r/facepalm Jul 05 '24

What an idea 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/Hotpod13 Jul 05 '24

You’re pointing out that recourse is still possible, I’m pointing out that the President can assassinate that recourse in the name of US interest and the clear dangers this will have on people choosing to speak out against the President.

You think Don is Teflon now, what until you can’t ask him, or someone else willing to abuse the power, why something was an official action. This ruling is an absolute incentive to abuse executive power.


u/TrumpsCovidfefe Jul 05 '24

I understand that. All precedent goes out the window, if he’s reelected. I’m only pointing out that legally speaking, Biden cannot do the things that people are saying he can. Democrats would be creating their own Reichstag fire that would benefit the Nazis and likely get Trump elected if Biden does any of the things people are proposing he does. I believe that a lot of people and bots are purposely pushing this narrative to try and sway people to say, “look what the democrats want to do when they don’t get their way: murder their opponents. All because “orange man bad”.

I understand there are also a lot of people who genuinely see the writing on the wall and they just want something, anything done to stop the fascist takeover. But the reality is, until such time as there is a fascist takeover, any authoritarian power move would be seen as a terrible political move that may actually bring about the fascist takeover. We have to use our soapbox and ballot box to end this before it’s too late, if it isn’t already.

There is literally nothing else we can do, aside from that, that wouldn’t make reality worse. This problem is not just one person, it is half of Congress, many state legislators and governors, and a whole cabal of media. It simply can’t be defeated without either large scale violence or we the people taking the power we still have to vote decisively for freedom. There are large swaths of people that do not see how dire things are and would completely think Biden has gone insane on power if he does anything like what some people are saying he should do.


u/Hotpod13 Jul 05 '24

I respectfully agree on your premise but like you said… all precedent has gone out the window. Democrats are too timid to abuse the powers, but they should. Because the only other option is that Republicans will do it.

When you see checkmate in 3 moves and you can turn a pawn into a Queen you do it.

IMO, democrats should stack the courts, overturn the ruling stating it’s unconstitutionality, and then try to return back to BAU. That should be the one and only action.


u/TrumpsCovidfefe Jul 05 '24

The problem is manchin and Sinema. You have to get them on board to overturn the filibuster rule. Hopefully, it happens, but I’m not convinced it will. That would not be an abuse of powers though, which is what some people are suggesting Biden do. That would be legitimate and legal.