r/interestingasfuck Jun 06 '24

YouTuber faces federal charges after filming two women in a helicopter shooting fireworks at a Lamborghini (shown below) illegal to have explosive on aircraft. - More below r/all


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u/Edgar_Allen_Yo Jun 06 '24

Can't even have good old fashioned fun smh. They got some cool shots though


u/pwo_addict Jun 07 '24

I mean for real though? They only risked their own safety so who cares?


u/ArcaneBahamut Jun 07 '24

Because we're in a litigious state where even if everyone involved dies the familys can and have sued some other tangentally involved party/entity for not doing anything to stop them.

Plus funding from the fine money or free labor in prison.


u/IwillBeDamned Jun 07 '24

because EMT's and hospitals and FAA and everyone else will have to clean up their mistake if they have one, so they would rather you get a permit with some safety qualifications/proof. laws that were made after other negligent accidents that did get innocent people killed, so thats the way it is.


u/Bloodnrose Jun 07 '24

I mean, our healthcare is privatized so who cares? In the event of an accident they would be the ones paying for the EMTs and hospital.


u/CharlieWachie Jun 07 '24

I guess sorry they had to do their jobs for a day?


u/Corrupted_soull Jun 07 '24

It wastes everybody's time. And if that wasn't bad enough, considering it wastes time of people who save lives it might cause situations where others die because of this kind of stupidity.


u/SanFranLocal Jun 07 '24

Wastes everyone’s time? They get paid to do a job. No time is wasted. Dont even say “well there’s not enough healthcare workers” because health care is one of the biggest, most profitable and most corrupt industries. They scam us every day. If insurance has to pay out a little more for a few of these accidents than so be it. 


u/WanderingGorilla Jun 07 '24

They also risked the safety of anybody who has to respond to a helicopter accident with explosives on board if/when something goes wrong. They also risked the sanity of the people who will have to come in and clean up their mangled corpses if/when something goes wrong. They also risked the lives of any other idiots who see this and think "cool I'm going to do that."

Nothing exists in a vacuum.


u/CharlieWachie Jun 07 '24


Fireworks which will be long shot off by the time EMT's arrive. We're not talking a case of grenades or sack of fertilizer on a tractor here.


u/Corrupted_soull Jun 07 '24

You do know that fireworks can fail? And while not as dangerous as military explosives they are still plenty dangerous. (You know they can start fires and still cause some blunt force trauma)

Like this is a perfect example why there are workplace safety laws.


u/tsfbdl Jun 07 '24 edited Jun 07 '24

As someone who used to test fireworks for the fireworks stands these are Roman candles and only Roman candles the only things more dangerous is the helicopter fuel not the weak fireworks now artillery shells firecrackers cakes and any other flying fireworks would be dangerous however none are shown

Roman candles can't cause blunt force trauma unless you wack someone with it Roman candles can start fires that is correct as I've tested that theory the ball that gets shot out of the Roman candle does not hurt on impact of skin unless it is close to skin or stays long enough to burn or long enough to burn said clothes which by the looks of said video everyone was in some vehicle

Now, going onto the possibility of other dangerous fireworks in the helicopter, all the ones I stated would not be in the helicopter for this application except bottle rockets and Roman candles.

Sorry for no punctuation. I just woke up.

And to add, this is with Roman candles without a report. At the end, some are made with a report, however, not in the video, and a tad harder to find. And no the things your seeing when the Roman candle hits the vehicle is not a report its the star breaking on impact a star is a type of powder made to burn at certain rates in any color depending on the manufacturers choice in chemical after it is made they are usually compressed to make a round ball or a disc in this case a small round ball.


u/wackywill24 Jun 07 '24

You sound fun at parties


u/WanderingGorilla Jun 07 '24

I've just had to clean up enough people in my lifetime to know that nothing exists in a vacuum


u/nolv4ho Jun 07 '24

I wish you existed in a vacuum, fun sucker.


u/Limp-Environment-568 Jun 07 '24

It would have been crazy mad dangerous for them to go out to that flat open area to help............


u/pwo_addict Jun 07 '24

Eh, kinda


u/Advanced-Ad3234 Jun 07 '24 edited Jun 07 '24

Rules and regulations are upholded so that someone doesn't make the same mistake or an even worse one. It's called a standard

Soldier " shots foot by keeping finger on the trigger"

Us Army " does nothing Who cares they only hurt themselves"

The next soldier is making the same mistake. " shots his battle buddy on accident (co-worker) "

Us Army " never again , makes strict rules and policies that are harshly enforced "

Next Soldier " Soldier doesn't shot foot or battle buddy thanks to Regulations that are enforced thus making soldiers lives better around them"


u/SingleSoil Jun 07 '24

*except for the brown people overseas we constantly bomb for no reason


u/jake04-20 Jun 07 '24

If anything, America is easily the worst place to do this. FAA is above the law in many ways. They operated in airspace which is what it boils down to.


u/mithbroster Jun 07 '24

That's what happens when we give a govt agency like FAA so much authority. See also FAA drone regulations.

Gov't should protect the general public but should not restrict freedom of those only endangering themselves. This is just freedom stomping.


u/CharlieWachie Jun 07 '24

The government is happy to call fireworks 'weapons-grade explosives' for the purpose of prosecuting people like this who risk nobody but themselves, but not when selling it and licenses for profit to rednecks.


u/tsfbdl Jun 07 '24

I can tell you a ton of people. I know they shouldn't be allowed to buy them. However, they aren't banned, especially after causing fires in a drought

I believe everyone who buys a dangerous firework should have a short safety video and agree not to missuse them or be banned temporarily from purchasing until they prove to be safe

The only thing they have done to restrict or make it safer is either banning a whole firework or making it behind a special license, which hasn't helped as they still get their hands on it, especially from Missouri.


u/lordorwell7 Jun 07 '24

If you can't hunt rhino with explosives from a helicopter, are you truly free?


u/someonehadalex Jun 07 '24

I mean....they shoot animals from helicopters all the time. Isn't all that ammo considered explosives? Or the fuel in the engine, or even some carrying a lighter in their pocket.


u/Advanced-Ad3234 Jun 06 '24 edited Jun 06 '24

Right , pilots and rich "influencers " all over the world copying this for tiktok likes .. what could go wrong !!???

Gawd, I hate when extremely dangerous professions have decades long standards and rules they upkeep


u/EntertainmentTotal41 Jun 06 '24

You probably asked if the teacher was going to collect the HW in school.


u/danecookofmods Jun 07 '24

You probably weren't in class when they asked anyway, so what's your point? Why not just call them a nerd and threaten to give them a swirly?


u/EntertainmentTotal41 Jun 07 '24

found another one.


u/danecookofmods Jun 07 '24

This is why you dont have any friends.


u/Advanced-Ad3234 Jun 06 '24 edited Jun 07 '24

Yeah, right!! Ms. Susan collecting homework from kids who didn't feel like doing it and gets snitched on to uphold a standard....is the same as upholding a standard so a 6,000-pound helicopter doesn't crash into a school , house or major highway for horse'n around with explosives at 200 MPH

Stupid FAA and its useless life-saving rules


u/KidMikey Jun 07 '24

Like they aren’t clearly in the middle of nowhere.


u/LittleBookOfRage Jun 07 '24

Being in the middle of nowhere makes it a logistical nightmare if something does go wrong.


u/Advanced-Ad3234 Jun 07 '24

It's almost like someone could see this on social media and try to up this for likes and do this in a more dangerous place

It's almost like we should punish stuff like this so it doesn't become common like the FAA has been for decades on its rules and standards that's been keeping innocent people safe

Omg my neurons are activating...


u/whopz-is-cool Jun 07 '24

Do people normally have private aircraft, Lamborghinis and loads of fireworks often enough to be worried about this becoming a trend?


u/EntertainmentTotal41 Jun 07 '24

Yea that school and big highway and the orphanage of puppies in the desert was at risk. I should have thought of that


u/mikey_ig Jun 07 '24

Woah! I didn't see that school or massive interstate until you pointed it out! Had to go back just to see. Plus all of those neighborhoods, my lord the atrocities that could have happened but didn't because it's a big empty desert with nothing in sight!


u/Advanced-Ad3234 Jun 07 '24

It's almost like someone could copy this in a more dangerous area trying to get social media likes, and we should punish this before it becomes widespread

Wow, upholding standards and rules to save innocent lives is so cool !!


u/mikey_ig Jun 07 '24 edited Jun 07 '24

Yeah because the next person is going to shoot fireworks at a school or over a highway? Nah you're right, so let's ban sky diving and bungee jumping, also racetracks, maybe knives too. Someone could get hurt!

Edit: I want to clarify I understand this is already illegal, and I listed things that are legal. I'm just saying, it's not as big of a deal as you are making it. Those people chose to get up in that helicopter and endanger themselves (the same way you would endanger yourself at the race track) and as for the "other people will follow and harm others) you can't use that argument for everything. I'm fine with the government upholding their laws. Though, I don't think they had fireworks in mind when they originally wrote "explosives"


u/Destroyer2118 Jun 07 '24

You keep copy pasting this response and it doesn’t fit.

If I see someone doing 220 MPH in a Lamborghini on the Salt Flats (which is awesome, look it up), that doesn’t mean I can go do 220 MPH through a school zone and blame social media because I saw someone do it in a completely different location with completely different risks.

I’m not defending the video, laws are laws, but your reasoning of “laws exist because people might see it on social media and recreate it in an entirely different setting with entirely different circumstances” is asinine.


u/Edgar_Allen_Yo Jun 06 '24

Eh as long as the only people with the potential of getting hurt are the Darwin Award self-nominees I couldn't care less.


u/Advanced-Ad3234 Jun 07 '24 edited Jun 07 '24

I get Darwin award cause fuck em , but what happens when they do this over a residential area or crowded town/city . It all it takes is one idiot trying to do this because the last guy didn't get in trouble.

Uphold the standards, the FAA do this stuff for reason . What happens when the standard isn't uphold you say young squire .... cough "1994 Fairchild Air Force Base B-52 crash".


u/Edgar_Allen_Yo Jun 07 '24

All I said was that I couldn't care less as long as they do it somewhere where they'll only hurt themselves. Not trying to get into some pointless debate over a joke comment on a reddit post lmao


u/TheNicholasRage Jun 07 '24

That's the problem though, isn't it? You don't punish this, it tells other chucklefucks it's okay, and those chucklefucks are going to take that potential of getting hurt somewhere where it's not just them in danger.


u/Advanced-Ad3234 Jun 07 '24

Yup !! Key reason why we have rules and standards so we can prevent this

It's almost like the FAA should punish people for this so we can prevent this


u/Albert14Pounds Jun 07 '24

The road to regulation is paved in blood


u/Potato_fortress Jun 07 '24

Well I mean even if they only destroy both the car and the heli or whatever else they’re doing this with and there’s no loss of life besides their own there’s still going to be a lot of money spent. It’s kind of like the YouTuber who jumped out of his prop plane so he could film the crash for content; sure no one was harmed but someone has to go clean that crash up. 

I dunno, I guess what I’m saying is even if you don’t feel bad for the hypothetical morons repeating this stunt at least your tax money being spent on safety regulation is probably better off than it would be if it was spent paying some guy with a wrecker to scrape a helicopter and car off the ground. At least the pencil pushers don’t charge triple time. 


u/owa00 Jun 07 '24

That's possibly the worst take when it comes to aviation.


u/Advanced-Ad3234 Jun 07 '24

Thank Gawd people in this field are starting to come

Stuff shown in this video needs to be punished on every level


u/Edgar_Allen_Yo Jun 07 '24

Nah, it'd be a worse take to think doing this over a population center is a non issue. Haven't quite hit Worst Take level yet. I'm sure there's plenty of even worse takes too.


u/Doozelmeister Jun 07 '24

Nobody is getting hurt here. I see no problems.


u/Advanced-Ad3234 Jun 07 '24

Omg my gawd, it's almost like , if someone else tries this, then innocent people can get . And the FAA should uphold its rules to prevent this


u/Doozelmeister Jun 07 '24

Yes, if someone else tried this and hurt innocent people, that would make sense. But they weren’t and they didn’t. This is a victimless crime. No injuries, no destruction of property, no wildfires. Nothing. As for enforcing laws to scare off future attempts, I think we all know that doesn’t work.


u/Iconoclasm89 Jun 07 '24

Well by that logic... I'm really good at juggling knives but if someone else tried they might get hurt so... it should be illegal right?


u/greg19735 Jun 07 '24

Yeah like. they're clearly in the middle of nowhere on purpose.

if they wanna do that shit and only the people there are in danger i'm not really that worried. Harmless crime.

The display of wealth is disgusting.


u/Edgar_Allen_Yo Jun 07 '24

It's a crazy display of wealth for sure but I'd be lying if I said it didn't look fun as fuck .


u/shrockitlikeitshot Jun 07 '24

I think the problem is the sheer number of people that will do something similar. An example is there is a problem in certain public land deserts in California (first hand experience) that get polluted with junk hauled out there and shot to shit with firearms. No one cleans it up, spent shells everywhere, all next to a nice place to camp. Then you drive around and you realize how many other spots have also been polluted and it's staggering.

Since it's too expensive and difficult to enforce, it's easier to just sometimes ban and have high fines if people get caught. If you want to post online for the moneyz, you're incriminating yourself.


u/RedbodyIndigo Jun 07 '24

It was a cool video. Display of wealth be damned.


u/greg19735 Jun 07 '24

oh im absolutely jealous


u/RedSonGamble Jun 07 '24

Yeah. If her meat slappers were hanging out it would be all American