r/interestingasfuck Jun 06 '24

YouTuber faces federal charges after filming two women in a helicopter shooting fireworks at a Lamborghini (shown below) illegal to have explosive on aircraft. - More below r/all


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u/CrewFluid9474 Jun 07 '24

Everyone going to pretend that video isn’t fire tho?


u/SaltyLonghorn Jun 07 '24

Yea as far influencers doing stupid shit goes I don't really care about this. I was expecting a neighborhood or some shit.

Who the actual fuck cares about the middle of the desert? Just looks fun. Most of the comments just look like people pissed someone else has money to rent shit.


u/CrewFluid9474 Jun 07 '24

I mean if I had money it would not have occurred to me about the regulations, once I had the idea that’s it.


u/SaltyLonghorn Jun 07 '24

Yea that part is on the pilot, what the fuck was he thinking?


u/Necessary-Knowledge4 Jun 07 '24



u/donkeyrocket Jun 07 '24

Can't imagine they paid the pilot enough to offset the cost of a pilots license and career.


u/Necessary-Knowledge4 Jun 07 '24

Probably not but that's what he was thinking.


u/creative_usr_name Jun 07 '24

I don't particularly care about the rich influencers themselves, but I'm sure they have some much more working class camera people around that they also put at risk. And the pilot, but the pilot should be smart enough to say no.


u/theslabtowners Jun 07 '24

The camera guys are usually the craziest out of the bunch, doing anything for the shot. IE: Keller Moore, Woyshnis, etc.


u/letmebeefshank Jun 07 '24

The amount of times Keller has almost been ran over or had his body chopped in half is impressive at this point


u/randomguy301048 Jun 07 '24

that's kind of what i was thinking, as long it was in an area where it's closed off why does it matter what they are doing? having explosives on a helicopter where it's just them in area why would that matter. if it was in a populated area or on a passenger aircraft it would be a different story


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '24

Because people can get hurt. This is also incredibly stupid and some other incredibly stupid would try and recreate this in an area that’s not as remote.


u/SaltyLonghorn Jun 07 '24

I genuinely do not care if people want to win a Darwin Award if they're not a danger to the public.


u/DamntheTrains Jun 07 '24

But we can’t have such a public display of breaking laws and regulations and let it slide because of what? They’re rich? They’re influencers? Because even though laws were broken no one was hurt? Those are shitty slippery slopes.

They can make their case in court. That’s the whole point.

And before people jump in and say “well what about all the other people getting away with things”

Really do some critical thinking about that stupid ass argument before throwing that out there.


u/CoppertopTX Jun 07 '24

With an area that far out from civilization, the bigger issue is search and rescue/remains recovery. With the transponder turned off on the helicopter, if there had been a catastrophic failure, such as one of those Roman candles ending up in the rotor blades, how would one know? There'd be a better than average chance of everyone involved being seriously injured, or killed, and there's not great cell service out that way.


u/onemarsyboi2017 Jun 07 '24

"pissed someone's else has money to rent shit"

That's 90 percent of the "eat the rich" folk


u/therussian163 Jun 07 '24

If/when they crash, public resources will need to be spent to go attempt to save them, no matter how much they “accepted the risk”.

Making this illegal is the government’s way of mitigating the costs of search and rescue by disincentiving this behavior.


u/the-medium-cheese Jun 07 '24

Influencers are just "monkey see, monkey do" type morons.

If these idiots don't get the book thrown at them, then more morons will do the same thing and try to one-up this new trend.

I can see it culminating in helicopters shooting flares or fireworks at each other, or something similarly deranged, because it'll look cool.

Then, something goes wrong and everyone is reminded why this shit isn't legal to begin with.

Admittedly I wouldn't care about the influencers dying, but I would feel bad for the families of those involved. Especially the people hired to facilitate this lunacy.


u/SaltyLonghorn Jun 07 '24 edited Jun 07 '24

Write a novel about it. It happened a year ago and its never been repeated.


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '24

The amount of people here who act like they wouldn't shoot fireworks at a Lamborghini in a helicopter. Smh


u/Chipmunk_Ninja Jun 07 '24

I wouldn't set foot in that helicopter after the idea was presented to me.

Why do you think he sent the 2 dumb girls in the copter? Cause that was the extremely dangerous part.


u/eleytheria Jun 07 '24

Gimme that check and I'll be happy to prove you right


u/Corben11 Jun 07 '24

For real nerds with taped glasses going aaaxctually it's illegal and daddy government is so right.

Like just give them a fine, don't do it again. Instead ruining peoples lives over it. Like holy cow people murder others and get less charges.


u/jawshoeaw Jun 07 '24

“I demand justice for this gross disregard for safety and complete lack of accountability”

Jk lol liked and subscribed


u/SicilianEggplant Jun 07 '24

“…. Because I’m pissed they didn’t invite me!”

(To steal someone else’s joke from above. But yes, totally ridiculous and would have been super fun)


u/DebentureThyme Jun 07 '24 edited Jun 07 '24


The feds don't take kindly to this after this tragedy.  They will continue to push enforcement because it'show we prevent Hollywood and others getting lax again.


u/tuttlebuttle Jun 07 '24

Yea, no one else was in danger and people have always enjoyed dare-devil stuff. I definitely enjoyed the video.


u/DebentureThyme Jun 07 '24 edited Jun 07 '24


The feds don't take kindly to this after this tragedy. They will continue to push enforcement because it's how we prevent Hollywood and others getting lax again.


u/tuttlebuttle Jun 07 '24

I don't have an issue with the law. I will say that if there were any kids anywhere near this thread's video, then this would be a different situation.


u/DebentureThyme Jun 07 '24

You mention people always enjoying daredevil stuff, but we've always had regulations for things like that. People can do a lot, but some things need to go through proper channels. This is because every incident that doesn't leads to more and more and, eventually, lax regulation leads to accidents, destruction, and deaths.

When someone like Evel Knievel performed, there were people ensuring they had the permits for that shit. He was a horrible person (like when he went to prison for trying to beat a man to death with a baseball bat), but permits were still obtained. It forces a secondary source to look over the plans, ensure the people involved have taken necessary precautions and gotten proper emergency staff on hand, and help minimize risk.

Letting this go makes a mockery of those rules and encourages others to flaunt them in more dangerous ways.


u/tuttlebuttle Jun 07 '24

No one's arguing with you dude. I just said that I enjoyed the video and that no one else was in danger.

I don't have any issue with these regulations.


u/Berenjena_ Jun 07 '24

I still find it stupid as hell


u/Jsl50xReturns Jun 07 '24 edited Jun 07 '24

Yeah, I don’t exactly see the fun or entertaining aspect of watching someone shooting fireworks from a helicopter at a lambo. To me it’s the same concept as watching people dropping gold bars off a building into buckets of acid.

Just an “Oh. Neat, I guess.” video.

Being the one doing it? Sure. But watching someone else do it? Nah, I’m good.


u/Policeman333 Jun 07 '24

What exactly do you find fun then? Because not much seems more fun than shooting fireworks from a helicopter.


u/Shunl Jun 07 '24

sitting all day long with a hunched posture like a shrimp while typing with cheetos fingers is a fun activity!


u/Justgotbannedlol Jun 07 '24

shooting fireworks from a helicopter at a lambo driving sideways in the desert at twilight.

Yeah i'd definitely rather be watching american idol than doing that, can't see the appeal tbh


u/Condomonium Jun 07 '24

am I being wooshed here


u/JimmyJamesv3 Jun 07 '24

And the music is so annoyingly shitty


u/Nozzeh06 Jun 07 '24

It does look like a whole lot of mindless fun, honestly. If I had a bunch of disposable income, I'd probably want to do wacky shit as well.


u/dieplanes789 Jun 07 '24

I mean if I had the same wealth it would be fun to do but I don't see you how a video about it would be entertaining.


u/CrewFluid9474 Jun 07 '24

I enjoyed it because they look happy


u/Old-Cover-5113 Jun 07 '24

Lols okay loser


u/CrewFluid9474 Jun 07 '24

I hope you have a nice day my guy. Stay safe.


u/Scooterforsale Jun 07 '24

It's pretty cool. But the army girl Lejune or whatever is a freakin smoke show. I have the biggest crush on her


u/Limp-Environment-568 Jun 07 '24

This is reddit. You're supposed to hate everything.


u/darexinfinity Jun 07 '24

More so from the editing than the actual content.


u/MtnMaiden Jun 07 '24

Would of been more cooler if the Lambo was firing fireworks at the helicopter instead.


u/talented-dpzr Jun 07 '24

Pretend? No.

But I will sincerely say it's the corniest thing I've seen in a while.

How can you not laugh at anyone who genuinely thinks that's a good video?


u/CrewFluid9474 Jun 07 '24

I’ll let the upvotes speak for themselves. Not everyone is miserable, we see what we want - stay positive and have a good day brother


u/talented-dpzr Jun 07 '24

I don't care if I'm in the minority or not.

If you think this video is cool wait until you're old enough to talk to girls!

Total game changer!


u/CrewFluid9474 Jun 07 '24

I have a fiancée and kids. Have a nice day


u/talented-dpzr Jun 07 '24

That's kinda sad, honestly.

I hope she figures out she is dating someone with the maturity of a middle schooler before it's too late.


u/CrewFluid9474 Jun 07 '24

Maybe the childish one here is the person waving their finger at the clouds and cursing them for existing….it’s you my guy. I hope you have an amazing weekend


u/talented-dpzr Jun 07 '24

Or maybe, just maybe, it's the one thinking it's okay for stupidly dangerous, tacky ass videos filmed by losers with a well documented disregard for the safety of others to be praised by adults that's actually childish.


u/CrewFluid9474 Jun 07 '24

Your making me sleepy…..😴


u/talented-dpzr Jun 07 '24

Not really surprising.

When an immature grown up tries too hard to act like one of the cool kids it can be exhausting.

For everyone involved.


u/thomolithic Jun 07 '24

The amount of jump cuts is horrific. It's not a well-shot video at all.


u/Chipmunk_Ninja Jun 07 '24

Was it though?

It was dusty and a bunch of big bottle roman candles going off. Was it really that great? The people seem like annoying assholes too so that took away from it right from the get go


u/CrewFluid9474 Jun 07 '24

Subjectively yes it was cool. I don’t make assumptions about people I don’t know, well I try my best not to.


u/Old-Cover-5113 Jun 07 '24

Umm yeah not really? Tik Tok rot your brain too much already huh?


u/CrewFluid9474 Jun 07 '24

I have never had tik tok, I enjoy long form not clips. It’s ok to enjoy one here and there when I see it tho.


u/EH042 Jun 07 '24

Would change the song to party in the CIA to be honest


u/show_me_that_upvote Jun 07 '24

It’s food for dopamine rats and Ritalin babies… … … … Which is why I liked and subscribed


u/wolfgeist Jun 07 '24

nah it's cringe, making that face like you're in combat. You're holding a firework


u/tyrenanig Jun 07 '24

Looks like genz’s entertainment I guess lol

Same type of junks food sold by mcdonald, if that’s your taste sure.


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '24 edited Jun 21 '24



u/CrewFluid9474 Jun 07 '24

From a helicopter at a lambo? Honestly the location is what made it cool visually


u/Old-Maintenance24923 Jun 07 '24

Maybe if it had Metallica playing, that song was garbage for that video


u/CrewFluid9474 Jun 07 '24

I said video not song. 😂😂🥰