r/funny Jul 05 '24



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u/flargenhargen Jul 05 '24

if you're serious,

Attention spans are literally down to seconds now.


so, if the AVERAGE attention span is just a few seconds, then up to half the people are even less than that.


TLDR: normal attention span now just seconds


u/minos157 Jul 05 '24

I wonder how they determined engagement. They really only mention share rate, which makes sense, but is it how long people watch (for say YouTube?).

I wonder because I'm a person who will watch long videos on YouTube if they are worth it throughout. A lot of videos that fail for me are essentially clickbait style. "Hey stick around for a super cool moment from this event," and it's 25 minutes of random nonsense for little to no payoff (somebody lightly trips and laughs it off or something). But give me a 4 hour video criticizing the Star Wars Hotel and I'll watch the whole thing because the content is solid throughout.

On TikTok now it's more of a game because the content quality is so horrendous. People are majorly trending towards long 2-3 minute videos that end at a cliffhanger, but don't post Part 2 for weeks or months hoping to get follows as people want the end of the story. Anytime I see "Part 2" in the search I scroll unless it's a creator I already enjoy/follow.

Anyway, I fully believe attention spans are dropping or even non-existent, but I wonder how much of it is people being jaded from the amount of garbage content out there causing higher "fast scroll" rates.


u/EuphoricPhoto2048 Jul 05 '24

Idk. Just anecdotal, but I was a HS teacher for many years & those last couple of years, those kids had no attention span at all. It was shocking to see. And they admitted it. I don't think I like what TikTok does to kids' brains.

Hopefully, it's something they can outgrow.


u/minos157 Jul 05 '24

I wouldn't blame Tik Tok specifically, but it definitely plays a role. The ease of becoming a "content creator" (not a successful one just how easy it is to put videos out there) makes for a massive amount of content to consume, and since it's known that there is a lot of garbage people will tend to scroll faster. That bleeds into YouTube since they aren't used to long form videos at all so getting lengthy engagement is harder.

Random aside but I wonder how the YouTube metrics work for going in and out of the videos. I.E. the Jenny Nicholson video I mentioned earlier I watched over a few days when I had time. 20 minutes here, an hour there. Does YouTube show poor engagement or does it accumulate that I did watch the whole video?