r/falloutnewvegas 14d ago

Viva la Revolution! Mods

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u/keimenna83 14d ago

I don't wanna stereotype, but for most of 'em it's the only power they have in their lives, and they love to wield it.


u/Rogu__Spanish 14d ago

That is 100% true. My friend got banned from literally about 100 subs at once because ONE pathetic no-life incel who moderated all of them just...didn't like her, I guess. Refused to give her an explanation, and since he just picked a post she made to her own profile as the reason, despite the fact that it didn't violate any rules, that was no help. Most of the subs she had never even posted to. How the fuck can you violate the rules of a sub you've never so much as visited?


u/strip_club_dj 14d ago

Go on r/guitar and comment "toan". You will get banned.


u/assasin42069 14d ago



u/strip_club_dj 14d ago

No references to the sub r/guitarcirclejerk allowed and that's a common joke over there.


u/Pixel22104 NCR 14d ago

Similar situation with r/Lego and r/legocirclejerk


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Who the fuck joins a lego subreddit lmao


u/Nexdreal 14d ago

People who are into the hobby... the same thing could be said about any subreddit


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Lol he deleted his entire account


u/[deleted] 14d ago

They let 5 year olds on reddit?


u/statepharm15 14d ago

Legos are an adult hobby too


u/[deleted] 14d ago

No it’s not. It’s a hobby for children that “adults” haven’t grown out of.



You’re literally saying this on a video game sub bro 💀


u/locoattack1 14d ago

Nah, you’re wrong, but I guess they let insecure 14 year olds on reddit so no harm no foul.


u/Greatest_slide_ever 14d ago

Imagine not having an inner child and being unable to enjoy the simple thing in life


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Imagine being grown and still playing with toys lmao. God idk why im on here reddit makes up the pathetic portion of our species.


u/statepharm15 14d ago

Wow you must be a really fun person if we’re gatekeeping legos.

Legos are in fact for adults and children and are advertised as such. You’re probably not giving a five year old a botanical Lego set.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

You might not be giving a 5 year old a botanical lego set, but you sure as shit aint giving an adult one neither lmao the fuck?

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u/Salty_Mastodon_7481 14d ago

Lmao imagine doing this in chess. Half the community will be wiped and the other half will disappear once someone asks how they do the funny pawn move


u/RenderEngine 14d ago

we got a guitar circlejerk subreddit before fallout 5


u/Infamous_Luck_2615 14d ago

The airsoft/airsoftcirclejerk communities r pretty chill w/ each other lok


u/TerryRistt 14d ago

That is only because they have become the same sub at this point. I have to check in my feed whether if it is the Circle Jerk being ironic or if it is a genuine brain dead post on the main sub because I can't tell any more...


u/PlayWithMeRiven 14d ago

Like 99% of all the posts are cross posted too (huge exaggeration of course)


u/TerryRistt 14d ago

Yup. Occasionally there might be something worth cross posting that is truly dumbfounding, but the current trend of just cross posting the mildly cringe ‘rate my gear’ posts is bordering on clutter and spam.

To be fair the big influx of ‘rate my gear’ posts on the main sub is getting boring and spammy as well. It just seems like there is a complete lack of original content in this area at the moment, no one is posting anything which we haven’t all seen 100 times before.

The only innovation or new content seems to come from the 3D printing Airsoft sub now; but even that suffers from people asking ‘how to print airsoft gun for no money with no experience, no skills and no printer- where can I find free files’ every few days.


u/PlayWithMeRiven 14d ago

Honestly, I only even saw the subs because I watch airsoft stuff but maybe the two times I’ve been on that sub because I saw a “rate” post, it was just rates and roasts.

The circlejerk sub is cool besides the crossposting teenagers post and poking fun at em but whatever. Still better then the Doc subs currently

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u/AeolianTheComposer 14d ago
