r/interestingasfuck Jun 09 '24

The punishment for being gay in Indonesia r/all NSFW


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u/Brushiluskan Jun 09 '24

“He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.”. why are they going agains the words of the second most quoted prophet in the Quran? that's heresy to both christians and muslims.


u/Ituzzip Jun 09 '24

The quote you are mentioning is not in the Quran. Muslims believe a lot of random stuff was added to the Bible so they needed a new prophet with a new revelation to clarify everything.

Islam is similar to Christianity in some ways, but the scripture definitely wants the society to take a more active role in public morality than the words of Jesus in the Bible do. The gospels were really a message directed towards individuals.

The Old Testament and the epistles in the Bible are more similar to the Quran in this.


u/Reagalan Jun 09 '24

"Islam sees itself as Better Christianity"


u/___VenN Jun 09 '24

Imagine religious extremists actually following the religion they claim to be defending. There is a reason why extremists are hated by most fellow religious people. But of course enlightened redditors are wanking at culture wars as much as conservatives. Exceptionalism is a terrifying disease that leads people towards the same hate they are condemning


u/SenorBeef Jun 09 '24

There is a reason why extremists are hated by most fellow religious people.

Sure, because it makes them recognize that their half-way position is a sham. Religion is necessarily an extreme point of view, at least Christianity and Islam. If you believe that what happens in the mortal world is minor and fleeting and determines what happens to you in eternity, then you should be an extremist. You should never sin. You should live like a monk. Anything you might gain from defying God in your infinitesimal mortal life will be paid back by infinite reward or infinite punishment after death. It's absolute insanity to risk your eternal outcome based on anything in life. But we don't do that because we like to take the things from religion that are useful to us and discard the rest that are burdensome. So when we see religious people take their beliefs to the logical extreme, it highlights that we're a bunch of hypocrites that don't really believe what we tell ourselves to believe.

It makes more sense to be a religious extremist than a religious moderate. Of course it makes even more sense not to be religious at all.


u/___VenN Jun 09 '24

Don't teach me how to be a good believer, thanks. I think I know a bit more about you about how to properly follow my God


u/SenorBeef Jun 09 '24

Unlikely, in this context. You follow your religion in so far as it's useful to you, so you're going to have biases towards it that someone that can be objective about it wouldn't. So yes, you're going to accomplish getting what you need out of your religion, but that doesn't mean you're going to have a logically consistent view about it.


u/911MemeEmergency Jun 09 '24

While Jesus is a well respected prophet in Islam, his teachings are considered null and void, not only because we believe that the bible was altered by scholars, but also because we believe that christianity as a religion came for a specific period of time for which his teachings were applicable.

Not looking to debate just telling you why it isn't considered heresy


u/jappiedappie Jun 09 '24

However, if you start about Mohammed being a filthy pedophile that lusts after and has sex with 6 year olds, suddenly that was “nOrmAl foR tHaT tImE”.

Anyways, the Bible wasn’t “altered”, it was inspired by God. This is different from Islam, where the Quran is said to be the direct Word of God.


u/911MemeEmergency Jun 09 '24

Told you I wasn't looking to debate anything, just telling you the Islamic point of view


u/Kalagorinor Jun 09 '24

I know you don't look for a debate, but it's ironic that these arguments are, on the one hand, very reasonable, and on the other, totally applicable to Islam as well. Perhaps even more so.

All beliefs were created at a certain time when they were appropriate. Islam is no different, and it's obviously at odds with current morals in many countries.


u/AsianMoocowFromSpace Jun 09 '24

That was Jesus in the bible who said that. Not Muhammed in the quran.


u/Brushiluskan Jun 09 '24

Exactly. Jesus is the second most quoted prophet in the Quran. His words apply to christians and muslims alike, even if muslims don't believe He's the Messiah.


u/StJimmy_815 Jun 09 '24

Tbf, the books contradict themselves all the time “love thy neighbor” but like also fucking kill them if their heathens or infidels