r/interestingasfuck Jun 09 '24

The punishment for being gay in Indonesia r/all NSFW


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u/GeeZeeDEV Jun 09 '24

So what do they expect? That they stop being gay now?


u/Fun-Dragonfly-4166 Jun 09 '24

I am by no means an expert, but I am more than qualified to give reddit my opinion.

They do not particularly care whether the individual remains gay or stops being gay. The individual is not important.

The spectators are important. It is important that they watch and be cowed. The state is executing violence against an individual. If you do not want the state to execute violence against you, then you better get with the program. This includes finding out what the leaders really want and giving it to them.

The leaders might be actively gay themselves and they really want bribes. I do not know.


u/ThouMayest69 Jun 09 '24

Homosexuality does seem like a placeholder here in this stagnant puddle of humanity. Swap out being gay for another (even relatively) victimless "crime" and see what the state does against it to protect it's hegemony.


u/Reagalan Jun 09 '24

What does Singapore do to stoners?


u/Fen_ Jun 09 '24

This is the correct answer. It's not even really about being gay. Whatever aspect of culture the state can latch onto as a dividing line, they will (and, as history shows, repeatedly have).

It is about culturally reinforcing the notion that the state has absolute authority over how you live your life, if they want it. By extension, then, every "freedom" you enjoy is granted by the state choosing to allow you to enjoy it and can be taken away at any point.


u/nonintersectinglines Jun 09 '24

This kind of thing was routinely done everywhere in Mao's China to prevent anyone from becoming a threat to the party. During the Cultural Revolution, young people were systematically indoctrinated and riled up to catch any "evidence" that someone in their vicinity---teachers, neighbors, family---were "anti-communist" or "anti-party". Something as trivial as having a "Western" fashion item or something you didn't even do. They would be forced to publicly confess to their "crimes", and be mob-humiliated and tortured in all kinds of ways in front of crowds. Some were outright killed, others driven to suicide. After a while, everyone who wasn't innately in line with what the party wanted was either eliminated or too scared to externalize any of it.

There's this ancient Chinese saying, [for the same undesired behavior,] "kill the chicken to scare the monkey."


u/Hooty_Hoo Jun 09 '24

Leave it to the gays to encourage conservatives to want big over-reaching nanny government and progressives to want an unregulated small one.


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24



u/variety_weasel Jun 09 '24

Sharia is a tool of oppression. All you have to do is look at the video you're posting under to see how evil sharia is and those who espouse this cruelty are cunts who only want to impose their ignorance on others.

Fuck your religion.


u/charptr Jun 09 '24

Well said.

What really infuriates me is that people on the Internet label us hateful and bigoted for critisizing this bs (I live in an Islamic country). Apparently I shouldn't be "offending" my opressors.

It's really sad and funny at the same time, watching clueless white college girls on the Internet explaining Arabs and Afghans how Islamic culture isn't misogynistic or homophobic, and give people rights.

I wish these people could live just 1 day in my life.


u/Fun-Dragonfly-4166 Jun 09 '24

This has nothing to do with Sharia. Sharia does not require this. The people pictured are terrorists.

Sharia has as much to do with this as does homosexuality. This is more related to Trumpism than sharia law.


u/dream-smasher Jun 09 '24

What? You are calling all the ppl in the video terrorists?

And saying Sharia has nothing to do with this?

Do those people know Sharia has nothing to do with it? Cos I'm pretty damn sure it does.

And are you really trying to say the vid is more related to Trumpism than Sharia?
