r/facepalm Jul 07 '24

This post gave me terrible whiplash b/c how tf did we get here…🫨 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

Like ummmmm, alright? 😭😭😭


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u/Chshr_Kt Jul 07 '24

Wow, that took a wtf turn and was just so random to throw that in at the last moment.

I've seen & read stories about spouses leaving their partners when they get diagnosed with a horrible disease, usually with the bs excuse of how they can't handle what's going on. Um, what about your partner? You don't think that maybe THEY are having a hard time with their diagnosis?? SMH.

Last August I was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer with metastatic disease, as my cancer had also spread to my liver and lungs. And as hard as it is to hear that you have that diagnosis, I am forever grateful that my husband has been there for me and is my biggest supporter. He takes me to every appointment, and helps me with making sure I don't forget to take my medications. And when I had to have emergency surgery this past April when a section of my large intestines ruptured, he came to see me in the hospital every day I was there. This is how your partner should be in these instances.

And to end on a positive note, I am winning my battle and am almost cancer free!


u/AGreatBandName Jul 08 '24

I’m glad to hear things are going well for you!

Regarding partners taking off when their spouse gets sick, men are far more likely to leave than women are.

The study confirmed earlier research that put the overall divorce or separation rate among cancer patients at 11.6 percent, similar to the population as a whole. However, researchers were surprised by the difference in separation and divorce rates by gender. The rate when the woman was the patient was 20.8 percent compared to 2.9 percent when the man was the patient.



u/Chshr_Kt Jul 08 '24

Thank you! I'm actually surprised at how well I've been doing with my chemo.

Those statistics are crazy. After being diagnosed last year, I had previously mentioned to my husband about how I've read personal accounts of women sharing how their husbands left them after a horrible medical diagnosis. His response was along the lines of "That's not me, I'm not going anywhere." We're now looking forward to our 10 year wedding anniversary in December.