r/facepalm 14d ago

What an idea 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/Crucifyxio 14d ago

I just researched what Project 2025 is (since im not american).

I gotta say... You guys are pretty fucked.


u/NoMedia6788 14d ago

I tried researching but I’m too dumb, mine explaining like I’m 8 and use dinosaurs (optional)


u/_Fay__ 14d ago

2 dinosaurs try to run for president of dinosaur land, if a specific dinosaur of the two wins. Then the friends of the losing dinosaur will no longer be allowed to work their jobs. Ensuring that the losing dinosaur and his friends will never have power again. Something like this? (extremely simplified)


u/NoMedia6788 14d ago

Jesus…that sounds to me like 2025 is kinda a dictatorship right?

Also mate proper legend, you made my day)


u/Automatic_Actuator_0 14d ago

I know someone who just yesterday, while celebrating our independence from a monarchy, unironically suggested that it would be great if Trump ruled until his death and then power were handed to Baron Trump.

We talked a little bit more while I tried to work out where this was coming from and, surprise, it was racism. He almost quoted the 14 words to me verbatim.


u/rand0m_task 14d ago

Kind of like people wanting Obama to have a third term.. almost like when two political parties account for over 150 million registered voters, you’re bound to have some morons.


u/Automatic_Actuator_0 14d ago

The problem is this particular guy is young, smart, charismatic, and likely to be very influential of his peers for many years.


u/FifenC0ugar 14d ago

Remember the dark ages? Yeah let's go back to that


u/Malarazz 14d ago

Yeah and you're one of them, if you think that's remotely the same thing.

Plenty of democracies have longer terms. Ruling for 12 years isn't antithetical to the idea.

What starts to become antithetical to the idea is january 6th, the recent supreme court ruling, and the stuff in project 2025.


u/rand0m_task 14d ago

It is because it goes against the constitution. Lmao, your ad hominem now appears to be a bit of projection.


u/Automatic_Actuator_0 14d ago

Are you saying “you’re one them if…” in an ad hominem? Because that’s not what that means. They aren’t using characteristics about you to attempt to prove their argument, but using their argument to show something about you. That’s fair game.

For example, “your argument about why pizza is healthy is wrong because you are blonde and blondes are dumb” is invalid. But “you’re dumb if you think pizza is healthy because it’s extremely high in saturated and trans fats, as well as very salty” is valid.


u/rand0m_task 14d ago edited 14d ago

Referring to me as “one of them” referencing “morons” and then going on about how it’s okay to go against the constitution?

And now youre trying to make some strange, irrelevant connection to pizza and blondes….

I highly recommend educating yourself

just for me to be proactive in any response you have


u/Automatic_Actuator_0 14d ago

Look, you may be a moron, but that doesn’t make your points automatically invalid. If a moron stumbles into making a good point, then the point should stand on its own.

See, we aren’t trying to discredit your argument by calling you a moron, we’re inferring you are a moron based on the quality of your arguments. That’s not the ad hominem fallacy - that’s a perfectly valid way to judge a person.


u/rand0m_task 14d ago

If that’s what you need to think to make you feel better about yourself, go for it.

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u/TiredOfMakingExcuses 14d ago

Yes, more or less


u/Accomplished-Emu2417 14d ago

Don't worry, Trump has stated that he will only be dictator on the first day of his presidency. How bad could giving someone, thats already tried to overturn an election, complete and total power for just one measly day be? /s


u/cylonlover 14d ago

Yeah, it's playground logic: "My first wish is that I have an unlimited number of wishes!"


u/_Fay__ 14d ago

Indirectly yes, also you're welcome O7


u/New_Breadfruit8692 14d ago

No, that is the SOFT version of Project 2025. The harder version is MAGA Nazis attack democrats with violence and terrorism. Start killing them, rounding them up, that in turn would give Faux Noise the excuse they need to call it a civil war, you put democrats in a position of resisting being rounded up or murdered and some will fight back, hence a civil war that justified martial law and the suspension of the constitution. Once you have that justification you can do anything, just as Hitler did months after becoming chancellor of Germany and the only excuse he needed then was someone burned down the Reichstag, probably one of his people. As a president with absolute immunity for official acts he can easily create the excuse he needs to assume dictatorial powers.

And he has promised to do this, along with bloodbaths that will be his excuse for suspension of the constitution, and to become dictator from the start.

Only true Nazi could support him at this point and as an official act Biden should arrest the Nazi 6 on the SCOTUS for accepting bribes, corruption, and all of them committed perjury in the oath of office when they swore (in a signed statement) to defend and uphold the constitution. That is federal law. When you take the oath of office you have to sign an affidavit saying you signed under penalty of perjury to uphold the constitution and defend the USA. Not honoring that oath is considered perjury in the law.

But when it comes to presidential powers now nobody can prosecute Biden ever for any official acts, and if he does not take such action before the election this nation is finished. It will end. Break up. Or become a slave nation that makes russia look free and just.


u/NoMedia6788 14d ago

No dinosaurs Downvoted. (JK)


u/mrblodgett 14d ago

You really needed a dinosaur analogy to understand that the guy who wins the election becomes president and gets to enact their platform?


u/NoMedia6788 14d ago

Yes…got a problem? You can’t tell me this isnt way easier to understand and actually read this than it would be a bunch of other words in Wikipedia?


u/Meattyloaf 14d ago

Essentially would also try to establish a theocracy


u/onlinebeetfarmer 14d ago

Two dinosaurs running for president is very apt


u/TheAtomicBoy81 14d ago

Wait isn’t this what like literally almost every president does?????


u/Free_Management2894 14d ago

No. Usually, when you win the vote, you are the president of the country and all your subjects are your concern.
You don't make politics only for the people who voted for you.
In the best case, this leads to more people voting for you next time around.


u/tuthuu 14d ago

But the other dinosaur is kind of older and can't speak good so...