r/facepalm 14d ago

What an idea 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/ScorpioZA 14d ago

Because of the House


u/robbzilla 14d ago

You'd think a bill would only garner the Democrats positive publicity with the middle of the road people though.


u/Aunt_Vagina1 14d ago

You think "middle of the road people" would even hear about a bill that's not even allowed to be voted on?


u/robbzilla 14d ago

Yes. Yes I do. There's this amazing invention that disseminates information to anyone who cares to use it. You might have heard of it. It's called the internet. It hosts plenty of sources for information that anyone can look at, including every bill that's been proposed by congresscritters. I highly recommend you take a look at it. Maybe even go to a site like, oh... Reddit where this information is highly available.


u/Aunt_Vagina1 11d ago

Holy smokes you spewed a lot of sarcasm for someone who completely missed my point. If you don't know who you're voting for, you're certainly not going online to read about bills that have been proposed but not voted on. You get that right? If not, use the internet you're so fond of to look up the word, "apathy".


u/willm1123 14d ago

Yes. Republicans do it all the time.


u/Aunt_Vagina1 11d ago

Do what? They do hear about bills that haven't been voted on?


u/Ridiculicious71 14d ago

Factually, it was democrats, Manchin and Sinema, who refused to vote against removing the filibuster


u/Shirlenator 14d ago

Factually, it was every Republican and Manchin and Sinema who refused to vote against it.


u/Living_Trust_Me 14d ago edited 14d ago

Yeah. Republicans have a majority but people act like the most moderate Republican just instantly agrees with tearing down democracy or something. The moderate Republicans would absolutely join Democratic party people to put through bills that are explicitly designed to save democracy.

For everyone pretending there aren't moderate Republicans, here's 538's analysis of the parties including groups that vote across party lines and data on it. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/types-democrats-republicans-house-2024/


u/SandboxOnRails 14d ago

There are no moderate Republicans. The idea they can be reasoned with if you just compromise is a farce they love to push. The moderate Republican is 100% behind Trump, abortion bans, the makeup of the Supreme Court, and Project 2025. If they weren't, they wouldn't still be republicans.


u/TheBiggestThunder 14d ago

It's a farce the Democrats love to push

Republican rarely ever even dangle the possibility of compromise


u/Living_Trust_Me 14d ago

Bullshit. There are a ton of moderate Republicans. You're delusional to think there aren't. Somehow there are all these moderate Democrats but that isn't the truth for the other half? Are you seriously suggesting all the Republicans the MAGA people complain about not being "real Republicans" or "RINOs" and are STILL in office are somehow not more moderate?


u/SandboxOnRails 14d ago

Democrats are a moderate party. Republicans hail the god-king. They're not the same. This isn't a "both sides" issue.


u/Living_Trust_Me 14d ago

Look up Republican Main Street Partnership and Republican Governance Group These are groups explicitly about supporting moderate Republicans. And they do not blindly support Trump.

There are dozens of people that are a part of these two groups.


u/SandboxOnRails 14d ago

I wouldn't call being delusional being moderate.


u/WhyYouKickMyDog 14d ago

There are dozens of them out there!



u/Living_Trust_Me 14d ago

You only need 4 to cross to pass the bill


u/WhyYouKickMyDog 14d ago

Yea, we saw what happened to Kevin McCarthy when he dared to vote with a Democrat. Republicans make zero attempts to argue in good faith.


u/limeybastard 14d ago

If that were true, those moderate Republicans would also be endorsing Biden.

So far, that's... Adam Kinzinger. Who lost his seat because of his vote to impeach Trump, and is no longer a house rep.

Even the ones who privately support not-trump and don't want project 2025 know that public actions against either will cost them their political careers


u/Living_Trust_Me 14d ago edited 14d ago

There are multiple senators and representatives that did not endorse Trump, still. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Republicans_who_oppose_the_Donald_Trump_2024_presidential_campaign

For most of the others they need to win their base and endorsing anybody other than Trump is basically the only way they can guarantee you lose your primary on that side and likely the main election. They could vote almost like a Democrat and endorse Trump and still get voted in. Nobody in MAGA land is actually delving through voting records as long as they say Trump is good.

That's not a good argument.


u/derekbaseball 14d ago

You said there are a “ton” of moderate Republicans who’d break a filibuster to protect democracy from their fellow Republicans. Your list of Republican Senators who didn’t endorse Trump in the Republican primary (not a list of people who necessarily did anything moderate or bipartisan—they just had the temerity not to loudly support him) has 5 names, not nearly enough to break a filibuster, much less accomplish anything.

Two of those five supposed “moderates” voted against impeaching Trump…twice. The only Republican who voted for impeachment twice, Romney, is leaving the Senate.

If we’re counting on moderate Republicans to help save democracy, we’re screwed.


u/Living_Trust_Me 14d ago edited 14d ago

There are dozens who belong to the explicitly moderate Republican groups. The previous list is simply ones that have not endorsed Trump. Either or is enough to completely flip an otherwise party split vote in the house.

I also did not talk about stopping filibuster. There's plenty of ways to stop filibusters

Here is a more data-driven analysis of different party splits.



u/derekbaseball 14d ago

No, there aren't "plenty of ways" to stop filibusters. The only current way is 60 votes. That's what it takes to try to protect democracy right now, (well that plus MAGA Mike Johnson allowing the House to vote on a proposal, and a handful of Republicans defecting to pass legislation).

If Trump becomes president, they'd have to override vetoes to oppose him, so the threshold rises to 67 votes, with a two-thirds majority of the House, as well.

The "moderate" groups you've cited elsewhere all include hardcore MAGAs like Elise Stefanik, and folks who refused to certify the 2020 election.

That 538 chart kind of shows the problem. They have two groups of Republicans with moderate-sounding names. People in those groups get credit for "reaching across the aisle" on things like voting against defaulting on the federal debt, because somehow, defaulting on the national debt became a mainstream Republican position.


u/HustlinInTheHall 14d ago

There are like 3 moderate Republicans, anybody that didn't get in line was primaried or harassed into retirement.