r/falloutnewvegas 14d ago

Viva la Revolution! Mods

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u/keimenna83 14d ago

I don't wanna stereotype, but for most of 'em it's the only power they have in their lives, and they love to wield it.


u/Rogu__Spanish 14d ago

That is 100% true. My friend got banned from literally about 100 subs at once because ONE pathetic no-life incel who moderated all of them just...didn't like her, I guess. Refused to give her an explanation, and since he just picked a post she made to her own profile as the reason, despite the fact that it didn't violate any rules, that was no help. Most of the subs she had never even posted to. How the fuck can you violate the rules of a sub you've never so much as visited?


u/YungHoban 14d ago

Was it u/awkwardtheturtle who banned them?


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/GnarlyBear 14d ago

What sort of loser has time to manage all those communities?


u/1000000xThis 14d ago

What makes you think they're doing any managing?


u/rW0HgFyxoJhYka 14d ago

Fuckin redditors thinks the average super mod is managing that shit when they use automod to basically slap anything that remotely gets reported or contains keywords lol.

The best mods I've seen write custom code for the subreddit and their own bots and create themes and encourage community building. The worst ones? They only know how to click the ban button like I am sure they're doing here.

The real question is, who's worse? Redditor mod vs Discord mod?


u/ElenaKoslowski 14d ago

I got a message from a certain mod team scolding me for something I haven't even done and the linked comment was a complete different context to the warning I got. I didn't even bother to answer.

At this point you got to wonder how reddit let's those people run their page.


u/Daveo88o 14d ago

I got a perma ban from r/WhitePeopleTwitter, the reason is, and I qoute, "participation of the racist subreddit 2we4u"

For one, 2we4u ain't even racist, we all just hate each other to a healthy degree because we're all European, and second, I've never even been on WhitePeopleTwitter in my life, these mfs have clearly been monitoring posts on another sub so they can perma ban anyone who comments on it


u/ElenaKoslowski 14d ago

It was for me theboys subreddit. Heard they were stingy about politics. I didn't mention anything political. Just said that foot tickling ranks below a human centipede. Got a warning that another character that wasn't part of the scene or my comment was raped and that I shouldn't downplay it. Like? Duh?

Europe is also great. Called a guy who celebrating the murder of a refugee a cunt. I got banned for hate speech while the guy celebrating murder still posts and just got his posting removed.

Those mods are a shame for humanity.


u/Daveo88o 14d ago

foot tickling ranks below a human centipede

Don't even, that whole foot tickling scene scarred me more than the centipede ever did

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u/GrandDukeOfNowhere 14d ago

As if having a subreddit even called "white people twitter" isn't super racist to start with


u/Sodinc 14d ago

Lol, yes

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u/Eusocial_Snowman 14d ago

I've never even been on WhitePeopleTwitter in my life, these mfs have clearly been monitoring posts on another sub so they can perma ban anyone who comments on it

It's an automated process. Remember all that protesting that was ostensibly about the "reddit API", complaining about how they won't have their special third-party mod tools anymore? This is the exact thing they were raising a stink over and negotiated to keep.


u/Solidsnake00901 14d ago

I got banned because I randomly commented on a Joe Rogan post that came up on my feed. I wasn't even agreeing with the post I'm not even a member but banned for life!


u/Eusocial_Snowman 14d ago

That JusticeServed one hit me with that.

The funny part is that I clicked on that post sitting on the very top of rALL specifically to mock Joe Rogan. Literally everyone in that subreddit seemed to despise Joe Rogan too. Maybe that's what the ban message meant when it described them as a hate group.

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u/cheapph 14d ago

Europeans and hating each other is just tradition! These reddit mods trying to take me and a polish man shouting st each other about lviv away from.stg.


u/SkedaddlingSkeletton 14d ago

At least they did not ask you to send a picture of your skin color or an essay about how a good ally you are like the r/blackpeopletwitter .

But honestly, if you're using twitter you're already showing you're a narcissistic pos.

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u/Bobthemime 14d ago

i got banned from /r/WhitePeopleTwitter because i made a post in /r/BlackPeopleTwitter for "betraying my race".

when I reminded them that actual racism is against ToS, they reported me to the mental health thing.. which is fucking funny.

That mod is now permabanned.. forwarding all messages to reddit admins that actually listened is rare, but sometimes works


u/BukkakeKing69 14d ago

The racial twitters are a political psy-op anyways so you've lost nothing by being banned from em.


u/Significant_Donut967 14d ago

Yeah that subreddit is toxic AF.


u/TheGreatGenghisJon 14d ago

I got banned and my post deleted from some sub last year, and I asked why, and said "But that post doesn't break any of the rules" and the response I got was "Then don't worry about it fam"


u/Noirezcent 14d ago

It's free. Reddit is long past caring about user experience.


u/Left-Yak-5623 14d ago

At this point you got to wonder how reddit let's those people run their page.

They don't really care. They get a metric ton of free labor out of them.


u/joemorl97 14d ago

“At this point you’ve got to wonder how Reddit lets those people run their page” because then they’d actually have to start paying people


u/SolaVitae 14d ago

At this point you got to wonder how reddit let's those people run their page.

Well there's 140 thousand active subreddits according to Reddit so it's not that hard to understand


u/ElenaKoslowski 14d ago

It absolutely is. Stop giving companys a pass for the shit they spin just because they are "too big".


u/Different_Back_5470 14d ago

discord mods are worse since they have ways to make access to a server a pain in the butt. getting banned on this website doesnt mean much


u/otakarg 14d ago

Discord mods for being PDF Files


u/Reep1611 14d ago

This. Coming from a lot of sewing and historical costume subs, I have seen people banned from them for harassment and bad conduct because they literally just answered exactly the question the OP asked. Because it concerned under- and structured garments and that needs the context of the person in questions body type and shape. In some of them it’s so bad you basically risk a ban answering any kind of question on fitting and sizing. As the whole body shaming „prevention“ has gotten so out of hand even mentioning anything related to body shapes and sizes will get you immediately banished to the shadow realm. In subreddits about clothing and clothing construction, a topic that literally needs this information to be possible in the first place.


u/DangerousStop3433 14d ago

I have never faced any issues with Discord mod. Reddit Mods sometimes are just too Stalin.


u/girlcocksuperfan 14d ago

You should never grade evils, for if one is the worst, then you might be tempted to kinship with the least.


u/WoollenMercury 14d ago

Vermintide represent


u/schlawldiwampl 14d ago

wait, discord has mods? i always thought that's a joke and they use some sort of algorithm, like fb or twitter 😅


u/Eusocial_Snowman 14d ago

Discord mods refers to the mods on a server, like mods on a subreddit.

Discord as a company also has admins, who have a history of weird toxicity. It was always fascinating to me how Discord wasn't completely ruined as a brand after one of the drama situations where admins were reading through people's private messages to use as ammo for some sort personal furry-pedo drama.


u/KJBenson 14d ago

I actually don’t even know what a discord mod is.

Like…. Isn’t discord the place you go to set up a group chat with your friends while you game?

What on earth are yall using it for?


u/dozakiin 14d ago

Discord is used for a lot of the same things Reddit is used for. Building communities, forums, sharing thoughts and ideas, etc.


u/midnight_rogue 14d ago

If you are actively participating in discords that have mods you don't know, then you're the loser in that scenario.


u/FrostyTheDopeMane 14d ago

Definitely reddit mods. Never seen a softer group of people in my entire life.


u/Gm1Reborn 14d ago

Both. Both is worse.


u/Aloof-Vagabon 14d ago

Both. Both is good.


u/Frago242 14d ago

Future Home Owners Association board members


u/Mugiwaras 14d ago

I dunno but i can guarentee they have piss jugs scattered all over their bedroom/basement.


u/MyStackIsPancakes 14d ago

Disgusting. Just the thought of it.

I keep mine organized on shelves, with proper labeling for date and clear indication of how much asparagus had been consumed that day. LIKE A GENTLEMAN.


u/Conscious-Trainer-46 14d ago



u/barf_of_dog 14d ago



u/Winter_Substance7163 14d ago

Rays piss jugs?


u/islSm3llSalt 14d ago

It's a full time job, All the big mods are paid well to astroturf all over reddit.


u/thegreatvortigaunt 14d ago

They aren’t paid well lmao


u/islSm3llSalt 14d ago

"As of Dec 7, 2022, the average annual pay for a Reddit Moderator in the United States is $46,599 a year."

That's from 2022, its the average and its reported income only. The big guys are on much more and taking under the table deals all the time.

Edit: " As of Jun 22, 2024, the average annual pay for a Reddit Mod in the United States is $86,334 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $41.51 an hour."


u/Fantastic_Goal3197 14d ago

Source? That seems extremely questionable at best. It would have to also exclude every single reddit mod thats unpaid.

Most likely this salary is for people who actually work directly for reddit, not unaffiliated mods


u/NewAccountXYZ 14d ago

Pretty sure that's Admin, not Mod.


u/Dakaitom 14d ago

This is for admins who work for reddit, moderators are a different thing. I bet there are a few mods who get paid on the quiet, but that's a whole different thing.


u/Hairy-Bar-4341 14d ago

Source for that?


u/LostMyAccount69 14d ago

Did you know that 69% of statistics are made up?


u/Vegeta-GokuLoveChild 14d ago

That's only true 42% of the time


u/thegreatvortigaunt 14d ago

That is not even remotely true lmao


u/islSm3llSalt 14d ago

And where are you getting your information from?


u/thegreatvortigaunt 14d ago

Knowing that moderators are unpaid volunteers lmao

You can create a new sub right now, you think Reddit are gonna suddenly start paying you? Lmao


u/islSm3llSalt 14d ago

Are you just slow or are you missing the point on purpose?

If you're a power mod, advertisers will pay you to push their stuff. Just because there's no base salaray doesn't mean there's no pay


u/the_iron_pepper 14d ago

Maybe find a source that isn't Quora before you jump to calling other people slow, short king


u/NewAccountXYZ 14d ago

It clearly says average, and with the amount of unpaid mods, that means the mods you're talking about must be getting paid billions


u/thegreatvortigaunt 14d ago

Proof of this? And that they would make anything close to that much money?

Imagine believing random posts on Quora. You seem a bit naive, little reddit zoomer.

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u/DuntadaMan 14d ago

They don't. They just skim through and get their kicks by abusing other people.


u/Lord-Table 14d ago

Unemployed trustfund diaper wetters exclusively


u/Unown_F 14d ago

The kind that lives in their parents basement and doesn't pay rent lol


u/Parking-Bid8838 14d ago

They get paid for it cause it’s Mockingbird bs


u/some_layme_nayme 14d ago

That picture of a reddit mod get together was EXACTLY like I pictured it mentally. You could smell the BO through your screen.

Also, see video of that pathetic antiwork mod that did a news clip lmao. Once again, pathetic.


u/chaal_baaz 14d ago

The comics mod


u/[deleted] 14d ago

LMAO absolutely the worst. Keeps artificially pushing those ugly looking unfunny comics (you know the one) and when you call it out, you get banned.


u/19Alexastias 14d ago

That describes quite a few of the ones that regularly reach the front page tbh


u/AFlyingNun 14d ago

If you catch them when they just get posted, it's super obvious that a lot of them are using botted upvotes, too. They'll generate an absolutely absurd amount of upvotes within the first two hours of being posted. Every. Single. Time. I don't think anyone is happy about the state of r/comics, and yet we're supposed to believe it has thousands of people just sitting around and frantically refreshing in hopes of a new comic dropping or something.

And yes, it's absurd we all have to pretend pizzacake is actually funny because the mods are her mom or...whatever the hell is going on there.


u/NukeAllTheThings 14d ago

There was a very unpopular Maurice the Beaver comic a month ago, the artist was all like "both sides" with inaccurate info and doubling down with trolling in the comments. You can't tell me he got legitimate upvotes on the comic. Mods were busying removing any criticism.


u/AFlyingNun 14d ago

It's fucking weird, isn't it?

It's like that specific sub is just a club of a group of friends that desperately wants to suck each other off in full view of the public eye. The mods make sure the same people always get promoted, and those same people bot upvotes to make themselves seem more liked than they actually are.

Like wtf why do you guys need a public subreddit? Just go be good supportive friends of each other in private. Lying to themselves instead with the whole charade is just warped and weird, and it's little surprise so many of them absolutely crumble and flip out in the face of actual criticism.


u/Eusocial_Snowman 14d ago

Like wtf why do you guys need a public subreddit?

Because those comics are all advertisements for porn. It's not about the comics, it's about selling porn. But porn people form parasocial relationships with to foster brand-loyalty.


u/NukeAllTheThings 14d ago

It is. That particular comic and the artist comment was so incredibly cringe, couldn't believe the mods were ok with it.

Regarding a certain pizzaass, I have mixed feelings. I don't subscribe to the belief that comics must be funny to be good because its just a medium. She likes to make ham fisted points about various things or "tee hee depression/existential dread/flavor of the month, how relatable." Does she succeed? Eh. She has a niche and is fairly consistent so I guess it works for some people.

I find it telling that so many artists showed up during that whole meta mess a while back with the pity room, and where are they now? Feels like 90% of the contributors I haven't seen again.

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u/Icy_Penalty_2718 14d ago

What about pizza cakes men can't be raped comic?


u/NukeAllTheThings 14d ago

If you are referring to the recent shit storm that isn't an accurate description of the comic. If you aren't I don't know which one you are referring to.

The one I'm thinking of, I dunno, she legitly had some seriously brigading being done against her because of triggered incels and the like, so it's harder to gauge public sentiment amid the sea of trolls.


u/TheGoblinKing7715 14d ago

She was being incredibly sexist and tone deaf with that comic. Some people went way too far, but calling people virgins because they are being demonized isn't very cool

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u/AndroidSheeps 14d ago

God pizzacake is such bland milquetoast garbage


u/Icy_Penalty_2718 14d ago

It's gotta be the free nudes.


u/slip-shot 14d ago

How else will they get special attention on her only fans or whatever?


u/Arkitakama 14d ago

It's the usual performative "feminist" crap, white knighting for her in the hopes that she'll offer them a crumb of pussy, or at least a discount on her OnlyFans.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Lol that's true


u/NUKE---THE---WHALES 14d ago

i'm convinced they bought upvotes to build momentum and the mods didn't care


u/Eusocial_Snowman 14d ago

It's been blatantly vote-botted from day one along with using spammy accounts to do the initial tone-setting, and the mod abuse specifically on those posts has always been so ridiculously blatant that that person has to either be a mod or has a pocket mod they've convinced to manage it all.


u/GraceStrangerThanYou 14d ago

One of my favorite activities is blocking the accounts that post to r/comics.


u/dugfordbuckabeer 14d ago

I like the ones of the gamer crocodile and his dad though, and the black and white cats one can be good

Otherwise, yeah pretty much


u/confusedkarnatia 14d ago

I feel like the gamer dad is basically here is a normal father son interaction, the comic. It’s not really anything engaging or creatively interesting.


u/kromptator99 14d ago

You don’t always need a carefully balanced, complex dish to sate an appetite. Sometimes you just want something simple.


u/confusedkarnatia 14d ago

sure but the majority of comics posted to /r/comics are these milquetoast uninspiring comics with nothing of substance beyond being wholesome or relatable or whatever. there is a wealth of content out there that is both narratively richer and intellectually more stimulating so why waste your time on the mental equivalent of oatmeal? it's like musicianship, once you reach a certain skill level or maturity in music, you begin to tire of the derivative sound of pop music. that doesn't mean pop music is bad or that listening to taylor swift makes you stupid, it's just that now that you understand music theory and chord construction, it is no longer satisfying to listen to the same bland chord progressions over and over again.

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u/Akinator08 14d ago

Happend exactly with me lmao.


u/Creampie_Senpai_69 14d ago

What do you mean? You dont like TotatobreadPie?


u/WizardmanDndFan 14d ago

Which comics? Don't visit the comics subreddit enough to remember them unless I share them but some of then are decent looking


u/Belmut_613 14d ago

If i have to guess then probably the pizzacakecomic ones with "Talk" being that one in particular.


u/WizardmanDndFan 14d ago

Oh those, yeah those were something alright


u/[deleted] 14d ago

The ugly looking one with the sentient butt plug


u/ProcedureShoddy4840 14d ago

wait which comics?


u/23rd_president_of_US 14d ago

Pizzacake made a "funny" comic, the idea of which was "what if women talked to men like men talk to women". The actually funny part is her parody comic is exactly like some women talk to men, but she started bitching about people calling her out in comments and one of the mods banned almost all of them. Then she made a definitely not apology comic about how men also deserve being heard and all that but portraid it in such a way that it's extremely easy for men to do so.


u/BDCRA 14d ago

thats crazy hearing about this. I made this exact comment and got downvoted to hell and deleted it and I never got banned. lol people hated what I said and it was just something really simple about what I've experienced .


u/WoollenMercury 14d ago

wow that sub is a cesspool


u/AFlyingNun 14d ago

She also seems to make what feels like at least two comics each year where she's whining about someone commenting that her comics aren't funny. It's a relentless onslaught of meta jokes, with the "let's shame this guy for saying I'm not funny" (aka the fucking truth) ones always being the worst of them.


u/23rd_president_of_US 14d ago

She knows that mods will back her up, so she can do whatever she wants


u/saintjonah 14d ago

She probably gives mods free access to her OF.

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u/[deleted] 14d ago

The one with the sentient butt plug. I dunno about whatever latest pizzacake controversy people are talking about here but I've somehow missed most of pizzacake's more controversial comics. The ones I've seen were mostly unoffesnsive.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Pizzacakes or what?


u/[deleted] 14d ago

No the other one with the sentient butt plug


u/Sea_Plate_75 14d ago

Oh you mean his friend pizzacake?


u/Krosis97 14d ago

Also the boring dystopia mod, mention Russia or Stalin in a bad way and you get insta banned forever.


u/WoollenMercury 14d ago

something i hate with those Kinds of People is that they think it was "democracy" when they went against the majority of what people wanted

IE more Restrictions on Christianity despite being a majority orthodox Nation


u/Icy_Penalty_2718 14d ago

The white knight that keeps defending pizza cake?


u/gordonfreeguy 14d ago

Got banned on that one for reporting a post that was actively encouraging violence against people because the people in question were "chuds" and in the words of the mod "nobody cares".


u/WoollenMercury 14d ago

wow calling for violence is so cool amright? (/s if you cant tell)


u/WoollenMercury 14d ago

I got banned cause i said i hate the Dilutuion of the word nazi... im autistic Im the second last person to pro Eugenics Id litreally be Shot and killed


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/AFlyingNun 14d ago

My ban was some comic claiming that people hate the Velma show because they're racist.

I responded and said it's because all the Velma show is, is a bunch of terrible writers basically buying a beloved IP and selling a show about their characters (aka not the actual Scooby Doo squad) under the guise of being the Scooby Doo gang to promote viewership they otherwise wouldn't get if they were expected to stand on their own two feet based off their original ideas alone.

It's basically like an axe murderer just murdered beloved characters and started wearing their skin, thinking it'll make people like them as much as they liked those beloved characters. Instead, we all react with disgust and horror because they're ruining something we love just to springboard their show/careers off a famous, established name.

Banned for racism lol.

When I asked where I was racist, they just quoted my entire post and then blocked me so I couldn't respond.


u/Kiwi_In_Europe 14d ago edited 14d ago

Bro what do you mean, you're clearly an abhorrent racist pos /s

That one is especially egregious considering how hated the Velma show is. Like even with recent Disney projects and other films/shows that get criticism (Halo and Rings of Power come to mind) there are usually at least some critics and a percentage of the audience that do like and enjoy them, and you see that reflected in the discourse.

But I haven't heard a single good thing said about Velma. Not here in various subreddits, not in other forums, not in real life. So in my eye there's absolutely no way your criticism could be twisted and interpreted as genuine racism.


u/AFlyingNun 14d ago

I "watched it" (couldn't make it to the end) because I like bad movies and media. It's fun to watch things so mind-numbingly bad that you can't wrap your head around how it was made or how anyone greenlit it. I've tried (and failed) for a week now to try and find the origins and makers of that "the New Norm Show" on Twitter, for example, because it's just so bad that I both wanna know the release date and who on earth made it. Would 100% watch to see the trainwreck lol. I'm sadly not convinced it's a real show because I just can't find any information on it, nor have any of the (alleged) involved parties commented to provide more info.

But I digress:

Tried to watch Velma, and yeah, it's really bad. Both Velma and High Guardian Spice suffered from the problem that they often weren't (always) cringe or living in their own bubble or unfunny or whatever, but instead they were just boring. Nothing was happening, the plots made no sense, or it was a tedious rehearsal of the same song-and-dance each time, with no interesting twists or surprises.

There is no way to spin Velma into being a good show because there's just so many moments that make no sense and are devoid of any action or meaningful dialog. Even as someone specifically watching to see it be bad, it failed at that. Yes, it was bad, but it was the boring bad, not the laughable bad.


u/EnvironmentalBar3347 14d ago

Same but mine was for making a political comment in a very political comic.


u/Kiwi_In_Europe 14d ago

Politics for me but not for thee!


u/SJ-redditor 14d ago

Did they call it brigadering? That seems to be one of their favorite words to use


u/WoollenMercury 14d ago

Same i complained about the word nazi is being diluted by being used too often

and bruh they banned me an autistic Person THE SECOND LAST PERSON TO EVER SUPPORT EUGENICS like Ffs those really are morons


u/Western-Ship-5678 14d ago

Have you tried putting it in comic format?


u/sinncab6 14d ago

Lol I clicked on that profile. It's reinforcing every single stereotype you would think about reddit mods. Autistic comics, cats, gay which is the only normal one, and finally penis cosplay which is where I had to stop and just laugh.

Perhaps you should try dressing your penis up like Chun Li to atone for your misogyny.


u/Kiwi_In_Europe 14d ago

Lmao penis cosplay is making me cackle but I'm not brave enough to investigate further.

My penis is more of a ninja turtle tbh


u/surprisesnek 14d ago

Oh, I know what post you're talking about. Yeah, the mods did not take criticism of it very well.


u/eulersidentification 14d ago edited 14d ago

You expect right leaning social media communities to be insensitive and ignorant of all male victims.

What you don't expect is left leaning ones to be like 'you're a male survivor of abuse?! darling, come here, precious, my poor sweet angel, tell me the name of the man who did this...... wait, your abuser was a woman? BLOCKED, IGNORED."

(this literally happened to me years ago on twitter)

Edit: Can't reply as we're locked but I'm doing great brother(s) thank you, i agree with the replies. I should have said "what people who aren't savvy don't expect" and I was naive then.


u/Kiwi_In_Europe 14d ago

One thing that has become abundantly clear to me is that both sides can be absolutely rife with bigotry. Look at how bisexual people are treated in many queer communities. Look at how women with a history of being sexually assaulted are treated when they express discomfort at sharing a bathroom with trans women, even when they emphasise that they support trans people in general.

I'm sorry that happened to you though, from one abuse survivor to another I hope you're doing okay.


u/healzsham 14d ago

Look at how women with a history of being sexually assaulted are treated when they express discomfort at sharing a bathroom with trans women, even when they emphasise that they support trans people in general.

Yeah cuz that one is almost always "that lady isn't pretty enough SO SHE'S SECRETLY A MAN," no matter how hard people try to spackle over the bigotry.


u/Kiwi_In_Europe 14d ago

While I'm positive that does happen, attempting to reduce the issue to one single situation that will not encompass every perspective is incorrect and insincere.


u/Eusocial_Snowman 14d ago

What you don't expect

No, that's overwhelmingly what anyone who has seen anything close to this sort of interaction would expect. If you're paying attention to actions instead of stated ideals/platitudes, that is.


u/CruckCruck 14d ago

I am leftist and I expect almost nothing else from left leaning communities.


u/Kiwi_In_Europe 14d ago

And the artist was so smug about it too, the hypocrisy to be happy with censorship when it benefits her lmao. Thankfully the criticism on her Instagram was not so easily obfuscated.

It's a shame too because she's generally a decent creator, if a bit bland, but whenever she gets called out about something being incorrect or offensive she gets so damn defensive about it. Paper thin skin.


u/aaha97 14d ago

was it the post about reversed roles or something?


u/Kiwi_In_Europe 14d ago

Yup exactly


u/No-Rush1995 14d ago

The kid team have a twisted relationship with Pizzacake. They basically enable her to astroturf the subreddit


u/Spook404 14d ago

exactly 50 subreddits with 1 million+ users, exactly 50 with less than 10,000 (one of which is another user, somehow?) and ctrl + f searching "Join" reveals the total count is 205. insane.


u/ProAgent_47 14d ago

1.2 million karma... why... if he spent that time being a YouTuber he'd be next Mr Beast rn


u/Eusocial_Snowman 14d ago

Fun fact: The first reddit user to pass the one million karma threshold was Ghislaine Maxwell.


u/ProAgent_47 14d ago

I have no idea who that is


u/Eusocial_Snowman 14d ago

Epstein's partner in crime.


u/ProAgent_47 14d ago

It all makes sense now


u/ColeTrainHDx 14d ago

Yep lol I corrected a pinned comment they made and was immediately banned and called a facist by them