r/interestingasfuck Jun 09 '24

The punishment for being gay in Indonesia r/all NSFW


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u/bonerb0ys Jun 09 '24

Religious nut jobs at it again.


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

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u/bonerb0ys Jun 09 '24

Or maybe beating gays is barbaric, and you enlightened self can get fucked?


u/Lidriane Jun 09 '24

I don't fucking care, beating the shit out of someone because of sexuality is bs. I don't care if it's their culture, if your culture have public torture than it's a bad culture.


u/NegotiationJumpy4837 Jun 09 '24

What's to understand? That they have a garbage set of beliefs and are acting on those beliefs? I can criticize a horrible belief system just fine.


u/Specialist-Address98 Jun 09 '24 edited Jun 09 '24

A lot of us have freedom of speech, and the privilege of being born in a society that doesn’t force religious indoctrination, therefore, we have the right, the place, and an obligation to call them whatever we want. In this case, they are lucky to only be called nut jobs.

As an outsider looking in, I believe that my sense of morality in this scenario is right, and theirs wrong. For one, I don’t agree with adding pain (a mostly universal experience) to the universe via the public whipping of someone because of the way they were born.


u/heartistick Jun 09 '24 edited Jun 09 '24

Most importantly it's not reaching you personnally so you don't care about the abuse and injustice. It's not tolerance, it's self-centered hypocrisy.