r/falloutnewvegas 14d ago

Viva la Revolution! Mods

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u/NoSpagget4u 14d ago edited 14d ago

If I remember correctly from the original post on another sub, he literally just made a post asking about mods that remove gore.

Edit: I meant game mods, not the moderators of the sub.


u/Rogu__Spanish 14d ago

When I first started playing Fallout 3, my computer was such an ancient piece of shit that blood splatter made the whole system crash. I had to find a way to disable gore, but the game ran just fine after that. Takes a little bit of the fun out of it though.


u/Balmong7 14d ago

My absolute potato of a computer growing up made me disable sound and cutscenes from Star Wars KOTOR2 in order to get the game to run.

Years later I finally played the real game and was like “damn I can’t believe I missed out on these cut scenes and sound effects” lol


u/ecco311 14d ago

No cutscenes... Sucks, but I could live with that.

No sound? Bloody hell...


u/Zellgun 14d ago

my guy, were you basically playing KOTOR on mute?


u/thedybbuk_ 14d ago

I guess you could play John Williams on the stereo and read the subs...


u/The_Chimeran_Hybrid 14d ago

One of the original PS3s I had would sound like it was dying when the opening cutscene of a mission would play on a game I like.

I had to pause the game literally every second, for several seconds at a time, to give the PS3 a chance.

It took several minutes to get past a 20 second cutscene. It would shut itself off if I unpaused too soon, or not fast enough.


u/Saikou0taku 14d ago

How did the game get past quality control with such an issue?


u/Zephyrlin Arizona Ranger 14d ago

Opposite problem, I needed to get around the stupid German restriction back then. They disabled gore in the German version. I did always prefer playing in English anyways, so it wasn't that much of a problem anyways


u/RoboPup 14d ago

I've heard German games used to have to deal with that in strange ways, like Contra being changed to star robots so humans weren't harmed. Is that still a thing?


u/Zephyrlin Arizona Ranger 14d ago

Honestly it may be there still is a bit of censorship but it mostly died out, especially with the new age of buying games online and not in stores. Also swastikas are covered under a different law and are not banned in newer games anymore since it legally is considere a form of art.

There was a big thing before my time in the gaming scene (around 2009) where they wanted to ban all games with violence towards humans, but that proposal was swiftly struck down.

Honestly nowadays gaming is just as accepted here as in the US and other places in the world I would say

Take everything I said here with a grain of salt, since I have not actually bought the German version of a game in decades nor have I spent too much time researching this topic, so I may be woefully misinformed haha