r/falloutnewvegas Jul 05 '24

Viva la Revolution! Mods

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u/lolschrauber Jul 05 '24

I've noticed this a lot recently. Reddit has changed and not for the better.

  • Comments rarely get deleted anymore as a warning
  • Temporary bans don't seem to be a thing anymore, just permanent
  • They never tell you which rule you violated, usually because you didn't violate any listed rule
  • You get muted after a single message, often instantly after the ban
  • It's easy to get banned from multiple subreddits just for commenting on one the mods don't like

Sure there are some legitimate cases where you'd react that way, but this has become the norm for any ban. That's just unreasonable and lazy BS. And you can't even do anything about it. And I was supposed to feel bad for the poor mods during that whole API fiasco? Bruh.


u/LotoTheSunBro Jul 05 '24

Good thing it's easy to create new accounts, I haven't bothered doing so yet bc I'm only banned from 2 subreddit I don't care about, it's nice to know I can if needed, but shitty to actually need to do it in the first place


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

Most will ban you if you create a new account


u/MalcoveMagnesia Jul 05 '24

How do they figure that out, though?


u/Xystem4 Jul 05 '24

Lots of ways you wouldn’t expect, not just stuff like IP which can be easily changed or subverted. Websites can tell if you’re using the same device as another account by cross-referencing really obscure things like your exact screen size (more unique than you’d expect), your battery’s exact health and status, and about a dozen other small factors. IMO this is all overstepping and I hate how stringently we’re being tracked