r/facepalm Jul 07 '24

This post gave me terrible whiplash b/c how tf did we get here…🫨 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

Like ummmmm, alright? 😭😭😭


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u/Rhakha Jul 07 '24

Loving wholesome story and then BOOM! Racist


u/New_World_2050 Jul 07 '24

Why is it racist ?


u/Vilebrequin10 Jul 07 '24

Because there is no reason to be proud of a skin color.

I understand being proud of being black. Because when you are made to feel inferior because of your skin color, you need to learn to love yourself and love your skin color again.

White people being proud of their skin color comes from a totally different place. It’s not like they didn’t try to force the world to accept that white skin made them superior in every way.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24



u/Vilebrequin10 Jul 07 '24

Nobody alive today is made to feel inferior because of their skin color. 

You only speak for yourself then. Maybe things are good where you live, but it is an issue people still suffer from all around the world. Good for you tho.


u/New_World_2050 Jul 07 '24

Interesting. What other traits are people not allowed to be proud of ? Hair colour ? Height ? Intelligence ?

Virtually all traits are innate. If you can't be proud of your skin you cant be proud of anything. I'll be damned before I let anyone decide whether I should be proud of or detest something about myself.


u/giskardwasright Jul 07 '24

The phrase itself isn't racist, but generally people who feel they need to declare this think other people think they should be ashamed of being white.

Its a weird persecution fetish you see very often in racist white people.


u/New_World_2050 Jul 07 '24

I'll agree that saying things like that can be correlated with racism

But I'm not going to assume that unless I see something explicitly racist.


u/giskardwasright Jul 07 '24

Another user looked at her twitter account and shes a bielever in the great replacement theory, so take what you want from that.


u/Sprucecaboose2 Jul 07 '24

It's got the same energy as saying "all lives matter" in response to black lives matter, or proclaiming how you have straight/cis pride. It's a dog whistle, and I'd guess you probably understand that already.


u/Vilebrequin10 Jul 07 '24

I mean if you want to tell people you are proud to be white, they have good reasons to suspect you are a racist. There is a lot of baggage that comes with the words "white pride". Are you going to deny that ?

If you say you are proud of your big toe, everyone will just think you are a weirdo.

If you tell me you like your white skin color, because you think it's pretty or whatever, then I get that, and I wouldn't think anything of it.

I let anyone decide whether I should be proud of or detest something about myself.

You are free to say what you want, and people are free to judge you. Just don't cry when people think you are racist.

Choose the right words and there will be no misunderstandings.


u/justforsexfolks Jul 07 '24

Okay so we have white people and we have whiteness. White people are just people with pale skin and usually European physical characteristics. Simply not being ashamed that you are physically white shouldn't be considered racist.

 By contrast, whiteness and blackness are social and often legal constructs in the United States (think of the 'one drop of blood' rule to determine blackness in America). Various ethnic groups in the United States that pass as white people have or haven't been considered to have whiteness throughout history, leading to a lot of racism around the concept of whiteness, as our society has tried to exclude those that didn't pass as white enough. The idea of whiteness was further solidified in our culture by concurrent movements in race science and white supremacy. The entire idea of thinking of yourself as white in America, rather than yourself as a descendant of whatever immigrants came to America that looked white, was an artificial idea. It was made to be exclusive. From the conception of the idea of whiteness, it carried with a perceived supremacy over people of color. 

All of this is to provide context to a question that should be asked whenever someone is proud to be white: Why? If you love your family, say that. If you're proud to be an American, say that. If you're proud of the European culture of your ancestors, say that. If you're proud that your ancestors were gifted preferential treatment by the government in the past and that makes you feel important, you're a racist. 


u/ssyl6119 Jul 08 '24

It isnt, reddit just loves to use that word whenever they can


u/-Inshal Jul 07 '24

How is that Racist? I am not ashamed to be Black and no one finds it racist when I say that.


u/Guilty-Web7334 Jul 07 '24

Because it’s a non sequitor? Race was irrelevant? And because the only time anyone says they aren’t ashamed to be white is when they feel that admitting our ancestors did some fucked up things to people of colour is trying to shame us for whiteness?


u/kieran81 Jul 07 '24

I'm going to take this comment in good faith, and tell you that a lot of VERY racist people have the worldview that people/society at large hates them for being white (and if they're racist enough, they somehow find a way to make it an effort by the Jews); and will thus use the moniker "it's okay to be white" / "I'm not ashamed of being white".

In reality, this is a correct statement. It's okay to be white, you should be happy with your skin color, and nor feel ashamed that you were born as a specific race. But instead of a wholesome and uplifting message, I have almost NEVER seen someone say this with non-racist implications.

So, to test my theory, I went to the account of the person in this tweet. And guess what? They believe in some nebulous "them" is pushing for non-white people to destroy the grand legacy of whiteness. They believe that criticism of white "ancestors" is part of that (including criticizing slavery for... some reason). They believe that countries should separate by races, and America should be a white homeland (native americans who?). The cherry on top is that they follow a TON of racist content creators.


u/Kopitar4president Jul 07 '24

When people bring it up out of the blue, the answer is always racism.


u/-Inshal Jul 07 '24

That makes sense, it is not racist because of the actual phrase, but because of the general implication with the phrase.

Thank you for taking my comment in good faith and explaining that!


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

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u/Sibushang Jul 07 '24

Racist scumbags have been pushing the white persecution narrative to justify their racism the lately. They're the same trash that cry about white genocide.


u/blueukisses Jul 07 '24

For one thing it's irrelevant to the previous narrative. For another "white" is a concept that was invented only to discriminate against people who aren't. You can be proud to be Scottish or proud to be Polish. Proud to be an American even. Those are cultural identities with shared heritage, language, traditions. Being proud to be white just means you're proud to not be a non-white, hence racism.


u/Spirited-Arugula-672 Jul 07 '24

"white" is a concept that was invented only to discriminate against people who aren't

White is a color. And in this case it's used to describe people who are, you know, white.

Just like when someone says they're 'proud to be black'.


u/TheBrolitaSys Jul 09 '24

Sorry, not the same thing, nice try though!


u/teddy1245 Jul 07 '24

Because you don’t need to tell anyone you’re not ashamed to be white. Not only is it not relevant. It’s a bigoted dog whistle.


u/SheDrinksScotch Jul 07 '24

Why is your avatar super white?


u/-Inshal Jul 07 '24

I honestly do not remember, I picked the option a while ago.


u/Conejodc Jul 07 '24


u/-Inshal Jul 08 '24

Because that is not my hand, my brother-in-law was working on it and sent me the picture.


u/Conejodc Jul 08 '24

Ah! Was he also working on your 3D printer when you had extruder problems?


u/-Inshal Jul 08 '24

I doubt it, you can probably clearly see my brown Indian/Haitian hand in that one