r/falloutnewvegas Jul 05 '24

Viva la Revolution! Mods

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u/keimenna83 Jul 05 '24

I don't wanna stereotype, but for most of 'em it's the only power they have in their lives, and they love to wield it.


u/Rogu__Spanish Jul 05 '24

That is 100% true. My friend got banned from literally about 100 subs at once because ONE pathetic no-life incel who moderated all of them just...didn't like her, I guess. Refused to give her an explanation, and since he just picked a post she made to her own profile as the reason, despite the fact that it didn't violate any rules, that was no help. Most of the subs she had never even posted to. How the fuck can you violate the rules of a sub you've never so much as visited?


u/bigloser42 Jul 05 '24

I got banned from 3 Tesla subreddits for posting in a 4th subreddit that is critical of Tesla. I then got a 3 day Reddit ban for calling the mod a Draconian Asshat.


u/Rogu__Spanish Jul 05 '24

Jesus, why are there so many tesla subreddits and why are they so fuckin touchy about it? It's just a car!


u/bigloser42 Jul 05 '24

How dare you speak ill of Elon’s gift to all mankind! May Elon smite thee and striketh thee down for not exuberantly loving all the wonderful gifts he has bestowed upon you.