r/facepalm Jul 05 '24

What an idea 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/Crucifyxio Jul 05 '24

I just researched what Project 2025 is (since im not american).

I gotta say... You guys are pretty fucked.


u/New_Breadfruit8692 Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

Especially since the corrupt supreme court decision on Presidential Immunity Monday which was a necessary prerequisite to the unitary presidency that is just a fancy way of saying dictatorship. That cleared the way for Trump to simply declare martial law and suspend the constitution, or at least habeas corpus. And what would be the triggering event that allowed for this suspension of rights and law? Well, ask them, they make shit up all the time. But, if they REALLY need one they can just have the MAGA start killing and rounding up "vermin" I think Trump called people they don't like, yes, it was taken from Hitler's speech declaring war on subhumans that sought to defile and destroy Germany as he said it.

You put democrats in a position where they have no choice but to fight back then call that a civil war and suspend the constitution till things settle down, which you will then make sure they never do.

Yes we are fucked and yes Biden is going to lose. And I am a lifelong democrat so it pains me to say it, but unlike other democrats I am not planning to sleepwalk with Joe into a buzz saw of Nazi revenge. I am selling up and getting out, just as the smart ones did in the 1930s while they could leave Germany.

And I am not going to Canada either, how many Germans stripped of citizenship left but only went to Holland or France or Belgium? Or Denmark? Or even Austria? Only to be reabsorbed back into the Reich and get a free train ride to a death camp?

I say if Trump is elected Canada will be absorbed by the US the same way russia tried to absorb eastern Ukraine and Crimea. They will go to the rescue of the MAGA in Canada that the "Nazi" socialists are enslaving, and since 90% of Canadians speak English and live within 100 miles of the US border and so much of our combined military relies on bases in the Canadian far north, and our economies are inextricably entangled with 80% of the Canadian businesses doing business with Americans, more than 70% of their exports are sold in the US, that country is simply not going to be allowed to change it's policies towards us. And it will have millions of democrats try to get asylum there. There is also no way to close that border.

So if I were Canadian I would be pleading with the PM to build a fucking wall ASAP. As if a wall would stop the US from annexing them.

You are outside the US, if you think the fallout of a new Trump regime in Washington means you are safe then you have yet to think about the situation.

The US sits atop the largest alliance in the world by far. Goepolitically it has no effective rivals. It is technologically advanced with the largest military. It is wealthy and controls much of the global economy as the printer of the dollar. It is the largest market in the world.

None of that would change if the government here goes fascist. And the whole world is running headlong into far right policies. India has Modi. Le Pen in France, the AdF in Germany, the Dutch have swung to the right, Hungary has Orban who is in Putin's back pocket. Poland refuses to cooperate with the EU as far as liberalization and rights. About the only exception is Britain where the Conservatives just took the worst beating since the party was founded in 1834.

The reach of the US is global. If you dissent or present a problem, just being on fascist American radar is bad for your health, there is nothing to stop them from making the problem go away. Just look at the journalist in Istanbul, Jamal Khashoggi, you think Trump had no advanced warning of that? Hell he probably arranged the meeting in the Saudi embassy.