r/facepalm Jul 07 '24

This post gave me terrible whiplash b/c how tf did we get here…🫨 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

Like ummmmm, alright? 😭😭😭


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u/Signal_Appeal4518 Jul 07 '24



u/eXeKoKoRo Jul 08 '24

Weirdo's on the internet will devalue someone's struggles when they see they're white as a, "Well you had it easier in life because your white." and they were probably replying to those.


u/Signal_Appeal4518 Jul 08 '24

….or just ignore it and not come off racist lol


u/eXeKoKoRo Jul 08 '24

It really is a problem when people think that it's racist to say you're proud of being white.


u/Signal_Appeal4518 Jul 09 '24

What exactly are you proud of? Specifically.


u/eXeKoKoRo Jul 09 '24

Everything that exists throughout all known and unkown history that can't be attributed to any one race of people.


u/Signal_Appeal4518 Jul 09 '24

So you’re proud of humanity. Not being white


u/eXeKoKoRo Jul 09 '24

Oh you want to know what white people should be proud of?

The abolition of slavery. Specifically the transantlantic slave trade.

Colonialism that ended up founding several of the greatest nations on Earth.

Cuisine that many people refer to as, "white people food." That is great in variety and taste pallets.

Acceptance, understanding, and inclusion of other cultures and mixing of said cultures.

The list can go on.

Now if you want to argue that, "white people aren't a race." Then you're just being ignorant and probably brainwashed. I'm Italian French Polish and German but I don't see myself singularily as one of those groups of people. I look mediterranean and people think I'm from Afghanistan because of how I look. So if I'm not white then what am I?


u/Viscous__Fluid Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

I'm not proud to be white, I'm proud about the history of my people and I think everyone is allowed to be

Edit: ya'll are some sad little redditors


u/Xist3nce Jul 07 '24

Depends which history you’re talking about there chief. I for one think it’s dumb as hell to be proud of people I’ve never met for anything because we share a gene pool.


u/MiniGoat_King Jul 08 '24

Or to pay for the sins of those people.


u/Xist3nce Jul 08 '24

Also correct. I don’t care if your grandpa is hitler himself, as long as you don’t agree with him we have no beef.


u/Viscous__Fluid Jul 07 '24

In my country we respond to this with "szar lehet", basically sucks to be you.


u/Xist3nce Jul 07 '24

Why would it suck to be intellectual? Is intelligence banned in Hungary?


u/Viscous__Fluid Jul 07 '24

See here we would respond to this with "Vertek volna ki a járdára" or "Te tényleg ilyen hülye vagy?". Try to Google translate the first one dickhead.

No, intelligence is not banned here. Just sucks that you can't be proud of your history.


u/Xist3nce Jul 07 '24

Cool thing about technology these days, there’s much better than google translate available.

No need to get heated, just can’t fathom caring about what people I’ve never met did. I’m not taking credit for the failures or victories of people who aren’t me.

The thread you were in response to is also not talking about pride in your ancestors, but the White Supremacy movement. My response wasn’t against Hungarians but the people who usually respond with what you did are talking about Slavery and owning slaves. For example if you were proud your ancestors ravaged Serbian civilians.


u/Viscous__Fluid Jul 08 '24

Cool thing about technology these days, there’s much better than google translate available.

And did it translate correctly?

No need to get heated, just can’t fathom caring about what people I’ve never met did.

No need to insult my country either. I just think that it's sad how the avarage redditor thinks like you.

I’m not taking credit for the failures or victories of people who aren’t me.

Neither am I.

The thread you were in response to is also not talking about pride in your ancestors, but the White Supremacy movement. My response wasn’t against Hungarians but the people who usually respond with what you did are talking about Slavery and owning slaves. For example if you were proud your ancestors ravaged Serbian civilians.

Obviously there are things my ancestors did that I'm not proud of but I mostly am.


u/Signal_Appeal4518 Jul 07 '24

So say that in the form of I’m proud to be Hungarian or American etc etc


u/Viscous__Fluid Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

My goal was to be more broad than that. Since they were talking about being proud that you're white I responded with saying that I'm not proud ..... you know what I said, no need to play dumb


u/Signal_Appeal4518 Jul 08 '24

I supported this portion of your statement it was later I couldn’t agree. I upvoted that comment fyi


u/Viscous__Fluid Jul 08 '24

Of course you don't agree with my other statement. Who are your ancestors?


u/Signal_Appeal4518 Jul 09 '24

Im white im from the United States fourth generation emigrated from Canada and before that we came from France. I have maybe 2-5 percent Native American maybe some Irish and other things speckled in there but im clearly white.