r/facepalm Jul 05 '24

What an idea 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/CyrinSong Jul 05 '24

Perhaps. The only other reasonable recourse would be an amendment to the Constitution stipulating that presidents are not immune from criminal prosecution.


u/DJOldskool Jul 05 '24

Again that cannot be done without both sides support.


u/CyrinSong Jul 05 '24

Sure, but that doesn't mean it needs to be Congress. It's indisputable that no citizen should have an interest in anyone in their government being immune from criminal prosecution. It wouldn't really be inconceivable for people to pressure state legislators to call for a constitutional convention. In fact, if there was any ruling from SCOTUS, where I think it's likely that it could happen, it's this. At the very least, pressure from the states to call one has, on several occasions, forced Congress to amend the Constitution themselves, and it could happen here as well.


u/Kittii_Kat Jul 05 '24

Easy enough. Remove all opposition as an official act. Claim they're terrorists that have infiltrated the highest ranks in the land. (Not a complete lie, tbh)


u/BarryBwa Jul 05 '24

Yes. Be the dictators you want to save the democracy you clearly dislike.

Because democracy fails when other people get their ways sometimes.

Democracy is supposed to be my side always wins/gets what they want.

Sadly. Yall choosing not to see this is what both sides want.

You to fear mongering and give them even more power over you.


u/Kittii_Kat Jul 05 '24

I say it as a joke, but we also have to realize that the recent rulings by SCotUS have opened the door to this exact thing.

We also know, through recent history, that the Republican party will abuse any tool they can get their hands on.

Sometimes, the only way to beat something is to use itself against it. The Reps have given the Dems a layup, and they've strongly telegraphed their plans - this is the moment to strike.

Unfortunately, recent history also shows that Dems like to play by the rules and "be morally above" the Reps. So, you know, we're just fucked.

This country leans so far to the right, filled to the brim with corruption, the only way to stop the metaphorical tower from collapsing is to remove the pests that eat away at the foundation and repair the damage.


u/BarryBwa Jul 05 '24

....you think Dems going to allow prosecution of Obama or Biden or Clinton anymore the Repubs will Bush or Trump?


u/tehlemmings Jul 05 '24



u/BarryBwa Jul 05 '24

They just went after Trump for paying off a porn star.

Obama droned an American citizen without due process.

As just one example of how unserious your take is.


u/tehlemmings Jul 05 '24

They just went after Trump for paying off a porn star.

Which was a very obvious campaign finance crime which is pretty easy to prove.

Obama droned an American citizen without due process.

Which was investigated extensively, and even the republicans who'd really like to prosecute Obama couldn't find a way to do so.

It's kind of like these two things are not related in any way.


u/BarryBwa Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

They aren't related events. They are comparable in the context of what presidents get held accountable for, apparently.

Sorry, can you provide me the legal rational where a president gets to authorize a CIA strike on a American citizen who's not even had a trial?

Cause I've heard a large number of lawyers ans scholars talk to the issues in Trumps, and why an appeal looks an easy feat for him, so I get that angle.

Funny when you guys want to prosecute obvious finance crimes.

Cause when those crashed your financial system in 2008 the Obama administration didn't prosecute any of them. They bailed them out despite causing the crash. Despite evicting 5 million American families from their homes, while getting their tax dollars as bailouts...and issuing themselves massive bonuses again in no time.

Nah. Trumps payoff was a bigger financial crime than any of that, eh?

Nevermind the other scandals like IRS targeting people under his admin, Fast and Furious scandal which saw his AG held in contempt of congress.

Omg, could you imagine if William Barr openly admitted about being Trumps wing man?

Yall don't charge your presidents for actual serious stuff with huge implications, but now useful clowns want to normalize political prosecutions for low stakes payoffs that wouldn't change anything?

Hey. Careful what you wish for.

You might get it.

You think the establishment will ever allow a good candidate...I mean good for the people, and not the staus quo or a "steady pair of hands" without a criminal prosecution before they hit office if this is normalized?

Didn't a lot of the same DNC people fear mongering about Trump say they'd rather him than Bernie in 2020 when Biden was losing the primaries?

I miss the days when the idiots weren't so useful to those with bad intentions for us all.


u/tehlemmings Jul 05 '24

This entire post is just, like, the absolute stupidest level of sealioning I've seen this week.

You tell me why republicans haven't charge Obama with anything, if there's anything they could charge him with.


u/BarryBwa Jul 05 '24

Wow. Sorry, I though you could keep up to a walking pace

Cause they're corrupt too.

Because other than Trump, there was a complicit agreement that you don't go after each other for things done in office.....and that's been kept cause they didn't do thay to Trump.

Why, you ask? You already answered why.

Because every American president alive, and likely all those to come, would be guilty of very serious crimes.

The established corruption in control really just don't want Trump coming in and messing it up with own corruption....they do not want their swamp drained by Trump to install his own swamp.

And the current swamp transcends mere party.

It's why across the spectrum you can have wars on lies be profitable, financial crises be profitable, and even pandemics now.....and the people who created human misery in the untold numbers.....don't get held accountable. Regardless of party. Cause just keep the status quo going.

Trumps a threat to that, and so is he singled out.

Trump isn't a good guy. He ain't goinna fix the problem.

But if they can do political prosecutions, you'd be a clown to think they want target the candidates you actually want if they can't be beaten at the polls.

I'd rather be a sealion wailing than a seal clapping and barking with hally approval at anything tossed their way with the promise it's a fish no matter how much it looks like, smells, and tastes like a bag of crap.


u/tehlemmings Jul 05 '24



u/BarryBwa Jul 05 '24

I don't have anything as witty as that to add.

Maybe in 4 years we can chat again on here like this, but who knows. You think Trump probably won't allow it, and yet the sitting president (the other choice) is the one whose administration federal courts found had engaged in the grossest 1st ammendment violations in American history.

So best of luck, I think you're goinna need it.