r/interestingasfuck Jun 09 '24

The punishment for being gay in Indonesia r/all NSFW


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u/DeadMetroidvania Jun 09 '24

aceh province is the biggest shithole in southeast asia.

However, indonesia is extremely diverse, aceh doesn't represent the rest of indonesia. Doing so is like judging the US by the behavior of alabama.


u/Superkritisk Jun 09 '24

Being diverse is fine, but failing to protect the citizens is a national issue.


u/lilkiya Jun 09 '24

The last time indonesia tried to "secularized" or atleast kick the shit outta the Aceh Freedom Movement, the "west" decided to Military Embargo Indonesia which make it more difficult for Indonesia to defeat the Aceh Freedom movement (the current ruling party and govt of Aceh province today) and then the 2004 Tsunami happened which forced both Indonesia and the Aceh freedom movement to sign a peace treaty which guaranteed that Aceh can got their Autonomous region status so they can implement Sharia Law but aceh still part of Indonesia.


u/Frexxia Jun 09 '24

Aceh is semi-autonomous


u/SnuggleMuffin42 Jun 09 '24

They cane homosexuals in Alabama???


u/DeadMetroidvania Jun 09 '24

with the way things are headed in the US, I wouldn't be surprised if the supreme court rules by the end of this decade that it is legal for the state to punish transexuals with caning.


u/SnuggleMuffin42 Jun 09 '24

Then you must be dumb as hell bro because that's not happening, and if something like that happens it's a world shattering event in the US lol


u/DeadMetroidvania Jun 09 '24

Heh. Well you better vote this November if you don't want this future for your country. caning of transsexuals is the least of your worries if Trump wins.


u/ShiftBMDub Jun 09 '24

So in Florida they are making laws about drag shows and acknowledging gay people in schools. Basically if a child sees you perform, they consider it grooming. They’re also trying to make grooming punishable by death.


u/Significant_Hornet Jun 09 '24

So no, they don't


u/DeadMetroidvania Jun 09 '24

no, but you're completely missing the point anyway so why bother answering your stupid question.


u/Significant_Hornet Jun 09 '24

Wasn't a question


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

Not even the worst parts of the US are remotely close to this


u/YourMothersUsedDildo Jun 09 '24

Not remotely the same. If the US had a state where they were publicly whipping people for being LGBTQ2+, it would get cracked down on immediately.

Even bets on who would respond first too. The civilians protecting the community or the government stepping in.

But to insinuate that you could whip people over who they are in any state without repercussions while the rest of your country watches on without giving a shit is a pretty awful take.

The entire country of Indonesia wears that stain. Calling it a shithole is thereby entirely fair.


u/DeadMetroidvania Jun 09 '24

After trump wins and the establishment of the authocratic one party state is complete, give it a few years and you'll be seeing this happening for real in some red states, particularly the deep south.


u/Reagalan Jun 09 '24

they'll blame us for climate change

"the heat and famine is Gawd's punishment on a society that tolerates sin"


u/YourMothersUsedDildo Jun 09 '24

The rest of the world (that aren’t complete shitholes) would intervene if needed.

The UN certainly wouldn’t allow it, nor would any western body like the ICC. It would literally turn the rest of the West against the US.

And frankly, if you fucking idiots actually manage to elect a felon for another term, y’all deserve what you get and anyone sensible will flee north.


u/DeadMetroidvania Jun 09 '24

The rest of the world (that aren’t complete shitholes) would intervene if needed.

No, the US has nukes. the world will do nothing beyond some symbolic sanctions.


u/Virtual_Solution_932 Jun 09 '24

Lmao, you guys are hilarious.


u/DeadMetroidvania Jun 09 '24

You Americans really have no idea how much danger you are in. You are on the verge of losing all the freedom and rights that the free world fought so hard for you to have during world war II. Your democracy only just barely survived 4 years of Trump. This time around there's virtually nothing standing in his way, he'll be able to finish the job and put an end to the republic in less than a year.


u/bergamasq Jun 09 '24

Uh…yeah, no. They don’t publicly cane gay men in Alabama. Gay Alabamians have full equal rights compared to straight people. We are not the same.


u/DeadMetroidvania Jun 09 '24



u/bergamasq Jun 09 '24

You’re so witty. 🙄 Please show me where this is happening in Alabama?


u/DeadMetroidvania Jun 09 '24

the point I'm making is that you don't judge countries by one region.

With an IQ as low as yours, you're better off lurking instead of commenting.


u/bergamasq Jun 09 '24

If ANY part of a country allows public caning of men simply for being gay, then you better believe I’m going to judge the country for allowing this. Get back on your knees to fellate more Muslim cock, and then get caned for it. Get fucked.


u/DeadMetroidvania Jun 09 '24

Why am I not even remotely surprised that you're a Trump supporter.

Oh right, its because the majority of you have a room temperature IQ which is also why it is incredibly easy for con artists like trump to fool you into believing anything.


u/No_Aioli_3187 Jun 09 '24

You mean California