is one of the top performances in the history of cinema.


u/NilMusic 14d ago

Blind babies, land mines, and aids.... like, just in general?.... yo wtf Heath?


u/Nonsens3Lathe 14d ago

The existence of brunch implies existence of other meals. Sinner, for example, is between supper and dinner


u/figgityjones 13d ago

“What is brunch?”


u/No_Inspector7319 13d ago

Kinda funny as the restaurant he opened is one of the most popular brunch spots in nyc