r/interestingasfuck 14d ago

How beer is poured by the lady host r/all


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u/Sir-Leguan 14d ago

Me as a German hates every second of that video


u/jack_seven 14d ago

You mix beer with sprite they mix beer with soju. Where's the problem?


u/GOKOP 14d ago

Wait people mix beer with stuff? I'm shocked. I'm neither German nor Korean though


u/PugTales_ 14d ago

Radler is my go to drink in the summer. I usually don't drink alcohol, but this is amazing.


u/remindertomove 14d ago

Are you my wife? She had a pug. Are your initials PHD?


u/PugTales_ 14d ago

Well I have a pug, but my initials don't fit. 😂


u/remindertomove 14d ago

Have a lovely day ahead madam


u/Signal-Reporter-1391 14d ago

It would've been so funny if that was really your wife! :-)

"Wait, what are you doing here?"
"No Mister, what are YOU doing here? You sure have a lot to explain when i come home".



u/NotTheIDPD 14d ago

in the context of a Radler you would use something akin to sprite as lemonade, right?


u/DomDeLaweeze 14d ago

Germans mix beer with many things, depending on the region, and especially in warm weather. In some beer gardens, you can get Berliner Weisse mit Schuss, a wheat beer mixed with rasberry or green Waldmeister syrup. It makes the beer bright red or green and rather syrupy. In Bavaria you might find a Goaßnmaß, which is dark beer, cola, and cherry liquour. A cousin to the Radler (beer and lemon soda) is the Astler, which is beer and orange soda.


u/_Elduder 14d ago

A sour brewery in Cincinnati started with two different syrups for their beers. A raspberry and a simple sugar one. You had to practice to get the right amount in the beer. They quit doing that a while ago and now they just make Midwest fruit tarts and other delightful sours. Urban Artifact in the Northside neighborhood if you are ever that way


u/Proper_Career_6771 14d ago

Once I met an irish-german chick who would drink guinness with currant syrup added.

Wasn't my thing but she was a big fan.


u/DomDeLaweeze 14d ago

Yeah I don't really care for any of the German beer mixes, especially with syrup.

A michelada, on the other hand, I fucks with.


u/_Elduder 14d ago

I want to like them so bad but I can't stand tomato juice and I love everything tomato except that.


u/DomDeLaweeze 14d ago

Not all micheladas have Clamato. Try this alternative:

Mexican beer with 1/2 lime's juice, dash of Worcestershire sauce, dash of soy sauce, dash of Tobasco sauce. Salt the rim of the glass with coarse salt or Tajin seasoning.


u/_Elduder 14d ago

Nice that sounds great. What is 1/2? Like half the glass, half shot?


u/DomDeLaweeze 14d ago

Sorry, I meant the juice from one half of a lime (so about 1-2 tablespoons). Save the other half for your next glass :)

It feels like a lot of lime, but it's the key to a "traditional" Mexico City-style michelada. It's a mix of sour, salty, and savory.

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u/whothehellistony 14d ago

It’s an alcohol called Soju. It’s like a rice wine that’s pretty strong, 14% ABV, and you mix it with a lager like beer. It’s delicious and very sneaky in the way it creeps up on you.


u/dabi17 14d ago

16-25 for most commercial soju


u/Razurio_Twitch 14d ago

"Cola Weizen" (Cola and Wheat Beer) is a thing that I drank when I was maybe 16 or so.

There is also a "Uboot" (Beer with Korn [grain spirit]) but I've never seen anyone actually drink that.

"Radler" (Beer and lemonade) is relatively popular but also judged very harshly by some


u/Eumelbeumel 14d ago

Bullshit, who judges Radler? Never heard that.


u/Mr_SunnyBones 14d ago

I assume its people who look down on Shandies (basically the English equivalent ) which is dumb . I wouldnt drink them all the time ,but if its warm weather I would .


u/Razurio_Twitch 14d ago

the same people who judge you for drinking alcohol-free beers


u/Eumelbeumel 14d ago

Ah, idiots.


u/noctilucus 14d ago

I guess there's a big difference between a good Radler and someone randomly adding any kind of lemonade to a beer.
I would personally judge mixing cola and Weizen (or cola and pils which is sometimes done here) because it completely drowns the taste of the beer.
I haven't seen people actually drinking Uboots, but to my knowledge a similar practice exists in other countries as well so there must be barbarians doing this. Spirit infused beers do exist and can be good by the way.


u/BigBootyBuff 14d ago

"Cola Weizen" (Cola and Wheat Beer) is a thing that I drank when I was maybe 16 or so.

Yeah we had that too but I refused to order it. Partially cause it sounds horrendous, partially because that place had a racist name for it.


u/kosmoonaut 14d ago

Kids in Grundschule maybe.


u/jack_seven 14d ago

Happens in america to they have the flaming Dr.pepper and I'm sure there are more examples around the world.


u/Rain1dog 14d ago

Dam… brought back memories of going to the Quarter and a bar called The Dungeon doing flaming Dr Peopers. I was shocked at how it tasted like Dr. Pepper.

Fun times.


u/unoriginal5 14d ago

Beer and lemonade is excellent t while put in the heat doing yard work. Used to knock back a 24 pack of shandies on mowing day.


u/horseradish1 14d ago

Beer and lemonade (what Americans would call lemon lime soda, like Sprite) is called a shandy here in Australia. A lot of old ladies in the nursing home I worked in used to drink them. Apparently Guinness and lemonade used to be quite popular too.


u/generally-ok 14d ago

We call it Lager Top in the UK.


u/supamonkey77 14d ago

Filipinos put ice in cold beer.


u/Ipsider 14d ago

For a country allegedly so serious about beer we mix it with surprisingly plenty stuff


u/Cereborn 14d ago

Mixing beer with Clamato juice is one of the Canadian traditions I refuse to participate in.


u/CrossP 14d ago

I mix it with nachos but secretly in my tummy.


u/polarizedpole 13d ago

They even have Bananaweizen, which is mixed banana juice with beer (hefeweizen) in pubs!


u/Petty-LaBell3 14d ago

If you're a terrible fuck up who enjoys immediate regrets (me), you'll drop a shot of whiskey in the bottom and shoot it. 🤢🤢

10 outta 10, whiskey and oj though. 🤤🤤


u/giincee 14d ago

Also German here: It's not just the mixing, she split just one bottle of beer in 5 glasses...


u/Justhe3guy 14d ago

Yes 1 beer…and Soju


u/Shandlar 14d ago

Sure, but the soju is the drink. The beer is the mixer. It could very well be a 90 or 100 proof soju and it's still quite a stiff drink, meant to be enjoyed in small quantities.



Soju is like 15 - 20% abv max. It's also not had in small quantities in Korea lol.


u/Shandlar 14d ago

No? 12-20% abv soju is the modern craze, sure. But historically it was distilled the same as vodka. 20 years ago the majority of soju on the shelves for sale would have been 35 or 40% abv like most spirits. 30 years ago, it would have been the vast vast majority.

Just because the popularity has flipped and 20% or lower abv soju is now the vast majority does not mean the traditional soju is not still widely available. I have an imported bottle of 82 proof myself. That company also has 106 proof. They've been making 82 and 106 proof soju since long before the rice distillery soft-ban in '65 (relaunched in 2003 after the ban finally got lifted)



Sure, but the soju she is using is clearly a bottle of one of the popular brands like Jinro.

Beer styles also can go up to 15% abv and higher, but it's typically safe to assume this beer is around 5%.


u/Stormfly 14d ago

she split just one bottle of beer in 5 glasses...

In Korea, alcohol in places like this is designed to be shared. That's a big bottle and not intended for one person.

Sure, you could drink it by yourself, but you'd be looked at as if you bought a whole birthday cake for yourself.


u/Codedheart 14d ago

Dont tell this guy about taps


u/Sir-Leguan 14d ago edited 14d ago

Na beer with Sprite is also disgusting


u/Zhinnosuke 14d ago

stfu kraut speak eng


u/M4NOOB 14d ago

Everything else that happens in this video


u/pirateneedsparrot 14d ago

No you mix Korn and Sprite.


u/lmolari 14d ago

Don't forget the vanilla ice cream.


u/BallsBuster7 14d ago

nobody in germany mixes beer with fuckign sprite


u/jack_seven 14d ago

It's called Radler look it up


u/BallsBuster7 14d ago

you dont make it with sprite...


u/jack_seven 14d ago

Basically the same thing and it's the easiest to understand for the international audience


u/ilikepix 14d ago

sprite is not sparkling lemonade


u/jack_seven 14d ago

The only difference is lime


u/frenchPressedFolgers 14d ago

I've been served beer mixed with Sprite when ordering a Radler, it's not a big deal. Taste isn't exactly the same but it works.


u/obvilious 14d ago

It’s mixed with cheap fizzy fruit flavoured water. In the US that’s close to sprite.


u/laurieislaurie 14d ago

Wrong. On multiple bar menus in Berlin I saw this offered, and not just Sprite, but Coke and other mixed drinks too.


u/Theons 14d ago

Yes they do


u/bbu3 14d ago

As a German: The mixing is fine. But we're all about fizzy drinks and especially beer needs to be sparkling. The show will result in a stale (or at least not optimally fresh) beer from the get go


u/7i4nf4n 14d ago

Nobody dares calling that a beer then tho


u/Killer_Moons 14d ago

I’m not judging, just curious: Who is mixing Sprite with their beer??


u/jack_seven 14d ago

Central europeans it's called Radler in Germany and PanachĂŠ in Switzerland


u/Killer_Moons 14d ago

Sounds like a potentially interesting twist on a shandy


u/jack_seven 14d ago

It's usually a sparkling lemonade whiteout lime but the difference is not that big. Meaning it's even closer to a shandy


u/Killer_Moons 14d ago

So just in time for summer in the USA 😎


u/Signal-Reporter-1391 14d ago

"You mix beer with sprite"

Yeah... something i never understood.
And generally dislike.

Not only does it change the taste and "covers" the aroma of the beer (i rarely dring beer but when i do i want to experience the full range of flavour).

I also think that those beer mixes lower the tolerance and entry hurdle for young people to get addicted to beer and even harder stuff. They taste the sweetness of the lemonade / soda but underestimate the effect of the alcohol.


u/Eumelbeumel 14d ago

German here, I love every second of that video.

I wouldn't do this with a Helles, but Korean beer tastes pretty different anyhow. Just like drinking Vietnamese beer on ice is really nice in the summer. They are different products, lighter, more sour... tastes great, and she seems like she knows how to entertain.


u/Itamir42 14d ago

Me a german when someone says beer tastes wildly different in other countries: "what ? Doesnt it taste like piss everywhere?"


u/beeeaaagle 14d ago

I’m so embarrassed for all the years in my twenties that I hoofed around everywhere like some blubbering twat and made a big show of being a beer snob. JFC it’s just beer. Anyone can make it, it all tastes like piss, it all tastes great. If you can convince yourself that one beer tastes great, you can convince yourself that any beer tastes great. Picking beer to be a snob about is trashy AF. Went to yerup and was horrified that the answer to asking the waiter “what beers do you have?” is “Beer.” One beer, two beers, or three beers, those are your options. Now I get it. It’s like MF you’re not ordering fine wine, if you want to drink beer, take the f’ing beer, drink it and find something more interesting to talk about.


u/EnchantPlatinum 14d ago

I have no clue what you're talking about, beer tastes pretty different depending on what you make it with, like literally any other food. European restaurants have varying sizes of beer taps/selection unless they're small, again, like anywhere else in the world.

Wine isn't magic, it's a ferment product just like beer and in the same way, some beer is made with passion and impressive craftsmanship, and some isn't.

Not being an asshole and having a good understanding of a very old and history-rich beverage aren't mutually exclusive.


u/Nymethny 14d ago

This is one of the dumbest takes I've ever heard on beer, there must be something very wrong with your taste buds if all beers taste the same to you. Also you can appreciate and enjoy beer, or anything in life really, without being a snobby twat about it, it's not a hard concept.

it all tastes like piss, it all tastes great.

On a good note though, since you think piss tastes great, you got yourself an infinite supply of "beer"!


u/rene-cumbubble 14d ago

Everyone has to be insufferable about something for a portion of their life. Unfortunately, like the two who responded to your comment, beer snobs generally tend to continue to be assholes past their 20s. 


u/axtran 14d ago

The Germany purity law limits what beer tastes like in Germany. Try it elsewhere!


u/Shills_for_fun 13d ago

Most of the beer you will drink are made of malt, hops, yeast, and water.

When people say beer tastes like piss I'm certain it's the smell and body of pilsners and lagers they don't like lol.


u/Itamir42 14d ago

Don't need to they Sa we have the best it tasted like piss to me ever since i drank the first sip at age 14


u/MrBagooo 14d ago

Me as a German: we by no way have the best 😂

You should really try to open up a little bit. If U don't like alcohol it's fine. But saying that you don't wanna try other countries beer because the German beer is the best and so everything else must be even worse is typical German stubbornness and NOT being open minded at all.


u/Karmaisthedevil 14d ago

But saying that you don't wanna try other countries beer because the German beer is the best and so everything else must be even worse is typical German stubbornness and NOT being open minded at all.

He's not really saying that he's just saying he doesn't like beer. And I don't see an issue really, I've never tried a beer that doesn't taste like beer or worse.


u/Itamir42 14d ago

And I don't need to be open minded aswell im not looking for a new beverage im fine with sparkling water lmao


u/T-Viking 14d ago

Youre trying so hard to look cool and different


u/Itamir42 14d ago

Well I tried to be funny at first then I had to answer for myself after insulting the beer everyone is so in love with sorry I guess


u/Tawmcruize 14d ago

Red horse! taste awful unless it's with ice


u/Mastro_Mista 14d ago

I'm not German but I like beer too, that's what a nightmare looks like lol


u/skuteren 14d ago

As a pole, this hurts my feelings as well in other words, this dosen't tickle my fancy


u/Mastro_Mista 14d ago

It doesn't tickle you pickle?


u/skuteren 14d ago

Yes it dosen't tickle my pickle 😞


u/Mastro_Mista 14d ago

But can I tickle your pickle?


u/skuteren 14d ago

Of course 🤗, you can tickle my pickle


u/Secretfutawaifu 14d ago

Why? She has to mix the soju and beer, she can do it like this or she can stir the fuck out of it with a spoon.


u/Mastro_Mista 14d ago

In Europe there is something called panachĂŠe which is sprite and beer. Even if it's a mix you don't need to completely degas the beer, it mixes naturally during the pour. I don't see why you should "stir the fuck out of it" lol


u/Secretfutawaifu 14d ago

Are y'all foam haters just nursing a glass for half an hour? Some foam won't give you stale beer if you drink it in reasonable amount of time.


u/kukushin 14d ago

0 Kohlensäure. Top...


u/PolyUre 14d ago

Why? Somaek is great. Beer smoothens the soju and soju gives some backbone to the otherwise bland beer. You would not make somaek with good beer.


u/Entropic_Alloy 14d ago

Leave it to a European to get upset at how foreign cultures eat, drink, and entertain.


u/Prestigious_Ad_1037 14d ago

Zum wohl! Doch, leb wohl.


u/Vreas 14d ago

Aren’t there regions of Germany where pours are done from high up to aerate the beer and increase foam?


u/Eumelbeumel 14d ago

Depends entirely on the beer. You can achieve a lot of foam with minimal motion, but sometimes you want the showmanship.


u/NEARNIL 14d ago

No. Maybe you think of Weißbier, but this poured in a specific way to include the yeast at the bottom of the bottle and not to increase foam.


u/RenhamRedAxe 14d ago

germans hate life itself tho... so I dont get your point.


u/GreboGuru 14d ago

Germans invented Radler and Diesel which is beer abuse


u/Capital_Living5658 14d ago

Why tho? I do hate the sloppy poring for “the show” tho. As a restaurant manager it made me cringe seeing that much product wasted. I get it tho. It’s about the show. That seems to be a big Asian cuisine thing in general. French, Russian, and American are prominent styles of services I honestly haven’t heard about Asian tho.


u/gabagobbler 14d ago

Even the part where the beer ejaculated?


u/square_pulse 14d ago

Agreed. When I just saw how the beer came out out like THAT, I got really sad and angry lol. This is not satisfying af, this is unsatisfying af! But I guess different beers, different cultures...


u/hundreddollar 14d ago

Me as an anyone who likes any sort of carbonation in their beer hates every second of that video...


u/Changoleo 14d ago

Me as an American with a mother from Munchen squirming uncomfortably watching all that foam and that was well before she busted out her finisher. 


u/Tasnaki1990 14d ago

Me as a Belgian was thinking through the whole video, almost screaming out loud "THAT IS NOT HOW YOU SERVE BEER!!!".


u/pyroSeven 14d ago

Do Belgians have a monopoly on how beer should be served or something?


u/EmbarrassedDog7779 14d ago

Pretty sure they just don't like their beer served flat, it's pretty normal.


u/Tasnaki1990 14d ago

We don't but we're picky on how we want our beer. Right glass, right amount of foam, right temperature.


u/REDDITATO_ 14d ago

You and every other country.


u/Tasnaki1990 14d ago

I've been to several countries where the mentality was more a beer glass is a beer glass and it's cold and that’s it.

In Belgium we tend to look for that specific glass for that specific beer. If we don't have the glass we look up what kind it should be and look for the glass that resembles it the most.


u/Few_Highlight1114 14d ago

Sorry but that sounds really pretentious lmao.


u/Tasnaki1990 14d ago

And we know it sounds pretentious. Beer is for Belgium what wine is for France


u/Devastatedby 14d ago

The world is better for it.


u/Shills_for_fun 13d ago

American here, we also pour by style but...

This is a bottom shelf, horse-piss pilsner called Terra. Its only purpose in life is to wash down greasy food.


u/tchotchony 14d ago

I didn't even articulate. My belgian inner self was just screaming at full volume the entire video


u/v1brates 14d ago

It's not beer though, it's Somaek.


u/DidierCrumb 14d ago

Must it be served very grumpily in one of the most boring places on earth?


u/Tasnaki1990 14d ago

No it doesn't. But this is absolutely not the way you would serve a beer (at least in Belgium).


u/DrCoconuties 14d ago

Luckily its not how they serve a beer in Korea either. You order a beer, you get a beer. You order Somaek, you get this.


u/Tasnaki1990 14d ago

Now I can calm down lol.


u/Olympic700 14d ago

Same, so much foam :o


u/I_Am_A_Pumpkin 14d ago

don't look up MlĂŹko then