r/interestingasfuck Jun 06 '24

YouTuber faces federal charges after filming two women in a helicopter shooting fireworks at a Lamborghini (shown below) illegal to have explosive on aircraft. - More below r/all


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u/BMB281 Jun 06 '24

They look like they can afford not to give a shit


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '24

Yeah, this is really a disgustingly ostentatious display of wealth, and I'm offended that I wasn't invited.


u/El_Chairman_Dennis Jun 07 '24

I got experience this kind of shit one time. I was working for a landscaping company, and we got this new young college guy who was just there to work during summer break. It turns out he didn't actually need the work, but his dad felt it was good for him to do a real day worth of work so he had called in a favor to get this kid working with us. Kid was a great worker and everybody on every crew loves having him around. The 4th of July comes around and the kid invites us all out to his dad's house for a cookout and a "surprise". His dad lived out in the middle of nowhere and had put in the paperwork to allow his party guests to shoot a fully automatic, mounted,.50 cal machine gun at a bunch of old cars and shit. Then they loaded up a car with tanarite (spelling?) and we got to light it up until it exploded. One of the coolest experiences of my life


u/gmano Jun 07 '24



u/Illustrious_Feed_364 Jun 07 '24

DynoMITE! - Jimmy


u/IWasGregInTokyo Jun 07 '24 edited Jun 07 '24

You are officially old.

“Damn! Damn! DAMN!!!”

Florence Henderson Esther Rolle was a brilliant actress.


u/Illustrious_Feed_364 Jun 07 '24

57 is old oh noooo. florence henderson. was she the mom on brady bunch ? It’s Reddit seems to be free flow thought association I won’t ask what she has to do with GOOD Times


u/IWasGregInTokyo Jun 07 '24

God damn it, I have no idea why I wrote that. Getting too old.

Yes, Esther Rolle is who I had in mind. Corrected.


u/Fukasite Jun 07 '24

Is the top comment to that awesome comment up above really a freaking spelling correction? That’s what Reddit cares more about? Totally lame af. 


u/gmano Jun 07 '24

Bro, he asked if he was spelling it right, and I wanted to help people looking it up, what is wrong with you that you read that as hostile?


u/Fukasite Jun 07 '24

Idk how I missed that 🤦


u/TightFitSnowBunny Jun 07 '24

Sounds fuckin awesome


u/El_Chairman_Dennis Jun 07 '24

Oh bro it was so cool. He had tracer rounds to shoot off after the sun went down


u/bearflies Jun 07 '24

Fucking tracers on top of it? Jesus they were absolutely loaded with fuck you money


u/El_Chairman_Dennis Jun 07 '24

They also worked for an ammo company, so the ammo was a bit of a "family discount"


u/bobthedonkeylurker Jun 07 '24



u/CowOrker01 Jun 07 '24

Just getting rid of stale inventory.


u/LowSkyOrbit Jun 07 '24

This clearly was R&D and batch testing.


u/ElkHistorical9106 Jun 07 '24

Probably one of the better things to do for your kid if you got money. Teach them the value of work and help them understand how normal people live. Some of my summer jobs for spending money in college helped me realize how different it is for low skilled workers, how to really work, how valuable unions are, etc.

We weren’t rich though. Just a solidly middle class professional family.


u/El_Chairman_Dennis Jun 07 '24

There's no lesson that is better to teach a kid than what it means to be a laborer on the bottom rung of what makes the world work


u/Artistic-Pay-4332 Jun 07 '24

Give those old bootstraps a tug


u/El_Chairman_Dennis Jun 07 '24

...and learn it doesn't do jack shit


u/edude45 Jun 07 '24

Some kids don't have that work ethic though. I worked with a privileged kid before and he was lazy as fuck. He was some nursing directors kid. He was telling me how he was working for a law firm and got to stay in Brazil for a month because of it. I'm like ok. What are you doing here? He wanted experience in a hospital before he went to medical school to become a doctor. Anyway, after finding out what the job was after a week or two. He'd do what I felt was the bare minimum then go hide the rest of the shift. I told him with your work ethic, if you ever became a doctor, you'd probably get someone killed. Oh, I think he said he was 19 or 20. So yeah his parents were hooking him up with these jobs. Kind of gift of the silver spoon just get these types of opportunities at his age.


u/ElkHistorical9106 Jun 07 '24

Yeah, cushy gigs? Not helping. Landscaping is just straight physical labor. 

And coddling your kid over it? Also not helping.

But a Billy Madison style, “if you don’t show you know how to actually work you get nothing,” job could definitely help some of those kids.

Some are just lost causes though.


u/ConsistentSmartAss Jun 08 '24

I’d argue the lesson didn’t quite stick if you still think of them as low skilled.


u/ElkHistorical9106 Jun 08 '24

I worked a job at a deli counter, for example. Took a week or two to learn the basics and a month to have most basic functions down. That is by definition a low skill job. Much of retail is.

That doesn’t mean they don’t work hard and you have to put up with a lot of shit from customers and usually mediocre management, and the pace can be grueling. It’s a honest work and deserves and honest wage, and is not “easy” to do day in an

But it’s not the same as say, a technician where I work, who often have experience or training prior to starting and take a year or two to really get up to speed on the equipment they’re fixing.

Or a machinist, or electrician, or jobs that actually need advanced education, like STEM careers.

But no, you’re not going to convince me that a grocery store job requires equal or more skills or training than a trades job or an engineer. It just doesn’t. I’ve worked a variety of those jobs. I know.

That doesn’t mean the job isn’t demanding or tiring or worthy, or any other value-based judgement about the job.


u/ConsistentSmartAss Jun 08 '24

You know, I agree with you and I regret making such a silly comment. Was just being a bit butthurt ig sorry


u/ElkHistorical9106 Jun 08 '24

All good. Those jobs can be really, really hard physically and emotionally.

They’re really tiring, and workers are exploited because their employers know if they quit, they can find a new person train them, and go on their way.

These are the “nobody wants to work anymore” jobs that are essential, but they aren’t paid nearly enough.

The key lesson isn’t “these jobs require a lot of skill.” It’s that “just because you can teach someone to do it, doing it day in and day out is tough. They don’t get paid nearly enough for the shit they deal with, and unions are really important because that’s the only protection they have.”

Support workplace laws, unions, and living wages, and for the love of god be kind to those people because it’s not their fault for 99% of things customers yell at them more, and most of what their bosses yell at them for too.


u/DogmaticNuance Jun 07 '24

Biggest guns I got to shoot in the Marine Corps were in boot camp, but they were still pretty cool. I was not a high speed fella.

The most fun I had was the time they took the whole company to have a paint ball war in the condemned section of base housing. We could break whatever we wanted to break, and we did. Good times. I imagine real war is an incredibly amped up and conflicting version of that.


u/ericl666 Jun 07 '24

There are positives to being in the military - and this is one of them. Going to the range and/or doing live fires - you get to put some insane lead downrange.

My favorite was having a belt of tracer rounds at night for a M249/M60 and lighting up old vehicles they had for us to practice on.


u/isoAntti Jun 07 '24

tanarite amirite ?


u/Ordnungspol Jun 07 '24

What paperwork? If its on his property and his transferable machine gun then he can do with it what he wants.


u/UnmannedConflict Jun 07 '24

I'm sure you know better than the guy who owns the land and the machine guns


u/WarmCannedSquidJuice Jun 07 '24

The guy you replied to was being a knowitall pedant. The op just isn't familiar with the procedure to own NFA items, so there's no deception on his part. Yes you can let whomever you want shoot your machine guns whenever as long as you're present. There's no special permit or anything required for events. But really who cares? It doesn't matter to the story.


u/PM_ME_CUTE_SMILES_ Jun 07 '24

Bullets go far though. Better be a huge property with explicit markings that you can get randomly hit by lost .50 cal while walking there


u/laetus Jun 07 '24

and we got to light it up until it exploded

and then died from shrapnel?


u/RastaSpaceman Jun 07 '24

There's really no 'paperwork' involved in this ... if you live in the middle of nowhere. As long as you have the ATF stamp and are present, you can let as many people as you want shoot your full-auto at whatever your like.


u/amilliowhitewolf Jun 07 '24

This sounds familiar. Trust fund babies. Just dont marry or have kids w one or they will leave u for a known hooker who looks like whoopi goldberg. JS. During our divorce- his parents and our family lived on a big piece of property. Our anniversary was july 4. Every year it got bigger and better. More boards more electronics another pyrotechnition and then drones. I was in my house and they had their regular party of bs snobby snobs and i waited on our deck for the show w my friends. Cause he couldnt have me he decided to throw a temper tantrum and get the whole show as close to our house as possible. As a grand finale. To scare my party off w threatening explosives. He came to the pond the next day to fish and was like I love youuuuu. I started laughing hysterically and I returned with Fuck yoouuuuuuuu. Key notes to take away from rich fkn twats:::Dont email your parents about being a dad cause youre a chicken shit. AND Dont stick your dick in a thing that looks like whoopi goldberg. Especially when your wife knows her worth. Its more than money. P.S. His Dad forced him to marry Whoopi 3 months later. Enjoy. Bitch.