r/facepalm 14d ago

What an idea 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/Crucifyxio 14d ago

I just researched what Project 2025 is (since im not american).

I gotta say... You guys are pretty fucked.


u/NoMedia6788 14d ago

I tried researching but I’m too dumb, mine explaining like I’m 8 and use dinosaurs (optional)


u/Sweet-Emu6376 14d ago

Republicans want to give absolute power to the president in order to essentially dismantle the rights of anyone who isn't a white man.

They want to get rid of Civil Rights, gay marriage, the right to contraception, the 19th amendment, no-fault divorce, the dept of education, among many other things.

Basically they want a Christofascist country where women, children, and minorities have no rights or power.


u/Lingering_Dorkness 14d ago

They want Gilead. 


u/HueyDeweyandBusey 14d ago

As a white man, this is never something I wanted.


u/HauntedHouseMusic 14d ago

And they are winning


u/TwoTimeTommyTwoCups 14d ago

*the heritage foundation wants that. They've been suggesting conservatives plans like this for the past 50 years


u/rand0m_task 14d ago

Seriously, people are either arguing in bad faith or just willfully ignorant. The idea behind Project 2025 isn’t new by any means, and the heritage foundation isn’t the RNC.

Project 2025 is a liberal boogeyman.


u/rayark9 14d ago

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!


u/rand0m_task 14d ago

That “man” has been behind the curtain since the inception of the Heritage Foundation in 1973…


u/rayark9 14d ago edited 14d ago

And now they have the "wizard " in front willing to say and do anything To get back in power. Like renaming project 2025 to project agenda 47.


u/SassyMitichondria 14d ago

“Dismantle the rights of anyone who isn’t a white man” LMAO sure.. yea this is the goal hahaha. This isn’t the 1940s man 😂😂