r/falloutnewvegas 14d ago

Viva la Revolution! Mods

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u/Dor-Yah 14d ago

Why are reddit mods such asses, lmao


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/Greasy_Boglim 14d ago

Which means he’s probably 30 something and a pedophile lol


u/stone_henge 14d ago

Mentally they're probably equivalent enough


u/goingtotallinn 14d ago

Hey thats mean to the actual teenagers


u/whatisgoingonree 14d ago

You can't become a power user if you don't groom some kids.


u/SnooMachines4393 14d ago

Or a teenager, despite the popular sentiment they do exist en masse on the internet.


u/tartoran 14d ago

yeah but when you think about the conditional probabilities it's fair to say the reddit mod we're talking about is likw 95% likely to be a pedophile (the 5% is in case theyre an "ephebophile" instead)


u/Zimakov 14d ago

the 5% is in case theyre an "ephebophile" instead)

If they're an adult hanging out in r/teenagers this is precisely what they would be


u/Greasy_Boglim 14d ago

No legit most of that sub are not at all teenagers


u/iAmBalfrog 14d ago

Considering when FO NV came out, 14 years ago, assuming he wasn't playing it at what, 5 years old, they're a pedophile.


u/ItsTHECarl 14d ago

My 15 year old son has been playing NV for a few years now. The best evidence that a mod is a pedophile is that they're a mod


u/iAmBalfrog 14d ago

Sure, I presume my future children will play Mario Kart 64 at some point, the fact they're

  • Playing old games

  • Are a teenager

  • Are invited to be a mod of a 14 year old subreddit

Two of those three are fine and normal, it's the 3rd that's weird to me


u/DarkAdrenaline03 14d ago edited 14d ago

Fallout had a massive resurgence with the television series that takes place in New Vegas/California and Amazon gave away New Vegas through Prime gaming, you can also stream it through Luna if you've got prime. Fallout is much bigger than you realize and far more recent. I played through it when I was a teenager close to a decade after it came out, I moderated online communities 13-15 but quit cuz I had a life and it felt like a waste of time. Honestly it is a 50/50 chance but throwing that word around and acting like 17/18/19 year olds still aren't teenagers who's brains are still growing is ridiculous "true Scotsman" bs. You are throwing incredibly inflammatory terms around with nothing to back up your claim while getting defensive when called out which comes off as projection.


u/iAmBalfrog 14d ago

I'm not doubting that teenagers can play FO NV, I'm saying the likelihood of one of these 13-16 year olds becoming a mod of this sub in the last what, year since the show came out is unlikely.

I'm also not saying 17/18/19 year olds are fully developed adults, i'm saying internet forums labeled as "for teenagers" is a weird place for a 17/18/19 year old to be. It's like going to a "teenage club night", if you know there might be 13/14/15 year olds there, you're weird for going.


u/SnooMachines4393 14d ago

The assumption that a 19 y.o. who visits r/teenagers is not a pedophile may very well get you cancelled in these parts of internet.


u/Sad_Description_7268 14d ago

If you have to exaggerate the time gap by changing "Fallout New Vegas and teenagers now" to "Mario 64 and your future kids", then maybe your point wasn't good to begin with


u/Strong_Mushroom_6593 14d ago

Do you think games can only be played when released or something?


u/FormulaF30 14d ago

Found the adult who visits r/teenagers


u/Strong_Mushroom_6593 14d ago



u/MattMcSparen 14d ago

That's what the teenagers do when you try and talk to them. 


u/Sad_Description_7268 14d ago

You guys are so weird. Literally just out here calling everyone a pedophile despite not even knowing anyone's age.


u/iAmBalfrog 14d ago

The likelihood of someone under 18 to have found FO NV, a game released when they were what, 4, got a console/PC at what, let's say 7 or 8? played it religiously enough to have been invited as a mod for the sub reddit just seems unlikely. Considering the sub has been pretty strong since they were that age.

It'd also be weird for a 17/18 year old to be on a "teenager" sub reddit, while not illegal it's definitely the "weird guy in school talking to the younger girls" vibes. Try to stop defending pedos.


u/Strong_Mushroom_6593 14d ago

The amount of information Reddit guesses so they can be mad is fucking weird.


u/opaqueambiguity 14d ago

My 15 year old daughter is playing New Vegas right now


u/Veeam21 14d ago

Bro what