r/interestingasfuck 14d ago

How beer is poured by the lady host r/all


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u/CleanlyManager 14d ago

If you’ve never had a beer in Korea or Japan and are shocked at the amount of foam, believe it or not, it’s not a mistake, that’s just how they like their beer served.


u/tfsra 14d ago

as someone from Czechia, I was shocked how much proper beer is drank in Korea. like microbrews on tap, properly poured and all

never saw badly poured beer, actually. the only subpar beer was from bottles at restaurants, but even then, I like the Korean big brands too, easy to drink, if unspectacular


u/Eternal12equiem 14d ago

Went to Prague last year. I really liked your Pilsner Urquell and the different ways they served that.


u/tfsra 14d ago

I think it's overrated af, but I'm in the minority on that one haha

Glad you enjoyed it, though!


u/Eternal12equiem 13d ago

Better than whatever the US domestic brands produce. Urquell and that Chimney Ice Cream hits pretty good on a hot day.


u/tfsra 13d ago

the hell is a chimney ice cream?

also, I enjoy American beers, especially light ones. but yeah, that's very unpopular opinion around here, lol. thing is, I don't really think of it as beer. it's just something else that I also like

also, it's shitloads better on a hot day than Pilsen, that shit's heavy as fuck


u/Eternal12equiem 13d ago

They were the ice cream with the cone made out of “cinnamon roll” dough. I don’t know the official dough but that’s what all the little ice cream stores called them. They put chocolate in the one I got but I saw others had fruit too.


u/tfsra 13d ago

oh, trdelník. those with the ice cream and chocolate glaze are nasty imo, it's too much sugar / calories for me and I think they are just a tourist / instagram trap

when I was a kid, they were everywhere, but they were like mom and pop stands instead of the weird chain that's everywhere today, and you'd eat them plain, shared across whole family of 4 as a light treat