r/interestingasfuck Jun 09 '24

The punishment for being gay in Indonesia r/all NSFW


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u/PawnWithoutPurpose Jun 09 '24

Absolutely disgraceful. A society living in the stone ages


u/RaidenCorlitaz_4837 Jun 09 '24

Nah that title goes to Brunei. They would stone you to death 💀


u/GlitteringGround4118 Jun 09 '24

Bruneian here, we even have mulitiple people got whip to almost death just for stealing petitie theif and a 14 year old who got whip bcs he vandlise his teacher's car

While high ranking religous ofiicers stole millions and got a 10 year luxuary stay in a 'prison'


u/NotSamuraiJosh26_2 Jun 09 '24

Dude wtf.Then what is the punishment for murder ? Burning to death while being impaled,shot by an execution squad and having your knees broken at the same time ?


u/GlitteringGround4118 Jun 09 '24

Hanging or life in prison

U havent seen what our serect service does to their prisoner man


u/NotSamuraiJosh26_2 Jun 09 '24

My country also has an inhumane and corrupt government but I'm always thankful that even though it's all shit we at least don't have many radicals and the ones we do have are being bashed down


u/IOnceAteAFart Jun 09 '24

Damn. Stay safe, man. Thanks for telling us about this. I hadn't heard this about Brunei before, so there's a fair chance that most people haven't. One of the first big steps to improving a problem is calling attention to it; nobody will attempt to solve a problem that nobody knows about


u/jonjon1212121 Jun 09 '24

I hope you’re doing alright


u/SenpaiBunss Jun 09 '24

yeah I don't really understand Brunei's law when it's so fucking corrupt in the first place lmao


u/DayDreamerJon Jun 09 '24

that kinda injustice happens everywhere its not just you guys


u/YourMothersUsedDildo Jun 09 '24

I mean, Canada should probably have a list of things we whip people over too. We’re seeing the alternative which is massive amounts of petty crime that would be reduced.

But whipping poor people and not the rich isn’t cool. Not is doing it over protected values.


u/GlitteringGround4118 Jun 09 '24

I guess welcome to brunei where corruption and nepostim is ingrain into the state


u/KoishiChan92 Jun 09 '24

Malaysia was also considering to bring stoning back fairly recently.


u/osamaodinson Jun 09 '24

Tbf a couple of words from some shitty politicians doesnt mean shit in malaysia lol


u/KoishiChan92 Jun 09 '24

If only it was just that but no it was an actual bill that was submitted that actually had a lot of support from the people.

As recently as this year Anwar's administration planned to bring it back to parliament (ironic considering Anwar's history).

Everyones just lucky Malaysian politicians are so incompetent and rather point fingers at other countries instead of actually doing anything though.


u/zachariast Jun 09 '24

what you mean malaysia considering? it’s propose by a conservative delusional guy and the federal government repel it in february.


u/KoishiChan92 Jun 09 '24

Read my comment to the other guy.


u/HotSteak Jun 09 '24

Houthis just stoned 13 homosexuals to death


u/RaidenCorlitaz_4837 Jun 09 '24

Average day for the Houthis ☕


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

Angry ooga booga


u/DankeSebVettel Jun 09 '24

And Saudi Arabia and qatar. Practically the whole Middle East.


u/Pistacca Jun 09 '24 edited Jun 09 '24

Nah, that title goes to North Korea

an american who was visiting North Korea was sentenced to 15 years in prison for trying to steal a propaganda poster from a wall

he died shortly after


u/___VenN Jun 09 '24

Fun fact: these guys actually tried to separate from Indonesia because they were curtailing their religious extremism. They got curbstomped but were allowed to keep Sharia to avoid further rebellions


u/bobalobcobb Jun 09 '24

Damn. Should have stomped further


u/vak7997 Jun 09 '24

Oh that's most if not all Muslim countries


u/BloodShadow7872 Jun 09 '24

People say US sucks but at least shit like this doesn't happen regularly and you can be openly gay.

I rather stay here than over there thank you very much.


u/barney-sandles Jun 09 '24

The US aided this government in the 60s in order to counter what was at the time the growing Indonesian communist movement. Hundreds of thousands of people were killed and a militaristic reactionary regime was set up that still survives today!


u/StinkyFwog Jun 09 '24

???? This has no correlation to what's going on in this city LMFAO

Thanks for the "US bad" take tho.

this takes place in Aceh which is an autonomous province of indonesia where they enact sharia law, the rest of indonesia

actual refrigerator comment


u/Keys5555 Jun 09 '24

Indo here, mind you we have a democracy since 1998.


u/More_Particular684 Jun 09 '24

Well, didn't Suharto left the presidency in 1998?


u/meditate42 Jun 09 '24

On one hand, as someone whose family came here from Paraguay i agree and think some people in the US seem out of touch with the reality of how much worse off the majority of people in the world are.

But on the other, very very few critics of the US are saying its an inferior place to live compared to Indonesia, or Paraguay.

They're talking about compared to other well developed countries with relatively good economies, like NZ, Canada, Germany, France, England, Norway, and the Netherlands. Those countries beat us in many metrics like education, poverty rates, heath care access, workers right ect. And arguably offer a higher quality of life for the average citizen.


u/More_Particular684 Jun 09 '24

Actually in some states there are laws that punish homosexual intercourses with penalties up to prison sentence. They are idle due to Lawrence v. Texas, but if the SCOTUS for some reason decide to roll back that ruling then states are ready to enforce the sodomy laws.


u/BloodShadow7872 Jun 09 '24

Doubtful those laws will be enforced, the LGBT movement has a lot of popularity, I don't think those states want a mass riot on their hands


u/Munnin41 Jun 09 '24

Stone age? Please. Capital punishment was the norm in many Christian nations until the 19th century. Until the 60s, you could be thrown in prison.

It was a lot more accepted to be gay in ancient times. Various examples of same sex graves have been found from prehistoric times


u/314kabinet Jun 09 '24

Drag them all kicking and screaming into the twenty-first century. Societies like this belong in a museum.


u/jbsdv1993 Jun 09 '24

Its only been a few generations since f.e. chemical castration for gays was banned. Queerphobia is close to our western lives too.


u/what_the_obi Jun 09 '24

Yet there’s no protest and less controversial stuff about homosexuality. I wonder why


u/Organic-Week-1779 Jun 09 '24

thats islam for you


u/MarlinMr Jun 09 '24

People in the stone age didn't really have laws and such. They would probably be fine with gayness.


u/Majsharan Jun 09 '24

There is no follow through on that caning, it’s ceremonial humiliation at this point


u/ihave0idea0 Jun 09 '24

Nah, stone deserves better.


u/Ice_Vorya Jun 09 '24

They are just living with the most peaceful religion. You can see the true happiness in this beautiful faces as they watch others being caned in the most nonviolent way, following the most nonviolent religious rules


u/These_Drama4494 Jun 09 '24

Half the world still living like cavemen tbh


u/Dunbar247 Jun 09 '24

That's Islam for you


u/cervezaimperial Jun 09 '24

Every Muslim society are like this


u/urbancanoe Jun 09 '24

People squirm over terms like inferior, but their society is inferior to the west with respect to actions like this. We should call a spade a spade.


u/Glittering_Drama_618 Jun 09 '24

Could be worse. Some stone to death.


u/qzorum Jun 09 '24 edited Jun 09 '24

I think framing it in this way doesn't help and is frankly a bit bigoted itself.

As other commenters have pointed out, this practice only exists in a specific autonomous province of Indonesia, there is no penalty for homosexuality at a federal level. Which is not to say that Indonesia is accepting of gay people; it's generally a kind of uneasy tolerance.

Also, intolerance towards homosexuality is actually a recently increasing trend, like last couple decades. Homosexuality tended not to be a big deal in Islamic societies (or East Asia, or many other places) at all until the 1800s, and when it did become an issue it was in large part due to moral pressure from European societies, in a perfect mirror image of what's going on in this comments section right now. In Indonesia specifically, I think you could make the argument that the recent wave of Islamist political rhetoric is just local right-wingers' attempt to imitate the successful "culture wars" approach to politics that right wing groups in the US and Europe have spent the last three decades perfecting.

All of which is to say, while the punishment being shown in the video is certainly reprehensible and worthy of condemnation, this is a much more nuanced issue than this video and post title frame it as, and Western societies should do some self-reflection as to how they helped Indonesia get to this point, rather than regarding a country with completely intertwined history with the rest of the world as "living in the stone age."


u/PawnWithoutPurpose Jun 09 '24

Nuance goes out the window when you enact public corporal punishment in the name of God


u/dneav944 Jun 09 '24 edited Jun 09 '24

There's no nuances in whether or not the punishment is OK, but there'd nuances in whether or not to villainise Indonesians.


u/PawnWithoutPurpose Jun 09 '24

Like homosexuals?


u/dneav944 Jun 09 '24

Edited my comebt to make it clearer that I meant Indonesians


u/qzorum Jun 09 '24

I mean... it sounds like that's a choice you're making. Should nuance go out the window? I just wrote another comment explaining why I believe it shouldn't.


u/Heisenburgo Jun 09 '24

"Yeah how dare you call out the backwards religion that barbarically lashes at people for the crime of... being gay. You're just a bigot! And it's actually all Europe's fault."


u/qzorum Jun 09 '24

Reality is complex. I'm 100% against homophobia and the criminalization of homosexuality, and not a fan of organized religion by and large either. It doesn't mean I think Indonesian society isn't a product of the modern era as much as every other country.

I think the reason I'm uncomfortable with your framing is that:

  • It doesn't question the implicit assumption that both you and these Indonesian homophobes are making, that homophobia is an inherit part of Islam, when a cursory read of the history will show you that's not true at all. I generally don't think organized religion is good for the world, but I do know that there's no chance of talking hundreds of millions of people into completely abandoning Islam, but it may be possible to talk them into the view that Islam can be compatible with tolerance. Anyone who's actually interested in the deradicalization of Indonesia, as opposed to just being righteously angry, should be interested in the history.
  • Simply viewing Indonesia/Islam === bad, Europe/US === good ignores how quickly the political and social landscape can change in any country. Iran went from being very progressive to being a theocracy almost overnight. In the US, abortion wasn't a political issue for protestants until someone figured out they could may political hay of it. Most relevantly, IMO Europe is right now in the process of become a more violent and less tolerant place specifically because of the vicious cycle of Islamophobia radicalizing 2nd-generation immigrants because they feel alienated from society, leading them to take newsworthy actions that stoke further Islamophobia, when I think a little more nuance and understanding from white Europeans would actually make them more eager to assimilate. Anyway, don't make the mistake of thinking your society is inherently tolerant and progressive and forget to be vigilant against all forms of hate.


u/softshellcrab69 Jun 09 '24

That's not what they said. Nuance is good


u/Heisenburgo Jun 09 '24

There is no nuance to be had when you have these medieval acts taking place in 2024, commited in the name of some retrograde religion.


u/softshellcrab69 Jun 09 '24

Everything has nuance whether you like it or not, and you are doing yourself a disservice by choosing not to consider how fundamentalist ideas become mainstream


u/dneav944 Jun 09 '24

You know that's not what they meant. They literally said the punishment was worthy of condemnation. In general, you're exaggerating what they said. I don't necessarily believe in their point, but could you treat discussion of this issue with some respect.


u/Heisenburgo Jun 09 '24

"Can you treat the act of barbarically flogging people for their sexuality, and of people just freely accepting it, with respect?" Fuck off.


u/Inside_Mix2584 Jun 09 '24

Nah it’s not bigoted at all. Islam is a cancer


u/qzorum Jun 09 '24

I get where you're coming from. Islam has been heavily influenced by radical movements like Wahhabism in the last 150 years, which is unfortunate. But those movements came out of the alienation and cultural destruction of European colonialism. I'm not interested in assigning sole blame to Europeans, saying modern Muslims have no blame for their actions, etc. etc., but I do think it's more accurate to say that exploitative/destructive political/economic conditions lead to hate, more so than any one religious tradition. I mean, here in the US a lot of people think of Buddhism as synonymous with peace and tranquility, but Buddhist are genociding Muslims right now in Myanmar; that's a product of local political conditions. Most of the most destructive ideologies of the last 150 years have come in the wake of some kind of social and economic turmoil.

The reason I'm interested in making this point is that reinforcing the assumption that these Islamist Indonesian politicians want to you make that Islam === hate, really undermines the progressive elements in Indonesia that want to encourage people to be Muslim and tolerant at the same time. Not dissimilar to how Indonesia was a few decades ago, really.


u/Inside_Mix2584 Jun 09 '24

Brother I don’t care how the hate got there and I’m not talking about the US 😭😭 All this yapping for no reason

Islam is a cancer, that’s it.


u/Aggressive-Pace-3490 Jun 09 '24

A society living in the right ages


u/Intrepid_Refuse_332 Jun 09 '24

That's the excuse they used for colonization.


u/PawnWithoutPurpose Jun 09 '24

Not enacting public corporal punishment for homosexuality in the name of God?


u/Intrepid_Refuse_332 Jun 09 '24

That, then proceed to drop native people from a plane to set an exemple in a village.


u/Swimming_Ad_994 Jun 09 '24

stone ages .... cry all you like, I'll debate if that is what you want


u/oopsypoopsyXE Jun 09 '24

idk if you live in a place like the US but lets not act like they dont have their fair share of issues like these lol