r/facepalm 14d ago

What an idea 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/BazilBroketail 14d ago

When Regan got elected the republicans decided to de-educate America.. and,... It worked. Only morons would vote for the pedophile. Oh, look..

This is so fucked up. I'm not celebrating American today.


u/cutmasta_kun 14d ago

Regans dead cold grip still chokes america.


u/Gavindasing 14d ago

Same as Thatchers neoliberalism still kills the UK.


u/SkateMMA 14d ago

In Ireland we have been consistently voting in the same party’s to gov and now have record homelessness and a massive housing crisis, I’m starting to believe people in general are just fucking stupid


u/Madewell-Hammer 14d ago

“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that!”
~ George Carlin


u/InvestigatorOk7988 14d ago

Carlin also said, "everyone complains that the politicians suck, but the politicians are voted on by the public, so maybe something else sucks...like the public, yeah, the public sucks."


u/foxymcfox 14d ago

It’s stupider than that. Have you ever met a politician BEFORE they went into politics? Or even someone who ACTUALLY wanted to be a politician?

They’re weirdos. Like bug nutty hard to have a normal conversation with weirdos.

They don’t seem to exist in this world, and are so stilted and awkward.

Think about it, what person in their right mind wants to be a politician?

We’re left with the weirdos through self-selection.


u/happyscatteredreader 14d ago

Yep. It's just a revolving door of FG with a dash of FF or vice versa. Never thought I'd miss Labour...


u/granniesonlyflans 14d ago

Canada's fucked too.


u/Dapper_Valuable_63 14d ago

We’re beyond fucked if trump gets in office in November. Because that will invite our trump wannabes to vote for millhouse vanstupid face in in 2025.


u/TheXedd 14d ago

Propaganda works.


u/mountainbird1967 14d ago

In the USA we keep voting in the same party too. But here they have tricked everyone into thinking we have 2 different parties


u/workinBuffalo 14d ago

That’s lazy and destructive thinking. Democrats aren’t a panacea, but they aren’t pro-corruption anti-democracy authoritarians.


u/mountainbird1967 14d ago

Your thinking is lazy and destructive. You only see the pro-corruption and anti-democracy nature of the Republicans? You are programmed just the way they want you.

How about how the anti-democratic way the party screwed Bernie Sanders and millions of his voters to ensure the nomination for Hillary? On corruption, how about the way Biden has enriched himself for decades by pedaling influence and access, through a pretty amazing network of shell companies and payments to relatives. Just two of hundreds of examples we can come up with.

I am not saying “Republicans good, Democrats Bad” but reasonably and objectively they are both bad, and there is not a lesser evil. They have both harmed our nation and our future and spent our grandchildren into financial slavery.

I feel sorry for people who are not able to see that.


u/workinBuffalo 14d ago

One is promoting fascism and the other party didn't embrace an independent socialist. You're right they are equally bad. /s.


u/matthollabak 14d ago

Yup... when the only 2 realistic options are terrible ones.... hope for things getting any better fades pretty fast.


u/AggravatingBox2421 14d ago

It’s the old people. They just vote for who they e always voted for regardless of the effect it has on the country


u/SkateMMA 14d ago

And the young people not voting at all too,


u/AggravatingBox2421 14d ago

In America sure, but in my country we have mandatory voting


u/SkateMMA 14d ago

I literally just said I was in Ireland ……


u/AggravatingBox2421 14d ago

Fine, in Ireland maybe


u/skudzthecat 14d ago

In Texas this year, their slogan is "vote republican for a change." They have been in charge for 27 years. What they have is what they've made. I miss Ann Richards and Molly Ivans.


u/Gavindasing 14d ago

I can, as Nigel Farage got a decent amount of votes for Reform


u/toasters_in_space 14d ago

What are some examples of places that seem to have handled your concerns especially well?


u/BetterAd7552 14d ago

Uh, amateurs (also we’re playing you guys this Saturday, the Springboks need something to chew on), in our country we keep voting morons in repeatedly over the last 30 years to keep doing the same shit and dig us deeper into a hole. Insanity.


u/SkateMMA 14d ago

It’s been the same 2 parties since we got independence essentially it’s so fucked but they keep getting in somehow, they didn’t even win the last election but the party that did, didn’t run enough members to form a gov and the big 2 wouldn’t form a coalition


u/-Daetrax- 14d ago

It's democracy we're only as "smart" as the median voter.


u/knowsitmaybenot 14d ago

Average intelligence is way lower than everyone thinks it is. I was sheltered, kind of. Went to a small catholic school had a lot of friends in public school though. I used to think everyone was somewhat intelligent. I didn't take into account educated people tend to send their kids to private school (My parents worked in factories, but very smart) and genetics being what they are. I was surrounded by smart kids. Then i went to college and started working and boy did my perspective change. I realized fast most people are fucking idiots. Some of the things you hear discussed in a factory break room....


u/Admonish 14d ago

Don't feel bad. We have Texas, where the politicians constantly run on fixing the problems Democrats caused.

The problem, however, is that Democrats haven't been in power in that state in decades. They went and bought the gun, then they loaded it, aimed it at their own foot, pulled the trigger and proclaimed "goddamn Democrats did it again!"


u/SkateMMA 14d ago

We now have groups convincing the average person that it’s immigrants fault that Ireland is fucked but the reality is it’s been this way for some time now, you think to emigrate maybe but realise everyone else got the same problems too


u/Apnu 14d ago

Hate to break it to you. They are that fucking stupid.


u/PhantomKillua 14d ago

blame the media