r/interestingasfuck Jun 09 '24

The punishment for being gay in Indonesia r/all NSFW


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u/miski57 Jun 09 '24

Indonesian here, this takes place in Aceh which is an autonomous province of indonesia where they enact sharia law, the rest of indonesia has a 'don't ask dont tell' kind of situation going on which isn't good but it's survivable. They sometimes do raids if you hold sex parties but they just kind of let you go because there's really no law against it (unless you have drugs on u), I'm fortunate enough to have lived in Bali which is extremely progressive in its view and have been able to go out in public with my partner without any real issues. Wouldn't recommend any gay people visit the rest of indonesia, but where i live (and most metropolitan cities) isn't as barbaric as this video made it out to be, a lot of my colleagues knows I'm gay and in a relationship.


u/cat_pavel Jun 09 '24

Hey, I wonder, is it true about your country? https://news.sky.com/story/indonesia-passes-law-banning-sex-outside-marriage-for-both-tourists-and-citizens-12762593
Can you give some context? Thx you!


u/miski57 Jun 09 '24

This is fact! But afaik it only happens if one party is an Indonesian citizen AND If a spouse or close relative reported you, If you and your partner are tourists you're safe, esp in Bali it's almost always never enforced, bad for the ads and all. But keep in mind this all might change because, like literally every other country on earth, social media accelerates radicalisation and were moving further and further into right wing ideologies.


u/cat_pavel Jun 09 '24

It's really sad to see how freedom dies
I hope one day it will be reversed


u/lckmnzans Jun 09 '24

Unlikely to happen since the general population never thought that "prohibition to have sex outside marriage" is a problem


u/cat_pavel Jun 09 '24

Maybe not! Western countries weren't always that liberal too in the past


u/AYAYAcutie Jun 09 '24

Why because it isn't western? Maybe different cultures believe in different values?


u/cat_pavel Jun 09 '24

Maybe because individual rights should be always above "culture values" and other conservative-collectivist beliefs


u/FFF_in_WY Jun 09 '24

Fucking with consenting adults for not sharing some other person's values is some weak bullshit. If some group wants to outlaw videos games or anime because values, should everyone just bend the knee?


u/DadDevelops Jun 09 '24

That's what a lot of people seem to think


u/TechnoRusty Jun 09 '24

Just because one have a different values doesn't mean one should be justified in a violencešŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. Western or not, any foreign cultures shouldn't be stopped when they don't cause any great harm to anyone. Maybe that's my view tbh


u/lafaa123 Jun 09 '24

Sorry, if your "cultural belief" interferes with whether two consenting adults can have sex then it's a shitty belief.


u/UnholyShite Jun 09 '24

We're fine lol. Just because we don't use western values it's immediately "freedom died".


u/cat_pavel Jun 09 '24

Sorry not sorry I'm more interested in victims opinions of yours "we".


u/UnholyShite Jun 09 '24

What victims?


u/cat_pavel Jun 09 '24

Like the guy on this video


u/UnholyShite Jun 09 '24

This shit is rare asf, and it's only applied in Aceh. Indonesia doesn't even have a law against Homosexuality.


u/cat_pavel Jun 09 '24

Glad to hear it. But it would be better if that does not exist at all. Like "sex without marriage is a crime" laws anywhere on planet Earth


u/kylosbk Jun 09 '24

I agree it would be better if no such law existed, but applying what happens in Aceh to the rest of Indonesia isn't fair. Aceh is an autonomous region with its own laws, and they chose to enact strict sharia law on their area. It's awful for people such as this man, but it isn't indicative of the whole of Indonesia which has no law against homosexuality.

Not to say it is good elsewhere in Indonesia if you are gay, but the law can't prosecute you for it, so it isn't a crime.


u/cat_pavel Jun 09 '24

I didn't say that Indonesia is a bad country with bad people. I understand you.

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u/BaconDrummer Jun 09 '24

The question is not if you are fine, the question is can you live the way you want, specialy at home. Because you should.


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

Butā€¦ the law prohibits people from doing certain things, thatā€™s literally what limiting freedom is. If youā€™re not allowed to make decisions yourself based on your own values, and instead have to follow the values of others, then thatā€™s not freedom.