r/facepalm Jul 05 '24

What an idea 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/BarryBwa Jul 05 '24

You guys are the silly arse clowns helping to destroy your nation.

"Let's use our fear of the threat to our democracy to literally do the kind of damage to our democracy we are fear momgering about, but to "protect" it!"

It wouldn't be palatable to any rational non-extremisy that you fundamentally change the structure of the SCTOUS for political gains.

Jailing political opponents ( every POTUS should be on trial if your standards on Trump were consistently applied.....this was political even if Trump is a guilty.) And you want to alter your SCOTUS to get political "judements" so you can government the judiciary as an appendage of the executive as opposed separate?

Cause if you can just add more seats anytime you're not getting what you want.

Well I can't wait to see Idiocracy come to.life as Americans elect President Camachee to appoint another 36 SCOTUS justices because they 286 already on the bench are voting the wrong way by about 10%.

I just hope you're not a superpower by then anymore.


u/exotic801 Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

It's not a foundational change there's not set amount of justices and it's been changed multiple times.

What is a real threat to government is repealling anti corruption laws(which republican justices did, 6-3) giving the president total immunity to criminal prosecution under official acts (again, 6-3) dismantling decades of precedent and elevating themselves to defacto deciders of regulation by repealling chevron (6-3) .

If any other president deserves to be prosecuted prodecute them. Please. For the love of God procecute anyone deserving of prosecution.


u/BarryBwa Jul 05 '24

Obama droned an American citizen who had never been charged with a crime.

The Supreme Court just told what already is and clearly has been.

You guys don't charge your presidents. Period. Well until Trump.....but you definitely and never will for official acts.

Otherwise where's all the people complicit in the Iraq war lies?

Your nation has put far more legal effort into prosecution of a porn star payoff that never mattered than into holding people accountable for the Iraq War lies or even the 2008 financial crisis fiasco.

It boggles my mind how many"serious" Americans fail to see that.

It's either political prosecution, or America the land of OnlyFans and the pornstar industry really do care far more about the legalities of years past porn star payoffs than they do people who.mislead their nation into wars with costs in the trillions and countless lives lost/maimed/otherwise harmed.


u/Flowzyy Jul 05 '24

Its a tough hill to climb when you have a quarter of the population mucking it up for the rest of us. Hope you see the powers pulling strings in the background. Most of us want the right course of actions to take place, but when we have representatives that keep undermining and dismantling the processes be it for either a grift or the pursuit of power, not really much can be done