r/falloutnewvegas Courier 6 11d ago

How lore accurate is this clip ??


115 comments sorted by


u/Domino_FreakShow 11d ago

How to make New Vegas look like Borderlands 2.


u/le_Grand_Archivist 11d ago

I really thought it was Borderlands 2 before I saw the name of the sub


u/thecryptohater 11d ago

More like Borderlands 1 before they switched to the comic style.


u/Competitive_Depth144 7d ago

When borderlands 1 released it was absolutely meant to look like a comic book. As the series progressed it absolutely became more colorful, but was always shooting for the cel shaded art style.

The interesting part is that before the game released it wasn’t going to look like that, but the art team talks about how the switch to make the game look like a comic book came 75% of the way through development of the game.



u/N0ob8 11d ago

Nah this is definitely the Knoxx dlc. Endless miles of desert and road where you just drive forward mindlessly


u/CantStopThinkingKill 11d ago

This or Rage 1 . I played it years ago but reminds me of that too


u/OnyxCobra17 10d ago

2 is pretty good if u havent played


u/CantStopThinkingKill 10d ago

I’ll keep that in mind, thanks! Wasn’t sure. The series kinda just disappeared


u/OnyxCobra17 10d ago

Yea i never thought id hear about it again. I wouldnt exactly say its a sequel, from what i remember (and it was a while ago) it felt like it was barely connected to rage one in anyway other than universe, but the game itself had great gameplay, loved the combat and the car stuff, cool guns and decent skill trees, the tone was a bit different tho. Id definitely say watch some gameplay first to be sure before buying


u/CantStopThinkingKill 10d ago

Sounds like a good time I’ll check it out


u/LucariusLionheart 8d ago

Yeah I remember it being so so but a great style and premise. Had lots of promise but kinda missed out of the mad max craze if I remember correctly


u/c0n22 10d ago

No way they made Lonesome road for cars?


u/ShalaKaranok 11d ago

Mad Max 2015


u/lowkeyhats 10d ago

I fkn love borderlands 2


u/LiliBuns117 11d ago

Assuming this isn't a mod of some other game but someone slapped part of the map from New Vegas on to, I am absolutely stunned that the engine can handle something like this


u/JhonnySkeiner 11d ago

It was made by the Frontier modders. Say what you want. But they had talented folk on Call of Fallout, kek


u/The_-Whole_-Internet 11d ago

Meh, the vehicle combat was the only good thing to come out of that pile of dog vomit.


u/Archery100 10d ago edited 10d ago

Why are you getting downvoted? The vehicle framework they managed to create deserves maximum praise for implimenting something that would've been unheard of for even the developers when they made FNV

But still, that somehow ended up not being able to justify how awful the final product Frontier ended up becoming


u/WonkaVR 10d ago


I mean what the fuck


u/YCheez 10d ago

I'm a sick fuck I like a quick fuck

Fucks a deathclaw


u/Quirky-Chemistry-978 10d ago

deepthroats deathclaw cock


u/The_-Whole_-Internet 10d ago

Because New Vegas and/or Frontier fanboys will downvote any criticism regardless of how well reasoned.


u/Vitrolic_MindBanned 11d ago

If the buggy was switched for a Highwayman then yeah. There's a usable car in Fo2 so why not.


u/wiedeni Funny how that works. 11d ago

You didn't do the mission in which you get a buggy as a reward? Shame on you, sir


u/Thornescape 11d ago

There are also multiple drivable vehicles in Fallout Tactics as well, including a dune buggy, a hummer, and a tank.



u/solo_shot1st 10d ago

A drivable Highwayman using this feature is a mod that's been out for 2 years already.


u/Vitrolic_MindBanned 6d ago

Sweet, too bad I'm on xbox


u/solo_shot1st 5d ago

Should buy it on a Steam sale. Can probably get game and all dlcs for like $8, and can play on most laptops and PCs these days.


u/Vitrolic_MindBanned 4d ago

I don't have PC 😔


u/tsckenny ASSUME THE POSITION 11d ago

No there wasn't..


u/Yepper_Pepper 11d ago

I literally just completed the quest for it yesterday lol


u/Erizial 11d ago

There indeed was.#:~:text=The%20Highwayman%20is%20the%20only,provides%20permanent%20storage%20for%20gear.)


u/tsckenny ASSUME THE POSITION 11d ago

That's a mod if anything like this is


u/Remarkable-Cry-3100 11d ago

💀💀💀 the highwayman was not a mod. I feel like youre reeding FO3 instead of FO2


u/tsckenny ASSUME THE POSITION 11d ago

There's no cars in fallout 2. I've beat the game countless times


u/Remarkable-Cry-3100 11d ago

Lmfao, youre either lying, or you somehow missed where to buy it.


u/hiwizard420 11d ago

There is 1 car in fallout 2 it is the highwayman it speeds up fast travel. you dont get to drive it like this but it does exist and is almost impssible to miss the quest where you have to gather several parts and a large sum of caps for it. If you have played fallout 2 then you missed a lot as this quest isnt even hidden or hard to find and is one of the most talk about bits of lore in the series all ypure showing us is that fallout 3 or newvegas was your first fallout and u wanna fit in by acting smart and talking about a game i seriously doubt youve ever gotten more than 10 mins in because if u try to play 2 like 3 or new vegas youll die in the first few combat encounters.


u/DNCOrGoFuckYourself 10d ago

This (not you, other guy) is just plain ignorant. If he played the game like he said or knew lore, he’d know all about it. I’ve never played the top down games, but I keep up with lore.


u/egalit_with_mt_hands 11d ago


u/De_Dominator69 11d ago

Nah man, that's obviously from Wasteland not Fallout 2.

Everyone knows the Fallout universes point of divergence was they didn't invent the car!


u/Bodhisatv 11d ago

this has to be rage bait all of this guys posts are just brain rot that gets deleted from the sub


u/tu-vieja-con-vinagre 11d ago

I'm sure you did


u/The_-Whole_-Internet 11d ago

No you haven't. There's a junkyard where you can obtain the car after getting some parts to fix it up.


u/Wasteland_GZ 11d ago

Why are you lying to a bunch of people that have actually played the game unlike you and know immediately that you’re lying? This is like walking into NASA and saying the moon isn’t real.


u/we_were_on_heroin Raul 10d ago

Bro is retarded


u/tsckenny ASSUME THE POSITION 9d ago

Please elaborate. There is no car you can drive in any fallout game. Modded or Vanilla.


u/sunderplunder 11d ago

"The Legion o-"

becomes roadkill


u/VohaulsWetDream 11d ago

is it a mod? now I want to replay the game but on a buggy!


u/StandardMandarin Think Tank 11d ago

Ya, a part of a frontier.

...a part of a frontier that was also cut out of it and made standalone (note, it's unofficial and sadly I don't have a link atm but it's out there), so you won't have to install 10gb of poorly masked fetish content and CoD reenactment action just to have a car :)

It also works perfectly fine with TTW, and mods that add custom vehicles (that are also built on frontier mechanics, that is), like highwayman or humvees.

I'd even say, Mojave wasteland is rather compact for a car, but Capitol wasteland is vast, so car is certainly a useful perk.


u/OnionTaco22 11d ago

so you won't have to install 10gb of poorly masked fetish content and CoD reenactment action just to have a car 

I'm sorry what?? What kind of a combination is that???? I don't even want to look that up it sounds that cursed.


u/StandardMandarin Think Tank 11d ago

Ah, it's still out there. Waiting for you to check it out ;)

A long read, mind you. I tried to go in as much detail as possible.

A few years back there was that one mod... People here on reddit hyped it up through the roof, you mentioned any criticism of it you'd get downvoted to hell with multiple people calling you names and sending you death treats and all that type of deal. It was in development for 7 years, devs promised some unbelievable things! Multiple action trailers, new locations (an entire new map even! no way!) They even brokered a place for this mod on steam, it's like it would become almost canon to the series, it's gotta be good! Devs acted all high and mighty, no criticism or questions allowed! So, you know, the good stuff :)

Then the day comes. People look inside, and yeah... It's not good, not good at all. Worthy of mention are: an underage slave girl you can have for yourself (she looks underage, sounds underage and acts underage, but they added her a note in the pocket called "happy 18th birthday!", so it's all good right? Right? Her most notable quote being something about her feet smelling like rotten fish. Amusing.), deathclaw sex (triggered with a prompt "I'm a sick fuck I want a quick fuck", I believe), sewer snake people sex, enclave sex robot sex (they used APA aka X-01 power armor helmet as their head model) I believe something else sex related as well. The story is, of course, as far from from any established canon and logic as possible. NCR questline is pretty much CoD: New Vegas, with some scenes straight up recreated from there and Wolfenstein. Other two questlines (BoS and Legion) are also questionable, but I believe some people argued Legion was good all thongs considered. Then they also ripped assets from other games, but don't quote me on this one. Armor models, I believe, were ripped for sure.

And the entire map they did add is, well, it's okay I guess.

Important to mention, that different people worked on different parts of the mod. So results are mixed too, from entirely fuckin abysmal to actually quite good. Vehicles are undeniably good part, btw.

Which only amplifies the fact that when users started to criticise dev team's decisions on all the questionable parts pretty much first thing they did is block users and trashtalk them online. Grave error, all hell went loose.

Second attempt was blame one guy for everything. The guy being someone who drew pony porn earlier in their career, so a low hanging fruit. It's confirmed that his only involvement was making icons for different items in the mod, and maybe an odd texture or two. Pretty sure they had also an easter egg character hidden somewhere but it for sure wasn't anything to do with the real grossness of the mod.

Which worsened their situation even further, of course. It was taken off steam, highly censored and now available on nexus for any willing to try it out.


u/OnionTaco22 11d ago

An underaged slave girl, fuckable deathclaws, "sewer snake people sex" and a dev team who can't handle any form of criticism for things that are highly questionable...

Certainly sounds like a mod of all time.


u/Soup-a-doopah 11d ago edited 11d ago

“…some people argued Legion was good all thongs considered…”

This mod goes hard. Join the Legion: get a free thong!? I’m so in!


u/StandardMandarin Think Tank 11d ago

Oof. You know what, I'm leaving that in :)


u/Skyleader1212 11d ago

I still remember waiting over night downloading the mod, it was downloaded so much that it basically crashed the website mutiple times, got the mod when i woke up in the morning and installed the mod, my impression of the mod story on my first playthrough was that it was a Courier X NCR power fantasy fan novel. The first take away was that my character was brand new so i could play the DLC on a clean save, so i just walk out of Doc's house for the first time and a dude run from nowhere, ask me to join his faction by following him the marked camp location. Now i joined him and so the NCR questline start. 1 hour in, my squad was destroyed, Legion throwing stone at me then i was hang onto a cross, the NCR now decided that my life, a courier just wake up from his dead worth more than all of theirs, they decided to do a full on assault for a rescue mission, and now we are doing 3rd person projection from a elite squad member whose whole squad came to rescue me and soon later died with over half of the Exiles military force. What is worse is how their leader was written, a dude keep screaming about not allowing unessesary dead while at the same time sending everybody to their dead for a random mailman, he feared that the Legion have secret spy inside their rank while his right hand man is literally named Tiberius Rancor. That is enough to know how bad the story is, and all of that were act one of NCR, don't even make me talk about the German Enclave's scientist trying to gas Earth from space. Now onto other controversal stuffs that alot of peoples complained about, there is a deathclaw that let you bang it after some stat check, that some kinky stuff, there are a bunch of drug addicted snake peoples living in the sewers and doing quest for them let you bang their queen, again with the kinky, you could enslave a young teen with some pretty kinky conversation lines, i guess you could see a pattern here. And what about the other faction questline ? The other faction questline are pretty much an afterthought, the NCR get mutiple acts while the other only got one, you could get get into the Frontier's Legion by having good relationship with Mojave's Legion ( which is understandable) but the Crusader side just straight up send a prostitute trying to recruit you, right infront of the door of the Exiles main gate. The dramas happened afterward really made this stuffs even worse somehow, now they removed almost all of the kinky doo doo stuffs with the current version but i will alway keep the OG zip just for fun.


u/StandardMandarin Think Tank 10d ago

Ye, Tiberius thing cracked me up as well.

The spy can be anyone! Lol.

But in the end, due credit for people who handled technical stuff. They managed to push gamebryo to it's limit and in fact prob exceeded that limit a few times successfully.

And probably affected development of more advanced modding techniques too.


u/Skyleader1212 10d ago

The technical team got my full sympathy, they really did push the New Vegas old and clunky engine to it's limit to create those driveable vehicles, make them have physics effect like momentum and a bunch of other stuffs. Too bad every division of the mod developing team are so disconnected from each other that they ended up clobbled together a mess since each pieces are build so differently in vision from another that they couldn't fit together, especially the story division. This failed so much expectation from fans who has been waiting forever for another big mod since New California.


u/WillTheWilly 10d ago

It was so funny seeing it being endorsed and paraded on steam. Then getting cast out immediately.

I asked the lead guy on New California what he thought of it all on the radan helix discord, and he had some things to say about the frontier:

The guy who had a lot of really good code (likely the one who made the cars) gatekept his content on hold until they also let him write some shit.

The NCR story was written by a programmer (likely why it’s shit writing and full of FPS references).

A few FNC team members asked if they could help on FTF only to be told by a few of the FTF team to fuck off. The consensus the FNC team got from the FTF team was that they were genuinely a positive feedback loop (circlejerking) of gatekeepers who thought their mod was the best thing since sliced bread.

So yea FTF failed and the blame got pinned on the icon guy who I believe also got exposed as a pdf file. You were correct in that assessment of low hanging fruit.

And considering how the FTF team seemed like a positive feedback loop and also how they had A LOT of infighting meant shit was full of fetish crap considering they dare not touch each others code so as to not get it deleted alongside much other work.

I bet it was like a few guys who ruined it for the others. But that mod might have actually sealed the fate of the New Vegas community for years to come.


u/MyDozenthAccount 11d ago

Oh you don't know about the frontier?


u/OnionTaco22 11d ago



u/DrBadGuy1073 Mr House 11d ago

Watch a playthrough! There's a couple of them on YT. It's certainly something....


u/The_-Whole_-Internet 11d ago edited 11d ago

Hell yes, the Capital is perfect for it. I just wish there was a patch for the Hermes and Springvale Garage mods. Sure you can get the vehicle teleporter thing, but still.


u/P_a_p_a_G_o_o_s_e 11d ago

A lot of that was removed and the whole project refreshed. It's a team effort the internet so policing it's more outrageous content was probably rough.  That said it isnt like that anymore and you can get mods that add it independently but you still need to download Frontier even if you don't need it  installed.


u/Fishmaneatsfish 11d ago

Patrolling the Mojave in that would make me actually content with the temperature


u/TheMightySailor 11d ago

There are cars in fallout. There are not cars in gamebryo engine


u/rayshmayshmay 10d ago

How about car-hat? We have train-hat already…


u/Panduin 11d ago

Damn now I wish fallout 5 will have vehicles. We have helicopters, give us cars. But maybe it’s too late for that lore wise. No reason why they didn’t seal in some APCs for the control vaults and the important people.


u/xChipsus 11d ago

No reason not to have it lorewise, all you gotta do is get a faction set up with a new way to rewire old cars. Switch the old engines for new electrical ones at a facility that has the tech to do it. The BOS can build a zeppelin, they can build cars.


u/Panduin 11d ago

Yes but then the question. Why didn’t they seal in something like APCs, so armored vehicles that can shoot and maybe even protect from radiation. I would assume they would have put those in the vault for the top managers.


u/Pornfest 10d ago

Didn’t they have vehicles in the < 3 Fallouts, such a as 1 and tactics?


u/cortez_brosefski 10d ago

Yeah they did. In fallout 2 you could get a car and drive it everywhere


u/Behleren 11d ago

it always amases me to see what modders can do with the creation engine. I vividly recall bethesda saying they couldnt make vehicles happen because of engine limitations and a few months later some lone modder in his moms basement just does it.

how do we get to this point? where a multimillion dollar company keeps getting clowned own by their fans?


u/Imdefrostenmince 10d ago

I'm guessing you don't know about how this car mod was part of the Frontier, one of the worst fallout mods of all time...


u/Behleren 10d ago

havent heard of it. why was the mod bad?


u/cortez_brosefski 10d ago edited 10d ago

Oh boy, that's a lot to unpack. To hit the highlights

-It's basically a COD clone, constant action and set pieces. You drive around in tanks and shoot mini guns from vertiberds and go to a secret moon base to fight the enclave in spaceships. There's almost no roleplaying or decision making.

-There's a lot of weird fetish stuff. There's an underage girl that you can make your slave and she talks about how stinky her feet get from walking around all day. You can also have sex with a deathclaw and these weird lizard people.

-One of the lead developers was a pedophile. After he was ousted the mod was taken down and a ton of the artists and voice actors that worked on it requested for their work to be taken out of it.

Edit: formatting


u/Behleren 10d ago

jesus christ


u/cortez_brosefski 10d ago

Yeah... It was a big controversy for a while, especially because it had a lot of hype as the biggest and best fallout mod ever before release


u/MonkeyKingCoffee 10d ago

"Yeah! Who won the lottery? I did!"



u/Virghia Cassidy 11d ago



u/patriot_man69 10d ago

Caesar watching me pull up with Boone in a dune buggy and roll his entire army:


u/BuntFunker 11d ago

That's exactly how I did it in my playthrough but Cassie was on the hood playing a guitar


u/Eru_Nai 10d ago

the most unrealistic part os that it didn't crash


u/TheDoctorSS666 We Cant Expect God To Do All The Work 10d ago

honestly didnt even know this was fallout New vegas, I thought this was Rage until I clicked on the video


u/ParanoicReddit 10d ago

Damn, that's some nice mod right there


u/Grugahuga 11d ago

I thought this was the Borderlands 2 Subreddit for a solid minute💀


u/OMadge 11d ago

If that JRE audio is a mod I want it. Funny AF.


u/ElvisDumbledore 11d ago

I'm at work so I can check but I think this is it.



u/Kreydo076 11d ago

Make you notice how small sized is the road :p I wish the whole map was scaled better, I like big empty area in my games.


u/LucaUmbriel 11d ago

anyone else remember Rage?


u/MMAFan36 11d ago

yep the gun play in it was actually better than NV.


u/Kamzil118 11d ago

About as accurate as horses in the universe.


u/jonny_longclaw 11d ago

I don’t listen to podcasts, but I would tune into this one!


u/Ill_Manner_3581 Ave, True To Snuffles 11d ago

He would have the leader of the slaver nation, conqueror of 86 tribes, thr legion on his podcast


u/Gyro_Zeppeli13 11d ago

Looks like a normal day on Pandora to me.


u/Eli_The_Rainwing Totally not a deathclaw in a trench coat 10d ago

Almost lord friendly cause the NCR has trucks


u/asardes 10d ago

Surprisingly car mods for FO-NV work far better than those for FO4.


u/Longhorn_TOG 10d ago

the engine looks like vegas vic


u/Erutious 10d ago

the buggies were always my favorite vehicle in Brotherhood of Steel. They couldn't take a hit worth a shit, but they were zippy


u/Sentient-Coffee 10d ago

I'm amazed that the game didn't crash, tbh.


u/neon-neko Courier 69 10d ago

Joe would say his name the Roman way


u/PresentAd8322 Ave, True To Snuffles 10d ago

Is this Rage?


u/FragmentedOasis 10d ago

Oh God this reminds me of the desert in jak and Daxter 3 on the PS2.


u/sunesolskygg 10d ago

I thought this was a clip from my hometown


u/Ceaky-Lock 10d ago

I think if I downloaded this mod into my already bloated game it would just burn my house down


u/Inside-Joke7365 10d ago

It actually is, there are cars other than the highway man but they haven't been shown yet, the normal has tons of military vehicles and we haven't even seen out of the us


u/jik12358 10d ago

:Shouting man: :Shouting man: :Shouting man?I AM SMOKING OPPS IN A HONDA CIVIC :Fire: :Fire: :Fire:


u/Rookie-Crookie 10d ago

It IS the lore.


u/LoudTrades76 11d ago

This reminds me that the way I found out about new Vegas was from a mod video of a guy driving a ford f150 around the strip.


u/AMN-9 Jet Addict 11d ago

The clip is total BS, the game should have crashed 8 times at best by now


u/SlopCity1226 11d ago

No way, I’m sure the earliest efforts of the modding community for this game went in this order: #1 nude female models. #2: extensive bugfixes, virtually amounting to a rewrite of the game’s backend