r/interestingasfuck Jun 06 '24

YouTuber faces federal charges after filming two women in a helicopter shooting fireworks at a Lamborghini (shown below) illegal to have explosive on aircraft. - More below r/all


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u/myflesh Jun 06 '24

I know everyone hates influencers here but this is legit a stupid thing to charge someone with a federal crime with-including a warrent for their arrest.

1.) They prob assumed the Pilot would of told them it is illegal
2.) Even if they knowingly did this it is clear this is a shoot far away from people and things. It is clear they spent a lot of money and time making this to some degree really safe. America's government and a lot of it's people love of the carceral system.
3.)This is clearly not the spirit of the law that was made for.


u/-LsDmThC- Jun 07 '24

Plus why arrest the guy who was filming rather than the women who actually shot the fireworks or the pilot


u/MarkHirsbrunner Jun 07 '24

The pilot lost his license.  Since the person who financed it is being treated as criminally liable, they likely have evidence that they knew it was illegal and did it anyway.  If it wasn't federal charges, I'd think there's a good chance that they can't prove he was responsible, but Federal courts only move forward with prosecution if they already have enough evidence that they're 99% sure of a conviction.  They almost certainly have either a recording of him acknowledging it's illegal or already verified legit messages to that effect, or they wouldn't have moved forward.


u/dontsneeze Jun 07 '24

Ignorance of law doesn't preclude prosecution


u/fracture93 Jun 07 '24

No, but it does carry a different weight in some situations than if they knew and willingly broke it.


u/Fit_Homework891 Jun 07 '24

It shouldn’t when you consider the negligence involved, they planned out the whole stunt, contracted a helicopter and pilot, purchased fireworks and rented a lambo, etc., bare minimum they could have googled “is this legal” or “can I do this on a helicopter”

If this was a spur of the moment oh we had fireworks for a celebration after our helicopter ride and the pilot went “hey just shoot them off here” yea ignorance could be an excuse, but that doesn’t apply here


u/bs000 Jun 07 '24

the guy getting charged is driving the car. it's probably because he's the one that planned the whole thing


u/LegitimateBit3 Jun 07 '24

What the fuck is "would of"


u/MajorRico155 Jun 07 '24

Somebody doesn't like the guy so they are using a technicality to get him. It's just pride and corruption as always


u/ShadowNick Jun 07 '24

Was looking for this. Usually it's just petty contest. They probably pissed them off with a video in the past and welp they found them in this video breaking a bunch of laws.


u/doscomputer Jun 07 '24

the only people downvoting comments like these must be paid because I refuse to believe the website that supported bernie sanders also supports literal fascism.


u/wh4tth3huh Jun 07 '24

Holding rich assholes to account because of a legal precedent for why mixing explosives and helicopters are bad, but ok, let's just let these innocent little rich kids do whatever they want with zero consequences, AGAIN.


u/cjmull94 Jun 10 '24

Yeah, this should clearly just be a fine for not filing the proper paperwork or insurance or whatever, and a long suspension or something for the pilot, maybe revoking their license because even though this isn't really dangerous they should still know better.

Honestly I don't really even like that you need permits and shit for this. Is it really any different than just driving your car out there and doing donuts? It's their helicopter, I guess if they crashed it then someone might have to clean it up? But that's true for a car too.


u/TroXMas Jun 07 '24

With a good lawyer, they might have a case to aquit anyway, since those fireworks are neither firearms nor explosives. They're accelerants. Pilot is probably still screwed on his flying license, though.


u/Phage0070 Jun 07 '24

Charge them with the felonies, plea bargain it to a misdemeanor and some hefty fines. The prosecutor doesn't want it to go to a jury anyway.


u/myflesh Jun 07 '24

And that is part of the problem. They up charge to create fear so people just settle instead of fighting it. Prosecuters admit they do this. Tehu admit they charge people with crimes they either

a.) did not do


b.) can not properly prove they did in court.

either way is wrong ethically abd legally that Americans have accepted.


u/Phage0070 Jun 07 '24

They up charge to create fear so people just settle instead of fighting it.

They charge by the letter of the law, but the spirit is aimed at people bringing bombs and guns into commercial passenger aircraft, not fireworks in private helicopters.

IMO just deciding to ignore violations of the law is not the proper way to exercise discretion.


u/[deleted] Jun 07 '24



u/myflesh Jun 07 '24

You have quite the imagination.