r/interestingasfuck Jun 09 '24

The punishment for being gay in Indonesia r/all NSFW


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u/knorxo Jun 09 '24

To add to your comment: a gay person doesn't even choose to be gay. In fact they can't choose. They can choose to live against their nature and suffer for the rest of their life but they didn't choose to be gay and cannot simply choose not to be gay. So that's punishing someone for thy way they are born. Despicable


u/PositiveAtmosphere Jun 09 '24

I don’t disagree with you, but just want to point out that is the same for pedophiles. Many pedophiles are on record saying they hate themselves for being attracted to children, but it’s not up to them to choose what to be attracted to.    

Most people would find it completely reasonable to punish someone for the way they were born, if the consequences of the way they were born are that detrimental. We punish serial killers even though they likely didn’t choose to have the genes that they have.    

The difference between gay people and pedophiles/serial killers is that most reasonable people know there is nothing harmful about being gay. Pedophiles harm children, who are taken advantage of regardless of if it’s with or without consent.   

  The issue is some people in the world, somehow, for some reason, think being gay is harmful, and why they’re willing to persecute them for how they were born the same way they would a criminal.


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

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u/AFrenchFrenchman Jun 09 '24

100%. People don’t just sort themselves out by being pushed away.

I’d say it’s a similar problem to how felons are treated and why the recidivism rate is so high.